The Castle [03] (Remba, but don't let it stop you)

Started by Aisha deCabre, May 13, 2007, 06:23:49 PM

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Ketefe ate in silence for a minute or two, but questions began to buzz around in her head because of the quiet.

"Hey, um..." she spoke up to the general room. "This might seem like a weird question, and it probably doesn't have a straight answer, but... seriously. What's up with this place? Traps? Mythos? Brainwashing spiders? Is it cursed or is Stygian just really paranoid and has a weird way of installing security? The people in town seemed to step around this place if anyone got curious, especially outsiders." Like me, she left hanging.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


As Mel spoke, the bat's face, turned to her, did not seem to alter very much. However, somehow there was something that made its way into his expression, a mix of curiosity, contemplation and even concern. He tilted his head just slightly to the left, and kept his black-eyed gaze on her. Did he want to risk being impolite with her? She hadn't moved, but that gaze and the feeling... Yes, that feeling. Shame. She wasn't too bad a liar, but he was a master, even if it wasn't a thing he took pride in.
   "I see. Well, in that case..." he said, and sipped his tea again. She was missing the point too. It wasn't about the spells. What he had felt in that circle he remembered very well; she was terribly powerful, a well of untapped potential. This close, he could even feel it, like basking one's hands over a fire. Except, of course, in her case it also felt like placing one's palms in freezing water as well. "In that case, I think that a bit of practice would do you good. That library is going nowhere. And there is much still to do here, if this place is to become the least bit manageable. That is, if you are staying. Though one still wonders just why." He chuckled and shot Cog a short glance, before he could stop himself. He had meant to comment on his words from earlier, but now it would probably have seemed like he had instead discreetly told the wolf to piss off. He was being too damn clumsy.


 If Cog was offended, he gave no sign to show it. He nodded at Sebastian's words and gulped the last of his tea down, setting the cup to the side.
"Who knows? Perhaps a little practice might do me good as well. Or perhaps we'll stumble upon something else useful. And getting this place a little easier to live in would be nice too," he laughed. He poured himself another cup, and sat back in his chair.
"Aren't you forgetting something, though?" he said to the bat, his face suddenly serious, and inclined his head toward Mel. His face seemed stern, but he stared at the bat with mirthful eyes. Hid behind those dark lenses, of course, he betrayed little such emotion.

Aisha deCabre

Both Aisha and Rynkura looked up from their eating upon hearing Ketefe's inquiry, one with an amused look on her face and the other with what would call a solemn seriousness.  But it was the panther who spoke after recieving a nod from the tigress.  She laughed.  "That's what the lot of us originally intended to find out when we came here, muchacha, and still hope to find.  But the castle was actually a lot more menacing than this, before we had to take care of a powerful archangel."

She glanced around the room.  "What was her name again?  Sath-something?  Some sort of relation to the bat."  She shrugged.  "But the rest of the curses around here now most likely have nothing to do with him, seeing as before we came he was imprisoned for a number of years..." she paused upon saying that.  They hadn't been in the castle long enough to really be sure of who wanted to curse who.

Rynkura's gaze meanwhile was turned away from the group, feigning ignorance as she ate through her share of the roast.  After all, she could not yet be bothered to let others know what she knew.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Ketefe's eyes widened as she listened to Aisha. "Archangel?" That's the last kind of person I expected Stygian to be related to. She stared into her plate for a second, pondering both this and why anyone would want to trap Stygian. Yes, he was scary and most certainly powerful, but what had he done to get himself imprisoned here?

"When you say you 'took care of' the archangel, do you mean you had to fight her?" she said, looking at Aisha. "And how'd you guys find out about the castle in the first place?" No wonder the townspeople had avoided telling Ketefe about this place. If suspicious stuff had been going on here ever since Stygian was imprisoned... Just how deadly was this place?
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


The point was hardly lost on Stygian. He took a final sip from his cup, then set it down with a minimal clatter, and exhaled slowly.
   "Well, not really. Remember the decorum," he said. "And we need to know whether she'll take something for supper before we leave." He turned his face toward Mel, head still tilted and looking anticipating. "I could cook something up myself. It doesn't take too much time."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel set down her teacup and stifled a yawn. She had barely closed her eyes when the commotion in the hall had pulled her out of bed and exhaustion was catching up with her. She was sore, and dizzy, and tired. She managed a smile. "I am hungry, but I'm not too fussy right now except that it be meaty. For some reason I'm feeling a bit anemic." She looked at the blood trail across the room and the smile went a little crooked. "I wonder why?"
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


 Cog laughed. "A little weakness can be excused under the circumstances, I think. I smell a bit of rice along with that roast. Perhaps some greens. Those would be good for the blood. I think. Dragons eat greens, yes?" Cog said, a grin suffusing his face. Taking his cup, he stood and made a bow to the dragon. "I hope you start feeling better quickly, Ms. Icewing. I expect dinner will be back shortly." he said, walking towards the door. 

