Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

With the blowing out of the candles, the party memory bubble fades and shrinks,  The happy Kidd Jexx is left shooting at the red balloons.... A wind blows the red misty fog away from the Jexx's tree stump.  Sally is again grown and an adult Jexx is there with her.  They are both standing on the great roots of his psyche.  Sally sticks  the party bubble onto the stump.  And then breaths live into one last time, and Jexx remembers a short spark of his father's face lit by the candles on the cake. before it fades into his back of his mind, again.

Sally looks at all the red bubbles that still surround them.  "These red bubble are all your old memories, corrupt by the Brotherhood.  They are what colors your re-actions.  But, you can/must decide what is right of you.  Your dreams will try to sort this mess out, now that your tree is stable. I can help you sort them out, I think, but I am too tried, right now. "

Reality returns, As Sally faints to the floor and her hand slipping out of Jexx's hands, and Jexx finds himself back in the hanger.  the doctor is passed out.



   As Kid Jexx faded, Real Jexx slowly stirred as Sally extracted herself from his mind. Jexx opened his eyes just as she slid out of his hands and slipped to the floor, unconscious. Likewise, Jexx was exhausted. But he knew that Sally couldn't be left here. So, despite the fact he felt like he was going to drop any second, he kneeled down, wedged his metal hands underneath her, and tried to pick her up. At first, even with his cybernetic legs and arms, he was simply to tired to lift her weight. But then, his markings glowed again, very strongly. Though he barely consciously registered this, he now had the strength to lift her.
   He stumbled out the hangar, barely hanging on to wakefulness as he carried Sally. Quickly, he found himself in the other room where he had slept for the night, the one that now had Exo, Morgan, and Dorcan seated in it discussing the plans. He took a few steps in, and finally sank to one knee. As gently as he could, he let the unconscious Sally roll out of his arms onto the ground. Once done, he too collapsed sideways, out for the count. Had he been conscious, and familiar with the meme, this probably would have been a 'not what it looks like' moment.
   His strongly glowing markings went out.


"Holy shit," said Dorcan, turning with a start at the sound to see the two unconscious figures lying in the doorway.  Moving swiftly to the doctor, he checked her pulse - Jexx' cybernetic hands posing something of a problem in this department.

"She's fainted," he said.  "Does this sort of thing happen to her often?"

But what to do about Jexx?  The doctor is the only one who knows anything about his metabolism.

Gingerly, he pressed a finger against the unconscious creature's throat, looking for a pulse.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


[OOC] Since i haven't been posting in, well, ages, i figure i might as well go SuperSize!(For me, anyway) Also, remember Lewis' left eye is all jazzed up as well[/OOC]

After leaving the mess hall with out a word, Lewis decided to explore the base. He always felt comfortable with a greater knowledge of his surroundings. He spent a short while gently strolling, when something caught one of his eyes. His left one in specific.

He saw a pair of people standing in a relatively disused hangar, facing each other and holding hands.

Not exactly what one does in a hangar...

He shut his right eye and tried to focus better...

What's up with the big one's arms? They seem... different...

He switched to the thermal mode, hoping to get a better look.

Those arms aren't giving off any heat...

He switched back to x-ray and watched patiently, not giving any attention to the passerbys looking at him with confused thoughts.

The smaller figure started to drop. Lewis took cover from the door and hid. He kept watching as he picked her up.

What did that guy do..?

As the large figure approached the door to leave the hangar, lewis backed even more into cover and kept a hold of his gun. The figure walked out, but Lewis couldn't see him properly, as he was in hiding. As the figure started to walk away, Lewis started to follow as best he could while remaining hidden.

The Briefing Room

As the figure stumbled in, Lewis saw a stronger shape crouching over the other figures. It looked certainly suspicious, and now the possible assailant had seemed to have fallen over, he wouldn't be as much of a threat anymore. He managed to recognize the small figure as Dr. Joywaves, and felt a small pang of terror at seeing her in a bad way.

"Dorcan, is she alright?!"


