The Castle [03] (Remba, but don't let it stop you)

Started by Aisha deCabre, May 13, 2007, 06:23:49 PM

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 Cog nodded at Mel, and tilted his head. "I'm afraid I don't know. I was...outside." he said, his voice somewhat droll. "You take five minutes to meditate, and suddenly everyone almost dies. I think I mentioned my growing love for this place."
He sighed. "But that's just me whining again. I don't actually know anything about that. Just that you were attacked, somebody-or-other healed you, and that Jeremiah went crazy and tried to kill all of you."
He leaned back into his chair, and let his head rest in his hand, nodding at Sebastian. "Our host may know more. He was here for some of that, after all. I think."


There were a lot of technicalities, of course. Jeremiah was a whole lot more than just crazy. There was the whole antagonism between him and Rynkura. There was the question of the battle with the mythos and the whys right there. And then there was Cogidubnus' remark. Frankly, all that moaning about the castle being an uncomfortable place were beginning to become a bit irritating. Stygian didn't want to adress any of it specifically.
   "It's nearing half past nine. You weren't out that long," he said, keeping his face and tone neutral. "The mythos was the result of Keaton wandering around the place all on her own. Something I honestly wouldn't mind as much if it were only those who went off alone who suffered the consequences..." he continued, as calmly as if he'd been talking weather, "The healer was a tigress, named Rynkura, apparently. Or Mrs. Msh'Taan, rather, I think we should adress her as. A close relation to Aisha."
   With fingers whose careful, exact moves belied their size and strength, the bat poured himself another cup, slipped some minted honey into it and stirred. The ear of the cup itself wasn't large enough to fit more than two of his fingers, but he held it rather steady.


"Is that so?" Cog said. "Msh'taan. I'll remember it." he said, suddenly standing. "In any case, I think it may be time for me to depart. Just keeping company 'till you arrived. Mel being alone and all that."
He made a bow and headed for the door. "If you need anything, I'll be in the ballroom." he said, walking out the door.

Aisha deCabre

"...And that's when we all hid in the castle's boiler room while Sebastian and Mel flash-froze the place to get rid of them..." Aisha continued explaining the story to Rynkura, inbetween helping to fix dinner and warming leftovers back up.  The shudder was finally gone from her voice when speaking about the spiders, so that she spoke to her mentor in the most confident way that she could.  It was of course the whole story that she knew of, right down to some of the finer details when the tigress asked for them, perhaps with some interjections from the others in the room as well.

Of course, true to the panther's word, Rynkura couldn't really believe some of what she had heard.  Her glance had passed from one person to the next, settling briefly on each as parts of the story pertained to them.  Gareeku who had freed the bat...all of them who helped to down a powerful archangel (even with a curious glance to the diminutive ferret girl)...and even an imagined thought of Sebastian who had, in his ways, kept a watch on the adventurers.  So the castle no longer had a hold upon its curse...but according to the story of the mythos and the spider woman, that didn't mean it wasn't still full of surprises.  That could probably also be summed up by Sebastian, if she weren't somewhat cautious to even look at the bat.

"...And you heard the whole Mythos chapter, pienso," Aisha finished while offering some of her fried rice to the others as appetizers.  She shook her head with solemnity.  "You can imagine it wasn't easy.  We have lost a few of our party, mostly newcomers.  But we watch out for each other very well, I assure," she said with a smile to Gareeku as she offered him a plate as well.

"So I trust," Rynkura nodded, still leaning on one of the far corners of the kitchen so she wasn't much in the way.  Her emerald gaze was focused, but if one looked closely, it was also quite thoughtful.  She did however want to turn the conversation away from its somber tones.  "This enchanted sword you found...where is it?"  She inquired with interest...after all, enchantment was another of her old hobbies.

Aisha only had to point.  The blade rested right in the corner where the tigress was, its surface gleaming still as if it had never gathered dust.  She gripped the handle and held it in front of her for inspection while the preparations went on.  Definitely familiar...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Keaton nodded weakly to Ketefe, ruffling her leathery head-wings atop her scalp and striding alongside the feline, albeit with a significant less amount of confidence in her step than she normally would. Still feeling somewhat shamefaced, perhaps, about being possessed by a malicious Mythos and being driven to the brink of insanity--but who could blame her?

