Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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lucas marcone

Corc's chopper touched down at a small air field in california. He headed straight for the nearist bar for a drink he phoned Roulette on the way.


"Oh..." Release let sheepish smile come over him.  "Sorry Boss, just a little excited I guess." 

Release shot the rabbit-girl a smile the Boss explained the situation.  He then grabbed a chair and pulled it towards the group, it created a short grating noise before he levitated it the rest of the way and sat in it reverse style.  His smile never faded and he never took off his glasses. 

"Yeah, I'm the local telekinetic slash telepath with a penchant for maiming, killing and other wise dismantling anyone who ticks me off."  He kept smiling, "Unfortunately some of the local flavors are a lot more boring than what I'm used to and I was thinking of leaving the city when the Boss told me he had something fun for me to do, or rather someone fun to play with."  Release looked over the edge of his glasses.  "So what's this guy look like and how does he seem to operate?"  Release kept staring at the rabbit girl, he wasn't sure but he got the feeling her collar hid more than a pretty face, and her mind was probably like a death trap.  He'd have to go testing it out later when he wasn't sidetracked by his new playmate.  "Also, how much C4 do you have?"


Anastasia shot The Boss a look that should have by all rights should have killed, but she got his point.
"How much I have right this minute, or in general? Either way, enough," Anastasia replied, taking in the individual she was dealing with. Huh, telepath... It varied from person to person, but most cases she'd dealt with developed a heightened sense of empathy as a survival mechanism, amongst other interesting quirks. Best get a feel for his, eventually. "He has a large amount of power, and a good deal of variety thereof, that we have little explanation for. Some would call it magic," she rolled her eyes, I would call them morons. "Our only lead on him is a couple references to his equipment, primarily a somewhat ornate staff of his, in this old mythology book. His abilities thus far appear to include flight, a degree of control over crystals and biological compounds... You two saw more of him than I did," she nodded to Liz and Daemon, "He try anything with you I missed?"


"Hmm.....I think you've said all that needs to be said, Doctor. Expect the unexpected with this guy.... I mean hell he destroyed Liz's Lexus, heh.", he quietly replied with slight amusement in his tone. He was lying through his teeth though. Of everyone present he saw the more of that man's fighting ability then anyone else. For some reason though he felt compelled to with-hold that information, it wasn't nearly as simple as everyone else wanted to believe. "With that said we should probably get going, Liz's house?", he commented as he made for the door again, rolling his eyes behind his shades.


"Just give me the address."  Release smiled.  "I'm a bit of a night hound so I'll probably being prowling the whole night club scene until morning."  Release looked at the rabbit-girl.  "By the way, you as a scientist should probably be more open minded, after all what we know of today as science would have been magic to our ancestors.  Oh and we can discuss the C4 tomorrow in greater detail."  He stretched his arms and waited for the address before leaving the group for the night and staying true to his word would party until dawn.

lucas marcone

Rou's phone rang for a while, but after a while it seemed she wouldn't pick up. After haveing his alcohol Croc checked into a none too fancy hotel.


Liz and Crystal sat quietly, Liz still seething a little at Croc's stupidity, when a completely normal-looking human walked in and asked if anyone knew someone who sounded half like their employer. Robots at his command? Liz sat up a little straighter, and draped a protective arm around Crystal. Stupid thing to do in retrospect, but he wasn't about to risk her getting hurt just for the sake of anonymity. A dog-patron attacked him, but the new guy simply smiled and ... levitated his glasses off to the side as he chucked the dog out the doors. Those doors weren't open when he started talking...

Liz's eyes narrowed and his grip on his lover tightened. Doesn't seem like one of Quaddle's kind... and he doesn't seem like he'd be against us either. Anastasia got up and talked with the guy, not looking overly concerned. Then who should finally step out of the shadows but their employer ... so that's what he looks like. And probably why he hides in the shadows. He pulled Crystal a little closer and whispered, "That's him. My boss."

"The psychic guy?" she whispered back. Liz shook his head, to Crystal's mild surprise. There was a brief exchange of words, during which Liz learned enough about the new guy - Release, apparently, was his name - to know he was with them, for now. Everyone agreed on heading back to Liz's house, so he and Crystal stood, stretching and gathering up what little they'd brought into the diner.