Morgan dipped his head, closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead with his right hand, "blimey, this is so going to delay our mission.  Well, how are they?"

Morgan shook his head and sighed, working with these people will certainly be a challenge.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"I don't have that kind of empathic power anymore," Dorcan said.  "They're both unconscious, that's about as much as I can tell you.  No lesions that I can see.  To be honest it looks like some kind of psychic shock, although I can't really find out what."

Satisfied that Jexx' spine was intact, he crouched down and lifted him gently, with little appreciable effort.  "I guess we'd better get them to the sick bay."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Lewis let loose a long sigh of relief. Sally was alright...

"Yeah, we can't leave them here forever."

He pointed to Morgan.

"You! Mr. Headache Who's Name I Can't Remember! Could you give us a hand with them?"

Prof B Hunnydew

"Ow ow You got the hair Ow the hair... Okay Okay I am awake.   *Moan* Jexx let go of my hair... " whispers Sally softy and gets louder...  Some strands of Sally's hair can be seen caught under Jexx body on the floor.  Sally doesn't open her eyes as the pain from her hair is to great.  And she doesn't seem to know she has been moved. 

"Come'on Jexx,  Seeing one's true Father's face for once in so many years should be enough for now.  I'm too tried to help you remember anything more." whines Sally.. and drift into a dazed then unconscious state again.  But her breathing is more even and steady.



Dorcan glanced at the doctor as she lapsed back into unconsciousness.  He looked impressed.

"She's an empath?  That might account for it.  Nonetheless, they should both be checked over.  Can someone lead us to the infirmary?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

A rebellion soldier happened to be passing by the hangar, just a guard on patrol.  He looked in and saw the strange scene.
"Hey, what's going on in here?" He asks.
He sees that the doctor and one of the new guys is unconscious.
"Are they alright?  They look like they need a doctor." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Lewis groaned and looked up at the soldier.

"Oh, why didn't I think of that? Would you kindly help us carry her to the sick bay? Also, where is the sick bay?"

Ryudo Lee

The soldier moves in and helps to pick up the doctor.
"Okay, just follow me.  It's not far away." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"This may be a silly question," Dorcan began, "But after we were sent off to blow up the Brotherhood's transmitter without a single field medic between us, I have to ask... there are more medics on staff than just her, aren't there?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The soldier looks over at Dorcan.
"Of course we have more medics.  We have a whole medical staff.  She's not the only doctor around here." He says in a that-was-indeed-a-silly-question tone.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Good," Dorcan said.  "Just checking."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

The Medical Team arrives and both Jexx and Sally checked and taken away to the medical unit.   After the few minutes, the doctors said that Sally and Jexx are only exhausted.  Jexx should be up in a few hours, but the good doctor will need a little longer.  The otter-girl has lost about 15% of her body weight and suffering from dehydration.  She should be okay in a few day, but they are keep her over night.



"Weird," Dorcan said to Lewis, as he turned to go back to the briefing room.  "They didn't ask what happened.  Does that sort of thing occur a lot in this organisation?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"to answer that question, my young male, one should know our young Healer, Doctor Sally...  She is a true healer and one of our strongest ones we have, if she wouldn't over work herself so much.  She has a good heart, but she has to know her own limits.  Once a week, we normal doctor would have give up on a case for dead or crippled Yet, she cure them up to full health and ends up exhaust each time.   This is the first time that she has lost so much weight in a short time.  She would be in bad shape, if she was not a healer." said a elder human doctor as he comes out of the medical clinic to talk to Dorcan and the other.   

"I'm Dr  Adams, the head of the medical department here.  Jexx is fine physically, but he seem to have a sensor-overload of some kind.  He is free to go when he awakes and feels up to it."  he turns a worried look to the wards "But Sally...m.m.  She will not like it, But I am enforcing her to bed rest of a few days, and you can see later tomorrow.  If you bring some Double Chocolate chip ice cream, she love you forever, I know Any other question?" 