She remained silent throughout their short adventure to the ballroom, either out of rare reclusiveness or just because she needed concentration to locate her mace. Two times had Catastrophe returned to her by the spiritual connections shackling Kytharion's soul within it, but she supposed that the third time wasn't always the charm. She found Catastrophe lying near where Ketefe had abandoned her sword, scooping up the weapon and gingerly inspecting it for any damage.

Satisfied that it was safe, she looked to the taller feline. "Hm?" she blinked. "Well that depends. What do they look like?"

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi was busy with the dinner preparations, completing her stir-fry veggie and rice and ask Gareeku to cut the roast beast, but she seem to make a point of avoiding the tigress and her eyes.   Rynnkaru would note that she was "dressed" and clean, if a little more Fae than when she last saw her.  Her fae wings were out and large, and her antenna also out and glowing brightly

PBH serves everyone with a smile but just serves Rynkaru with a grim look.

"We talk Aisha, please?" asked Bambi of Aisha after Aisha had finished her story to her mentor and leave Aisha with her mentor...


Aisha deCabre

As Aisha finished setting out a few more plates, she could finally lean back on the kitchen counter with a light sigh and look around.  Bam of course was still busily bringing out food, and even asking Gareeku for help though he looked as if he would rather just start to eat.

So, the panthress watched as Rynkura sat aside and continued to analyze the sword's power, passing some of her own magic through the blade just to see a reaction.  The tigress hadn't even noticed that Bambi seemed to avoid her gaze, but Aisha did.  She tilted her head curiously.  What did she suddenly have against her mentor?

But then the felid asked her to talk, to which she answered with a glare to her back as she walked out.  Guess I'll find out.

Shaking her head and rolling her eyes, the panther kicked away from the shelf she was leaning on and followed after the cat.  As soon as she was out of the kitchen, however, she stopped and crossed her arms.  "And what, may I ask, has you in a snit?"  Aisha asked with one eyebrow quirked.  One could tell she was quite tired about now and only wished for peace.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi smiles to Aisha takes her out to the kitchen gardens but they can see the other though the window.  She turns to Aisha but it fades when she see Aisha's mood. 

"*sign* Why do I ...ah we need clothes?" ask Bam with real confused look on her face.  But then Bambi realizes that Aisha is upset about her angry at the healer. Why what is the healer to her. wonders Bambi, she looks at the healer through the window.

"*Humph* What be the healers' job after a battle?"
asks Bam in a calm but a controlled voice.  "What does their Duty call them to do?"


Aisha deCabre

The panther's look was blank as Bambi asked her questions, in fact she looked more impatient than anything.  She watched her with incredulism, shaking her head as soon as she finished and following her gaze to the window where Rynkura stood.

"I thought everyone knew that," Aisha said with a bit of sarcasm.  "After battle, healers are bound by their creed to tend to the wounded; either side of the field, neither the worse nor the better."  She hummed.  "And that's exactly what Rynkura did.  She helped Mel.  She did what she was asked to do, by you if I was told correctly," Aisha quirked an eyebrow, "yet you are treating her with disdain.  Something, in fact, that isn't a very good idea with her status," her voice was a low hiss.  "I know her better than anyone, so it is best to trust me on it."

The panthress started to turn back into the house.  "And by the way.  We have clothes for the simple reason of modesty.  Or did you forget that too?  Surely you couldn't have, as you were dressed upon coming here.  If you don't feel well dressed, that's fine, but it's a courtesy to be so among a crowd."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Why Tigress not come to Frog when Mel was well?!" shouts Bambi.. "She knew I need  her heal for Jeremiah after Mel,  I  told her and then I send Ketefe to Mel and Rynkaru to remind her about frog.  Where she go?  She be not with Mel when we last fight Spidy-frog.   GRRRR WHY Bam can't talk?"

With tears, Bambi steps deeper further to the garden, turning away from the kitchen, Aisha and the others... Looking over the plants, "I try  I try to help. but..."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha stopped in her tracks for just a moment as soon as she heard Bambi's shouting, sighing and shaking her head...though this time with a bit of pity.  The felid certainly seemed to have her own bit of bad luck in the castle as well, the same as everyone. 

