The Castle [03] (Remba, but don't let it stop you)

Started by Aisha deCabre, May 13, 2007, 06:23:49 PM

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 Cog quirked an eyebrow, fought the sudden urge to laugh, and simply nodded solemnly at the bat. Tea would be nice. "I'll take some tea." he said, pushing himself off the wall and walking towards the door, being careful to avoid the pieces of broken furniture. "I think they're all fine. Serves me right for leaving you all alone for five minutes."


Stygian humphed in response, something that could have meant anything, and turned, passing Mel and Bam quickly to put the books in the bedroom, and then strolled off down the hall, turning a corner and disappearing. It was less than five minutes later that he returned, carrying a gilded tray balanced on one hand, with cups, a few small jars and a steaming pot. And more books in his other hand, as well as a sketching block and a couple of pens and pencils. Calmly ignoring the mess, he walked into the room, and set the thing down on the table, before casting a disapproving look at the destroyed door.
   "I would appreciate a fix for that. Privacy is always nice," he muttered, looking over the splinters. He poured himself a cup, took a small spoon of honey, and still standing, stirred and sipped it a bit, glancing at the room's other occupants over the rim from behind his glasses. "Easy business, isn't it, Mel?"

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi helps Mel back into the room.  Bambi is shocked at the calm Stygian, as he got tea.  She places her hand over the door pieces and they quicky grow and mend back together.  The repaired door can close, now

"Mel, You need anything?  Would you like some tea?" askes Bambi as she stand by the tea tray and pour tea.



Ketefe watched Stygian leave and come back with tea, and giggled. His calmness about this whole situation was starting to strike her as a bit ludicrous. "I'll take some tea. I'm starving." She grinned and started to walk into the room as well, pausing to glance at Jeremiah. "You coming? The tea might do you good."

The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Jeremiah nodded shakily and got up. "Yeah, thanks Ketefe. And erm, sorry about..." he waved one hand to indicate the general this-ness of the situation, "What I did," entering the room where Stygian had set up a sort of temporary bastion of civilized society amidst all this mess, the frog brightened up considerably and tried to put a more lighthearted face on things, "Can't say I wouldn't appreciate something stronger, but I think after that display I should be happy with what I can get. Hey, Styg, what sorta tea's that anywho?"


"Well, I dunno about the others, but I forgive you," Ketefe shrugged. She knew that in a weird way, Jeremiah had been himself the entire time, but she also knew that he wouldn't have acted like that normally. She stepped fully into the room, found an empty chair and sat. Then something in Stygian's arm caught her eye.

"Huh. You didn't strike me as the artistic type," Ketefe remarked, watching the bat. "But I guess nothing really surprises me anymore after what's happened in the last few hours."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel looked around at the chaos the quiet room had become. "Um, I need to clean up before I can eat anything. If I can find my bag, that is." Sebastian picked the bag from the chair it had landed in when her nurses had undressed her and put it in her hands with a bow to her and an irritated look to everyone else. Armed with what she needed she disappeared into the bathroom, which she locked with a loud click. Getting her destroyed clothing off smarted quite a bit; the dried blood pulled at her scales and at the still tender spot where the gash had been. After a quick wash she fished around in her bag for more clothes. The bag was magic, like most of her possessions, and despite being smaller than her spread hand held half her home. Pants of darkest burgundy wool this time, and a tunic of silk a shade lighter, trimmed in gold braid. Her tall boots impossibly disappeared into the small pouch and short half-boots replaced them. A finally she took off the gold coin she always wore around her neck and replaced it with an elaborate pendant centered with a ruby. It was a charm for health, which she felt she needed at the moment. Fastening her pouch back on her belt she took a deep breath and unlocked the bathroom door.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Keeping that irritated look, as his former glance didn't seem to have done the trick, Stygian put down his cup and sat down in a chair. He would have walked outside and ushered everyone else along, were it not for the fact that it would have been pointless for the smashed door. Well, that one was fixed now, but still... They were all still completely clueless. Aisha and Gareeku were keeping to the corridor still, but the others...
   "Russian Bergamot. By the way, it's nice to see that everyone is so collected. Wouldn't want anyone to feel shocked and uncomfortable after all that," he said. He gathered his face a bit, and instead focused all the heat into his eyes, something that he had more practice at than anyone else he knew. His first awling went to Bam, and he seemed not the slightest bit perturbed by her nudity. "Really, just go ahead and settle in. Never mind that Mel needs rest, or that I left the other pot and cups in the kitchen." He'd have to change too, and that mess had to be cleaned. And they could find another sitting room elsewhere. There were plenty of them.
   "Maybe someone would like some scones too? It's really not too much of a bother...!" he said, putting just a bit of a hiss into his tone. Now, it certainly wasn't a case of him being unsure of whether he was desired for company. He was the host, and he had responsibilities, but they were acting like utter fools to him, and if all they could understand were clear signals, then he would damn well give them clear signals. His gaze finally landed on Cog, before he could pick up his cup for an excuse to look away. While neither he nor Ketefe had really done anything to deserve that sharpness, he was still uncomfortable about the wolf.

