Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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   A Rebellion doctor came rushing over on Jexx's destruction of the overhead lightbulb, scolding greatly. Jexx, who was still rather groggy, did not register any of the words being said. He sat up, waved the doctor away, and slipped out of his bed. He stumbled slightly out of the medical ward, still trying to get his head cleared. He was starting to remember some things. He wandered around until he found a corridor that he vaugly recognized, it being the one that leads back to the breifing room. He heard voices talking, and he recognized them as the people he's been with. He walked through the doorway, coming onto Exo, Dorcan, Morgan, and that strange new guy. Jexx simply off-handedly asked, "When do I get to go melt some skulls?" before slumping into the nearest chair, still rather tired.


"Jesus," Dorcan said, as Jexx staggered into the room.  "Jexx... are you supposed to be up?  Are you sure you're okay?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"When you have fully recovered," The warbot glances at Jexx "Or do I need to make that an order to get some Rest and Relaxation, Corporal?"


   The 'Jesus' thing passed right over Jexx's head, but he partially registered what Dorcan had said to him after. Exo also chimed in with an 'order', which of course had no effect on Jexx. "Yeah, 'm fine...just little tired. Wh'dya mean by 'supposed' t' be up? I just woke up 'n some funny soft thing with a light above me that hurt 'm eyes, so I blew it up. I got up, bu'then there was...some angry man. I didn' look at 'im or listen to 'im, so I pushed 'im out of the way, walked out, and found here." Jexx's head lolled back slightly. "I hate bein' tired...hold on."
   He then got his left hand into cannon configuration again, and put it up all the way on his face, obscuring it. A red glow could bee seen from the rims of the cannon. As a few moments passed, Jexx's ear, then his leg, then his arm twitched. Finally, his cannon shot away from his head with an extended grunt of pain. His eyes were now very wide open, and he started shaking his head and rubbing his face hard. "AH! Direct plasma heat will wake anyone up! Yowza!" He then looked around, fully energized. "All right, now I'm 'fully recovered', big bot. Any by the way, what the freaking heck is a corperl-whatever-it-is?"


"Corporal is typically the most junior of Non-commissioned officers, it is generally a specialist that is serving in a leadership role more commonly held by an NCO such as a sergeant.  The rank usually heads up a combat section or fireteam."  Morgan paused, "I guess it depends on what branch of service and the country in question.  I mean we have bombardiers in artillery, Lance corporals of mount... cavalry, erm... infantry, air force, naval forces, that 'what is' question is really hard to answer so simply. "

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   As Morgan explained the position of 'corporal' to Jexx, if his eyebrow could raise any higher, it would have vanished off his head. He shook his head and thought to himself, Lesson learned; never ask questions when Morgan is around. His answers will fry my brain.


"Well, assuming you're fit enough when we head out, I guess we can mark you down for the assault team," Dorcan said.  "Morgan... which team did you have in mind?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

*phone Rings* on wall in the Hanger/Briefing room, where the Exo and the others are......



Lewis picked up the phone, curious as to the nature of the call.


Prof B Hunnydew

"oh Hello Lewis... This is Dr Sally, Please put me on speaker phone. So I can hear what you Hot shots are up to and what you guys are planning for me by association."

"Less talk,  more eat" is heard on the  other end of the line.

"What? what? I am eating I am eating, Radeen...  Goddess  I am sure, Dr Adams didn't order me this much food."  Complains the doctor...

"Look Lewis, I will not let you guys die, IF I can help it.  So Ask Exo to link a line to my phone here, 25796, Please.  I need to hear and see, and answering any questions... It is a briefing room, it should be setup for tele-conferencing....."



Lewis put on speakerphone, so the rest of the group could hear Dr. Joywaves.


"How are you faring, Doctor?"  Dorcan asked.  "Indeed, when are you likely to be up?  We're hoping to bring the mission forward so we'll need to have some idea of whether you'll be joining us on the front line."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

*groan* " Well, I will not be able escape Radee and her food cart any time soon.   If she gets her way, I will too stuff to move by the time my bedrest is up.  So, I would having to rely on Dr Adams to get me out of here on TIME.  I'm *Burp* feeling better.  I hear Jexx scaring the Staff as he escape, Is he Okay?"

