Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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He didn't even blink as the tag fell into the isle, then a sly smirk spread across his face as he attempted to recline a bit.

"Heh, love might have been a bit of an understatement.", he subtly joked. He then held out his hand over his part of the table, it dimly flickered a little bit; and in an instant his briefcase appeared before him. He turned it around towards himself and subtly continued, "Well, atleast not everyone's plans were ruined. Of course I didn't even start yet with this..."


Liz had been a bit distracted from the conversation by the waitress and Manny. He did his best to keep Crystal from noticing it, but she did. Thankfully, her only reaction was to bite her lip and turn back to the food the previous waitress had brought, her eyes wide even in her silence. When he turned back, he looked closer at the book Anastasia had brought. Killing crusaders, huh? This guy really does know who's truly dangerous. And he didn't lie about his age, either. "Funny... he thinks religious extremists killing people they think are evil is bad, so he kills them because he thinks they're evil. Am I the only one who finds that a little contradictory?" It wasn't a very clearly worded thought, but it was the closest he could come.

Daemon stretched his hand over the table and recovered the briefcase full of riches Liz had given him earlier. "Holy %$^&, that thing survived?" the lizard quietly exclaimed. He had an idea about what Anastasia had said earlier. It was a stretch, but it just might work.

"Y'know... my house has a multi-level basement. And we made sure the walls were sturdy and soundproof, in case I needed to do a transaction or if Crystal had a certain kind of order. I don't know if it's safe to go back yet, but if we can't find anywhere else..."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


   "Pretty far. We're headed to the Sierra Nevada mountains." Quaddle said. At Red Anvil's insistance that his cleansing spell could have caused deaths, and the fact that her leg was seriously bothering her (not that hard to pick up on), he decided to angle down for a landing.
   "if you really want you're leg fixed up that badly, you should have asked. And if that 'beam' you're refering to was my cleansing spell, I assure you, there is no possible way it could have killed anyone."
   Quaddle touched down near Gentan.


He crept open his briefcase slightly and picked a small diamond out from it, he then closed it back up and slid it under the table. Quietly he acknowledged, "Yeah....after I came to I went back there to pick it up. As for your plan, for the moment it will be alright. It'll take roughly a week or so to come up with a more firm base of operations. Barring a few things, of course."

He held firm the handle on his briefcase under the table, the image flickered for a second; then it was gone. After that he picked up the small diamond on the table and began twirling it on his index finger like a basketball. He could....sense fear, it was coming from across the table. He looked up into Crystal's eyes, she seemed a bit startled from Manny's bliss a couple booths away, barely touching her food.

"Are you afraid?", he quietly asked, directing at her. He then flicked the small diamond into the air and grasped it with lightning quick reflexes.  "Don't be. You're in safe hands here, even from death."

lucas marcone

Croc was takeing a quick nap as his pilot navigated his way across the Pacific.


"But what of their pace makers and artificial limbs?" Red adjusted to follow him. "Are you saying they'll be alright without them?"


Crystal gave a little start when Daemon spoke to her. She'd almost forgotten where she was, but then that was what she'd been trying to do. She smiled timidly at him. "Thank you. I'm just not used to being involved in things like this... not directly, anyway."

After that, the girl seemed a bit more relaxed. Liz smiled warmly at her and patted her shoulder, then caught Daemon's eye and nodded a solemn thank-you. He didn't want Cryssie to stay scared this whole time. He suspected that things were going to get a little worse from here on in, so he wanted her to be calm and prepared.

"Ana? Any objections about staying at our place for a while?" He glanced once at Crystal to make sure all this was okay with her too. She nodded, so he took a bite of his salad and waited for the lapine to respond.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


   Quaddle regarded Red Anvil. "The spell was supposed to cleanse and remove things that the body would try to get rid of itself, if it could. Obviously, with the crystal, the effects went much further than I anticipated, but things like prosthetics are sugically cleaned and fitted to the recipient specifically to avoid being rejected by body systems. Thus, they would not have been rejected by the spell. I am going to assume that whatever was in your leg probably had no right being there. Thus, it was rejected by the spell."
   In case Anvil had any further doubts, Quaddle added, "A good number of people have pacemakers. I can sense anyone's death if I so wish, though individual scales that I have no knowledge of can sometimes be clouded. But if that many people had died, believe me, I certainly would have felt it. Since I did not, no one died."
   Quaddle finally leaned in to examine Red's bloated leg. After studying it for a moment, he held the orb-end of his staff close to the leg. It glowed soft golden, then flashed violently as the magic backlashed and stung Quaddle. He lurched back, but then came right back, furrowing his brow. Such minor things, while most certainly would have been disorienting to a human, had little effect on Quaddle. He helf the staff close again, but this time, the orb glowed a dark, almost evil-like black. Instead of backlashing, this time Red's leg began deflating a little. Suddenly, there was a continuous crunching sound as the bone that had been missing for who knows how long grew back. Red would feel no pain, but if she was even the slightest bit squeamish, it would probably make her grimace.
   In a few more moments, it was all done, and Red Anvil's leg was as if it had never suffered so much as a scratch. "There ya go!" Quaddle said, smiling. "Magics actually have personalities, and any normal person has at least a minor aura, while more powerful entities have stronger ones. Occasionally, magics get fussy with one another, so you just gotta smooth talk to it," Quaddle made a motion with his hand, "to get it to do what you want it to.
   "Ready? Let's head off again." Quaddle conjured his two golden light-disks and flew off into the  night sky.

