Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

"I will think, We would be more need than ever.  And we would want to see our families." said Dr Chad Westling

"Yea what he said..." said Bill the security guard.  " I want to protect my family from the hornet nest you guys stir up." 

"Bill, The Brotherhood brought this down on themselves.  Still the innocent will be getting it the worst of spillover.  And If the Brotherhood starts shooting back... the highest body counts." said Dr Chad   "Can Bill and I get a lift to the Southern Hospital...?"



"Well, I suppose that's up to you," Dorcan replied doubtfully.  "I hope you know what you're getting into.  Either way, I wish you luck with your endeavours.  Now, Exo... are we ready to move out?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Exo made a slight chuckle at the television, then nodded as it began the sequence to pack up the comms van. "Alright,  I think we're ready. The rest of you, make sure you're all packed up to go." It pauses, then turns to Dorcan. "This unit would like to point out that the Brotherhood is in no place to resort to more violent methods of pacification, as this has already thrown a spanner in their collective works to some extent. To resort to violence to pacify the crowds would only increase public awareness of their atrocities and the extents they are willing to go to in order to get what they want - which will only make things worse for them in the long run. Nevermind the sanctions they could be placed under for doing this."

It pondered. "You can be taken as far as the edge of town, as I doubt the Brotherhood would miss the chance to lash out at us." It glances at the soldiers as it clambered into the driver's seat of the now ready to go comms van, after handing out holo-map disks (a small flat CD-sized map that displayed a holographic map of an area, in this case the routes to HQ from Northon, highlighted as red lines on the otherwise flat blueish maps) to the other drivers so they can find their way. "Think you can handle that?"

lucas marcone

Josh walked up to Babs in het little dream world. "You're asleep. Wake up! He said as he shook her.

Prof B Hunnydew

To the Commander of the back up team:

Dr Sally asks, "I know it may be foolish, but I understood his decision.  Can one of the re con team drop the good doctor and Bill at the Hospital or the diner near there?  Commander."  Sally turns and hugs Chad, "I don't like Dr Chad Westling but I understand.  Here, the operational step to remove the control chip.  Tech guys and I were able to come up with.   Take care beloved... And don't forget to email me if you need me?"sob " no I won't cry"*sob*. 

The other hear a yell "Wake up!" and then scream "EEEEEEEEK" from one of the van

A sweet sixteen dreamscape

"What do you mean? of course, this a dream, dreamboat.  This my dreamland and you are my dream prince" said Bab with her arms around Josh neck.... "But wait, you know this is a dream, and you are hurting me.*ow*  Josh, what are you doing here?  *blush* like it is not what you think  I I ah ...Josh oh" Bab going from embarrassment to shock...."But what are you doing to in my mind?   no no no  you should be here.....I mean  what is happening No!! go away! " Bab tries to push Josh but  he is like a ghost and her hand passes though his chest as his whole body glows.  Then Bab tries to run away and screaming and Josh sees a red string connecting Bab and him together as she runs away. 

Josh wakes up with a screaming Bab shouting" Get out Get out my Head" and her arms flailing.


lucas marcone

"Calm down." Josh said holding Babs to the table. "I got to get ready, go talk to the guy that brought you here he'll tell you what you need to know and what you need to do." He let her up. "It isn't safe for you here anymore." He said walking away.

Prof B Hunnydew

"BUT ... But I can't go back?" whispers Bab as Josh smells change in the air around the girl squirrel... For a moment, Josh see the woman that Bab will be.... a red haired Beauty and feminine curves, but independent courageous soul stare back at him.  ,,, but the moment passes and the teenage returns in two blinks of the eye.

Bab feels alone and depressed as Josh leaves her, she is confused and can't think of what she really wants.  go back home or go with the rebels.  Josh can feel all her feelings, even her love for him and her fear of him.  And she can feel what he is feeling too, now.  She has a need for him, but knows, now, it is not love or it may become love down the road.  She knows she could be lose herself in the new powerful need for Josh, she would never be the same.

Babs waits until Josh has left to search for some clothes which Dr Sally left her on the bedside.  And she wait for Sally.


lucas marcone

As Josh walks away he calles back "Just trust me on this one. You won't regret it!"


"Okay people, let's move out! Last one back to base is a rusty co-processor!"

Once everyone coming with it was in it's van, Exo revved the engine and rolled out, driving off into the forest. Taking the dirt path up to a more reliable mountain road, it drove the van along the winding path.

"I figured you'd all rather we took a slightly more comfortable route back. It's also a decent part faster, though more exposed. This old road hasn't been used in a few years, so we shouldn't have any trouble." it commented, not even looking away from the road.