"Come on come on girl you can finish that chicken."

"It is a whole chicken!"   "so"  Gulp  Munch  " well andasdw" Gulp  " Bah Wees Aha aH   Well, I will just have to listen to what plans you got."   

"Milkshake"  commands Radeen
"Radee, please you don't need to feed me by hand.  Can't you just leave the tray and come back....   Pleeeease" begs Sally
"Okay, You right, I will just go and get your 2nd lunch, and you better finish this tray before I come back, Ya hear." orders the cook and the door bang shut.

"Oh Goddess, I can't compete with a woman with four stomachs... Okay, Dorcan and everyone what are the options you have so far?  My Health will be restored in about three days or two but if Radee keeps going and I will need a rescue party.  As for my part in this, I am not sure where I can fit in, but I will not be good with frontal assault team if you please."  *slurp*



"Do not mistake me for a simple war machine, Doctor." The 'bot sounds mildly aggrieved, as if talking to a child. "I do possess a state of the art strategic and tactical processor. There was no intention of placing you on the frontal assault team."

It then glances over at Jexx. "As for you, you will be going for another check-up before we depart. Understood?"

Prof B Hunnydew

You a war machine, I never!!!......  Well please forgive my comments, and I am ready to hear what the plans,,,,PBH


   Jexx just grumbled and shuffled with a sour look on his face when Exo spoke to him, an odd "Puh!" sound being the only thing really audible.


"Jexx? You okay? You were up against the walls not 40 minutes ago..."


   Jexx looked at the new guy who's identity he did not know with annoyance. "Yes. I am completely fine. Will everyone stop asking?"


Morgan had thought long and hard about the mission objectives, what stakes were involved and what opposition they faced.  The resources they had were more then adequate to confront a reasonable contingent of Brotherhood, but there was no sense in allowing them to build forces for too long.

"I will go with the special operations group.  Despite what you may think of me, I am the only capable... soldier among you.  My past will have some use after all, rather then just sad memories and dark nightmares.  we should leave ASAP, the doctor should remain here, she will be of little use in battle.  We will use whatever medics the rebellion can offer and if necessary, I have field EMT training that can be put to use."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"So soon?"  Dorcan's headwings drooped slightly.  "I agree in principle, but on the other hand it's only afternoon.  We proposed an evening strike, didn't we?"  He paused.  "Actually, how far away is the site?"

"In any case, let's get the personnel assignments straight...  I'll be more use on the stealth team.  Morgan, I take it that means you'll be leading said group?  I'm assuming Exo is either going to be in the attack team or coordinating.  Lewis... did you say which team you would be on?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"Well, Fine, I can go with the backup team, if it should be needed." says Dr Sally.  "Once the strike team hits, and the stealth team plans their bugs, we could use a "rescue" team to pull back the strike team, as if the strike team got into too much trouble and HAD to retreat.  The Brotherhood must think, we were only trying to stop them increasing their reach, and not think it was a Fake attack to cover something else.  You would need to act wounded and cowardly"



"That was never part of the plan. The assault/recon team will press the assault as much as possible in order to force what little security there should be into facing the oncoming threat, whilst neutralizing as many defense operatives as possible! If we fall back, there are two outcomes - one is that a sweep of the forest is initiated, possibly discovering the stealth team's vehicle or our hideout, in which case we will be in an undesirable defensive battle. The second is that the security forces return, and thus provide more of hazard to the stealth team."

It gestures back to the holodisplay, showing the semi-complete tower, the clearing, and various markers for team personnel.

"It should be obvious enough that both are undesirable. As for the stealth team, leadership will indeed be in Morgan's hands. You do, after all, claim to be the most qualified for the task."

It glances back to the tower on the display, then at the group.

"Almost all who join the Brotherhood are mindless drones with little hope of salvation, going by what we've seen of their cybernetics. Death is a kindness."