Prof B Hunnydew

Despite being nude, PBH makes no effort to cover herself and act as if she was clothed.  "Meep" yells Bambi in surprise at everyone coming in and says " I ah I  Hey out out Okay Stygian you give Mel Tea and get her to bed.. Me just fix door... Everyone OUT. ! "  Bambi with her arms wide shoos everyone but Stygian out the newly repaired door...and closes it with herself and everyone outside. 

"Sorry Everyone but Go to Kitchen, Scoot.  food and tea there"
commands Bambi, As she marches pass them to go back to the rooms she slept in last night.  She wonders where Gina is, but takes a quick shower and dress in a silk emerald  gown from one of her wardrobes in her room.  And then she heads for the kitchen herself. 



 Cog raised his eyebrow at the bat, and without breaking his gaze picked up a single cup from the tray. Behind his glasses, however, his eyes betrayed the slight sense of amusement he found welling up.
He waited his turn and calmly poured himself some tea as he regarded Stygian. "I think tea will be fine. Scones might ruin appetites. Almost dinnertime, yes?" he said, upturning a flipped-over chair and taking a seat. "Might settle the nerves." he said, his own tone inflecting somewhat. His face, however, betrayed his mirth as he struggled to keep himself from breaking out into a grin.
"I'm sure the fae would love to get the cups and whatnot after she dresses. For now, sit. Have a drink. There seems to be something to talk about." he said, nodding his head towards Jeremiah.
He was about to take a drink when Bam started to herd them all out the door. He raised his eyebrows in irritation, but politely left and waited for the fae to walk down the hall before opening the door and  rejoining the three.
"Forceful woman, that one. Was she naked?" he said, grabbing the teapot and pouring another cup.


Finally, they left, leaving the bat to sit and sip from his second cup with a frown on his face. And they wondered why...
   Looking down on himself, his frown turned to one concerning his clothing. He was still dressed in that same shirt and pants, made sticky with blotches of azure blood. His fur was stained with it too. So he calmly waited for Mel to finish in the bathroom, so that he could borrow it quickly after that. Then, they could talk or she could rest or whatever was more appropriate. Though he'd have to fetch some other clothes. And that was better done now.
   Setting his cup down, he opened the closet, and used the darkness to slip up to his still blacked out room. When he got down, he had a full change of more proper clothing in his hands, and shutting the door behind him, he put it down on the chair beside him, taking up his cup again and settling in, waiting.


Ketefe was almost settled in when Stygian pointed out - with very little subtlety and a very scary expression - that Mel still needed rest and the food was downstairs. Quickly realizing her faux pas and blushing ashamedly, Ketefe stood and obliged Bam's command that everyone get into the hallway and downstairs. Stupidhead, she mentally berated herself once she was outside. Of course Mel still needs rest, even if she's standing and talking. She recovered slightly, remembering that she needed her sword back and it was downstairs anyway.

