Hero's League (OOC) - Last Call for Sign-Ups

Started by techmaster-glitch, August 23, 2007, 11:34:36 PM

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   Like most of the other RPs going on right now, I've decided to make an index of all active Heroes. If nothing else, to show how freaking badly we need new players.

Active Players:
techmaster-glitch (Quaddle)
lucas marcone (Red Anvil)

Retired Players:
Fex (Gentan)

Players who never actually joined:

We have more people who thought they'd join and didn't than ones actually playing! Argh!


Techmaster-Glitch here. If you are an RP'er here, you may have noticed, if not necessarily followed, the Villain's League RP threads. Due to their RP's current situation, the Villains lack any real opposition to their dastardly plans, not even themselves (Hey, they're villains, they're supposed to try to backstab each other, but it's way too early for that :P) This is where the Hero's League comes in. So, we have this thread for character postage, but all our action will be done in the Villain's IC thread, which Miaka probably will rename.

So, post you hero here.
Basic Skeleton:








(Because the Villains actually have several supergenius characters, we need one as well, but only one. That position will be first-come-first-serve. Reason: We need one to balance it out a bit, but any more and this will become nothing but a bunch of intellectuals yammering quantum theories at each other :B Though I like that, it's just gonna screw the fun in this RP. And Rammenstien, if you do go with that elemental, my character can't come to get you personally. That would be favoritism.)


Miaka has her own character in the Villains, as well as the NPC who called them all together. I'm going to have my character who will gather anyone who joins as well. Here he is:

Name: Quaddle
Age: Somewhere around 1,200
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Looks human, but once you fight him it becomes screamingly obvious that he isn't.

Appearance: His form is that of a teenager somewhere around 19-22, hiding his true age. He invariably wears an unmarked red full body fitting robe-like outfit. The forearms and lower legs of the outfit have a slight bell-shape or conical shape to them, opening in circles at the ends. It also has a hood. Clasped around his neck is a straight cape the same color as the rest of his outfit. His only accessory is a long brown staff with a pure white orb closed at the end. It is nigh-unbreakable, and he never parts with it, except when he is keeping hidden and waiting for great Evil to surface.

Background/Origin: He was born sometime just before the Medieval Age, and he made most of his appearances during that time. He is a Planet-Guardian, an archmage of great power. And topping only just above twelve thousand years old, he's actually the youngest Planet-Guardina in the entire Universal Order of Guardians. Though he knows that evil manifests itself in every dark corner of the world, he doesn't engage in a near-impossible crusade to eradicate it entirely. He knows that there is also always good that opposes said evil, and he lets the forces balance each other out. He only comes forth from hiding when he knows that Evil has gathered in great force, and means business. This is one of those times.

Powers: Being a twelve-hundred-year-old archmage, he has had much time to hone his Guardian abilities. He has a near-limitless varied arsenal of spells and magic skills, from cheesy-minor to uber-freaking-major. This makes him quite unpredictable, as you never know what spell he is going to do next. He also isn't too shabby with wielding his staff as a melee weapon; he's actually quite good at it.

Weaknesses: Despite his power, he is not by any means invincible; very far from it. In fact, he was born because the previous Planet-Guardian of Earth was murdered. He channels his very soul-force through his staff to cast magic. He can perform any minor things at will, but for a major attack, he has to stop and actively pour his energy into the staff to charge it; he is quite vulnerable during this time as it takes enormous concentration, even for him. Also, nearly all of his magic is in his staff: if it is separated from him, he becomes basically helpless, only able to cast the most absolutely simple of magics. Also, for some reason, while he can wield his staff as a melee weapon with impressive strength and finesse, if he throws a normal punch or kick, it will have virtually no power behind it whatsoever. He has not even figured out why this is.

Behavior: He looks like he is just getting out of his teenage years, and has a superficial attitude to match. He is very upbeat, talks with great enthusiasm, and has a cockiness that would shame a story-book cowboy. Beneath his typical-teenage exterior however, is a man who fully knows his responsibilities, and doesn't often act without thinking, despite that is how he appears to act.

Motivations: Being born as a Guardian, he automatically has an innate personality for good, even though he doesn't try to right every wrong in the world. He knows that would be a near-impossible ask, but he has an even better reason: he fully knows the absolute importance of balance: Good and Evil must balance each other out; if one ceases to exist, so will the other, creating nothing.

Misc: He has quite an appetite for ice cream.

*whew* I think that's it for now...

llearch n'n'daCorna

... surely the Villains, by the sorts of people they're supposed to be, would be sneaky enough to come here anyway?

Maybe I'm just cynical... ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Allright. All that's removed. New simple plan.


Yay! Heroes! *Dances* Here be the first hero, not including Tech-Dude's.