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi finished her dinner. and set up a meal tray for Mel with extra meat... She wonders where the Bat and the wolf are?  Most of the others were finishing their meals, too, when Bambi takes the tray up to Mel, and knocks on her bedroom door.

The fae feline hears a faint cry from a wild overgrown dark garden courtyard just outside the hallway's windows.  Yet, Hearing a Cog coming at Mel's door, Bambi turns back to Mel bedroom. with Mel's supper.



Finishing the meat and rice, Gareeku gave thanks to Bam who had given him and hug and beer. Taking a gulp of the beer, the wolf observed the others as they conversed with each other, among other things.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha let out a light sigh, the sound coming from her nostrils as her mouth was full of food.  She swallowed and then glanced back at the newcomer with a quirked eyebrow.  "We followed rumors.  Or, I did.  The same should be true with the others.  And then we let curiosity lead us into a trail to Hell," the panthress chuckled, mostly at the irony in the words due to the fact that it was partially true.

Her eyes then turned dark.  "And yes, we did have to fight her.  She had the entire castle under her control, sending out demons and giant wolves and things of that nature.  It was Sebastian and Gina who both dispatched her in the end, with that sword," she nodded to the holy blade that sat in the corner.

With a last gulp, the panthress placed the empty plate in the sink and washed it.  "But, I can't answer every question about this place.  Only the bat could, and I doubt he'd want to anyway," she smirked slightly.

She heard a soft chuckle as Rynkura came up behind her and also placed her plate in the sink.  "Chica, many questions are best left unanswered."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


His ears twitching with the activity nearby, and his nostrils flaring for just a second, Stygian got to his feet.
   "That's your supper, unmistakably. I hope you like the roast. Though it seems she makes it rather sweet..." he muttered, and followed suit with Cog. He was sitting closer to the door, so he reached and opened it first, and made a shallow bow in his and then Mel's direction. When the door was open, he looked out and faced Bam with one of those black-eyed, blank stares meant to discomfort. It shouldn't be quite enough to scare her. But then, that was probably inevitable.
   "Yes? Thank you for that. You can place it in here. Was there anything else?" he said pertinently, stifling a smirk.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Schoo, schoo, Tray be Mels alone.." says Bambi and walks pass the bat with an annoyed look. "There be dinner for boys, Down in kitchen"....

Bambi places the tray with enough meat for three tigers, in front of the dragon. 

"Eat up Mel. All for it, and you need sleep." commands the little Fae-feline girl.  She hover over Mel with her arms crossed, to ensure that Mel would eat.


Mel Dragonkitty

Mel took the plate from Bam appreciatively. "Thank you very much. It looks very nice, Bambi."  After a moment she realized that the feline intended to watch over her to make sure she cleaned the plate. For some reason this struck her funny, probably because she was millennia older than the girl. "You don't need to watch me, Bambi. I'm not going to hide the vegetables in the flowerpot. I haven't done that since I was 5,000.  I promise I will eat my meal and then take a nap. You can trust me. Go have enjoy your meal with the others."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Jeremiah considered the option of joining the others and discarded it. They probably wanted little to do with him right now; best use this time constructively and keep researching. He'd found an interesting lead for when all this was over; information on a fae who was considered a master of curses named Puck the Nth. Something to keep in mind relating to his preexisting condition. Then again, if he ever got close to figuring out how to do it Plic would probably just steal the answer from under him, but it was a start.
As he continued going over old castle records relating to old curses, he studiously avoided looking at the piece of parchment he'd written his observations relating to Gina on. If I'm wrong, I could end up in deep trouble. If I'm right, the frog shuddered, Then after dying, the angel jumped ship to someone whose body was allegedly a motel for wandering souls and not telling the others will also get me in trouble. Bah, I'm getting ahead of myself. Focus on the specter for now, and see about whether that problem even exists later.

Prof B Hunnydew

"thanks but No No me eat before..." says Bambi as blushes for being so demanding of her mentor.  She goes to see if there is any tea left and is disappointed that the tea pot is empty After setting the teapot down a hard clang, she shouts "humpt  Men!" Sweeping up the tea tray, She heads out the door and down towards the kitchen...