"I need to get my sword from the ballroom first. I'll meet you guys in the kitchen later," she said, snatching her sheath from the ground and starting to walk downstairs.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel was pleasantly surprised to find she was mistaken about the room being in chaos. Only Sebastian and Cog were left sipping tea. As she started across the room Sebastian stood and passed her, disappearing into the bathroom. The tea smelled delicious and she eagerly took a seat and poured herself a cup. After a few sips she managed to smile at the wolf. "Please tell me that everyone decided they didn't like tea and not that there is another crisis."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Walking off when the chaos had died down, Gareeku stopped to give Jeremiah a disapproving look, before leaving, taking a walk around the house. A little while later, the wolf had ended up in the kitchen, having taken a seat by the table in the room. Having got himself a glass of water, Gareeku took a gulp, secretly wanting to have a glass of ale.


Jeremiah winced at the wolf's glare, adding another meek sounding "Wasn't my idea..." to the previous stream of excuses as he filed away with the rest. He found himself wandering toward the library, hoping to look into anything that may give him any leads regarding what was going on. The angel who had created the specters had to have gotten the abilities from somewhere, maybe there were leads on a cure in the library. Assuming he could ignore his Inexplicable curse making up for its earlier silence long enough to accomplish anything.


Once the commotion had died down, Keaton folded her arms behind her head and kicked irritably at a loose piece of mortar which had tumbled from the flaky ceiling. Throughout the battle she had remained on the side, considering it too tumultuous to enter the fray without accidentally getting punched or swiped in the eye from either Jeremiah, or one of her comrades. If she had Catastrophe with her she probably would've put up a decent fight, at that. Fortunately, Mel had arrived to put an end to the havoc, followed by Stygian, and... frankly, the whole situation moved far too fast for Keaton to register.

Ah well, at least I got to throw something, Keaton thought, snorting. Didn't mean that the (naked!) Bambi had to practically usher them out of the room, even if it was in the interest of keeping Mel comfortable. Then again, it probably wasn't good to get on Stygian's bad side.

Noticing that Ketefe was going to get her sword, Keaton sheepishly walked over to her. "I'll come with you. My mace is down there too," she said amiably, purposefully ignoring Jeremiah.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Aisha deCabre

Throughout the exchange after the battle, Aisha had simply kept away from Jeremiah as he was slowly recovering from his own ordeal.  The panther shook her head slightly as the others seemed to ignore him, loathing of what had just happened, though the look on his face after she asked what happened confirmed that he was just as confused as the others.  Perhaps scared.

She stayed silent, having not even spoken up as Sebastian passed and asked whom would like tea.  After that ordeal really, the panther was more hungry than anything, though perhaps dinner would wait just a bit yet.  I still left a bit of rice out...well, maybe it can be saved for the others, she thought, waving a quick farewell to Gareeku as he left for the kitchen.

Aisha watched as the frog started away from the group as well, towards the library as she remembered the direction.  That's when she also remembered that's where Rynkura was...or at least where she said she was.  The panther hesitated for a moment, then started across the hall.  Aisha knew not to ask of the tiger's least for now.

*     *     *

After what seemed like a long while, Rynkura closed the book that she was reading in the calm and yet somber solitude of the library.  The only light for the moment seemed to come from the waning sun's rays through the tall windows.  Her eyes however were still lowered, locked upon the book's cover.  It looked to be just another portion of the castle annals, more things that she knew somewhat already.

Her thoughts kept wandering back to what the bat had told her.  Now that she remembered, and now that he was freed, what would happen next...for Aisha, and for herself?  There couldn't have been much to do as of yet...

The tigress pricked her ears, having heard footsteps starting to come across the corridors.  Looking up, her emerald eyes set upon those walking in...first an individual whom she hadn't seen yet, which made her wonder just how many more adventurers had come to investigate a supposedly cursed palace.  Then finally a face that she knew all too well, the crimson eyes set upon black like two pools of blood, that of her student's face.

"SeƱora?" Aisha smiled and made a polite nod to her mentor.  "Sebastian asked us all for tea.  And I made rice, if you'd like dinner too.  Or whatever someone makes," she laughed lightly.

