Sweeping Darkness (IC) - Open

Started by Darkmoon, February 02, 2008, 11:40:23 PM

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Aire found Garon to be quite a amiable and she found that to be very surprising.  However, she was also pleased that her philosophy about all beings was again vindicated.

The appearance of a dragon was even more wonderful and it helped keep her mind away from their current predicament, so much so that she did not notice Aeo pass out or Tank subsequently carrying him by his head.  She was a bit too distracted by a giant, dragon and a village of very unusual denizens or else she would have had quite a bit to say about it.

Any elf she saw, Aire greeted properly and in elven, being of high birth and station offered her extensive etiquette training that she put to good use.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Tarson looked around the camp. He spoke somewhat quietly.
"Nice place you got here. I'm guessing you guys have walked all over this place to see if there is a way out"
Tarson looked at the group and then back around the camp.
"Man, looks like helping that town out just got alittle harder than I first thought"
Tarson then eyed the metal and brass by the fire. He got a small spark in his left eye.
"Looks like those could use some work"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"Tell me again..." Armita started inquiring the giant. "Why one can't simply walk out from this place?"


"These lands aren't connected to any one region on any one world. It's like it's connected to all worlds, and yet, once you're here, connected to none. You could think of it as one prison for all the worlds that have ever existed."

Garon look across the village. "It's not as though we didn't try to escape. Many of us did. More of us have disappeared over the years trying to find a way out. Maybe they did, but, the pessimist in me has to admit that more than likely they simply died.

"So, we made a village where we could all live, peacefully, protecting each other. It's worked out well so far, although it wasn't easy early on. We are, finally, getting our supplies to the point where we can sustain the group we have without fear, and without having to do too many hunting trips."

Garon yawned, then looked down at Tarson. "If you can manage to pry any of those bits of metal away from Draskla, you can tinker with them. She's just rather protective of her hoard."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Tarson shook his head and looked up at Garon.
"No, no that's ok. Just alittle bit of a former life shining through. I'm not stupid enough to mess with a dragon and their horde'
Looked down at the group then looks around a bit then gives Garon a side long look.
"So which way did you get here? By walking around or did you just show up here?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


"I personally woke up here on day. Went to sleep in the mountains of my former home, and woke up here, with no recollection of how specifically I came to be here. Others of the group had similar circumstances. Others were walking through parts of their homelands when the world just seemed to shift around them...

"It seems more that the magic comes for them than that any one person accidently walked into the magic, if I had to hazard a guess."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


   "As it appearers to my understanding," DFX suddenly said, walking up to Garon's side, "Whatever magic that brings and binds us to this region is designed to be subtle and invisible. However, upon our arrival, I and a few others of our crew did detect a very slight magical disruption. This means that the magic is therefore imperfect. If this is true, then there may be a highly improbable but marginally possible way of tapping into it. It will require individuals with the ability to sense magic above normal perceptions, as well as sufficient intellects trained in the mechanics of magic. If we can find a zone where the magic is discernable, we can then attempt to learn how it functions in order to seek a method of bypassing or even manipulating it. Are there any here who can detect magical fields and auras, and any who have spent portions of their existence academically studying the nature of magic?"


Enigma could not help but laugh. so logical so precise but it was also probably point less. tapping into to the magic would likely trigger a trap for the unwary but then again considering the confidence of the caster it might work. stepping forward he decided to offer his option as well. " but could you or any of the others  handles tapping into a field of magic with that kind of power? maybe but i'm not sure it's worth the gamble.  it would be like a wizard who throws the occasional lighting bolt trying to  grab and hold a natural bolt of lighting form the heavens. he might susses but even if he does he'll never be the same.  the kind of power need to do this would likely toast anyone if not everyone here. my suggestion this. : Find the spells point of origin. this spells is continues form the looks of it means that it has a focus some there is  some relic or caster must continuously work with or adapt the spell for new arrivals. like a shielding  amulet the bulk of the magic must be concentrated in one point or  to several points.  find those points and take them out and the shield fails the only question is what happens to those of us within the shied when it fails? " enigma shook his head.