After a moment to calm her frustration the panther came up behind her.  "Well, think back.  Perhaps Mistress Rynkura didn't know that Jeremiah was affected with anything.  And he's still alive with your help, isn't he?  That should count for something.  And even if she did know...if you're talking about the curse, she couldn't have helped with that," she pointed out.  "Mental sickness isn't her specialty.  And she couldn't have heard the commotion anyway, being in the library.  It's not at all her fault.  Else, amiga, she'd have come.  Give her the benefit of the doubt for just saving Mel's life."

She gave the felid a light smile.  "As for your helping, you're just trying too hard.  You seem to want to solve every problem when not everything can be solved with your methods.  You are persistent, but sometimes, it's in the wrong way."  With that food for thought, Aisha turned back to the house, back toward the kitchen.

To the point and to the truth, she sighed.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

With eyes closed Bambi says to the departing Aisha "Maybe    Maybe not    Jereamiah's curse no, But I met her covered in Frog's blood.. She could have check on me or the frog's wounds"  *SIGH*
"And Sorry Aisha, I like being without clothes too much, but I wear them for your sake." 
  remarks Bambi, she waits a moment outside in the garden, and returns to the dinner after Aisha.



When Cogidubnus rose from his seat, Stygian looked up and raised an eyebrow at him. Did he sense a smell of irritation? Even if not, the suddenness of his action did hint toward discontent. Probably, he himself had caught Stygian's scent, even if he did try to mask it with tobacco and... of course. He had just taken a shower. That meant that he'd have to focus instead. Keeping his emotions and thoughts in darkness was instinctual to him. Like breathing. But suppressing them, to keep them away entirely, even from his smell...
   "You don't have to leave," he said. And he didn't. But... "I was just going to ask what you wanted for supper. It's what I promised Mel, at least." It was uncomfortable to have Cog stay, but it was uncomfortable having him go away if it was because he sensed what was going on. And in turn, Stygian himself was complicating things as he was doing now, but...
   Stygian shut off the stream of irritated thoughts sharply, and sipped his tea. Focus. He had probably let some irritation slip through there, but even if Cog sensed it, it could probably mean anything to him.
   "I brought magic books too. There's something we could discuss. At least, that would probably get Mel to sleep again," he said, and managed a slight smile.


Jeremiah now had several books out in front of him; other volumes of the Castle Annals, books on magic both dark and otherwise, records of strange curses, all that suchlike. Amidst these were pieces of blank parchment and writing supplies that had been left over from earlier calculations regarding the effects of the arachspearians. Fun fact; Jeremiah had never used a quill pen in his life, and was thus often swearing to himself as he inadvertantly blotted out one or another bit of important information in his notes (usually due to Bal taking the time to go "BOO, crazy!" every so often to make the frog jump).
I could take the words out of the books...
Nobody can ever get at anything you take, Plic.
Dun' wanna share my treasures.
So how would your taking them help?
Forgot who I was talking to...
Jeremiah groaned as the formula he'd been working out became another unpleasant smudge. Alright then, he thought, grabbing another piece of paper, what else do I have to work with?
At the top of the page, he wrote "Sources of Information," and underlined it. He added the library to the list first, soon followed by Sebastion. After all, he'd be the caster of the specter curse's closest living relative, mebbe he knew something.
He thought a moment, and then added Mel. She's smart, probably good with magic, all that.
So, what characterized these sources? The library contained a lot of books, but with access to everything it was often impossible to find anything. He drew an arrow from the word "library" and wrote "disorganized."
An arrow from Mel, "Has ability and good reason to kick my ass."
An arrow from Stygian, "Has ability and probably doesn't want a reason to kick my ass." Hmm...
The frog snapped his fingers and added Gina to the list. After all, some of the spirits in her had to know something. One of them was even called the Librarian, for crissakes! Now, what characterized this source? An arrow from her name, "Knucking Futs." What else? "Seems to like Bambi; if loath to help, talk to her." Alright now, what else was there. Ah yes, "Killed the angel."
Gina had seemed more lucid since killing the angel.
They never found the angel's body.
That sword did weird things.
The angel spoke in many voices. So did Gina.
They never saw the angel's body.
Gina was more lucid.

A second arrow from Gina's name; "DANGEROUS POSSIBILITIES! Do not entreat without big, scary backup that does not share-" another arrow, leading to Stygian's description. He also added a "Last resort!"
He leaned back in his chair and sighed, passing his hands through his hair (which he'd tied back into a short ponytail to keep out of his face while he researched). No point in jumping to conclusions, but...


