Villain's league (IC)

Started by Miaka, June 26, 2007, 10:04:55 PM

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(12 hours ago) the jet had laded at the air port few hours ago and the business man had rented a car with no time to spare. He'd been quit eager t see the results of the mutations that he'd heard about in the news. He knew form the reposts that Rue gave him and for from the spies that he's snuck into the various camps of his allies that this was likely the work of the bio chemist Anastasia. With luck he'd get there before the city was completely destroyed and his agents would have reports form them
(9 hours ago)

OOh pretty. Said Baikia as she looked at the massive damage to the city.
He had brought Baika with him because she'd fussed that he'd been gone so long in to that other place that she'd missed him. He smiled. For all her power and age she was still very much a child. Oh she was no match for Rue or Daemon in combat he knew but in and average fight she could take down some fairly tough beast of her own epically when she was in adult form unlike now.  Still as he looked around at the city the car pulling in past the out skirts he discovered that there was no road blocks. The destruction was there but some thing was wrong. Then Baika surprised him by undoing her seat belt and jumping out the car. He pulled to an instant stop ignoring the motorist behind him except when he heard someone tell him go to hell. "I'll see you the Timothy. A. Simons" he said. The speaker palled at being call his full name by some one he'd never seen. and he backed up and speed around the rented car nearly running into oncoming traffic.  The business man smiled. It was so easy to get souls like this when he chose to collect them not that the true master of evil on this plane would like him horning in on his territory. Still something was wrong this city didn't feel right.
"Master did you make this for me" asked Baika with child like innocent." no little one this city has been here for a good while "he answered." but it smells so new" Baika said and then it fell into place. The pollutants in this city were almost entirely gone. He could have expected that some super hero or another might mop up the monsters before he got there but to renew a section of the city that was not normal mortal power. This did not bode well for the game he'd intend to play

(6 hours ago) after meets with several of his surviving agents both in the city officers and in the prison he learned a good deal about what happened and he listened to on officer's report again hoping for more detail... "he was wearing red and he had some kind of stick with a ball on it." He said
"Detail more detail about the staff and it's wieldier" the businessman demanded know that this was going to change thing. The staff sound like trouble and he'd known two powerful arch mages that started out in read robes and one wielded a powerful staff. And though this was neither here nor there he could not be sure that it was not an omen. After all that staff could be a weapon of the so called gods like the hammer of Thor or it could be a weapon of Aeon build like Rue's Arch edge and to an extent Rue himself. no this would take time.

(one hour ago)
Rue this is a recall. about your current mission and locate the group you meet before at the warehouse.... in believe you have the addresses that our spies provide and the contact information that you got form them.... the lizard Liz?  yes he sounds like a good place to start... if you have his number give him a call... I have some one to investigate. and Rue if you she a red mage tell me if he has golden skin and hut glass eyes....  no don't engage him unless it's necessary. I know your weapon can block and cut mages it was built but an Aeon that wanted to dominate not only the world but your universe as well anything less would have been beneath him. look just go...  I need to replace the spies that Anastasia killed in her experiments and that one that was run over by a van early today.

(ten minutes ago.)
Run dilled the number that they told him would reach Liz and though Liz he would find Black night and the others. He'd been kept up-to-date on the war between China and Croc's / Dile lasses country and been reminded of how mint wanted to conquer the world all because she'd been replaced by her younger sister. Still Dile lass had more tact then mint who would try to level everything with her magic. He wondered what Nukes were exactly. The way the boss had explained it wit was like mint's explosion spells multiplied by a lot and add with and poison spell that would slowly kill anything the explosion didn't and would continue to kill anything that entered the explosion areas for a long time. Rue sighed as the phone rang.