Liz walked up to the others, pocketing his little silver toothpick. He briefly considered throwing it out, or throwing it into the middle of the aisle just to listen to the scuffle, but decided it was too risky, even here. Producing anold receipt from his pocket, he scribbled down his address and handed it to Release.

"Do me a favor and don't go attacking the houses around us when you come," he told him quietly. "I can't risk suspicion." Release moved to leave, so the two reptiles headed for the door, waiting for the others to follow.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

Croc finnaly fell asleep about then. He was still holding on to the bag of bugals and the crappy staticy antenna could barely pick up three channels so the tv was still showing the clearist channel.

"Peace declared! China has promised to stop it's arbatrary expansionism thanks the the brave efforts of New Laos! Deals are still in the works for it's borders to return to normal." The obviously over the hill and still dressed up like a tramp anchor turned to her co-anchor "It seems the one day war in the east is finnally over huh tom?"  "That it is Dianne" he replyed.


"Now why would I want to do that?" Release grinned manically as he waved and left.  He his the streets with a deep breath and caught sight of the dog-man's body and gave an impressed whistle.  "Hate to meet the guy that did that on a bad night." 

He then made his way downtown and found a few late night clubs to hang out at.  He would party for a few hours and end up back at his hotel room alone but satisfied with his night.  Unfortunately his night would be plagued by the usual series of torturous nightmares that involved him dying and descending to hell.  The morning would leave him awake, but drained as he headed to Liz's house in a very sour mood.


Morning broke over the quiet suburb in Michigan, morning fog blanketing through most of the neighborhood and around Liz's home. A van and a limo parked infront, everything from last night concluded and arrangements made. For now they resided here, till the daylight hours warranted the next move.

Once again, he found himself sitting up on the rooftop, gazing into the rising sun on the horizon. He did not know whether the others were still out of it, or of the whereabouts of the apparent newcomer. All he could do was think, still trying to fully understand what has happened to him. In his mind, it felt as if he was being, torn asunder. Then something caught his attention, he could hear movement from below within the house.

"Hmm....someone's I'll head down in a bit..", he thought to himself as he lied down up there.

lucas marcone

The morning sun was an unwanted wake up call for Croc, but he rose all the same. He put on a pot of coffee and watched the morning news.
Ok, i need to list out what i need to do he thought. 1. Contact Roulette, 2. Grab some eats, 3. Uh.... hell I'll wing it.

He called Roulette from his cell. Come on pick up this time.


Roulette jolted awake at the sudden sound of her phone ringing- why on earth was Bananaphone, of all things, her ringtone? But no matter. On instinct, she brought a hand up to push herself up against her 'pillow' and found herself, for the second time that evening, bombarded with noise.
As her eyes jolted open, she all but smacked herself for falling asleep in the car. On the steering weel, no less.
...On second thought, how had she even gotten a liscence?
Either way, now she reached into her pocket, and picked up the phone.

"This better be good."
Roulette isn't a morning person.

The Boss had sat back and simply watched the slightly bizzare exchange between his employees, taking in all that was said. There was no need to control their every move... But he'd intervene if things went too far from his plan. He walked behind them as they left, and followed the van from his limo.
During the night, he'd insisted on staying in his limo, and, having risen early, now lounged around outside of the house, a cup of coffee in his hands as he watched the sun rise.
A few hours later, nothing had changed about the small man, save for the emptying of his cup as he waited for the others to join him.


Anastasia had left out a stack of papers and pens when she went to bed in Liz's guest room. Unfortunately it hadn't been enough, and she'd woken up to find that she'd started writing on the sheets in her sleep when she'd ran out of paper to write on. She always had ideas in her sleep, and even unconscious was smart enough to know that she'd forget them if they weren't written down. That, of course, was where the difference from everyone else's mental state when asleep stopped. She dragged herself downstairs, having slept in what she was wearing, and was drowsily working her way through her eighth coffee when the others would be showing up in the kitchen.


As soon as they got everyone settled in and showed them where the basement was (without actually going in it), Liz and Crystal went to sleep. It had been a trying day for them, even without the new guests in their home.