lucas marcone

Red haveing both her legs back again could go back to her more familiar way of takeing off. *CRACK* *CHOOM* The ground rippled as she lept into the air. The sheer hight she could jump astonished both her companions, then her magnificant wings unferled for flight.


"If you have the space for my equipment then fine," Anastasia grinned, "It'd beat the hell out of that warehouse over in Oakland," she nodded at Crystal, "You'll be fine kid. I've been employed by groups all over the world, including most major political bodies. If I can keep my work from being tied to them, I think you'll find yourself in the proverbial clear." She raised her beer, the suggestion of a smirk visible at the corner of one eye, "To getting down to business, gents?"


He raised his can up to Ana's, then grinned, "Yeah, I've waited long enough. Let's do this."

He then drank the entire can in one gulp and then crushed it on his forehead. He then fashioned a wire coming out of his jacket that had an earplug on it and lodged it in his right ear; then slid two cardboard business cards on the table infront of the good Doctor and Liz. The cards had his new cell number on it engraved in the watermark of a gilded aegis.

"There's my new number.....lost my old phone, heh. Well....shall we?"

lucas marcone

Anyone with television acess would have their broadcasts intterupted with a breaking story. A balding reporter standing somewhere between Dile Lass' Laosian army and Col. Peng's Chinese army high atop a mountain or cliff was talking of war. He was yammering on about how peaceful Laos was before the Chinese agression. meanwhile in the picture viewers could clearly see both forces crawling tward eachother. they would have just under a hundred miles before actual war would begin however. The reporter also spoke of how Loas was also eating up land from other countries to the south north and east. The Chinese in the west was just more interesting reporting though.


Liz clinked his water bottle against the drinks of the other two. "To getting our asses in gear," he smiled. He took a long gulp of water, then turned back to his salad. he took the offered business card from Daemon, slipping it up his sleeve for the time being.

The TV at the bar suddenly changed, broadcasting a news report. The second Liz heard the word "Laos", he snapped to attention, albeit with an exasperated face. "Here they go again..." he muttered.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


".....Saw that one was only a matter of time before those two caught the eye of the big players......unfortunately for them those players are the ones holding the real cards...mere childsplay to them.....if they're smart they will charge and not stop for nothing.......they'll need to capture more resources if they want to stand a chance......", he quietly thought as he looked up at the T.V. and took in the report as the others were. Honestly though it was sort of a surprise to see this being reported in the American Media instead of the latest celebrity/political blunder. They were actually appearing to do a thorough report of what was going on, cycling through recordings from the press reports in China and Laos on this sudden confrontation.

"....Yeah....they're gonna be put in their place.....heh... hmm?.....", he said, but immediately he caught eye of the Chinese prime minister in one of the recordings. For some reason, it felt like he recognized her; every vein in his body began to seethe with anger. It was then obvious; he could see right through the false visage, he knew who and what she really was. He kept his rage within though as he resided again in his seat waiting to see what would happen next.

lucas marcone

"Mad'm President we have no where else to go we've taken the whole pennensula, and suffered heavy casualties on the war front!" General Gi Chu was standing before a noticeably distrought ruler.
"And what of the islands to the south?"
They are a possibility, but it would take more thime than we have not to mention the vehicles we'd need. There is good news though, the Chinese are still tied up in Korea with the Song dictatorship. There is word a mercenary is giveing them a run for their money. Infact the only player he seems hesitant to piss off is the Russian mafia."

There it was a way to give Dile Lass an edge. The mafia was a touchy subject as she doesn't condone crime nor does she condone terrorism, but what were her options? She would need to think. China had to be stopped.


Liz shook his head at the TV screen. Almost unconsciously, he generated a small silver toothpick-shaped object in between his fingers and began fiddling around with it. These two were causing a sufficient amount of trouble, he admitted, but it was not just the wrong country, it was the WRONG DAMN CONTINENT. Not onl that, but did they even realize how close they were to the Middle East? And screwing with China... He bit the toothpick and used his now-free hands to clasp his head. "Damn those two..."

