Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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Ryudo Lee

Morning came with the sound of revelry at dawn... and the sound of various objects being thrown at the bugler.  Slowly but surely the facility began to come back to life from it's long overnight slumber.  The smells of breakfast being cooked and coffee being brewed began to waft in from the mess hall.  The sounds of soldiers getting up, showering, dressing, and trudging down to the mess were filling the halls.  Everyone was slowly coming to at this early hour.  Even Jackson himself was wandering the halls, clipboard in one hand, big cup of coffee in the other.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

Sally awakes in her own bed, and looking to red glow of dawn across the river outside her window.  She is stuff and tried still, but gets up and going out her hot tub.  Lays in a few moments to loose her muscles,  She knows she is off and would like to stay at home in bed.  Yet, she gets dress and going to the base and some how meets up with Jackson in the halls as he is leaving the mess hall with his coffee.

"Good Morning, Mr Jackson, I have that report on Babs, if you want it.  Her powers are now, link to Josh in someway, but Iam not sure.  Once awaken, magic rarely goes back to sleep, and her healing gift was already fighting the chip before Josh.  But with Josh and/or for Josh, her power have increase a ten fold.  Another problem is she is young and inexperienced, she could be do anything with training.   She was going to need some tests during this mission away from Josh to see if she can work her healing on others and to check to her link with Josh." said Sally.  "Will all members of this team going to be needed in the raid?" 



Dorcan awoke and showered as the soldiers did.  Drying was a bit of a problem since the facilities weren't really intended for a winged creature.  In a former life he'd have shapeshifted to clear the water out of his wings and fur, but now it was a matter of drying himself as best he could.
As he did so, he was frantically trying to figure out a way to avoid breakfast.  Screw it, he thought.  Don't be such a wuss.  You wouldn't be sweating so much if you were a 'Cubi, would you?  No scratch that, if I could I'd be eating and pretending I had to...

Reluctantly he headed off down the the mess hall.  Finding an empty seat he sat down and waited for someone he could recognise to appear.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Jackson looked up at Dr. Sally and motioned for her to follow him as he went towards the mess hall.
"Who you take with you on this mission is up to you and your team.  I think that you all should come up with a plan of action, but keep in mind that this will be a good experience for our newest members." He says.
As they enter the mess hall, Jackson excuses himself to get himself a plate of food, and then spotting Dorcan, moves to sit with him.
"This all must be pretty alien to you, huh?" He asks. "I mean, you're thrust into this world and then put to work by the likes of us.  But, it could be worse.  You could have been assimilated by the Brotherhood.  And you've already seen their methods."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Not as much as you might think, Sir," Dorcan began, slightly uncomfortable at the attention.
"I come from a world where there has been something of... you might call it a 'cold war' between various races, so in a way I'm used to being hunted by less tolerant groups.

"Ordinarily my kind is able to shapeshift, so our basic education spends a lot of time making sure we're able to adapt to new situations.  In short, we're taught whatever it takes for us to be able to impersonate someone and infiltrate their organisation."

"That sounds a bit sinister," he added quickly.  "Though I suppose we do have a bad reputation back home.  Still, these days, many of us simply hide our wings and try to live out our lives as best we can among the ordinary folk."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"ah I don't know ah if this is that much different from ER work..... I can be a field doctor, that I am going to this mission is a given.  But Babs is an unknown, and It looks like I will have to test her.. before we go.." Says Sally.    "Good Morning Dorcan"

"Oh The saber kid has an alloy allergy, and I have emailed the techs with a request new biosensors with newer pads for his arm unit and maybe a redesign hand..  They tell me, that the hand will be the hardest to engineer for that arm." said the doctor.  "Yet, I or Bab may find a way to restore his original paw."   

She looks over the heads of rebel crews for the squirrel girl.  Bab was with Josh the last time she looked.  She maybe able to get the girl to follow her to the ward with a promised trip to the mall.   Where is that Josh....? wonders Sally as she eats her small bagel with cheese and her coffee.


Back at his flat, Morgan awoke at his normal time, showered (he took a bath last night) and prepared himself a small breakfast.  Poached egg, potatoes fried in light oil with thyme and spices, and a cup of tea graced his table as he scanned through the news stories on the net.  He would head over to the compound after he took care of a few minor details and tasks at home.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Jackson looked back over to Sally.
"Oh yeah, what's his name... Lewis, yeah.  Well, don't impose on him anything that he doesn't want.  If he wants to keep his arm like that, then let him keep it." He says. "We don't wanna do anything that might scare off a good soldier."
He turns back to Dorcan.
"Well I'm sure things are a bit different here than at your home.  No one but avians have wings around here, and even they've been making themselves scarce as of late.  They keep to themselves really, holed up in the Black Cliffs." He muses. "But, bad reputation or not, your winged nature would make you more of a curiosity around here than a target or threat."

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"That's good to know," Dorcan said, nodding to Sally as she greeted him.
"All the same, the Brotherhood came down on me like a ton of bricks.  If I'm unique here, that will make me easy for them to find."