Crystal was the first of the two to wake up, as always. She threw on a pair of sweatpants and a baggy T-shirt, then went downstairs, greeting those who had woken up and fixing herself a cup of chai tea. "Liz should be up by about noon, and he can show you around the basement better than me. Did that new guy show up yet?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Morning, somewhere in the Sierra Nevada mountain range

   Quaddle had been flying West with Red Anvil behind him and Gentan down below all night. Of course, Quaddle wasn't tired at all, having his magical disks to carry him. After awhile of flying standing up on two disks, he ditched those and created a single larger one, then actually reclined on it, just relaxing the whole way there.
   Finally, around a cluster of several large-ish mountains, Quaddle stopped his disk. He stood up, then held his staff, waved a hand over it, and spoke into it. Red Anvil and Gentan would heard Quaddle's voice in their heads. "Well, we're here! Home sweet home! Whad'ya guys think?"
   There was nothing here but your standard forest-mountain scenery. While beautiful, there was absolutely nothing to indicate any sort of hideout befitting a twelve-hundred-odd-year-old extraplanar archmage that looked like a teenage human. Perhaps he was getting senile?


Gentan was panting loud for running the whole night and he let him self fall on some grass. "You really need a damn train or something else to get us from one place to another. Becouse if I have to run this every time there is trouble I am going to die then." He said through the panting to Quaddle.

After a bit off resting he sat up and saw nothing beside endless nature. "So ... where did you hide it?" Gentan asked he knew the Arch mage was powerfull and that the base was hidden at a place he would take years to find.

lucas marcone

"Good morning Roulette, it's Croc. You said you needed some help?"


Red touched down the morning dew shineing off her hoves and the surrounding grass. "Well the scenery is nice, but where are you hideing the base? I'd like some rest."


"Yeah, some help will probably be needed... once I find the Boss. He never really told be where he was..." She trailed off here, looking out her car's window. "somewhere in Michigan, I think..."


   Quaddle was about to reply to Gentan when Red Anvil dove and alighted on the ground with him, and basicly repeated Gentan's question. Quaddle's face faltered, and he talked to their minds through his staff again. "Uh, if you want to see my hideout, I think you're gonna want to be off the ground." Quaddle then conjured two more large-sized disks, and sent them down to Red Anvil and Gentan to pick them up.

lucas marcone

"I'm near LA." Croc stated. "Ya want me to get closer to Michigan and go from there?" He asked


The sudden rise caught Red off gaurd and sent her onto her rear on the disk. "Oof! Could you warn us next time, please?" She asked regaining composure.


At about 11, Liz headed downstairs at last, wearing a wrinkled pair of blue jeans and a white T-shirt. By this time, Crystal had already eaten breakfast, brushed her hair, called ahead to say she'd be opening the shop late, and made a pot of coffee. She perked up when her boyfriend came down, even if his eyes were still half-closed.

"Hey! You're up before noon! That's gotta be a new record!" she congratulated him. Liz grunted in reply, heading straight for the coffee and grabbing a cup before he did anything else. After taking a sip, he woke up a little more.

"Okay... thinking straighter now... anything we need to do before I get you guys set up in the basement?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


   "Alrighty." Quaddle said to Gentan and Red Anvil. "I direct you attention to those two mountains..." Quaddle pointed with his staff towards two of the green tree-covered Sierra mountains, in between which Gentan and Red Anvil had been standing moments before. Nothing happened for a few seconds. Then, soundlessly, it looked like the two mountains shook a little. No, not shook, moved. Yes, staring at them would confirm, the two mountains seemed to be sliding away from each other, sparsely vegetated and completely unpopulated ground just appearing seamlessly in between them. Then, the ground that continued to appear in between the mountains as they continued to move away from each other bulged, then grew upward. A third whole mountain was growing in between the first two right before everyone's very eyes. But this mountain was different; it had some trees and other greenery, but not much, and still no fauna. As it continued to grow, it would become apparent that the mountain seemed to have been partially carved out into something vaguely resembling half a stone temple built into the mountain itself, riddled with tunnels, entrances, and stairs. After a few more moments, everything stopped moving, and the third mountain stood fully in between the first two.
   The strange thing is, during this whole thing, nature below was entirely undisturbed. There we no sudden mass flights of birds, no roars of suprise from large predators, absolutely nothing to indicate that the wildlife had even noticed the spectacle in any way.
   " what do you think?" Said Quaddle, grinning like a child.

lucas marcone

"Well it's flashy I'll give you that." Red said

lucas marcone

"Hello, Roulette? Ya there?" Croc was sure he had lost the signal so he moved to try for better reception. "Can ya hear me now?"


Gentan saw the mountains move slowly as a third appeard in the middle. No sound was made by the animals off the moving moutains.