That's when he noticed the tension across the table. He looked up at Daemon. "You okay?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"....Nah, like you I'm a bit annoyed by all of this....", he replied with a hint of frustration in his tone. He then stood up and laid the small diamond that was in his hand down on the table. "I'll be waiting outside..."

He then left the table and went out the door towards a nearby bench near a lamp post. He then sat down and attempted to cool himself off. As he did that he put on his shades again, lighting up his vision of the landscape much akin to nightvision goggles. He then clenched his right fist, it shimmered for an instant, and within seconds he was wearing his gauntlets under his trench coat. Their appearance though had changed somewhat since the last time he wore them. It appeared that the gloves themselves had veins showing through in detail and they were dimly glowing. He tucked his sleeves up to conceal it, then he got up and leaned against the lamp post, waiting for the others.

lucas marcone

OOC 1 imma goin campin 2 don't you guys think enough's happened in a day?

"Yes Chairman Maou, you heard me right. NUKES. Keep this up and your country will be a radioactive crater!" Dile Lass yelled into her phone.
"You drive a hard deal. Let us work something out. "
"What do you have in mind?"
"You have oil fields to the south. If we can not have the land, you will give us a noticeably marked discount. Also you will not use your warheads and we will stop our expansion."
Dile Lass gave a heavy sigh. "O.K. You have a deal."

It was hard for her to agree to those conditions but at least she now had the strength to stand up against the U.S. in battle and enough time to actually make those nukes. Dile Lass smiled.


"Wonderful. Now, Release... I'm running a little... project, a bit of a crusade, if you will... And I've found some resistance that I didn't quite expect has been appearing." All amusement dropped from his face. "Now, I'm afraid my current... employees, if you will, may have a bit too much on their hands. Which is where you come in." He paused, to make sure that release was still following him.
"I require someone of your skill and particular... talent... To distract this resistance, if not dispatch as much of it as you can." He stopped now, and flashed Release a small smile.
"Payment is, of course, negotiable, as are terms. You, by no means, are required to accept."


Release thought it over for a few moments.  He was strapped for cash and he was even more bored. 

"Well now..." Release smiled, "Let's talk business then.  What kind of resistance are we talking about?  Idiots with guns, idiots with big guns or something more along the lines of a fight that could keep me entertained for more than five minutes.  Because I gotta tell you the police in this city aren't to amusing for me..."  Release smiled, he was really liking this guy.


"Oh, something that can keep you entertained." The smile on his face changed from innocent and businesslike to have an almost sadistic edge to it.
"Anastasia, a doctor of sorts who's been helping me, released a mutagen into the water into this city and the surrounding area a little over a week ago. The resistance cleansed the water, and reversed all of the side affects in very little time." The smile dropped from his face, and he turned to look over the city, frowning slightly.
"Normally, this is the point where I would get involved, but... I realise that I don't know anything about him." He turned back to release, folding his arms behind his back.
"So I'm asking you to find, fight, assess this resistance, and report back to me."


Release mulled the proposal over.  He liked the idea of being entertained by such a powerful opponent, but he also knew that someone powerful enough to stop a mutagen and reverse it in little time was a either a powerful bio-kinetic or a magic user.  Either way he knew it would be worth his time, he just wanted to make sure he wasn't walking into a death trap or suicide mission.  He looked the little man over a bit, his form was truly unimposing, but Release wasn't stupid.  This man, or whatever he was, was no fighter and so he sought out the aide or allegiance of a powerful combat force.  Release could honestly say he was flattered, a powerful manipulator was asking for his help and that meant several good things for him; chief among them, something to do.

"All right I'll check out this 'resistance' of yours.  Probe around his mind if I can first, see if I can't get any psychological weaknesses on him.  Then I'll see what I can do with a direct surprise assault, but I'm going to need some pawns, maybe some of those new fangled attack robots I've been hearing about...."  Release thought for a second.  "And definitely a lot, and I mean a lot of explosive ordinance.  I'm going to give this..."  Release realized he didn't know his target's name.  "What ever this resistance goes by, I'm going to be giving him one heck of a pop quiz on survival."


"Equipment shouldn't be any problem." He answered, smirking a little despite himself. "Especially those 'New-fangled attack robots'." The amused tone snuck back into the Boss' voice, and, as if on cue, one of the robots in the car, emitted a high-pitched beeping noise.
"You'll excuse me, of course." He bowed himself out of the conversation momentarily, walking swiftly to the car and robot who'd 'called' for attention.
"Release?" He asked, straightening up from the car door, which he was now holding open.
"Some of those working for me aren't far from here. You'll come with me to meet them, I trust? They may have something to make our jobs a little bit easier."


"Heh..." Release just smirked at the sight of the robots.  "Those'll do."  Release said as he followed the short man to the limo door.  By the way, I know you know my name, but what's your moniker?"  Release smiled as he followed his new employer.