 Cog paused as was about to exit the doorway, slowing for a moment before he turned around again. "Ah, well, as long as it won't bother Mel too much. By your leave, my lady?" he said, tipping his hat to the resting dragon. He walked over to a chair, and filled his cup with tea before sitting back down.
"I can smell a roast, so if you do get dinner, some of that is always lovely." he said, taking another sip of the citrus flavored drink. "And as far as magic goes, I had quite a few questions indeed. Quite a few."
He grinned. "For example. I know the exact spell and ritual for summoning Ixion, god of lightning. And, no, I haven't tried to actually summon him. But, I know how. I know how to throw the most powerful bolt of lightning ever devised. But..."
He stretched, made the gesture for a minor spark, and the spell fizzled on his fingertips. "My form is perfect, but nothing really works. It's...vexing. And I have no idea why." he said, finally leaning forward, and sipping a little more tea. "Perhaps you could enlighten me?"


"I'm fine." the wolf had muttered flatly when Bam had asked if there was something that would like. As the others conversed amongst themselves, Gareeku just sat there, seemingly staring into space as the smell of the roast beef grew more apparent. Upon being asked to cut the roast, the wolf did so, albeit reluctantly. Carving the meat and setting the slices upon a different place, Gareeku then set the plate of meat on the table, before beginning to pick atthe rice that Aisha had given to him.


The spark sizzled between Cog's fingers for a brief moment, and then died down. His form was perfect, yes. But there had been barely enough magic in that one to make it work. It might have been just for demonstrative purpose, but...
   Stygian's gaze then fell on Mel. And he pondered. With a pensive look, he sipped his tea. Then, he chuckled.
   "I'm wondering... Maybe we should start a club for dysfunctional magicians?" he said with only partly acted humor. "From what I've seen... You, Cog, should have a good deal of potential, being a were. But if you can't use your feral form, then..." Steering clear of that topic wasn't going to happen, but they didn't have to attack it immediately. So, instead, he turned to Mel again, and set his gaze firmly on her.
   "You, on the other hand, certainly don't lack power. However, I was very surprised when you couldn't just freeze the castle down by yourself. By all means, you should have been able to on short notice. So I'm guessing you're more lacking in the practice or knowledge department." That might have been harsh to say, but it was still true. He shifted his gaze between them. "In short, you two are each other's perfect opposite when it comes to magic. And me... Well, I'm a 'special' case too."


 Cog looked away for a moment, the recollection of that particular moment making him uncomfortable. His face sobered, and he started up again. "That's...only a problem during a full moon. But...I don't know." he said, suddenly staring rather intensely at the teapot.
He sighed, and sipped his drink. "I lack raw power, is what you're saying. Understandable, I guess. Never really cast spells before in my life."
He muttered under his breath, and flicked his thumb like a lighter, creating a very small, flickering flame. "Not something that one can just fix though, I'll guess." he said. He frowned with irritation as the little fire flickered and died. He set the hand on his lap and turned back to the bat.
He idly tapped his cup. "Special? How so?"

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi sighs, she is more angry at herself, now.  The healer may not have know how serious the frog was, and in the end, she would have been in a battle for her life with Bambi as her only defender.  Also, she realized that she was a coward not to bring this to the healer, herself. 

Bambi smiles at Gareeku for carving the roast and gives him a hug and beer, that she found in the back of the icebox, someone forgot about.  Seeing that everyone seated had food, she goes and pours some wine for anyone who wants some. On the fresh second bottle, she has come to the Healer and sits by her.

"Why you not help Jeremiah after Mel?" Bam asks the healer with sad eyes and small voice.



Ketefe looked and felt a little embarrassed about having to describe who she was looking for. Keaton was sure to guess just what her connection to them was, and if there was one thing Ketefe hated, it was telling sob stories, even her own. But hell with it. Keaton needed to know if she wanted to help, even if their descriptions had changed from the time Ketefe had seen them. So Ketefe breathed once and continued.