"the mountains moving impressed me but the base ... well I kinda expected something, well ... cooler. Becouse off you being an arch mage and stuff." Gentan said for fun to see if he kept smiling or not.


   Quaddle looked slighly put-out from Red Anvil and Gentan's less-than-enthusiastic reactions. "Kids these days..." he muttered, "such apreciation for the subtle arts..." Then Quaddle got a slightly distubing smile. He waved his staff.
   Instantly, the two golden disks of light holding up Red Anvil and Gentan suddenly...vanished. The two plummeted toward the earth unceremoniously. Quaddle let them fall for a moment, and without looking, he idly waved his staff again. Both Gentan and Red Avil slowed to a stop in midair, but now they were both held up by their ankles by some invisible force. He brought them back up to his hight, the two dangling helplessly by one foot. He was laughing like crazy.
   "" he said, trying to catch his breath. "It's just that...when you get to be as old as I am, you really gotta stretch to keep yourself enteratined, often at the expence of others. Usually those who lack fine tastes...sorry..."
   Without bothering to right the two, he slowly started floating all three of them toward an entrance to his hideout.


Stirring form a not quite restless sleep the businessman looked out the window in seconds he knew where he was exactly to the foot above sea level. Next to him shrunken and curled up in a ball a wing hiding her face slept Bakia necko chan. he smiled and she watch her snore. She was purring and he could only guess about what.  Reaching into his carry on he removed an object that looked like a laptop.

It is important to say that it looked like a laptop buts its appearance was deception. It was in-fact an object the combined magic and technology on a quantum level little more then a folded slab of high strength polymer with no true motherboard, key, storage or the like. The genetic sensor lock was real as were the security devices but it stored no information and could not harm him if it sell into the right hands on this planet. In-fact in his experience there were less then a dozen entities that could even access his system if he lost it and none were native to this earth.  There was cipher but he lived and died in a world he'd visited before this one.

That though gave the businessman pause. If it happened once no matter how remote the odds were then the chances that I'll happen again are very great. He'd better be quick.  Running his fingers over the inner surface he activated it and in seconds he was looking as the maps signaling the position of his spies within the camps of both his enemies and allies and on more then. It was the stock market. The value of the American dollar was still fluxing wildly dropping massively and climbing a little. This was not good as 30 percent of his finances were in dollars. Still it made the Euro, the Pound and the Yen more value as the dollar dropped. 

There was and incoming messaged. He glanced over it. It was runs progress report. He was still having trouble setting up double agents with in two of the enemies camps but that's was to be expected. these to camps they he gave his were both well advanced and well entrenched.  He replied to Rues report telling him to activate sleeper agent1422 and sighed off. Counting in his mind he reached zero a full three seconds before the pilot announced they were vectoring in for a landings. He looked to Bakia and saw her sitting staring at him. "Do return to a more human form my dear. You'll want to make a good impression on the others. "

Mewing   she hopped down and disappeared form sight likely going to find something to wear. The businessman closed his eyes and sighed. This game was becoming stressful but then that was half the fun. He grinned and he remember how  one of his watched  and favored people had send a country and it's seas with agents like him only to be beaten by a crew of anti-heroes not even ten in number for the sake of one of there friends. something similar could happen to he he knew. ad he was acutely away they he was not the only player in thing game though he'd gotten a little out of the past month or so he knew he still had a change to turn things to his advantage.

He smiled. Yes theses game were worth it even if the only stakes were to win a hard earned victory or wind up with egg on his face.

(sorry to take so long but i wanted to make this post as non invacive as possible while explaining where i rue and Bakia( one day i'll spell her name right by second nature) disappeared too
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Yeah, Croc. Get as close as you can, and then i'll ask the Boss to send someone for ya." She nodded. "Sorry, you just woke me up, musta dozed off or somethin'."


   Quaddle floated the odd trio through one of the entrance tunnels in his hideout into a small receiving chamber. There he 'deposited' them on the ground. "Come along now, no time to be laying about!" He said to the pair sprawled on the ground. He quickly walked through a small archway. Inside...was a larger chamber that was an absolute mess. There was all manner of unrecognizable junk scattered about. There was no way through. "Oh come on, I thought I cleaned up this place before I left!" He said, exasperated.

lucas marcone

"You probably didn't do a good job the first time." Red picked up a blue translucent globe off the ground. "So our glorious base is staged out of your room. Cute"