I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   "I don't get many visitors, so cleanliness isn't that much of a priority to me. And, this isn't really the base, but it is where I live when I'm not hiding among human civilization. The rest of the base is actually beneath us. Miles of chambers and all kinds of fantastic stuff is down there, some of it hasn't been used in centuries, some not even in millennia. There's about a whole third of the place I haven't set foot in myself, because I haven't had need yet. Hey, be careful with that!" Quaddle said suddenly and urgently as he just realized Red Anvil was playing with something. He quickly took it out of her hands, then used his staff to float it somewhere across the room and place it on a shelf. "Alot of the stuff here is dangerous, it would behoove you to look and not touch. There are a few things here that don't like...strangers handling them."
  Quaddle then turned to the sea of strange devices and objects. He gave one mighty sweep of his staff, and a line of junk flew smoothly right out out of the way and all set themselves up properly along a wall. A small path had been created. "This place actually isn't even mine," He explaind as he got to the end, waved his staff again, created another path, and continued on. "It's on loan to me, really, until either I'm killed, or promoted and reassigned. Then it passes on to the new guy." Quaddle reached the end of this path, and repeated the process as before. "I also have to relocate this place around every now and then. Keeps nosy history off my back. I like this location, though, the mountains are quite scenic. I'll be sad when it's time to move. And yes, the entire base is moved. It's not actually me though, it's just one of the many massive spells built into this place that I couldn't even begin to fathom now."
  Red Anvil and Gentan would notice that as they waded through the room, they passed some archways that led off into other rooms. Eventually though, Quaddle got them to a large archway, with a spiral staircase down. There wasn't any light.
  "There's only three of us." Quaddle said suddenly. "While our enemy is many. We need allies, and I think I know someone who can help us. We're going to the library!" Quaddle said, smiling. He made the end of his staff glow a bright whiet light, then went down the staircase.

lucas marcone

Red shot a look that could kill to Quaddle as he said "behooved". "I suppose we couldn't as for a newer base." She said in passing to Gentan as she walked precariously down Quaddle's path. 


the business man did not like there. this was too soon for some one this powerful to try to disrupt there plans. and that staff. his agents had describe him and an middle age man in red and wielding a staff that save for the missing dragon claw holding the glass orb sound suspiciously  like the staff of magius. he couldn't that 'he' would be though.

the business man his drove his car to a local subsidiary as is companies passing the building where one of his spies have been run over by a van. he glance up and saw that someone had taken out a part of the second story. he knew this building and knew it belonged to one of his business competitors but shrugged it off as coincidence. he'd look into it later. now he had to fine a better image of this so called red mage. he smiled. and he went to the terminal to call up satellite images of the city during the mutation break too bad he'd been away when it happen. he would have sent Rue to destroy some of his competitors strong n holds in the city while protecting his own interest..Baika next to him however was board.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Gentan had never seen this much junk in one room in his whole life. When he heard the word library he started to like this place less. He never liked it in his old home and he dared to bet that this library would be as boring as then. "So ... what are we going to do there?" Gentan wondered as he looked in every hallway they went past.