"the problem is that to find those points we need those that can sense to magic to go looking for them and that's apt to be dangerous. I'd do it myself just to get out of here but i couldn't send the magic when it was cast on us limited my chances of finding it and even with a partner that could find it then defense would be come the major concern" he looked to the constructs. they had senses the spell and they could well defend themselves against most trouble but they would bee so visible was it worth it to try? well he'd lat Tarson decide and if Tarson wanted to bide his time there might be other ways to escape this trap.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aeo groaned as he came too, and found himself in the palm of Tank, the larger of his two construct comrades.  He blinked for few seconds trying to grasp how he was in Tank's palm and where the dragon had gone.

Wait...   He had seen a Dragon.  He had seen a dragon and he was still alive.  He looked up into Tank's palm and suddenly felt very safe.  Of course he then saw the beast walking about the immediate area, which resembled a small village and was quickly very, very confused.

"Uhhh..."  Aeo spoke up.  "Tank, was it, could you put me down now?"  He glanced back to the dragon.  "I'm guessing we got new friends, huh?"



   Tank looked down as the fleshling cranium in his fist started talking, but it was rather muffled due to his three massive fingers completely enclosing the head. Tank figured that since the fleshling was now awake, he could 'facilitate his own mobility'. But, not without one last action of 'help' from Tank. Intentionally or not, Tank took a step forward before letting go of Aeo. This promptly dragged Aeo's feet out from under him again, quickly followed by the unclenching of Tank's fist. Aeo's forward momentum, coupled with the fact he was no longer standing, caused the tiefling pitch forward and fall facefirst into the dirt with a satisfying FWUMP.
   Tank continued walking with mechanical monotony, as if oblivious to what he just did (and maybe he was). Tank was at DFX's side just as Enigma finished speaking.

   DFX looked to Enigma, who had appeared seemingly out of nowhere, and offered his own plan. DFX, not being particularly prideful, took it in stride, quickly saying "That is a remarkably logical and..." DFX suddenly paused, turning towards Tank, then turning back, "direct...course of action. If such origins exist, this would be a far superior plan of escape than my own. I did not formulate the idea myself because I was imagining that the magic was zone-based, and did not have a point of origin, but I supposed there is a possibility that it does."


Enigma was a little surprised at how quickly the construct to the to ideal. Still it was best to try to clear things up as best he cold he knew that his plan had risk. "you and  your bother would probably be okay from most dangers being as hardy as you are. they rest of us? well that's debatable depend on our skills. second even if we balance out our teams to search out the sources of the field we still need someone on each team that's an expert on magic and magic artifacts to figure out what to do once we find them. it's more them the how to disable that which is imprisoning us but what might happen when we do." he turned gesturing to Tarson " he is probably best to decide who and how to search out that which we seek."  He smiled "but all that aside i must ask myself the question. : why? Why would this rag tag band that has barley gotten to know, no we have barely meet as we can't really claim the kinship of knowing each other. not after barely one night and one battle together. but why would we be targeted by whatever sent the others here?" 
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Tarson's left eyebrow twicthed abit when Enigma gestured towards him and said he would choose who is going.
"How many times do I need to tell you people. I'M NO LEADER!"
Tarson quickly covered his mouth and looked at the sleeping creatures in the make shift village, then up at Garon.
"Sorry about that"
He then looked back at the group.
"Look you guys figure out what you're doing by yourselves. I'm gonna go back and check out the trail we came here on. Come if you want just stay back"
After he finished speaking he walked back towards the spot they where transplanted into this realm. He looked up at Garon.
"If you see any lightning over where we were don't think anything of it. Also make sure they *gestured toward the others* don't do anything stupid"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Aeo landed with a loud "oomph" and grunted as he pulled himself up and the dusted his pants off.  He then sighed as 28 and the shopkeep seemingly discussed how to disperse a magical field of some sort.  He didn't understand all of what they were talking about but he got the general idea that the plan was pretty daring.

He then looked to the giant and sighed again as he realized both the large man and the dragon were not hostile.  He was really starting to feel like an ass and he really didn't want to come off as such, but at the same time he didn't want to anger either of the large beings so he just decided to sit down and listen to 28 and the shopkeep.

"The guy who passed out is confused." Aeo said with a dry tone and a yawn as he tried to understand the situation.  "Anyone want to tell me why 28 and our shopkeep friend are talking about magic fields?"


Enigma chuckles laughing. in part this was the reaction he expected but that last line? "see what i mean? he's like some over protective father he even asked some one to look out for his family while he's not there or at least make sure they don't do anything stupid. Stupid as in will likely get them killed."