Once again outside Mel's room, Bambi again hears that faint cry or scream from the garden below,  She turns and looks to see only dead trees and vines in the light of twilight expect of one large pale green tree in the moonlight.  The tree is a willow that is tall and bright surrounded by the dead a candle in a stormy night.  She blinks her eyes but then only sees the hallway and the darkening windows.  She shakes her head and goes back to the kitchen with the tea tray.



Suddenly, there was the quick, dry sound of a pair of very light steps behind Jeremiah, and he heard a familiar voice calling him, just down the aisle of bookshelves.
   "Hey. What's up? Don't you want supper?" Gina said, looking up at him with concern, her eyes still a pallid, clear white like polished porcelain. "I don't think that it's a good idea to be walking around just like this. I'm getting worried for the others too. They're wandering around so much."

- -

Having slipped out and closed the door behind him, Stygian stood and looked around for just a moment, before straightening and turning in the direction of the kitchen.
   "Well then. I guess I'll retire," he said, not quite straight to Cog but certainly directed to him, before slowly starting to walk down the corridor, headed for the kitchen to pick up what little he wanted for supper, and to be gone.

Mel Dragonkitty

With the room cleared and silent Mel realized how tired she was. She slowly worked her way through the meal. She knew she needed the food to recover from her injuries and that she would sleep much better on a full stomach, but without distractions she found her attention more on the bed than the food. She was sure it was good but she was barely tasting it. But she dutifully cleaned the plate before crossing the room, kicking her short boots off and laying down for a nap.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Jeremiah was a nervous man, and a frog at that. He tended toward being somewhat jumpy.
"Gah!" he whirled around and grinned nervously at Gina, "N-Nah, I'm good for now. I doubt the others want much to do with me at the moment. Not too hungry anyway. Bit safer for them to wander anywho, what with the big swords and magical power and suchlike. They're better prepared for dealing with anything that might show up. I'm better off staying in the nice, safe, repository of ancient and possibly cursed tomes," he sat down again, wringing his hands nervously, "You sound a lot better than you did before. More collected. You feel alright?" he chuckled as he hurriedly stuffed the paper he'd made his notes on into his pocket, "I remember when we first found ya. Feeling better?"

Aisha deCabre

Aisha chuckled as she set her dishes away after washing them, having listened to her mentor's statement.  "You know as well as I do, Mistress, that those questions often lead to the most benefit.  And only creates more curiosity," the black jaguaress added with a smirk as she dried her arms on a towel, glancing to the tiger as she grabbed her staff.  "But I do have one that I hope does warrant an answer.  How long is it do you plan on staying?"  Her head tilted.

There was only a second of hesitation from Rynkura.  Her ears pinned back slightly, before she barked a laugh and turned back to her with a quirked eyebrow.  "You want to be rid of me already, niña?  I'm hurt."  The smile she wore was one of warmth, countering the slightly indignant look that Aisha gave her in return.  "It is up to the castle's master whether I shall stay or go ultimately, but..." she turned her emerald gaze to the window.  "The sky has darkened, and wise travelers do not start a journey under the moon.  I may be here for the night, if allowed.  As I assume the rest of you will be."

Looking around at the others in the room with a nod, she also gave them a look that, when read, signaled caution.  "But if I'm correct in what I have heard, I would too be careful when sleeping in this place."

" 'Sleep with a blade in drawing distance...' " Aisha recited with a smirk.  "We're fine, señora.  You have a good night."

With another gentle smile, Rynkura nodded and started out of the kitchen, also bidding everyone a farewell in turn.  The healer always made a discipline out of going to bed just a smidge early--Aisha knew it well--and thus it was also wise to even find a room in the grand interior of a palace beforehand.  The white tigress did give a quiet sigh of relief upon stepping out of the door, however.  As long as she does not ask why I am here, just yet.

Watching her leave, the panthress lingered in the kitchen, not really too sleepy as of yet, but quite satisfactorily full with her meal.  She stared at the ceiling with a distant, concerned look.  "I wonder where the others are.  I hope they're not starving, there's plenty left."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


 Cog sighed at the bat's comments, and trotted somewhat to catch up with him. "Retire? You haven't even eaten. At least, not that I've seen." Cog said, coming up alongside the bat. "Besides, it's barely even nine thirty. You can't be thinking about bed yet."
They both were heading to the kitchen, so he assumed that Sebastian was indeed going to get some food. "At the very least, you're going to have to come out of that room sometime, if only for more booze." he said, grinning. "And there's always magic to talk about. If you don't mind, we could go to the library. See if there's some reason why a gerbil on a wheel could generate more magical energy than I."