Despite the severity that seemed to pervade the tiger's earlier conversation, she smiled.  Aisha was always interesting in her demeanor at least.  It almost made her wonder how the scared child that she had saved from a burning village could have such venom as was said.  Almost.

"I'll join you shortly," Rynkura nodded back, her eyes then settling upon the frog.  "And who might you be then?"
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


 Cog smiled at the dragon from behind his tea. "No crises yet, I think. Everyone went to the kitchen. I don't think it would be a good idea to leave you quite alone right now though." he said, swishing the tea around in his mouth and peering at the bat from behind his glasses. "Not that Sebastian isn't a good protector, now, but I'd rather be here and be useless and not be here and be needed. Besides." he said, sipping a little more tea. "This is really good tea."

Prof B Hunnydew

After her shower, Bambi stands in front a mirror with only a towel in her hands, and wonders "Why"...  Her fur was thick enough to cover her like a t-shirt on even if she was nude.   She miss her days at home, where she could relax in only her in her apartment.  But she was feeling she need more space, now.  A garden maybe.?  Still, her friends disapproved of her showing off, and she would have to "get dressed".

Her magic was coming in stronger by the day, but this was the first time, she was at full power for so long. What am  I do if or when I lose my clothes again?   I like Aisha and the others enough to respect their wish for me be "dressed".  She thought  when notices a line of small green specks starting to grow round her neck and then travel round and down her back and across her chest and around her back again below her wings finally circle around her hips.  it was just a line of tiny leaves that didn't cover much of anything.   But it may grow into something more later...  She will the line of leaves away.

Bam sighed and went to the closet, it was filled with ballroom gowns and hooped skirts and corsets.  She signed again from one extreme to the other.  She would die of heat exhaustion in the three or four layered things in this closet.  Still, one gown caught her eye.  A dark green gown, which had a beautiful silk green outer dress.  She try the outer dress by itself.   The back of the dress started just below her wings, whom seems stubbornly remain this time.  The chest was a little tight on Bambi with a low neck line, but she could breath.   Without the inner hoop skirts, it's length fell to her mid-thigh to mid calf and her legs could move freely.    This will do and do very nicely.  she thought

Wondering to herself, when did she start liking fluffy dress? as she went to the kitchen, to find Gina and the rest of the adventures.  She was all smile for Gina and Gareeku. 

"Hi, Gina What would Gareeky like?" asks Bambi with a patting hand on his shoulderas she passes him to the stove and a kiss for Gina.  She fires up the stove and starts looking at what was left in the pantry of bags...  She puts a few bottles of wine out on the table, and then some veggies out.  Maybe a roast from icebox.


Once Mel was out of the bathroom, Stygian got up and shed his bloodied shirt, throwing it over the arm of the large chair he'd been sitting in. Next came the wrappings, which came off in a much faster fashion than it looked as if they should have been able to, tied tight against hard muscle as they were. All he did was loose the upper end, right about the middle of his biceps, and then pull with a twist, and the strips came loose all at once. There was a bit of clatter and a thunk.
   Throwing the bloodied strips onto his shirt and picking up the knives he'd forgotten, and pulling one from his foot, Stygian then turned, picked up the clothes he'd chosen, and walked into the bathroom, loosening his belt. He muttered a few curses before closing the door.
   Getting the water to warm for showering wasn't too hard, and thanks to a little 'persuading' went in five minutes rather than the time it should have taken. He wasn't entirely sure whether his fur was as stiff and dusty as he imagined, but it felt damn good to get it out. Once he was done, he snatched a towel down and shook what he could of water out, then rubbed down, and tied it to his waist to lay out the clothes. Black underneath, as always, but this time he wasn't going to keep his collar on or let that dominate. His silver necklace went in first, then he put on the neatly ironed shirt, making thanks that it wasn't starched, and slipped on cream white ironed and pressed pants, put in the manchettes, silver ones too to match the necklace and earring, tucked his shirt and then slipped a similarly cream-colored tie into a neat Windsor, tightened his new belt and finally slipped on the cream jacket, before taking out his round, slim-framed glasses and putting them on, and then putting his feet in polished black shoes. He straightened the things shortly, made a quick look in the mirror, and then opened the door, slipping back out into the bedroom.
   "Hm? You're still here?" he said to Cogidubnus, before he could catch himself. He was calmed down now, but he had thought of just having a cup or two and then letting Mel sleep. Now, Cog had stolen his cup, and he needed to get another one.
   "Guess that's just as well. I'll be back in moments," he said, before they could get a word in, hiding any irritation in his tone and slipped out of the bedroom as well, setting off to the kitchen at a pace that would really have him there in moments. It wasn't that he walked fast, but with every shadow, he sort of... slipped forward, somehow.
   Quickly, he strode into the kitchen, not mindful of the others there at all, and took out a cup. He'd be slower at getting out of there, if there really was nothing else to do.