"Well, one's a man and the other's a woman. Both are feline. The man should be in his mid-to-late forties, and he has the same fur and hair color as me, but no stripes. He's a little over 6 feet tall and has a medium muscular build. The woman is of average height, but she might be shorter than me. She has purple fur with light purple stripes, and dark purple hair. It would also help if you'd seen them together, but if not, that's fine." She fervently hoped that they'd been together, and waited for the jackal's response.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

Rynkura had watched Aisha and Bam leave from the corner of her vision, only with a small amount of curiosity before she returned to her work on analyzing the relic in her hands.  The panthress had said that the blade caught fire as she swung it...but what she seemed to be looking at was a mix of strange properties that tied into whomever used it.

Hm, this will have to be tested later, the tiger thought to herself as she rested the sword back into the corner of the kitchen, just as Aisha came back in with what seemed to be a look of exasperation in her crimson eyes, as well as a bit of sadness in those of Bambi.  Yet she did not question, as it wasn't her place; instead she seated herself on the table and started to partake of the roast, giving thanks to those who prepared it beforehand, while Aisha sat to the side and simply watched everything that went on.

But as the small feline asked her question, Rynkura looked up from her food and glanced without moving her head.  "So you've decided to say what the trouble is, child.  Certainly better than sulking.  Now...Jeremiah, you say?  Ah, yes, the frog whom I had met coming out of the library.  He seemed to be alive, at least, yes?"

She smiled softly.  "I indeed noticed upon your meeting me that you were covered in a different color of blood.  But you had been quite hasty--with good reason--in pointing me to the direction of the one most in need of help; you did not mention the frog, nor did you mention what kinds of injuries he had, whether or not they were life-threatening.  But I still entrusted you to take care of him whilst I couldn't.  And you lived up to that trust, am I right?"

There was a gleam in the old tiger's eyes that said that she certainly knew she was.  "One of the things I teach my pupils in the art of healing is that no matter what, the one in the most need goes first.  Things like cuts and scrapes can be fixed by anyone.  And sensible ones know that you cannot always depend on a healer for every little injury."  Her gaze was intense, but kind.  "Just keep that in mind, child, and do not be angry with me if I again fail to fulfill what I know others can."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Keaton inclined her head back as she finished listening attentively to Ketefe's description, cupping her finely-sculpted chin in her hand and gazing up at the immense, dust-encrusted chandelier dangling from the ceiling.

"Huh..." she muttered, drumming her foot against the ground. Finally, she resigned, giving a disappointed sigh as she glanced back to Ketefe. "I'm sorry to say I haven't seen anyone matching that description. I mean, I'm 500 years old but I spent most of it in isolated areas."

Slight shrug. Keaton looked genuinely apologetic, a gesture which was entirely foreign to her. "Sorry..."

~Keaton the Black Jackal


It was a tricky question, but a good one. And it might give a bit of perspective. Also, it didn't really give any significant hints, so Stygian was ready to answer it. That was, without twisting his words too much.
   "It's complicated. Suffice to say that in order to achieve the kind of... power," he said, with a bit of hesitation. After all, it was arguable just what it was. "...the kind of power that I possess, you have to sacrifice a few things." Slowly, he sipped his tea, and then sighed. "It requires changing yourself, your soul, so much that the spark that usually is what creates magical talent is... taken away. Everything is dedicated to one end. In essence, you specialize yourself. It's the only way to really ascend to the next step of power."
   It was not the only sacrifice. Though he would not tell them so directly. There was no meaning in that.


Ketefe watched the elegant jackal and waited for her reply. Upon hearing the negative response, she sighed. "Oh well," she shrugged. She'd half-expected this anyway; there was no guarantee that they were still alive, and if they were, they'd be living in crowded places so they'd be harder to find. "Maybe the others have seen them."

Her stomach growled, reminding her of where the others were at the moment. "Let's get to the kitchen," she suggested, smiling to let Keaton know she wasn't upset.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Prof B Hunnydew

With a sigh of defeat,"*sigh* So few words, Bam got back. Be tired ov misun'er sterand in's..uh Live up to? close to kill him. I be. OH Peace, healer.  Eat and I go eat too." said Bambi as she calms herself and goes to get some food for herself.   

Bambi was in the middle of serving herself, when Ketefe and Keaton enters in the kitchen.  She smiles at them and hands them a plate each, and shows them what food they could have.   Roast Beast, streamed rice, and stir-fried mixed vegatables.  That sweet rice from earlier, scones and jams.