Stygian turned his eyes to Cog for a brief second, and then looked forward, sighing.
   "It's not that you're not actually generating the energy, so much as you're not using it. Your form may be perfect but your feeling..." he muttered. But he couldn't really get off the topic as easily as that. The wolf would be on it. "And what business is it of yours anyway? I thought we were clear. And my sleeping habits shouldn't be your concern either." His tone wasn't perfectly rid of irritation, nor was his posture, but he didn't care in this case. "There's a day tomorrow too, and I'm sure you can ask Rynkura for some things too. I'm fi..."
   Suddenly, the bat made a sound in his throat, missing a step and just catching himself. He slowed, and steadied himself on a wall slightly with his right hand, his left halfway raised. He almost gritted his teeth, but then exhaled and began pacing again, muttering.
   "I'm perfectly allright."


 At the bat's words, Cog merely inclined his head and nodded. "As you say. And we are clear. I bid you a good evening, then." he said, coming to a stop as Sebastian suddenly stopped and grabbed the wall for support.
"Are you...allright?" he said, Sebastian answering his question for him. Cog stood still for a moment, his face painted with concern. The bat simply kept moving. He watched him keep walking for a moment, and jogged again to catch up. He wished to say something, but... the bat would simply take it as more interference. Cog kept his mouth shut as they both walked to the kitchen.

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi returns to the kitchen to drop off the tea tray, and smiles the tigress and the panther.  "Thanks", she says as hands the dishes to them.  And heads to the library, she hears Gina and Jeremiah. 

Bambi feels guilty on not worrying about Gina, but she stops by the door out of sight of Gina and the frog to listen.  She asks these questions of Gina, but she was unable or unwilling to answer her.  Maybe she had an answer now for the Frog, who seem afraid of the ferret girl for some reason.



Gina smiled, somewhat uncertainly, at Jeremiah and looked to the floor for a second.
   "Yeah. Much better," she said, and then smirked. "I really don't think you should be walking around on your own though. No matter what the others are doing." There was something out of place with that smile, however friendly it was. "Everything is nice and calm and safe right now, and we wouldn't want that to change, now would we?" she continued, slowly walking closer and looking up at the frog with her alabaster stare. She stopped a few steps short of him, and her expression changed to one of serious sincerity.
   "Please don't cause trouble. There's been enough trouble already," she said, her gaze as solid as white marble.

- -

Snarling shortly, Stygian kept up his stride, until he and Cog arrived at the kitchen. Once there, the bat went through the things from before, producing another plastic bag of blood, and then a bit of meat and fruit to go with that. Getting a glass, he set the things on a tray to bring with him.
   "Thanks, Aisha. No, we're not ignoring the food," he said, without looking at the panthress, and then continued, directing his words to Cog. "I just don't see why you'd want to worry or bother; it's not a problem to you. The library is open, and though I don't think you'll find it easier than being instructed..." He finished setting the things on the tray, and poured some blood into the glass, sipping it. "I've already apologized, and I'm not out to put you off. I just want to be left alone if no one wants me around and I'm not needed." That was being as frank as he could.


 Cog raised an eyebrow at the bat. "If you need to rest, go ahead." he said, grabbing a plate. "And if you want to be left alone, by all means. But, to answer you, yes, I want you around." he said, a little emphasis on the last part. "But don't feel obligated. Do what you want." he said, putting a smattering of a few things on his plate. "But again, yes. I want you to stay."
He found a stool to sit down on. "As for why I'd want to worry or bother, well." he said, a bit of irony entering into his voice. "I don't see why my worrying or bothering is any business of yours." he said, paraphrasing the bat.


Jeremiah inched back further into his chair from the approaching ferret. This could mean a thousand different things. The trouble she's referring to his causing could be about his earlier affliction, or it could be for exposing her cover, or for making it look like she was the angel when she wasn't. The thing about safety could be a threat, a warning, both, or honest concern expressed by a still mildly befuddled mind.
But whatever she was, Legion, angel, young woman stuck with him and the others in all this trouble, maniac, damn creepy, there was one thing she was right about.
For tonight, there had been enough trouble.
"I'm glad you're doing better, Gina," Jeremiah smiled pleasantly. Angel or being, he felt bad for her. He was a sucker for the maligned monster; that was why he'd set out the pancakes for the spider woman, because she'd been through so much. So had this girl, whatever she was. The others would have to be alerted, in some inconspicuous way that would negate any mistrust he'd be treated with, but for now things were safe and there had been enough trouble. He stood up.
"I think I'll take your advice. After all, I'd claimed before I would keep an eye on you and did an awful job. Mebbe you're the one who knows best."


