I wouldn't call it writers block...

Started by thegayhare, September 16, 2007, 01:15:40 AM

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Currently I've got about 15 differnt stories in the works. 

Some are barely started, others are in the midst of deep involved stories while a few others are almost done.

the thing is I generally know what I want to happen I just can't seem to sit down and work out the story line.  I'll sit here at the computer  Scanning down the list of stories and It's hard for me to get worked up about any of them I just can't get in the mood to write anything.

I look at Necromantic, The dark woods, or Young at heart part 3 each of which have gotten to rather fun and naughty bits and while I know just how I want them to go I can't seem to get in the mood to right them.

or I look to the more adventurous stories like Gun Bunny, The search for Blacktooth, or my unnamed starwars based story and I just can't seem to get the into the right mood for those either

maybe it's my day to day routine... I don't know

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to break a bunny out of the writing Blahs?

llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


This problem sounds pretty familiar. Sometimes when I hit a climax in a story I just find myself thinking 'meh'

Try reading something else, or going back over your own stuff?


Ugh, I share your pain. So many ideas cruising through my head for existing or new stories, but whenever I touch one of them, it goes all "Nuuu, not me!"

I think every author has a different way to get out of such a situation, but I usually try a short break from writing and maybe some new music. Sometimes, I also give in and start writing something else, but often enough, those things end up being one of the existing but unfinished stories that cruise through my head :animesweat


Just re-write something you've written before and adapt it to the situation... that's all Stephen King does, I've actually started to pick up the pattern of events. 
   clickity click click click. Quote in personal text is from Walter Bishop of Fringe.

Sienna Maiu - M T

a) I am not a writer.
b) Here's my advice;
Pick a story and then just try to start writing. If you know how you want something to go, write that part. Figure out how one scene will flow into the other later. Just get the ideas you want down, and out the way you want them.

Personally, I can't write, because when I get an idea, my words simply do not come out the way I want them. They never seem adequate enough, and yet they are sometimes pretentious.

Ah well, it is clear I will never be an author.

Janus Whitefurr

I never try to 'force' writing. In this lackluster writer's opinion, attempting to force it is not healthy for the creative spirit, but that's just me.

If I get any sort of idea, I tend to write a short scribble about it, and then go with the flow and see if it 'flows' into a full-formed story.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.

Sienna Maiu - M T

Although contradictory to my last amount of advice, I agree with Janus completely. I have recently apparantly come up with a philosophy for art. Unless it inspires you, there's no point to it. Even if it comes out horribly, (or perhaps just in ones own selfs opinion,) it still means something to you, and that is what truly makes it art.

I suppose this has always been true for me, but it wasn't until someone pointed out my own way of thinking to me, that I realized just how true it was.

Whatever, I'm sure my tired mind makes me sound incompetant, (whether or not I really am makes no difference) so I suppose I should just give it a rest for now.

Although... gotta say. The only things I've ever written have meant something to me. Class assignments were always just a one-way ticket to Nowhere Ville.

llearch n'n'daCorna

No, that makes sense, Sienna.

If you don't enjoy it, you won't do your best work on it. Seems reasonable to me...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Sienna Maiu - M T

I should write an essay, about all the advantages to different reasons for art. Such as inspiration, drive, wanting of acceptance from peers, etc.

Or... not.

But here's an idea from Grade Nine English; It's called freefall writing, just stick paper to pen and just write. About anything. Whatever comes to mind. Even if it's something like what's around you. Personally, the first time I did it I talked about the colour of my pen, different properties of pencils and mechanical pencils, as well as my favourite colours.

It's almost, kind of... fun.