Hero's League (OOC) - Last Call for Sign-Ups

Started by techmaster-glitch, August 23, 2007, 11:34:36 PM

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lucas marcone

if anyone has any questions about the meaning of existance,life and the universe nows a good time for Q&A because as soon as tech comes back and is done playing with "The voice" it's gone



What is the answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything?

lucas marcone

llearch n'n'daCorna

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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Shouldn't Dyslexia really be spelled Lexdysia? So that way people who had it would know what they had.


Quaddle saw Red  keeping pace while carring Gentan by his arms. She notices Gentan looking back for a second at her leg. "Eyes forward."
Uh, Lucas? Wasn't Gentan going to turn into his little smoke cloud and follow along the ground?


No I was running after you guys as smoke I am too slow unless a strong wind blows me in the right direction




Just an update, Lucas, Fex. I'm not back yet, but I will be tonight, tomorrow at the latest. Just FY.

And Onyour post, Lucas, just need some clarfication/stuff. What 'beam' are you talking about? Do you mean that golden light flash/'explosion'?

Also, just more FYI, we're headed all the way to the Sierra Nevada mountain range. That's where Quaddle's stronghold is. (You'll know what I mean when we get there >:3) I've been assuming that we're on the East Coast, though. I'm planning to get there not until morning, can Red hold that kind of speed and distance? Fex, can Gentan do the same? (oh, he's on the ground, that's gonna be even more difficult...)


nope he has no problems with keeping up and even if he gets behind he launches him self back to the group

lucas marcone

we were actually in micigan or how ever Jr Canada is spelled. and yes Red is refering to the Uber light show extravaganza. she's just a bit better with words.


I must have missed that. Who said we were in michigan, and where?

lucas marcone

Liz let out a surprised laugh. He wasn't amused, just dumbfounded at the distance between them. "I'm in Michigan, Daemon. We're at least nine hours apart by car." He got his iphone off the nightstand and fiddled around on Mapquest for a minute. "Hang on... let me try and find a good halfway point so neither of us has to waste a whole day hitching rides." There was a pause as Liz scrolled around, looking at city names. "Hmm. Parkersburg, West Virginia. It'd take us each about five hours to drive there. Any ideas on a faster way?"

posted by black angel. Liz has a home in michigan, and they drove to a near by city.

Daemon eventually found the faster way via helecopter to liz's actual home.




Is it too late for me to join in?

Name: Spike Leblanc

Race: Sinistral

Age: 500000 in Sinistral years, 21 in human years.

Powers: Sacred magic and martial arts

Weakness: His compassion for others is a weakness but cause he can be trick by his eneimes.

Strength: Spike has super human strength and can use magic, he is good in martial arts and his strongest move is the Dragon Fang Fist. His strongest spell is Sacred wave.

Bio: Spike is a sinistral prince and a martial arts champion, he travels to world trough countless ages and fought many differnt foes including Dracula.


Ugh. As if I didn't have enough to worry about right now...

Just kidding :B

Have you read the entire Villain's Leage IC thread? (NOT the OOC) If not, you should do that.

Also, After reading the League IC, you really should expand a-LOT on your charcater. Use the skeleton that I provided on the first page:






Put in plenty of description, and compare your char sheet to everyone elses.

One other thing; you might need a different character. The character I'm using the the archmage of archmages, thus we have our all-purpose magic covered. We have Rammenstien/Ram Ei'Sona (still trying to get him in), who is the embodiment of lightning/electricty, thus we have our heavy hitter. We have Fex/Gentan, uber ninja who can transform into shadows, thus we have martial arts covered. Then we have Lucas Marcone/Red Anvil, a demon-turned-good, who is highly impervious to most attacks, thus we have our tank.

The only thing we don't have, (That the Villains have AT LEAST two of, I think three) is a supergenius. That's an open option if you'd like to take it.
Or you can try to come up with something completely original, that would be sweet.

lucas marcone

Red might not be a super genius but she isn't a dumb blonde either. in other words should quaddle for some reason be incomasitated she could probably take charge and lead the group well. so long as she doesn't get her battle rage going on.

also spike, think about shortening your forum name. also a closer look at the "sinestrals" might be warrented.


...Unm, Lucas, I never said any of our chars were dumb. I was just saying that we didn't have a supergenius engineer/scientist character.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way, about Spiked's name, even though it's long, we've already got a nickname for him. When he posted his intro thread, llearch made a note of his name and it's length, brought it down to SSS, and started calling him "hissy". Unless he says otherwise, that's what I'll be calling him >:3


lucas marcone

it just looks weird on my screen how it pushes his speach field out 1 1/2 inches without streaching out the page


ok...but are you sure, i kinda do have something in mind a differnt version of Spike.

Name: Spike

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bounty Hunter and Tactican
Powers:Ability to shapeshift and assume the form of anyone useful to hunt down criminals, and used their powers against them and the ability to create powerful weapons just by put together differnt items that people might think is junk, plus since he has an iq of 300 he can think up differnt plans to stop various criminals, one of the main weapons Spike uses is a katana that he forged himself and a silver gun that he loves to use. Spike when in the form of another person has that person's memories and various attributes.
Weakness: Sufric  Acid which nullifes his shapeshifting power and reveals his true form when he is in another form and the memories of his parents death haunt him every night.
Behavior: He gets along with everyone and has an iq of 300
Motivations: The only motivation in Spike's life if to protect those in need from evil
Misc: Spike, a bounty hunter has only one mission in life to put those who do evil to justice.
He uses any thing he finds as tools to build weapons but his powers to shapeshift help him to inflitrate any villian stronghold and spy on them. Spike also has a dark secret, his family died in a fire when he was young. He didn't see the person who set the fire but remembers hearing a high pitch laughter. Ever since that day Spike has been searching for the person who killed his family and make them pay. But will his thirst for vegence cloud his sense of justice no one knows for sure. But one thing is for sure that day will arrive soon when Spike meets the killer.


Hm. That works better. Just needs more description...
More description, especially on what exactly he can do/his limits/ ect, would help very much.
Now, I just gotta think of a way to get you in the group...

And just making sure, but you have read the entire Villain's League IC, right?



You should. It will give you an idea on how this RP is played.


I read it now so i guess i got a good idea of whats going on.


Daaaaang, you fast, boy!

Or are you just saying you read it? :P

Just kidding. Don't start posting yet, wait for me to guide you in. I gotta think of a way to get you into the RP, unless you've got an idea. In which case, I'm all ears (or eyes, as it were, since we're typing :3)


Quote from: SpikeSinistralofSacredness on October 28, 2007, 07:42:52 PM
ok...but are you sure, i kinda do have something in mind a differnt version of Spike.

Name: Spike

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Occupation: Bounty Hunter and Tactican
Powers:Ability to shapeshift and assume the form of anyone useful to hunt down criminals and the ability to create powerful weapons.
Weakness: Sufric  Acid which nullifes his shapeshifting power
Behavior: He gets along with everyone and has an iq of 300
Motivations: The only motivation in Spike's life if to protect those in need from evil
Misc: Spike, a bounty hunter has only one mission in life to put those who do evil to justice.
He uses any thing he finds as tools to build weapons but his powers to shapeshift help him to inflitrate any villian stronghold and spy on them. Spike also has a dark secret, his family died in a fire when he was young. He didn't see the person who set the fire but remembers hearing a high pitch laughter. Ever since that day Spike has been searching for the person who killed his family and make them pay. But will his thirst for vegence cloud his sense of justice no one knows for sure. But one thing is for sure that day will arrive soon when Spike meets the killer.

When I said "expand", I actually meant more in his powers/weaknesses department (look at my char sheet, or Rammenstien's to give you an idea of what it should be like). From what I can tell, he can impersonate anyone he chooses? Ok...what else does than entail? Does he take their powers/strenghts as well, or just their form? Also, how does his weapon creation work? What exactly can he do with that?

lucas marcone

yeah and there just has to be other weaknesses other than sulfuric acid. is he afraid of anything? any mental disorders or physical handicaps?


Still waiting for expanded definition of Spike's abilities, hissy...*drums fingers*

lucas marcone

fix you maple story link codeing too. you seem to have a few extra vestigeal letter on there