He paused, considering.  "I'm slightly surprised that wings are uncommon, though.  What about bats, for example?  Are they non-sentient or something?  Or unable to interbreed with other furred races?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"Yeeah, about that..."

Lewis appeared as if from nowhere, clutching a half eaten piece of toast.

"If you do do anything with my arm, would it be possible for me to keep the old parts? They have... sentimental value..."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Well the only thing, That I would be replacing is the Bio-sensors, the arm would be the same, just reaction rate a little faster.  And it will enable robotic hand to added later.  But the sensor replacement will prevent your nerves from deteriorating further." explains the doctor to Lewis.  "Sorry Lewis you will have to wait for the technicians to built the replace sonsers first."

Turning to Dorcan, Sally commends:"The avian races, as we were taught at medical school, didn't crossbreed very well with mammals.  Yet, This is more common believe, then there being any studies to prove why or If that is.  The Avians are distrustful of non-avian doctors and/or scientists since the last war, I think... before the brotherhood's present reincarnation.   Please, What is your rebel version of avians and history, Commander?"



After his breakfast, Morgan opened the door to his hidden area.  Just as Bruce Wayne has his Bat Cave, Morgan had his concealed seller.

His sniper rifle was still in the case he had carried it in and carefully he unpacked it.  Morgan set about disassembling the gun and meticulously cleaning each individual part.  Removing the short clip, he placed it in a cabinet with other weapon accessories, and produced a long clip holding a total of 12 shots.  Carefully, almost religiously, he placed each shell in the clip. 

Reassembling the rifle, he moved it to a field case from the armored carrying case he was currently using.  Opening a cabinet, Morgan cleared an area to store the 2 autopistols (received in the town from security personnel) and the pair of stun guns he had pulled from the same guard and various personnel.

He donned the same suit of form fitting body armor and put his basic casual clothes over the top of it.   
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

Jackson jumped when Lewis suddenly appeared.
"Geez do you have to sneak up on me like that?" He asks.
Jackson shrugs a bit at the other questions, once he'd settled back down.
"Well the bats live deeper in the cliffs, and are primarily nocturnal.  We don't see or hear from them much at all.  As for our relationship with the avians, we've been trying since the rebellion's inception to open a dialogue with them, but they just won't talk to us.  They aren't fighting us off, they're just stonewalling us." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Lewis chuckled and put down his toast.

"There are two things you should know about me. While the other man sleeps, i sneak up on him, and while the other man is awake, i sneak up on him."


Dorcan glanced at Lewis.  "I take it you'll be in the stealth team for the tower mission, then?" he said.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan carefully cleaned the other weapons he had acquired and those that he had taken with him.  After a good few hours of work, Morgan decided he should put in an appearance at the base soon.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"So What have you try in talking to the avians?   If the Brotherhood is not interested in them, then they are maybe safe from them, and they have no reason to get into this war." commends Sally.  She drinks her coffee and eats her breakfast.  "I thinking of going in with the stealth team to the tower. And would like to go with the next diplomatic team your send to the avians" 


Ryudo Lee

Jackson shrugs.
"We've tried everything.  You see, the avians are really close to nature, and though they don't show it outwardly, we believe they have some sort of magic, possibly related to nature.  Just having that kind of wisdom on our side would benefit our cause greatly, not to mention if they actually have power over nature." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Do we have a plan for today, Sir?"  Dorcan asked.
"I realise that people will want to spend some of their paychecks - goodness knows, I need to buy at least one change of clothes - but the plan against the tower is something we should really get down pat sooner rather than later."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

Jackson gave Dorcan a pat on the shoulder.
"Go do whatever you need to.  Your team is on special assignment, so you can focus on the task at hand.  I'm sure you'll find everything you need in town.  And whatever you can't find in town, our suppliers can probably find it for you." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Trusting Jackson's word that he wouldn't be persecuted on account of his wings, Dorcan set off on a shopping expedition.  Possessed of the almost magpie-like attraction to shiny things common to most 'Cubi, he was sorely tempted by a black leather jacket and trousers - a combination that always looked striking on someone with demon wings - before he forcibly reminded himself that he was caught in the middle of a war and that something more practical would be a better idea.

Milling around the shopping centre, he glanced around to see what other furs were wearing and eventually returned to the base carrying a set of clothes that formed a reasonable compromise  between his sense of fashion and practicality.

Trying them on had been awkward , he'd only really been able to guesstimate whether the shirts and jackets would fit without actually making the wing-holes in the shop, but at least he had more clothes to his name than just the ones he had been wearing when he arrived.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan had left his domicile after his work was completed and his mission equipment was carefully stowed in the shielded compartment in his trunk. 

The red haired lad spent a good portion of his day picking out a few more outfits for casual wear.  He also purchased a new set of flat wear and dishes.  While shopping he came across a tabletop fountain, consisting of several descending stages surrounding a small grassy area with superbly made fox figurines.  Needless to say, he scooped that up immediately.   

After a treating his car to a generous detailing and himself to a mint mocha, he headed back.  Upon reaching home, the first thing up and running was his new fountain, a nice center piece to his living room.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"Oh that is right.. We got paid...  I still need to replace my wardorm a little bit more.  I have nothing to wear when I am in my lighter size." said Dr Sally. "I have lost 15 pound this week."