"My name isn't needed. Boss will work as well as anything else." He answered, before pulling off one of his gloves and setting the metallic hand underneath against the back of the robot in control of the car. The area around his hand glowed green momentarily, and the car started, and left on it's way to the Diner Liz, Anastasia, and the others were currently at.


Release waited as patiently as he could while the car drove them to his new playmates.  On the way he made sure to cause a few problems for pedestrians, he made few people trip over their own feet, but his favorite was when he convinced an old lady that she was a chicken that could talk.  Then the car pulled up to a diner and he groaned. 

"It had to be a diner, I just left a diner..."  He sighed.  "Oh well, thems the breaks.  I take it they're inside there Boss?"  He got out before his employer could respond and walked into the diner.  Unfortunately some of the people in the diner were not quite thinkers and he immediately picked up on some rather wicked thoughts.  "Oh this is annoying..."  He grumbled as he filtered out the loud thinkers.

He scanned the room before realizing he had no idea who he was looking for.  He cursed under his breath and then he noticed a rabbit-girl, gecko guy and a large pile of books.  He knew he had to find the ones the Boss wanted him to help soon and so he did what came naturally.  He annoyed people.

"Say anyone else here know a short guy with a bunch of robots at his command?" Release smiled as several people on the stools in front of him turned to give him an odd look.  Then a large dog-man stood up and grabbed him by the collar and snarled.

"Oh goody..." Release took his glasses off with out his hands and levitated them right next to his body as he forced the dog-man's hands apart and tossed him through the doors the he had flung open with his mind.  "Anyone else wanna play?" He said with a faux innocence and then he grabbed his glasses and put them back on while giving a hugely satisfied grin.


"ARRRRRGGGGGHHH!!!", the canine roared as it was blown out of the diner and zipped past into a nearby tree on the otherside of the highway, crashing it down.

"Looks like someone broke that unspoken rule Ana mentioned about earlier......", he thought as he looked up at the canine crawling out of the wreckage, who was seething with rage. As the canine walked past him back toward the diner, he put his left hand on it's shoulder stopping it abruptly.

"It's not worth it friend...", he said in disdain to the canine. The canine angrily knocked his hand off it's shoulder, then barked back, "Who the hell do you think you are!? You want to die too!? Don't get in my way!!"

".....I was offering you your life.....", he uttered coldly in response. He then clenched his right fist and uppercutted the canine into the sky with an explosion of light emanating from the impact. Immediately his visage vanished, then reappeared in the oncoming trajectory of his new punching bag; he then slammed his foot down onto the canine's skull, crushing and folding it under a torrent of light, the impact sending the lifeless corpse back down to the ground. Right after that he vanished again then reappeared back where he was on the ground.

"Heh, he had a thick skull I'll give him that much.", he smirked as he looked up at the flailing corpse, watching it land with a splat on the road. With that resolved he looked onward back at the diner doors, he really didn't have any desire to get involved with what was going on in there. He then looked around and noticed a parked limozine on the roadside, one of the doors was open. He couldn't make out who was on the otherside of the door, but there appeared to be two, one sitting down and another, more metalic one standing beside the other.

"Why does that look so familiar.....", he thought as he decided to head over to the limo to find out who that guy was, letting his curiousity get the better of him.


Anastasia just shook her head, muttering foul things about morons and showboaters alike.
"Yeah, I think we know who you mean," the rabbit replied, closing her menu with a 'fwap!' "Why do you ask?" She was already mentally running through possible courses of action. He's probably out to kill us, if I'm just going by the laws of probability. Some manner of telekinesis... That complicates things. Telepaths are easy, but that sort of thing means that if he's after us we gotta bring him down faster than he can realize what is and isn't a threat. Best see what his game is for now, anyway... "He isn't a commonly sought individual, or so we assume."


The Boss sighed, and burshed a strand of brown hair out of his face, moving out of the way of the canine projected in his general direction, and coming up behind Release.
"That was unnesecary, Release. You should have just waited for me." He spoke up from the doorway, an eyebrow raised.
"Besides, Anastasia and the others have never seen me. A physical description means nothing." He added this on in a more muttered voice, and stepped out from behind release to smile up at Anastasia
"Guard down, Anastasia. He's with us."


Anastasia recognized the voice, if not the appearance of the owner thereof. Alright, NOW my guard's up. Why let this guy know what he looks like before us? Either a prior alliance, or he screwed up. Either way...
"Because we only let trustworthy people join us, of course," Anastasia groused in reply, but she stopped reaching for the gun in her lab coat, "So, who's the new guy?"


"I was watching what happened in the city today. Your mutagen was completely reversed, wasn't it?" He started crossing his arms over his chest.
"I thought some form of resistance would come up, but nothing on this scale... So something of a last-minute recruit to help was deemed nessecary. Release needs any information you may have on the being responsible for that blast earlier."