Name: Ram "Electrifier" Ei'Sona
Age: Ageless
Gender: Male
Race/Species: Lightning Elemental
Appearance: In his fully natural state, Ram looks like nothing more than a vaguely-humanoid mass of electrical energy. However, he is able to freely assume a human form, using no effort to remain in said form.

In his human shape, Ram is roughly 6' tall with a fit, muscular body. His skin is pale, though not so much that he appears unhealthy. His hair is long, around six inches, and a tan-blonde in color on top while the sides and back are black. It is naturally swept back into a number of large, graceful spikes on the top, the back is laid down and reached halfway down his neck, and his bangs seem to defy gravity as they extend about an inch upward, bend and separate into several groups that extend outward with a slight downward angle. His eyes are electric blue and have gold lightning-bolt patterns extending outward from his pupils to the edges of his iris. His left ear had a gold earring in it, and he wars a gold necklace with a quarter-size pendant on it.

Ram wears a deep, deep blue button-up shirt with four large buttons in the front with the same color pants. Probably his most distinguishing feature is the amount of metal he wears. On his right thigh he wears a sort of metal plate, while the other thigh has a similar plate with a sort of blue covering. Around his left bicep he wears a stud armlet, and on both arms he has bronze-colored, fingerless metal gauntlets that extend to cover his entire forearm, stopping just short of his elbows. He does not wear shoes.

Background/Origin: Ram doesn't really have much of an origin. He has existed for countless eons, although most of that time was spent sealed away. He has only been released for short periods of time when his assistance was required by the Planet-Guardians.

Powers: Ram, being an Elemental of Lightning, has the ability to freely generate and manipulate his element.

Weaknesses: Magnetic Fields - While in his human form, Ram receives a slight disruption from magnetic fields. Weak ones will disrupt the electricity flowing through him, causing him to lose his ability to finely control his abilities, causing them to be less focused. Strong magnetic fields will either cause him to be badly overpowered, causing him to harm himself, or severely weakened. While in his fully natural state, he is completely subjected to the whims of strong magnetic fields.

Water – While in human form, water can cause shorts within Ram's body, causing him to possibly harm himself. While in his natural state, water will cause him to bleed energy and become weakened as it conducts electricity away from him.

Behavior: Ram, due to his element, is a somewhat chaotic and spontaneous individual. He will pick up strange quirks, drop them later, then pick up all new ones. He follows his own whims a lot, which can sometimes get on people's nerves.

Motivations: Ram is, being an elemental, motivated by the simple idea of balance between all things, especially good and evil.

Misc.: Ram, even though he has been sealed away from a long time, is a complete natural with the electric guitar. He also has a good singing voice.


Charcater approved, Rammy. Though, I hope Miaka doesn't think this is too much. It might be, but even if it is, I've got backups.
One note: Your character, even though summoned by the previous Planet-Guardian of the Earth, won't know the current one. He'll wake up thinking he was unsealed by the Guardian he knew, and at first glance, he'll probably think that Quaddle is the old one, but he'll figure out quickly that he is not the same. Though it might be all right if he reminices just a little about the good fights he had with the old Guardian.

And why is anyone barely even reading this thread? Heroes are needed to oppose the Villains in their thread, they said that, not me. Come on, people, I know there are some do-gooders out there.


You did create this thread a few days ago. You can't expect a thousand views.  :rolleyes


No, but there should be more than freaking fourty. I mean, come on.


Yes, that sounds good. Very good idea. Reminicence, ahh. Very fun.


The character is a little overpowered, but Heroes are kind of supposed to be.




I think Miaka is refering to Ram's guy. Your character seems balanced tech, he kind of reminds me of the Green Lantern. Except that his ring is actually a staff.  :P

lucas marcone

for the sake of drawing attention and getting this off the ground this is the caracter i would have....techmaster can still say no but here it goes

secret idenity: "If i told you it wouldnt be a secret would it?"


im just going to rip one of my city of hero heros.


Yes, we were worried about that. I was hoping that his weaknesses would help to balance him out, since they can cause him to harm himself/become useless. I've tweaked them a bit to make them a little more severe. Hope it helps.


Well I think luc's guys are the only two who really can't affect him on neutral ground(I.E. not a junkyard where there's a magnetic crane).

My character wears a full suit of metal armor, so he's pretty much grounded at all times, and black angel's character can probably shoot cobalt or some other magnetic metal or something. Miaka's character I'm not sure about, it seems like she would do some kind of crazy hug attack of doom.  :U


Actually, Lucas, I do have an idea that might--just might--generate a byte more interest, and I plan to put it into effect today. You charcaters is definately worth something, I'll grant you that, but I'd like to see how things pan out. For now, your character is on hold, I will approve only if we remain short of heroes. Stay tuned.

To Xeksue and Rammenstien: That's a good point Xek, it further balances out Ram. Ram, it's a good balance with what you also have done, I belive it is all good now.
(Basically I'm saying don't try to compensate for what Xek's mentioned)

Quote from: Xeksue on August 29, 2007, 12:23:31 PM
Your character seems balanced tech, he kind of reminds me of the Green Lantern. Except that his ring is actually a staff.  :P
And that he wears a red hooded robe-like outfit with a cape, not green tights :P


~Le Gasp~

Techy, you wound me! Of course I won't try to 'Compensate'! Every good Hero/Villain needs people they are weak against!


*Grumble grumble* I should pull out EOSOD-Sama on you...




Come on people, we need more heroes!

Ram and Quaddle can't fight the entire Villain's League by themselves! :3

lucas marcone

lucas marcone

i may wish to opt for a diffrent super power set and weaknesses. i realized the wizard dude th elemental AND a floramancer are all kind of similar. i think i'm going to try and diverseify myself from the earth theme i think 2 eath based guys are enough.


Floramancer? That's good...I gotta add that to my list...

lucas marcone

hero: red anvil
secret idenity: "If i told you it wouldnt be a secret would it?"
powers: super strength, pyrokenetics, imperviousness(not invalnerable),sharpend sight and smell
skin tone- deep red
hair- long,crimson with black highlights
horns- her hons start set just off the side if the head about midway back point backwards but hook around and emerge from the hair about cheek height.
face- very beautiful, slender and shapely features as such you would find in greekoroman art, her eyes are all black and reflect small amounts of light like a polished onyx stone
torso- she is moderately busty wearing a tight black tee that comes down to a tactical belt. she wears fingerless gloves.
back- her wings are that of a demon. red with black webbing
bottom- loose black cargo jeans
boots- she has hooves insted of feet.
weaknesses: water, spell craft, satan's grip on her consience
strengths: strong and open, she is very likeable and will work with you insted of against you(figuratively). she is strong and can use her hell fire well.
personality:open, friendly, honest, loyal


The new Hero is good, like the last one you came up with. But, *sigh* that still makes only three heroes against the entire Villain's League of nine, Count 'em!, nine Villains, and that's not even counting minions or the big shadow guy!

Even if your charcater get's in alongside Quaddle and Ram, without more allies, we will all need massive power boosts to even the three of us out with the nine of them. And that would unbalance everything. If only three heroes combined can match the power of nine villains combined, we could pick them off one by one on nothing more than a whim...

Come one, anyone (except current Villains), if you read this thread, join!

*thinks* Does anyone know if there's any social interent etiquette or RP etiquette against send PMs to specific people to join an RP?


Well you might come off to them much in the same way spam does on my hotmail account.

If you want I could expand upon the unnamed dude my villian fought awhile ago and make that guy a hero. As it stands I do plan on to bring him back later on for the sake of character development.  :rolleyes


I don't know what you have in mind for that kid, but he ever meets up with us, it sounds like he'd just be a minor ally/spy we keep in contact with, not a full-time hero. And that's actually a good thing, if he's under your control as a player. Having just one of the villain players simultaneously play a hero (lucas) is going to be bad enough, and he is my very last resort (albiet one I certainly keep in mind). Having two PCs with a villain and a hero... it just does not work.


Well basically I'd bring him back at some point later like after your guy confronts our guys. Right now I'm kinda getting a Meta-Knight Vibe from him looking back on it, except in reverse, because instead of helping my guy before the fight (Meta-Knight gives a Kirby a Sword) he helped him after the fight (The temporary "ghost" helicopter).

I would like to put up a bios for him somewhere though, I'll probably end up doing that in the Villians OOC.

lucas marcone

dude tesch you were worried about not haveing enought heros? at the rate you're fixing problems you'll have us all defeated by the end of the next page!


Not really. there's only one problem he's working on right now: the mutant outbreak. Since he's taking all the villain's by surprise for the first time, one by one, (or two by two, lol) he shouldn't have too much trouble. Once they know who he is and how to fight him, everything will become much tougher. In fact, once he's done with the mutants, one way or another, that's when he's going to retreat.

He also hasn't gotten into an all-out fight with anyone yet. That's when everyone's power will be tossed around. I'm thinking, to make it fair so we don't have players powerplaying over each other, we may have to adopt a comuterized dice-roll system, like Arcalane and Wastelands RP. I'll be talking to Miaka when I see her.

Unless of course, we can make all encounters pre-thought out, and we all agree on which side is going to win which battle, then play like that. It might work, It probably wouldn't.