Then he addressed Aeo. "it seems that we've been put in a bottle with others whom the bottler regards as pest. Aside from that we are trying to figure a way out."
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Garon commented, "the villagers here aren't looking to draw too much attention o themselves. At this point, we'd rather be left alone than have his Lordship *spat* take notice of us again."


"I know it might seem cowardly, but after months or even yeas in this place, you get to a point where you dread finding out it really can get worse, especially after you've managed to make it a little bit better."

Garon nods to Tarson. "I wish you well in your endeavors."
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


   DFX watched as, again. Tarson had another potent outburst, and stormed off. Enigma said that Tarson's last comment merely reinforced his status as 'leader'. Aeo then came up and asked about the current conversation, which Enigma summarized. Garaon finally spoke up on behalf of the villagers living here.
   "Very well." DFX said to Garon. Turning back to Enigma, he said, "Regardless of what course of action we take, the most immediate priority is identifying who among our number can percieve and and analyze magic."


"i have analytical skills but that's from study." he shrugged. "as for my sensing of magic it's not the best i didn't feel what ever brought us here and doubt if i could track it to the source. once said sourse is found i might be able to figure out what to do about it and what the effects of doing it might be." he smiles. "after all i trade in magic it's only possible to really succeed if you know something about the magic in the first place." he looked after tarson and nodded to himself. " if there is nothing else i'll leave you to think about this while keeping and eye on our leader and make sure he doesn't do anything counter production to long life"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Armita raised his hand. "I could still perform that scrying spell that I told you in the village. The last time I used it, I found out about an orc camp that had been practising some strange rituals for weeks. The spell itself is performed quite quickly, but to comprehend the all the knowledge it brings takes a while. It might, however, tell us something more about this place."


Tarson walked out to where he noticed the shift. He looked around at the trees to see if he could notice something. He held his right hand up and started to channel energy to produce the lightning. The ruines lit up as they usually did.
"Alright let's see if there is anything else you can do"
He put his right hand to the ground and started to send out charges of energy to see if it will do anything. He kept his eyes on the trail and paid attention to the edges of his vision for the shimmer.
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


   DFX seemed to straight ahead at nothing in particular as he spoke.
   "Current inventory.
   "Known entities capable of both sensing and analyzing magic: Construct designated DFX.
   "Known entities capable of sensing magic: Fleshling designated Armita.
   "Known entities capable of analyzing magic: Fleshling designated Enigma.
   "Known entities capable of neither function: Construct designated Tank."
   DFX looked around to Aeo. "Are you capable of magical detection or analyzation?"


Aeo looked at 28 and thought on the construct's question.  Then he shook his head.  "Not really, not unless it's infernal in origin.  I'm a warlock, remember, my power comes from tapping into infernal powers.  So unless a demon's involved I'll probably best serve the group by melting enemies."  Aeo then pulled another piece of jerky from his bag and began chewing on it, "And trust me, infernal energies are the last thing we want involved in this mess."


Enigma departed taking the constructs lack or response as agreement. he did not sneak nor did he call attention to himself as he stepped in the the shadows soon vanishing form sight. it did not take long for hit to find Tarson  though and he watched him with his stone arm on the ground. he cold only assume he was tying to figure out something either about the barrier or the path and waited in the shadows both so as not to disturb him an to be ready should his efforts call unwanted attention to himself. 

Enigma ruefully wondered when he'd begun to try to protect anyone but recognized that Tarson had that would be need in the near future so it was best to try to protect a potential investments then to let it die.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Aire had moved away from the academians postulating themselves into entropy.  She needed to be away from their formulaic and rigid thinking.

Carefully caressing the leaves of a gentle tree, she whispered 'words' that no thinking, intelligent being could possibly comprehend unless they touched of the Wyld and Nature itself.  The tree rustled and swayed slightly contrary to the rest and the blowing of the wind.  Next she knelt to the ground and after removing her gloves, she placed both hands upon the earth itself. 

The sense she gained from the plants and earth felt like any physical, natural world.  The air touches the ground and seas, and it seems the stretch off as far as she can feel, rolling plains, highland moors, wooded hills, craggy mountains... a very natural world, but as she concentrates, it feels subtly different... alien then where she calls home.  They were definitely on another world with a Natural disconnection from home.

The magic in this realm seems to react the same, gently permeating everything, linking the physical universe together.

Sighing, she moves away from the town to an open grassy field surrounded by trees.  The horse follows her and stands a respective distance away.  Aire sits and methodically removes her plate armor until she is down to her under garment that is not unlike a skinsuit of some unknown material. 