"Then you should eat up" says Radeen the cook, "Goddess, girl, you go on a mission and come back looking like a starvation victim."  The cook puts a full plate of eggs and pancake in front of the doctor. 

"Radee!  I don't have time for this, right now." whines the doctor " Josh and Babs are missing and so is Jexx, I have to look for them.  That Jexx boy needs breakfast, too. And we know he doesn't have a room off base.  Josh and Bab can wait a little bit, I think."  Sally has a smirk and then a sigh at the thought of Bab and Josh, but quickly goes out of the Mess hall to search for Jexx.

"Well, I will keep your eggs  warm for you, and bring that boy to breakfast." yells the cook.

The Otter woman finds Jexx in the same hanger, where she last saw him.  She shakes him awake

" hey Hey  Coming on guy. Don't you want some breakfast.?"  asks Sally in a motherhen ordering tone of voice.



   When Sally gently poked Jexx awake, he and his handcannons jerked a little, red glows fluctuating in their barrels. His head shook a little, and he started mumbling;
   "Buh, no...get away from bastards...I'll never go back...I'll kill you" His eyelids then then half opened, partially revealing his almost-completely-white iressless red-pupiled eyes, very sleepy. He blinked slowly a few times, looking around the room. Eventually he eyes settled on the face of Doctor Joywaves. His half-opened eyes stared blankly at her, and slowly blinked once. "I hate bad dreams."

Prof B Hunnydew

"Well, Yes, We all have our wounds inside and out.  Are you coming to breakfast?   Really Jexx you would find sleeping in a bed may lead to a better night's sleep." scorns Sally as leads the way to the mess hall.

"I wonder about Morgan, He seem to have some place offf base, so he might be alright.  You, Jexx, need somewhere you can be yourself beyond your *job*.  I have a place, but my place is so close to base, it might as well be on it.  Still If you need some place to relax or something, just ask, you can stay at my guest bedroom until you find some apartment or take a bed in the barracks."  says the otter girl.  "Because, I can only do so much for a bad neck or back pain.  Please, think about my work load here."  SHe pats him on the back as them enter the Mess Hall.



   Jexx followed Sally all the way to the Mess Hall. But when he arrived at the entrance, he froze. His eyes darted around the room, and he shivered nervously. He started inching his way next to the wall, as if trying to stay out of sight.


"Good morning, Jexx," Dorcan said.  He had a pair of carrier bags containing the spoils from his shopping expedition, and stopped abruptly as he noticed the other's paranoid body-language.

"Chill out," he said in a concerned voice.  "These people here are your allies.  They won't hurt you..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"Yes yes It's Okay okay.  Don't do anything rash yet?  If you don't like crowds, I can have to food delivered to my office.  Or is it something else?" ask Dr Sally as she stand by Jexx trying to calm him.  The doctor was being cautious as she had seen a few combat vets with battle flashbacks here and in her old practice.  

She was not yet using her magic to calm him, but she was ready with it to knock him out if need be.  She could sense something, but she just watch Jexx carefully

"I'll tell Raydee to a breakfast to my office and you can choose what you like from that.  OKay?" asked Sally in calm tone and a smile.



   "Ye-yeah..t-t-too many pe-people..." Jexx managed to get out at Dorcan and Sally's comments. Jexx felt something in his mind, the same thing that made him loose control in the woods when no one was watching but Mister. Jexx hoped that wouldn't happen again. So much for hope. Even though he had no idea what was going on, and a non-conscience level, he almost understood what 'it' 'wanted'.
   "They are not enemies. They are not enemies. They are not enemies..." He repeated over and over to himself in a whisper so low that Sally and Dorcan(supposedly, Jexx doesn't know of his android senses) could barely hear it. After a moment of this, Jexx's right handcannon rose shakily up, along with his head. It almost looked as if he was going to shoot something. His metal arm rose to full height, then...
   Jexx's arm suddenly pulled back, morphed to a fist, and then punched himself across the side of his head. Hard. He slowly tilted is head, and his neck cricked audibly. He grunted a little, then straightened up, and started talking rather fast and in short bursts. "I'm good. I'm good. Nothing's wrong. I'm fine. Lots of people. So what. No enemies. No one's going to jump out and shoot me. Everything's fine. Food? Food? Is that what we were doing? Okay then, let's go get food."
   Aside from his odd dialogue, there was nothing in his physical demeanor anymore that suggested anything was wrong.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Okay Jexx, right this way" says Sally motioning and leading back down the hall from the mess hall.  "right in here, Jexx.... AH come now."  Sally opens a door to an office with a exam table and a desk and couple of chairs.  There is another door on the far wall.   

Sally walks in  and calls to the kitchen,  "Radee, can you send me a breakfast special to my office. please?"

"Sure, thing Doctor Sally...So you are going for that second Breakfast anyway... good girl I'll will keep it a secret, I'll sure will, sister."  Says a southern female voice over the speaker.

**the door to the office is left open to Dorcan and Jexx.**