"I was taught that lives were something to be treasured," Dorcan said.  "And only to be taken in self-defence.  I'm not quite sure what grandfather would say about a mercy killing, but the idea of it jars me somehow.  Nonetheless, if that's what has to be done, I guess it will have to be done."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"So long as there is live there is Hope.  Hope that we all can be saved, so says the Mother's pray"

quotes Dr Sally "The Brotherhood goons are more than drones, but their spirits are trapped in their own bodies as carbon-base robots.  It is hard to argue if death would be preferred, even if they could be freed from the Brotherhood's programming and the guilt and ashame of what they have gone thru.  They are not all like Jexx, their programming doesn't have holes in them, that you can drive a truck through."

"The Brotherhood .... mmm will be on heighten alert once the attack begins.. Will the stealth team be able to get in and out the tower undetected with a battle going on outside?  Will not the security systems at least record the break in?  Can we just destroying the tower and the security forces?  or send a trojan virus or something to the whole Brotherhood network and take it unawares?"



Morgan shook his head as Dr. Sally spoke, "your input, everyone's input if valuable, but you will need to trust our judgment on these things.  Once we are committed to the field, you will need to follow the orders given to you.  If you or anyone has any objection to taking the lives of Brotherhood troops, now is the time to make this known so we can adjust your role to accommodate.  The mission objectives are hard and fast rules, but a good soldier learns to adapt to the ever-changing nature of the battlefield and as opportunities present themselves.  We are not, however, going to be trying to take prisoners except possibly as part of the cleanup.  Brotherhood tend to suicide rather then surrender, keep that in mind."

He gestured to the holodisplay, "if the 'stealth team' moves to as close a position as they are able, they can capitalize on the initial response by the Brotherhood.  They will likely commit a large portion of their force in a reactionary measure, we can slip in on this and destroy the tower.  I would estimate a very reduced contingent left to guard, but their alert level will be far higher.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Exo nods firmly to Morgan.

"Exactly. With the significantly reduced security contingent, the stealth team will have a much easier time of their work. Also, Morgan is quite right - all Brotherhood operatives are knowingly or unknowingly implanted with an assortment of methods of remote termination - cortex bombs and the like. Opportunities for escape from the Brotherhood are almost nonexsistant. They either serve the Brotherhood or die. Thus, death is preferred."

It pauses.

"At least if they're dead, they can't shoot you in the back. Taking them alive can be hard enough. On to other matters: the tower will almost certainly not be in a situation to act as a spreading point for any kind of virus. Destruction is priority, and we do not have a vast amount of information about their network that we would need in order to target it with a virus... a specially crafted one would be in order."

Exo stops and thinks for a moment...

"Your primary objective, Morgan, is to 'acquire' whatever data records are held on site. Secondary objective will be to destroy the construction site and as much of the construction equipment as possible."

Prof B Hunnydew

"I'm not saying not to Kill these goons, they will kill you without a second thought.  Your first duty is to keep your teammates save.  I wish I could truly cure them, but I can't even go near them without being heavily shielded for my own sanity.  Jexx has a strong will and a chance for a total break free from his training.  As for the other goons in the Brotherhood, I know of a few, who knew what they were get into the the brotherhood and wouldn't leave if given a chance to.   Few of them deserve your mercy."



Morgan scratched the back of his head with his left hand and grinned, "aye mate, I already got that covered when we get in.  The Brotherhood will hopefully have their Net up to coordinate, troop movements and communications locally.  I can hack on the waltz with my CTC, but I might need a chaser... wish we had another hacker.  If the Brotherhood's Net isn't up even locally I'll have to hardwire it, but that will be faster."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Well, does the rebellion have any hackers to spare?"  Dorcan asked.  "I'd offer myself, but I'm not exactly a hotshot and besides, your computer systems are undoubtedly too different to mine for my skills to be much use."

He mulled over it for a few moments.  "Actually, remind me to book some computer systems courses next time we have a slack period.

"Anyhow.   As I understand it, we're almost ready to think about heading off, except that our assault team is kind of lacking compared to the stealth team, yes?  Exo, can you suggest a few members who would be suitable?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The phone rang behind Dorcan as he spoke; the low, rythmic ringing of a person miles away with something to say.