Well well, someone I haven't alienated yet, "I might be Jeremiah," the frog replied, holding out his hand to the elderly tigress before him. Hm, best keep things formal, This was a woman whose age had probably never been an issue, bringing only competence and an overall demeanor that she was used to being respected, and for good reason, "Don't believe anything they say abou-" a look of mild surprise crossed his face as he realized what he was saying, "Alright, mebbe believe some of what they're saying about me. I'm just here to do some research on a few things," His eyes alighted upon the volume of the Castle Annals in Rynkura's hand. Mebbe something about the angel in the sarcophagi; nobles are all about keeping records of everything about their family down to the number of hairs on their body, right? "Amongst them this castle's history. I don't suppose you're done with that book, Missus...?"


Ketefe smiled back at Keaton. "Okay then," she responded, descending the stairs and heading to the ballroom with the jackal.

Thankfully, her sword was right in the open and unharmed. She wrapped it in the somewhat-scorched sheath, and as she did, she remembered what she had wanted to ask not just Keaton, but anyone who had traveled prior to coming here.

"Hey Keaton," she said, turning to the succubus, "Did you do a lot of traveling before coming here? Because I'm looking for two people and I thought you or the others might have seen them."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

"Msh'taan," the tigress answered Jeremiah as she took his hand and shook it with a polite nod of her head.  "Rynkura Msh'taan.  And, I'm sure you might not be the worst thing in this place," she added with a slight grin as the frog mentioned his reasons for coming to the library.  Aisha, who stood to the side with her arms crossed, discreetly rolled her eyes as if to say, "you have no idea."

Regarding the book in her hand, Rynkura simply handed it to him while reaching back for her staff, which still set upon the table.  The orb on its end gave off a soft glow in the library's darkness.  "I am finished, indeed.  Seek what you will."  With that, she turned to where the panther was standing, only to see her blood-drenched cape flaring behind her as she already started walking through the hall and toward the library's entrance.

Impatient as always, the healer chuckled silently and followed out after her, a short walk through the castle's labyrinthine corridors toward the kitchen, where already voices could be heard.

"I am curious as to hear about what's happened since the lot of you arrived here, Aisha," the tiger started in a casual tone, as if they were back at the monastery asking about her recent adventures.

The hunter laughed as they passed into the kitchen, idly waving at those who were there.  "You probably wouldn't believe most of it, Mistress."

"Try me," the tigress chuckled, awaiting the story with patience as she leaned her staff against the wall and took some water to drink.  Dinner would have to be interesting, considering her affinity for meat.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

"You look n..." began Mel but Sebastian disappeared before she could finish. "Nice." She noticed that Cog was also in a new outfit. "You too. Are we having a party?" She looked at her own rather casual outfit. "I feel underdressed." Then she smiled, "We've certainly survived enough to have earned a party." She sat back in the chair, "Although I think this teaparty might be enough for me right now."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Stygian regarded Aisha and Rynkura with but a glance as they entered, calmly picking up a pot and pouring himself a cup, and getting a jar of minted honey from one of the bags still on the floor. He took just half a spoonful, and stirred, looking down at the cup while his ears were swept just a bit back, keeping on the conversation. They would have to make a proper supper soon. Though he didn't interrupt. He just stirred his tea even, and then turned to wander back in the general direction of Mel's bedroom, sipping as he went, this time really taking his time about it. He watched walls, paintings and vases, old suits of armor and sculptures as he went, taking in the place with all his senses and examining it. It might have been a bad idea to keep the place, but it certainly was good enough to sell, at least.
   He arrived back at the corridor where he had left, still seeing the place a mess but not really caring for the moment. Stopping at the corner, he made sure to keep quiet and not to get into any draft, so as to spread his scent. He sipped the last of his tea, his ears trained on the door a bit before him, listening in on what Mel and Cog were saying and waiting for an opening to step in. If he would, that was.