She then lays down upon the grass and closes her eyes.  With her mind and magical ability, she reaches out to every corner, as far as she can go, searching, sensing for things that wish to remain hidden.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


Aeo yawned and stood up.  "You know guys, I think if we are going to find these potential sources, we might want to get started tomorrow, I mean show of hands here, how many of us are just wiped?  28, Tank we know you can probably keep going, but personally all this excitement has kinda drained me."  He looked around to look for Tarson and Aire.  "On another note, we know Tarson's off on his little 'alone time', but where is Ms Aire?" 


The elf maiden's eyes fluttered open and she quickly rises to her feet.  Without donning her armor, Aire quickly headed to where most of the others were gathered.  The horse stood watch over the armor, and he was a vigilant companion.

Finding Aeo, Armita and the constructs, she approached them quickly.  If there had been any question regarding the elf's gender, this is quickly belayed by her current attire.  Her black "skinsuit", as in a form fitting garment, but not so thin as to reveal curves of her body or parts beneath it, showed her thin, lithe form and revealed a definite chest size, but nothing so very pronounced.  The armor also did well to conceal her small shoulders under the pads and plates.  Though it is hard to notice, something is far different in her then any of the other elves here or that you may have encountered.

"I have sensed strong concentrations of magic, much more then what would permeate nature normally.  There are two concentrations within a 17 kilometer radius of this spot."

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


   DFX absorbed all the input from the surrounding people in stride. He had been hounded with input overload once before, and thanks to that, he was now able to process everything going on much better. While he was attentive to everything, the only thing that really sparked a responce was the fact that Aire walked up and stated that she already knew the radius of two magical concentrations.
   DFX actually felt an extremely mild annoyance. It  would have been much more efficient had she announced that she had or could obtain this information before he started taking ability inventory. But as he has learned outside of his father's ruined enclave, fleshlings were almost universally deficient in efficiency.
   "In that case, we now have our objectives. However, in the future, fleshling," It almost sounded as if the construct had actually put emphasis on that word... "It would be highly expeditious if you would volunteer such information, or your ability to obtain it, at a sooner instance. It would prevent the unnecessary expenditure of time and energy if such objectives can be accomplished with more efficient method."
   DFX surveyed the partially-assembled group again. "If there are no further important items to discuss, my brother and I will secure the perimiter and chart sentry rounds while you fleshlings assume your periods of revitalizing." DFX glanced at Aeo as he said that.


Aire strode past DFX as it orated meaninglessly, she approached Aeo, "you, young master, should find yourself somewhere to sleep as the journey seems to have worn on you a bit much."

The elf girl turned towards DFX and did not even notice that it was still speaking, she gestured to it and directed her hand away, "you, construct, assume perimeter and patrol.  Alert us, and the community if appropriate, if there is trouble.  Carry on."

Aire had turned away before DFX had finished 'dictating' or Tank could respond.  She headed towards where she had seen Tarson, she approached in a fashion to where she could be easily noticed, "I found some large concentrations of magic, two within 17 kilometers, I think those would be worth checking out."
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


When Aeo first saw Aire in  her skin tight clothes, his lecherous  leaped into high gear, but thankfully he was able to remind himself that this was the woman who actually didn't care about his lineage and making his already known lecherous side more apparent would be a bad idea.  Still he let a few of the minor dirty thoughts flow through his mind.

Then 28 commented on the fact that she did not mention her ability to sense magic ad she seemed to ignore the comment as she took definite control of the current situation.  She ordered Aeo to rest and the constructs assume a patrol around the area.  It seemed to the tiefling that Aire had done a complete one-eighty in her personality and he wasn't sure why.

He shrugged it off for a few minutes as he looked up to Garon.  "I don't suppose you've got an inn around here at all?"


Tarson was kneeling sending energy through his arm into the ground when Aire found him. After she spoke he stoud and let out a bit of a growl as he looked down the path.
"You got a direction to travel on one of them?"
Command failure: Command unkown

Failure. Abort. Retry. Fail.


Enigma could not help bet laugh. Tarson it seemed had taken no harm in his investigation   and Aire have actually found what was wanted in his absence. such a wast of time on his part. but then what was equally amusing was that the Elf had passed so closely to him and had not noted is presence in the shadows not more then two body lengths  form whee she boldly strolled by.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey