Hero's League (OOC) - Last Call for Sign-Ups

Started by techmaster-glitch, August 23, 2007, 11:34:36 PM

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Or, we could do what I like to call the coin flip method. You flip a coin. Whoever wins will win the fight in the end.

Then there's the simple "He who roleplays best, wins" method. That's the one all the roleplays I'm already in use. Unfortunately, it tends to favor the skilled roleplayers, obviously.

lucas marcone

i was just saying. anastasia was working for a long time on that project then in less than a minute you figure out how to reverse it? that's way too powerful for something like this.


He's a twelve-hundred-year-old archmage. Anastasia's well less than a hundred. This kind of thing is trivial to him. The only thing that isn't trivial is the power required to cast the spell multiple times. He's going to have to recharge repeatedly, which leave him open to attack.


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on September 10, 2007, 07:16:01 PM
He's a twelve-hundred-year-old archmage. Anastasia's well less than a hundred. This kind of thing is trivial to him.
Actually, that sort of begs the question. One, he's a mage. What does he know about technology? Secondly, while age can be useful in determining intellect, that's only worth the actual experiences thereof. You're not munchkining, but in my opinion you're heading toward that general area.


He has been hiding among humans for the past three hundred years, he might not be that proficient with this type of thing, but he does get the general gist. And that's all he needs. He just needed to invent a spell that countered the effects specifically and removed the mutagen from the bloodstream. Not that hard with magic.

lucas marcone

tisk tisk tisk, techmaster you seem to have made a grave lapse in morality on Quaddle's part. Stan Lee's first rule of being a superhero. "super heros don't kill" especially not some poor shmuch who is a victim of poor circumstance. when you told the S.W.A.T. man to kill any out breaks you basicly told him to commit murder. and that, true beliver, is the diffrence between a hero and a villain.

what i would have done is to tell the S.W.A.T guy to subdue outbreaks with their "nonlethal arsunal". but that's just me.

also though Stan Lee is my hero and a great source of insparation to me, I realize the gray areas of being a hero.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Ah, lucas. I see you're paraphrasing The Iron Giant. :-]

Good movie. Nice plot points. "Guns kill, and you don't have to be a gun."
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: lucas marcone on September 11, 2007, 03:22:18 AM
tisk tisk tisk, techmaster you seem to have made a grave lapse in morality on Quaddle's part. Stan Lee's first rule of being a superhero. "super heros don't kill" especially not some poor shmuch who is a victim of poor circumstance. when you told the S.W.A.T. man to kill any out breaks you basicly told him to commit murder. and that, true beliver, is the diffrence between a hero and a villain.

Well, you have to remember one thing. Quaddle is not neccesarrily a "hero" in the traditional sense. He is a Planet-Guardian, had he protects the balance of Good and Evil in the entire world. In fact, if a massive army of Good assembled to begin a crusade to utterly wipe out all Evil, Quaddle would actually have to stop them, with force if neccesary. And since he can only concern himself with the balance in the World in general, he simply does not have the luxury like other heroes to care too much about individuals over the big picture.
   In this case, he knew that the virus can spread when an infected person mutates. If the mutated person even claws at a normal person, they become infected. Then the virus will just multiply. All the evacuated people are being directed to the same place. if a mutant outbreak occurs in the middle, and the police don't stop it quick enough, everyone could be lost. Quaddle (and I) both figued that the mutants would be far more resistant to nonlethal things, and to prevent outbreak in the survivors, any mutants must be dealt with quickly and permanently. Better to lose five than a thousand.

   Now, if Quaddle was a conventional hero, I'd be playing him the way you said, Lucas.

(Just a P.S.: I loved The Iron Giant too. It was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. Unfortunately, I haven't seen it in awhile :( )

lucas marcone

just between you and me that line was from Stan's Who Want's to be a Superhero first season. btw superman is DC and Stan could get sued if he put a refrence in his movies. Iron Giant is Disney.

llearch n'n'daCorna

It's a staple of superhero-ing. Tracing it back to original roots, you'll be looking at the 50's and 60's pulp comics, if not earlier...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Actually, tech, the mutagen isn't contagious. It works only via the water supply. I said myself that they're not zombies. They haven't been making more mutants, the prison was just packed.


Oh...crap. I need to go back and edit.

EDIT: Edited. Line referring to that is now removed.


Then she saw a lizard, they both appeared to be chaseing the red person and she knew the red man was helping, so he must be a cause of trouble. She flew at him ams streached out and covered in flame.

Wait, who's she jumping at?

lucas marcone

the only lizard of importance in the entire city right now


That's what I thought, but the way you said the sentance grammatically implied me.

Then she saw a lizard, they both appeared to be chaseing the red person and she knew the red man was helping, so he must be a cause of trouble. She flew at him ams streached out and covered in flame.

When you switch from proper nouns to a pronoun, the pronoun usually refers to the last proper noun mentioned, which in this case, was "the red man".

It's alright, I'm not the grammar police, and you don't have to edit, I know what you mean. All's well.