Bumps don't bother me as much as before, Dorcan thought, but he didn't say it aloud.
Turning to Jexx, the doberman gave him a courteous nod.
"Are you okay to tell us what happened back there in the tunnel?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx turned to Dorcan when he spoke. "Yeah. About that...Well, it's mostly because that one little realization unlocked a few other things I guess I..ah...wasn't quite ready for. But, for you to understand what this meant to me, I've got to tell you a bit about myself.
   "Well, I think I've said a few things about me and 'two years ago' to at least a few of you. The reason for that is..."
   Jexx looked up, with a strange expression on his face. "Well, my memory only goes back two years. I have no memory of anything beyond that. But, that's not what I've been trying to hide from everyone. What I was hiding was the reason I don't have any memory. You see, I'm..." Jexx unconciously folded himself up defensively. "I'm an experiment. Of the...Brotherhood of the Machine."
   Jexx braced for whatever reactions these revelations might provoke.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sally sees Chad off with one of the clean up team into the city... Bill is a bit nervous but is glad to be going Home.

Chad, Please Please be careful,  The rebels and I will watch out over situation here.  But please write to my email address, the rebel filter it but it is the only way I can talk to the world." says Sally.  She quickly kiss him and is pulled back for a long kiss good bye...

Babs sits in Exo's Van waits for Sally.... She watches the Rebel teams going back in the city, and wonders if she will ever see her folks again.  Or if she should.  She can feel Josh outside and the uncomfortable feeling that she should be with him..but why...?



Dorcan looked Jexx over.

"That you are telling us this freely suggests that the you probably aren't a spy or a member of the Brotherhood in the conventional sense, and that the experiment presumably failed in some way.  However, it is quite conceivable that you have some kind of transmitter or tracking device.  Have you checked that?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Exo glances back at Jexx. "Doubtful. If he does, it'll only be accessible to the higher echelons of the Brotherhood." It turns back to the road. "They are good at hiding their work, so a simple scan won't have found it. May be necessary to take a deeper examination once we get back. I suggest conferring with Jackson on the subject."

It pauses. Ominously.

"Besides, you're not the only 'experiment'. This chassis was technically destined to become their latest, advanced killing machine, capable of 'fluid' movement and improvisation, linked into the Brotherhood's network to access information and call for support or supplies whenever necessary or whenever it deemed appropriate. Earlier models were simply automated killing machines barely capable of distinguishing friend from foe. The machine you met back in the tunnels was a crude predecessor. If I were a modern being, then that was a caveman."

It pauses again, making a slight chuckle.

"Not everyone in the Rebellion is a saint. Don't let it get to you."


"Jexx," Dorcan added thoughtfully, "Your great moment of elucidation, if we may call it that, came when I mentioned magical tattoos.  Would you mind explaining how that ties in with your condition?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx looked back to Dorcan. "Ah, yes, about that...Well, it seems I was part of an...unusual Brotherhood project. I believe I've mentioned Project Fusion? Well, as best I can figure, seeing as I blew up most of the labs during my escape, the experiment involved slowly replacing a subject's body entirely with mechanical and cybernetic parts. The realization came when I put together what I had seen with my magical ability. The project was apparently supposed to be done on only those with magical ability. It was supposed to be done in a way that would...allow the subject to keep their magic, even when they were completely metal and wires. In this way, the Brotherhood hoped to create...a perfect fusion between magic and technology. I honestly have no idea why. Anyway, I guess the reason it shocked me was because...I was just unprepared for it. I'm alright now."


Dorcan stiffened, and a slightly haunted look appeared on him for a moment, but it faded quickly and when he spoke again it was with a nonchalant air that he didn't really feel.

"I'll grant I'm not familiar with a system that allows the recipient to retain their powers, but... you're talking about replacing someone's body like it's a bad thing.  I mean, if they're dying or something.  You said your memory only goes back two years - how do you know it wasn't being done to save your life?"

Did I just defend the Brotherhood?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx looked at Dorcan, quite well shocked. "You completely missed the point! I'm not supposed to be here! I'm supposed to still be in their labs, having hideous experiments done on me, alongside who knows how many others! I did get some information before I escaped, I and whoever else they were experimenting on were supposed to be controlled! We are supposed to be nothing more than super-soldiers to them! Things that they direct at their whim! Our minds were erased, and then...we were literally reprogrammed! I was an UNlucky one, they did this to me over and over again! Erase, reprogram, erase, reprogram...obviously, I don't remember any of this, I just read off of a computer terminal that those were the procedures done to me!"
   Jexx's right handcannon morphed to a hand instantly, and Jexx grabbed the front of Dorcan's shirt with it, harshly pulling him close. Jexx certainly had been set off. "My life is gone because of them! I don't know who I am! I don't know who I used to be! I don't even know what my real name is! It's sure as hell not Jexx! You have no idea what it's like to live like this, to live without your own identity! I don't know what it's like to have an identity, except that I'm supposed to have one!"
   Jexx then shakily let go of Dorcan, and pulled back a little, a look of rage on his face. "I WANT MY LIFE BACK!" He yelled. He then looked up. His markings and eyes were glowing again, ominously. Jexx had an agonized look on his face, which slowly changed into a deranged, evil smile. He held up a glowing handcannon for display, pointing it at the roof of the car. "And the ironic part..." He said quietly, "Is that I've been using the very weapons they gave me, to kill them...kill the ones who did this to me. And to one day...take back what they took from me."