(OOC) Sorry I will be out for a few days to a week. I will try to keep reading and post when I can, but Dr Sally will out for a few days of game time.  (OOC)   


"I'm not as young as I look," Dorcan said with a sly expression, "But thanks for the heads-up... we'll pass the prognosis on to the others.  Oh, and thanks for the tip about the ice-cream."  He made his way back to the others, wondering how they'd take the news about the doctor.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Morgan followed after the others, making a mental note to call Sally if the team should need a martyr on their next mission, "blimey but it's convenient if they're willing to do it."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Ryudo Lee

As the morning wore on, more and more activity was beginning to go around the base.  Jackson had settled into his office for another day of paperwork and other such nonesense every leader must deal with.  The guard rotation had already been done, and other soldiers were heading out on other missions.  A couple of vehicles left the motor pool, destined for a mission in another town.

The attitude of the other soldiers towards the newcomers was mostly welcoming.  Though some regard Jexx with a careful eye, they do remember that even EXO was once a Brotherhood product and he's as trustworthy as they come.  They don't think strangely of Dorcan, however.  Even though he's from another dimension, he's looked upon more in awe than anything else.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Dorcan squirmed inwardly as they made their way back to the hangar.  The boss seemed keen for them to get to know each other better - a sensible move in any case - and now would be an ideal time to strike up such a conversation with Morgan or Lewis.
But how could he get around the fact that the most interesting parts of his life were after he'd died?  Reluctantly he put it aside for the time being.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "Uuurrrrrr..."Jexx stirred on the medical bed he was in. His mind was lethargic at the moment, so he did not remember what happened, and he definitely didn't know where he was. Nor did he care. He slowly opened his eyes, then tightly shut them again as a white ceiling medical light glared at him, although he didn't have any idea what it actually was. With that, he automatically went to his solution to all his problems. His left arm slowly pointed up, the metal hand sluggishly morphing to a cannon. He blasted some plasma balls up until he heard a loud CRASH! sound, which was the light exploding into a shower of sparks from a hit. He opened his eyes again. "Better..." he said groggily.


"I'd hate to seem the misog, but could we perhaps contemplate our mission a bit further and mayhaps even get going on it?"

Morgan was never one to feel comfortable with a casual operational attitude and open ended mission clock, this flexibility was an illusion and the sooner the mission was started, the sooner it could be completed.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"It seems I'm not the only one getting a little impatient," Dorcan noted as they entered the briefing room.

"Exo, Sir," he said, "Can we schedule a meeting for about 2pm to finalise the mission?  The plan as it is seems good enough and to be honest, I don't think we can tweak it much more. 

"Stalling will only help the Brotherhood, so frankly I think we should sort out who goes with which team and get started this evening.  Jexx should be up again soon - and he's unlikely to change his mind and go with the stealth team.   The good Doctor seems likely to miss the mission, but my understanding is that this is likely to be a single-shot mission as opposed to our longer, more drawn-out adventures in the forest.  I think we should be able to get by with an extra medic on team."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The 'bot nodded.

"It is... unfortunate... that the doctor won't be able to join us, but chances of success are well within acceptable limits even without a medic. If one of you would be so kind as to forward a list of required personnel to Jackson, I shall add the finishing touches once everyone is assembled."

It turns back to the display, making a few more adjustments.

"We will require two demolitions experts, a scout, two grunts and a medic, according to the plan so far."


"Ideally we should two medics," Dorcan suggested.  "Not only for redundancy but in case of emergency."  He paused.  "Or did you mean for each team?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"We can survive with only one medic if we have personnel trained in medical procedures."  Morgan advised, "two medics may be more of a hindrance then a help."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"In that case I suppose they had better go with the assault team," mused Dorcan.  "Backup plan aside, if the stealth team does its stuff properly, we shouldn't get into a situation where we'd need one."

And I won't need one, he added mentally.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"But what if something goes wrong?"

Lewis appeared out of nowhere again.

"If something goes awry, I don't want to die. I can't do squat if I'm dead."