I noticed that you have not enough people so I plan to join ... if I can ofcourse ^^''. though I need to make a char first give me a little while to write down one of my older chars in here so that it fits a bit.




hero: Gentan

secret identity: "If I told you it wouldn't be a secret would it?"

powers: He has shadow powers he can do the following with it;
-He can change his body in a shadow (it looks like smoke that is glued against the floor/wall/ceiling but it can take shapes off people and stuff too hide it self) and crawl over the floor or hide in any kind off shadow to get closer to his target.
-He has a second shadow form insted off touching the floor he can float in the air as a smoke cloud. It is to confuse his foe to make think he is in the smoke while he is the smoke.
-He can change parts of his body (like an arm) in an shadow and then change it in a weapons or other stuff that will help to sneak in (he can't change his body in a projectile weapon becouse there has to be a link to the body).
-He can change an arm in a snake like tentacle to see around corners or take out a guard from a distance, the tentacle has 4 large fangs 2 up and 2 down.
-Beside his body he can shift his own shadow in many things, from a whip to an box spring (so that he can dodge fast attacks or enemy projectiles).
-He can shift every shadow (that's not his own shadow) to do an attack with (those can become projectiles and he can create 20 of them in one time) but he can't use it to much after each other becouse he gets tired off it.

(okay I had a block ... AND I was a bit lazy. But he looks like that >.>.
He has an small sword on his back that's an feet long. Two simple daggers, one in his boot and the other on his upper leg. He has 10 ninja stars in a small pocket on his belt. He has these weapons incase his powers don't work or is not capable to use them.

His biggest weakness is light because his powers are not on full strength in it. His attacks are slower in bright light and he can't use other shadows to attack or defend.

His powers are at full strength in the dark and till so far no one could beat him in the dark. He knows much different martial fighting and does lots off yoga, he can bend his body in strange poses thanks to the yoga, he can move much faster then any average person and reacts faster too.

He is someone that will not give up fast but he knows when to run. He will never abandon someone he cares about. He can be a bit quiet around strangers but when he knows them he can be very open. He likes to joke from time to time and will most likely put an harmless booby-trap on places you would not expect them to find them.

Gentan got trained in a hidden school some where deep in the mountains. There he got trained in many different kind off martial arts styles and he had to combine them to create his own styll. After many years off training he became the best fighter on the school. Just when they wanted to make him a teacher he left the school to see what was out side the mountains and to learn more fight stylls.
While traveling through the mountains he fell in a hole that was coverd by snow. He woke up after a few hours and his whole body hurted from the fall but he was lucky that he had not broken something. When he looked up he saw an old shrine and on it was a black globe.
He crawled to it, becouse he was in to much pain to walk, to see what it was just when he got in touching range the globe shined before it melted and started to cover him. He tryed to pull and rub it off but it didn't work and everything became black when his head got covered.
When he woke up again he noticed the black stuff was gone and that the pain was almost gone too. He walked slowly to the hole in the cave and by accidently his arm became a shadow when he tried jumping to it. This scared him for a second but he found it interesting too.
After a while he started to get it how it worked and he got the idea to train in the cave till he could controle it with no problem. After a few months off training he left the cave and left the mountains far behind him.
It toke him a day or two to reach a town and from there he asked directions to a city. Some people in the town told him about a city that had some criminal problems and they told him to stay away from it. He said that he would not go to it but he did it any way becouse where people fight there needs someone help.

yay done. though if he is to strong say please so that I can change some stuff. oh before I forget I always get confused with the a/an, to/too so if you see me make one off those errors please tell they are kinda hard for me ^^''

lucas marcone

to help you out ill give you the grammer ruleings on those words.

an is used when there is a vowel at the beginning of a word, A,E,I,O,U esample an apple, an escape(as a dirty stinkin ninja you'll probably use this a lot)
a is used when there is a consonant, any other letter example a pirate(yarr :)) a car

to is used with verbs (action words) example he rocked to the break of day.

too is used when describeing excess. example, there were too many ninja trying to attack the lone pirate. he has too much fun

hope that helps.

also you're a bit veague about you shadow powers


I will try to make it better when I am back


okay done with the changes I hope you guys can understand it now =3

*edit edit*
the a and an make sence and I get it but I still don't get the to and too >.>''


I think you're charcater will work.

A shadow warrior working for the light? (metaphorically speaking) That's interesting...

The only problem is he might not work too well with Quaddle, as he is an archmage, and all his spells are bright and flashy :P


only becouse he has shadow powers doesn't mean he can't be good. an element does not say anything about a person only what he is capible off. though he is really good in infiltrating in enemy's bases and get secret information or sabotage the place.

so when does the heroe IC start?


Quote from: Fex on September 22, 2007, 01:20:31 AM
so when does the heroe IC start?

The heroes IC is in the same thread as the villians IC, its where they fight each other and etc.

And your right element means nothing, it's the person behind the element that matters. Look at luc's hero heh.



Hey fex, you prolly should read back a few pages, to my first post as Quaddle, at least. You should then get a pretty good idea at what's been going on and what he (and others) can do.

After a little while he reached where the light should have come from and he noticed a guy on a disk floating in the air.
Quaddle is actually collpased on the ground, struggling to stay concious if you were to read back just a little.
And he flys on two small disks made of gold light attached to his feet :P

And the light was more like a blinding explosion. I put a lot of description into it, and everyone seems to be watering it down to nothingness :<
It's a lost art, it is...



Alrighty, just a notice, my presenace for a few hours was only temporary. Anyone who's seen my in a few other thread probably know that I've been having problems recently. I have to go now, any further log ons will probably be short and sporadic, until either Tuesday or Friday.
Life sucks :<



Hey ive read the whole forum this sounds very interesting....
Do you mind if i join?


Come up with a hero, post it, and I'll consider.
No promises.
Chanes are still fairly good, though.

Also, if you take a look at some of my recent posts, I've been having problems with life recently. Post your char, but don't expect an answer until Friday, probably.