Deep in the back of his throat, Dorcan growled.  He'd never done that since he was a kid, but being grabbed in his already nervous state had pushed him over the edge.  He reached out and grasped the handcannon, forcing it back down.  If Jexx fired now, he'd blow his own leg off.

"Jexx," he said sternly.  "I have never been, as you put it, erased.  You are quite right, put like that, what they did to you was far from a mercy, it was horrific.  But that's no excuse to behave like an idiot.  Now put the guns away."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   When Dorcan reached out to grab Jexx's arm and force it back down, his eyes--quite literally--flashed a dangerous red to match his already-glowing markings. With a bit of a snarl, he yanked his arm out of Dorcan's grip. "Don't...touch me." He said. "I'll keep my weapons where I want them. It's the only way I've been able to survive this long. Trust no one."
   Jexx, now uncomfortable with the close proximity between him and Dorcan, moved to a different chair more to the back of the van to put some distance betwen them. He then sat back, metal arms (both with fully-morphed handcannons) crossed in front of his bare furred chest, not taking his eyes off of Dorcan, with a very defiant demeanor about him. Gradually, his markings dimmed and died, and his figure relaxed a little.


Good, Dorcan thought - Now he knows what that felt like.
With a faint glow of self-satisfaction, he turned away for a few minutes to give Jexx time to calm down.

"So," he asked casually, as if nothing had happened, "Do you know any magic?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "No." Jexx said, in a very disdainful voice. "You found out at the same time I did that I had any magic at all. If I ever did know any magic, it's been long erased from me."


"True," Dorcan said.  "Although that in itself is rather interesting.  Magic, at least where I come from, requires an enormous amount of study.  Centuries for the really impressive stuff.  Wipe someone's mind and they'd have to re-learn it all, which makes the whole idea seem pretty useless..."

"But on the other hand, the Brothers would have thought of that.  I wonder what they were doing?"

With drooping headwings he looked down at his hands, flexing them longingly.  In the back of his mind he could almost feel the tingling he used to get whenever he cast a fireball.  A forlorn sigh escaped him... in some ways, Jexx had been lucky.

There had been a point, a few minutes ago, when the doberman had almost confessed his cybernetic nature.  But from the other's reaction it seemed such things were taboo in this place.  Better to keep it under wraps.  But eventually the others would put the pieces together, and he would have to stay alert for that day.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "What are you, exactly?" Jexx said suddenly and bluntly. "As if those wings of yours aren't indication enough, you aren't an ordinary person. There ain't no way someone ordinary could just turn my arm-" Jexx clanged it on the side of the van a few times with loud metallic bangs, to demonstrate, "-as easily as you did. So what's going on? Are some supernatural thing, and that's just how strong your muscles are, or is it something else?"


Dorcan hesitated, but only for a moment.  "I'm augmented," he replied.  That at least should be safe - Eraser had been part-machine as well.

"This is pretty rare for my kind, but I had an accident, and it... became necessary.  Unfortunately they botched the job, and it cost me my powers.  Mind you, I'm not sure they would have worked anyway in this world."

"If you want to be picky, I'm an incubus, a magical creature.  Normally, we're shapeshifters with a lifespan of 30 centuries or so, and great skill at magic."  He ran his hand across his headwings.
"These are the telltale.  There are other creatures with back-wings, but only we have these."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Glad to finally be on the road again, as he was in desperate need of a shower and a peppermint latte, Morgan pulled his van out and assumed a safe distance behind the one Exo was operating.

He scanned the radio frequencies in his head until he found a suitable channel playing pleasant melodies.  Loading his autopilot program into the CTC, he linked it to the navigation system in the van and allowed the automatic systems to drive the van while he enjoyed the music.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Once the song on Morgan's radio ended, a little newsblurb came on the air, telling about the recent events in Northon.  It seems that the news of the rioting, and the Brotherhood's subsequent slow-paced retreat, was beginning to spread around.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

lucas marcone

Josh had a wicked smile on his face. "We did good. Those monsters won't know what hit em..." Rideing shotgun Josh reclined his seat and rested his eyes. "What do ya think Jackson will have us do next now that we've proven our abilities?" he asked Morgan.


Morgan smiled somewhat knowingly, "We have proven a facet of our ability and an iota of our trustworthiness.  However, in an organization like the Rebellion, we have yet to be fully proven.  We will likely receive more sensitive missions and must continue to prove ourselves.  Eventually we will be deemed fully trustworthy and can be brought fully into the fold.  Phoenix would be foolish to fully trust us after one mission, no this kind of game is like a carefully played hand of Poker (OOC: or appropriate card game here).  At any rate, though, we have done a good thing."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   While Dorcan was talking, Jexx raised an eyebrow and repeated "Augmented." to himself a little skeptically. But when Dorcan went on about magical creatures, incu-something-or-others, shapeshifting, and wingies like nothing, both Jexx's eyebrows raised up to a ridiculous hight. He slowly turned his seat around, whistling and saying in a slighlty joking tone, "I'm sorry I asked!"