Smiling, the ferret nodded to the frog and made something almost like a small giggle.
   "Thanks. I wouldn't know, but..." she said, and turned a bit. "You're sweet. But don't be lying now. That would be very bad. For everyone."
   Her face didn't change, but there was the slightest bit of firmness put into that last statement, before she stepped around and walked off, heading back in the direction of the kitchen, something unavoidably deceptively innocent about her appearance and demeanour.

- -

There was a sort of slap when Stygian set his glass down on its foot, much harder than needed. He turned and directed his black gaze toward the wolf, his face a sort of scowl, though not an entirely angry one. There seemed to be more hints of sadness in it.
   "Don't try and turn it around like that! It doesn't make sense. Neither part of it. But sure, I will oblige," he said, picking up a grape and popping it into his mouth. "If it will be enough. I've told time and again that I did not ask for being your host and being responsible, but..." He stopped, not wanting to digress, and then sighed. "I don't mess around; not like that. And even if you are being honest, you may still not know what you're actually saying. That's the way it always is." His gaze was firm and hard, solidly locked on Cog.

Prof B Hunnydew

The Library

Bambi starts walking into the library, and gives a mischievous grin to the ferret on see her demeanour. 
"Oooo Gina, where Cream? and bad girl in no sharing with me" teases Bambi as she hugs  the little ferret.   

"and Gina not scare Jeremiah, how he learn to be good?"
  she asks Gina with a wink. "Come Jeremiah, dinner almost over, lets see whats left for you"
Bambi leads the way back to the kitchen with Gina by her side "Sorry, Gina, I be carin' for Mel and forgot you", she apologizes."but Dragon will be well, now and you stuck with me"

At the Kitchen, Bambi hands the frog a plate and helps him get some food from what was left.   She and Gina gathered the empty serving plates and pots and takes them to Aisha and Rynkura.   Cog and Stygain continue their debate as Bambi and Gina  clean the empty tables and help finish washing the dishes.


Aisha deCabre

Aisha's ears quirked suddenly as she heard voices from beyond the kitchen door, just some moments after Rynkura had left the room.  From the sound of it, they didn't seem to have run into her, but instead the familiar voices were engaged in their own discussion until they entered, Sebastian especially with what seemed like haste.

"Well, good," she chuckled at his reply, though he didn't seem to notice her otherwise.  After a pause, the panthress shrugged and also nodded in greeting to Cogidubnus before turning back to the sink and noticing that some of the others had just left their dishes in there to wash.  With a hum, she decided to clean those too, just out of politeness.  They better not think I'd make it a habit... she grumbled to herself, but in a light-hearted fashion nonetheless.

It was hard to stay that way however, listening to Cog's banter with the bat, and still when there were others in the room.  The panthress said nothing during the exchange at first, feeling it neither necessary nor in her place to do so.  More likely than not, it could be resolved without help.  The rest seemed to have the same kind of idea.

As Bambi came back to help with the last of the dishes, Aisha muttered a quick thanks and dried her hands, then pulled the sleeves back down to her wrists, though she had forgotten that one was still ripped.  Another day, another repair, she smirked, glancing towards Gareeku.  Necessary, nontheless.

"Ketefe," the panther suddenly said as she turned, tilting her head slightly.  "Now that you've heard what we went through in this place, are you planning on staying anyway?"  Her eyebrows quirked.  "Just out of curiosity.  We have bad luck with newcomers," she smirked, but the look in her eyes showed that she was just joking around about that part.  Mostly.

*     *     *

In another part of the castle, somewhere on the second level already, Rynkura walked the dark halls alone with only her staff clacking on the floor for an accompanying sound, echoing across the corridors in short intervals.  The tigress wasn't as intimidated by the hollowness of the building as she had upon first entering, but it still had that feel to it.

The healer found an unoccupied room easily at least, as shown by the sheets on the ornate bed having gathered little disturbance in its folds and dust.  It was as if it had been centuries since it was used...the tigress probably couldn't say time went that far, but then again, it was hard to really know.  Years always went fast, with many changes and no mercy.  It mattered nothing as to what race you were, that was the truth.

I never thought that I would even be in this place again, much less sleep in it, Rynkura thought to herself while closing the door and placing the staff to stand next to the head of the bed, as well as untying her sky-painted cloak from around her neck, hanging it over the relic.  Without its protective shadows, it could be seen that she wore a strap around her shoulder, carrying a sheath with a shortsword on her back.  Indistinguishable unless one looked for it.

"With a blade in drawing distance," she muttered to herself with a slight grin and leaned on the windowsill, watching and listening to the night instead of falling asleep right away.  Aisha knew how to protect herself at least.  Rynkura's emerald eyes the healer just had to be used to it here.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.