Brotherhood of the Machine (IC Thread) [PG/14] {02}

Started by Ryudo Lee, October 10, 2007, 03:04:38 PM

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Ryudo Lee

When all the necessary paperwork was put through, Jackson looked through the personnel records himself to find a suitable mechanical support person for their team.  He pulled up the record of one Issaic "Izzie" Nebulous, and it seems that he's not currently on an assignment.  He put in a call to Izzie, for him to report to Jackson's office.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Morgan approached the Ordnance chief wistfully.

The chief nodded to him, "what can I do for you?"

With a straight face he looked over the equipment, "Fusion rifle in the forty megawatt range..."

"Hey, just what you see, pal."

Morgan smiled impishly, reminiscent of a fox with the key to hen house, "Destrier LR-55 multi-purpose laser assault rifle with all sniper scope and extended e-clip.  Two C-16 demo charges.  Auto-caster* with 2 score multipurpose ammo, AP... EX... Incendiary... stun... conventional kinetic for the balance... throw in a few grapple shot with high-tension line and a magnesium flare head or two.  A scope and/or a laser sight for it would be nice too."

Morgan regarded Dorcan, "the caster is for you of course, anything else?"

*Auto-caster: power assisted crossbow

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Thank you sir," said Dorcan.  "That should do me nicely.  Holding it could be awkward, mind - a shoulder-strap would work at a pinch but I'd need someone to help me put it on and drawing it will be a fiddle."  He swished his wings gently.  "A belt might be a better idea."

"Also, an energy weapon might make a useful backup."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The chief raised a brow as the doberman swished his wings, "I see... well, you can clip it onto this heavy belt, along with the quivers.  As for energy weapon backups, we have laser and plasma pistols... your choice."

"I recommend lasers, it is more in line with the silence we seek."  Morgan advised.  "or you could go back in for that stun gun thing you tried back in that town."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

Jathan, the new med tech ferret boy, asks " But... bu... I like my 9mm beretta, it was my father. I can hit what I aim at, when I need to shoot some un a thing.  Why do I need anything bigger then this."  Jathan holds and cradles his gun as he follows the other in the Armory and watches the other supply themselves.



Dorcan chose a laser weapon and turned to the ferret.  Good to see another furre, he thought.  Humans unnerved him slightly.

"Well, this is a stealth operation," he pointed out gently.  "Quiet weapons are imperative.  The Brotherhood may have automated gunfire detection, even if their guards don't have augmented hearing.  Of course, if there is a silencer in stock that would fit your weapon, I don't see why taking it should be a problem."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


"The problem with your 9-mil is its inadequacy against body armor.  The Brotherhood is well protected against light pistol rounds.  You can carry it for self-defense, but pick up a silencer and keep out of combat."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"ah, Thanks, " says Jathon.  Jathon gets a silencer, rechecks his equipement and then goes lookings for his own body armor.  He maybe shooting anyone unless he has to, but he would be very much help if he gotten killed by a stray shot or something.

"mmmm Something is midnight blue, light weight, flexible, but will be able stop standard Brotherhood bullets.  Anything like that Quartermaster?"



Dorcan cursed himself mentally.  Not for the first time, he regretted coming late to this whole 'guns' business.  Of course a 9mm round wouldn't do much against a Brotherhood soldier, he should have thought of that.  Indeed, all it was really good for in this scenario was killing any unfortunates who'd been roped into serving them...

Jathon's next question took him out of his reverie.  "As long as it's not day-glo orange, the colour probably doesn't matter too much," he said.  "But it would probably be a good idea to get an energy weapon as a backup."

"Maybe I ought to think about some body armour myself," he added.  "Though I doubt there's much in the way of a vest with wing-holes in it."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"energy What? I thought energy weapons don't come in anything smaller than a heavy assault rifle.  Oooo Hook me up with a Plasma pistol...." says the ferret in sarcasm.


Ryudo Lee

The Quartermaster was a bit confused by all this.  What's with all the special orders?
"Look, everyone gets standard issue.  Standard issue bullet proof vest.  Standard issue pistol.  Standard issue rifle.  There ain't no plasma pistols.  This ain't the Brotherhood.  Our pistols use good old fashioned lead.  But if you bring me back some of them weapons they use, then we can work on replicating them.  That's where we got our rifles after all." He says.  "If they got plasma pistols, take 'em from the corpses and bring 'em to me.  That goes for anything that they got that we don't got.  Guns, explosives, whatever."
The Quartermaster went to the back room and came back with Morgan's 'order', including the laser rifle.
"Yer lucky.  We got one laser left.  Make sure it comes back to us in one piece, eh?  They're hard to come by." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

"These are those Heroes of Jackson's, QM Casey.... Do be nice to them, and maybe they will bring back a dead Brotherhood goon gift wrapped to ya." says Jathon....He goes to take one of the standard bodyarmor and remembers something.. 