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi feels that Mel and the others need a good hearty meal and the roast may take a hour or so.  Still they had time, she started the 7 pound roast after added some herbs and spice to it. It should be ready in a hour, she thinks ( and her magic unknowingly helps it along.)  She got Gina to help cutting the veggies with her after started boiling water in a pot for some rice and parsly.

It seems the Bat left some tea going for them here, and scones.  So she pour Gina and herself some tea, and started to help Gina with the veggies and a salad.

"Gareeku, Like something more than Water?" asks Bambi with green wings standing out.  This is the first her wings have been showing when she was not in a battle. 

IN time the smells of roasting beef and seasonings draft and wander up though the castle.



Cog tilted his head and took another sip of his tea, and made a show of looking himself over. "Nice? Really?" he said, half-smiling. "I thought I rather looked much like I did. Of course, that was before all this mess..." he said, his voice sardonic. He tugged at his collar. "I suppose I do look rather nice. Of course, she was a very good tailor..."
He grinned at the memory, and sipped on his tea. "If we are having a party, I suppose I'm dressed for it. But celebration would be a bit premature, I think. Besides, you need your rest." He sighed. "Might help if we knew what the hell was going on, here. No answers and silence are hardly helping us prepare. But, I'm just whining."
Cog set his empty cup down and crossed his legs. "I suppose I'll wait for Sebastian to get back 'till I go. It's probably not a good idea to leave you off by yourself. Or anyone, I suppose..."


It seemed that he had those with a bit of brains in their heads summed up nicely and neat, Stygian thought. Still, for the moment he disliked that Cog was nice and reasonable as much as he liked it. Or maybe it all just irritated him. That was more likely.
   As silently as he had walked through the corridors previously, he thus set off toward the door, still mindful of giving off any indications of his presence. It was like the night before, in the ballroom. He would be sure to make the point that as long as they were here, he could come and go as he wished, and without any warning or sign. That wasn't just about principle. In this case he wanted to discomfort a bit. He made a very slight rap on the door with his knuckles before he went in.
   "Back. They're making supper off in the kitchen," he said, walking in and settling in a chair with a bland expression.


After accepting the book from Rynkura with a nod and a "Thanks," Jeremiah had immediatly began going through the old tome.
The first page he flipped open to almost made him laugh. He had to bite down on the collar of his shirt to prevent his doing so (on the basis that his laughing that loud may have negative connotations to the rest of the group from here on out), snickering slightly around the makeshift gag. He almost felt a little bad for Sebastion. For all his own family drove him nuts sometimes, at least he never had to refer to someone as "Auntie Golgotha." As he read on past the title on the top of the page, the grin died away. Right, Angels. It was funny how, now that people could call creature bluffs, that word was often said with such distaste. This book helped that make a lot more sense, Jeremiah's face growing less and less mirthful as he read on. He looked up from the pages a moment and shook his head. What was with this family? Regardless, he had research to do. And so he read on...

Mel Dragonkitty

"Are they?" responded Mel to Sebastian's remark that supper was being cooked. "What time is it anyway? How long was I out of it? I don't even know how the battle came out. Since everyone was upright and making a mess in the hallway I'm assuming someone figured out how to get rid of the mythos. Was that the mystery healer who saved me as well?" At the mention of the healing she found herself playing with the pendant around her neck and forced her hand back to her lap. At least the memento was doing something useful, supplementing her health.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.