"Com' and eat" says PBH to Ketefe and Keaton


Keaton nearly released a sigh of relief at Ketefe's words, happily hefting her mace so it rested heavily against her shoulder. Being nearly her height, Catastrophe looked like it should've weighed more than one of Keaton's stature could lift, but thanks to a number of charms cast on it, it was as easy to swing as a feather in the breeze.

"Well, glad I wasn't too useless," Keaton said with a roll of her eyes, managing a smirk.

Upon Ketefe's suggestion that they return to the kitchen, Keaton nodded her head acquiescently. "Well I don't eat, but let's get there before they think I've gone crazy again," Keaton would've laughed under normal circumstances, but instead looked sheepishly off to the side, like she wished she hadn't mentioned that atrocious incident. Right outside the door, Keaton flexed her shoulders, rolling them slightly, then strode into the kitchen behind Ketefe.

Time to continue being a bitch to everyone and act like nothing's bothering me.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


She's still upset about the Mythos, Ketefe realized when Keaton looked sheepish about her own joke. But it wasn't her fault, as far as I know. After a brief amazed look at Keaton lifting a mace as big as herself without even straining, Ketefe talked to the kitchen with the succubus in tow.

She grinned when Bam handed them each a plate and gestured to a table full of food. "Don't need to tell me twice," she purred as she walked to the table, took a slice of meat and some steamed rice, pulled out a chair and sat. She glanced around her shoulders and smiled.

"Geez. I keep expecting something bad to happen now that I can relax. This castle is making me paranoid," she smiled.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


 Cog sat quietly, not quite sure what to make of Sebastian's words. He poured a cup of tea to distract himself, his face pensive.
"That sounds like a great deal of sacrifice. At least, a great deal of change..." he said, adding a bit of sugar to his cup. "All for the sake of power. But I still doubt I understand exactly what you mean." he said, leaning back. He regarded Sebastian and half-smiled. "And, yet. You've not quite explained yourself, excepting that it took a great deal of change on your part."
He raised a hand. "I'm not saying divulge your secrets, good sir. From what I understand, that's somewhat a faux pas among spellcasters. Although..." he sipped his tea, and paused for a few moments before continuing. "I've yet to see you cast a conventional spell. Not like Mel, certainly. And...I've never seen someone who can do what you can do with shadow. I suppose I've answered my own question." he said, shrugging. "In exchange for the ability to use magic conventionally...ah, well. Listen to me ramble."
He gulped his drink. "Dysfunctional magic users indeed. Yet, it's the strange ones that are hard to kill. If I may ask?" He said, tilting his head. "I'm still somewhat curious as to what can be done with Mel and I."


Stygian sighed, and his cup clinked faintly as he set it down on its small saucer. He put it down, and then began pouring himself some more.
   "I paid a price, so that I could fulfil my revenge upon my family for... doing what they did to me. So that I would never have to depend on anyone else again," he said, and put half a spoon of honey in his cup and stirred. "So that I could free myself, and so I would never again have to fear the darkness." Cryptic as that statement was, it should have given them some idea, and slowly he brought his cup to his lips and sipped, waiting for his words to settle, before he set it down again.
   "The idea is to... sacrifice for a cause. Very symbolical. In return, one transcends to a new state of power, of being, and takes on an... aspect, if you would. It really is a tad bit more complex than that, but roughly, that is what happens." He could have told them about the religious connotations to it all, but he wasn't sure how much they knew about that, not to mention what they believed. It would have been a bad move altogether, in fact, for other reasons as well.
   "As for you two... Well, in Mel's case, I'd guess that it is only a matter of education, of getting down what she must to allow her to tap into all that power, and practice. And to get around what she can't learn. You though..." he said, and looked at Cog over his cup as he raised it. "I have much less of an idea what might be wrong with you. In fact, I have as good as none." He sipped, and then set it down again. "Believe me, if I knew I would tell you. But as experienced as I might be, I, like anyone else, know only a small part of all that is magic. And I am not a therapist."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel looked at her teacup as if she was reading tea leaves. "I have an education. A good one. But it was a long time ago and I certainly lack the practice in the grand spells. Although the last days wouldn't prove it I actually live a rather low-key life. I don't know if I even remember the grand spells after all these millenia."  The pendant felt as if it weighed a ton, reminding her of the shortcomings it masked. Little weak spells for the little weak dragon.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.