"Hey, Did my order of high pressure tranquilize darts come in yet?" asks the medic

"What?  You're still working on that sleeping dart for the Bro Goonies, aren't you?" demands QM Casey.

"I swear, I got it right, this time.  Dr Mason wants one alive for study, you know, beside I have a backup gun.  So, do you have them?"



"Well, a stunner did the trick last time," Dorcan said.  "Though it has to be on maximum setting.  You'd probably have to dose your victim with it regularly... mine woke up and committed suicide."

He turned to the quartermaster.  "About the vests.  Do you have one to suit someone with wings?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

"Ah that's reason to try a drug, it might work better, their cyber parts seem to adsorb the electrical shock for even a high voltage tasers.  Drugs would stay their system longer and inducing sleep but inhibitting not electronic sensor interfaces, but we are not sure of the doseage.   It seems that cybernetic parts go into auto-destruct, if the host's heartbeat is lost for a certain amount of time, but that has not been proved yet."  said Nathan.... He starts stretching and doing Tia Chi in his new armor vest to get the feel of it.   "This thing chafes a little."


Ryudo Lee

The quartermaster thought about it for a moment.  Wings eh?
"Well, we could make a vest to fit you.  Give me a few hours and I'll see what I can come up with." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"I haven't the need of a vest myself.  I already got some protective gear."

Morgan watched Jathon begin his exercises and shook his head, "gor... you're a barmy chap."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

" 'Y  Thank you, But I was trying for Loony.  Some of these chaps need to lighten up or we all will go bonkers...or something" says Jathon.  And then he does a running leap  and somersaults and lands in a Judo defensive pose beside the quartermaster facing Morgan.


Ryudo Lee

The quartermaster sneered at Jathon.
"And you, the armor ain't made to be comfortable.  It's made to be functional.  And jumpin' around like that's only gonna make you a bigger target.  So for the last time, quiddit!" He says

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew

"Aww, It goes so well with my ballet slippers."  complains Jathon..... He sighs and goes back to his medical pack and gear.   "Oh my darts in yet? QM"


Ryudo Lee

The Quartermaster scratches his head.
"Darts... darts... oh yeah, those tranq darts you wanted." He says.  "Well they're not so much darts as they are bolts."
He grabs a box labelled 'experimental' and opens it up.
"We've only got a couple of clips of them.  They're still in development.  They'll fit any standard clip-fed crossbow." He says as he pulls out a couple of clips of crossbow bolts.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!

Prof B Hunnydew


"anything else gentlemen?  Or shall we leave the good quartermaster to his tasks?  Dorcan can come back in a few hours for his wing accommodating vest, I suggest we all muster for a lunch and discuss things further."  Morgan looked about to the others with him for any note of discord with his suggestion.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


"Suits me," the Doberman replied.  And if I can grab a book on this world's IT systems in the meantime, it might give me a chance to catch up.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

Jathon packs up his darts and a small crossbow/pistol type weapon.. he looks to Morgan as walks towards the door.



Izzie walks into Jackson's office and greets him. "Nice to meet you. if you don't mind my asking, what am I going to be doing for the next few days?" Izzie then sits down in a chair, and looks to Jackson for a response.

Ryudo Lee

Jackson looks up as Izzy comes in and he motions for Izzy to take a seat.  At his question, Jackson smiles.
"I'm assigning you to EXO and the new recruits that he's been running around with.  They're still around here somewhere, planning their next mission.  They could use someone with your skills.  Go get your gear from the quartermaster and report to EXO." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Okay, I guess that's where I'm headed."
Izzie gets out of the chair and stops next to the door.
"Is there anything I should know before hand?" he says curiously.

Ryudo Lee

Jackson looks over at Izzie and smiles.
"Just keep your wits about you.  They're quite a group.  But you'll do fine." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Izzie nods and exits the room, heading toward the quartermaster.

Izzie reaches the quartermaster and asks "Hi there, I'm the new engineer. So, can I have a bullet proof vest, laser rifle, and a pistol?"

Ryudo Lee

The quartermaster looked Izzy over and then went to the back.  He came back with a vest and a pistol, but instead of a laser rifle, he brought a plasma rifle.
"Last laser rifle's been assigned already.  That Morgan fella's got it.  Take a plasma rifle instead." He says.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!