   Quaddle led the three down the unlit spiral staircase with the glow from his staff. "Well, as I said, we're gonna need some help to fight these Villains...And I have an idea of someone...or something...that might be able to help us. My mentor and predecessor Planet-Guardian, Zaldreen, sometimes told me stories of his own life during the first century of my existance, when he was grooming me to become the Planet-Guardian after him. Sometimes, he told me stories of when he got help to maintain balance from a certain entity, who is both very powerful and even older than Zaldreen was." They got to the bottom of the staircase, and Quadle began leading them through a maze-like series of passagesways, similarly unlit.
   "I can't remember much about who or whatever this is, but I do remember that he is sealed away somewhere whenever his assistance is not needed. Something about his power being to great and his personality being a little to unstable to be left unchecked for extended periods of time. I know that Zaldreen kept a record of this, where this enity is hidden, and how to free him. That's why we're headed for the library...and here we are!"
   Quaddle turned a corner and stopped. The glow from his staff illuminated only a few feet radius, and ahead, it was nothing but pitch blackness.
   "Don't move. "Quadle said to Red Anvil and Gentan. Then Quaddle's light went out. "Don't worry, just give me a moment, and don't move from your spot or you might get lost..." For some reason, Quaddle's voice echoed strangely, as if he was moving away from them. "Where is that little...I know it's here..." Quadle grumbled lightly. "I'll find it-oh wait! Found it! Ok, here we go!"
   All of a sudden, without warning, white, glowing light began to flar up all around Gentan and red Anvil. It grew and grew, and slowly began illuminating a hallway of gigantic proportions. It continued to grow and grow, until it eventually got so big that it seemed like it was impossible for it to fit underneath the mountian that the base was housed in, let alone the rest of the base. And then, finally, the two shelves. They lined the hallway on both sides, going up as high as the top of the hallway, which seemed half a mile high. Then the illuminating glow, that seemed to have no source whatsoever, shot down the hallway, illuminating a library that seemed to have no end. The shelves were filled will all manner of any type of written document that had ever existed on earth; parchement scrolls, modern books, even stone tablets.
   However, back on the ground, Quaddle was standing near a strange device protruding from the ground, the orb end of his staff stuck into it, glowing brightly. Quaddle removed the staff and the protrustion melted into the ground.
   "Behold!" Quaddle said dramaticly, moving his staff in a sweeping gesture towards the two shelves. "The Library Of Earth, kept safe previously by the Planet-Guardian Zaldreen, currently by the Planet-Guardian Quaddle, containing the sum total of all knowledge that ever existed on this planet! More than three-quarters of it were written by Zaldreen himself, he kept a history of this place thousands of years before humans even discovered written language! Written, of course, in the language of the Guardians, incomprehensible to any outsider." Quaddle finished smugly. "Feel free to browse, I'll be right back." Quadle said, aware of the utter absurdity of this statement, as nearly everything was completely out of reach, and what wasn't was most certainly not written in English. Quaddle conjured his two small disks of golden light, stood on them, and zipped up and down the hallway.

lucas marcone

"I wonder if he has Red Dwarf hidden away in here. I would like to read it again soon." Red said to Gentan.


The phone rang before anyone could answer Liz. He looked up from his coffee, walking over to the phone and examining the caller ID. An unfamiliar number. Be careful, but don't just leave it alone.

He picked up the phone. "You've reached a talking lizard. Are you sure you have the right number?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Rue chuckles. he had not meant to it just happened. " until this moment no i wasn't. this it Rue and my boss says I'm too abandoned my mission and meet up with you and the black knight." Rue paused wondering how to phrase what to say next. "I'm told that opposition has arisen. powerful opposition. My boss is looking into it but..." he shrugged. knowing it would go unseen. " but it would be better to discuss that in private. where would be a good place to meet up with you?" he asked. not wishing to go directly too the lair of his Allies just in case some one tired following him.  Rue looked at the address he'd been give by his boss it was a good ways away and though his bosses information was always good it was not necessarily up to date. the distance might be a problem through Even if he ran it would take him a few hours to get there from his current location in Nebraska and on top of that it might be heading in the wrong direction. well maybe just this once he'd borrow the dragons wings again. it was for a good cause after all.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   Red Anvil's voice echoed all the way down the seemingly endless hallway, reaching Quaddle's ears as he browed around for the tome he was looking for. "Sorry!" Quaddle called back, his voice similarly echoing back down the hallway to Red Anvil. "The Library is only kept updated to the last century, never to the presant day."
   Eventually, Quaddle got to a section of Zaldreen's memoirs, and selected a book with his staff. Using his staff, he levitated it in front of him, flipping through the pages with no hands. Eventually, he seemed satisfied, and replaced the book. He then began his flight back towards Red Anvil and Gentan.


Liz smiled, remembering the boy at the meeting with the menacing weapon on his back. "Well, your boss is right. Our new enemies are quite powerful, but thankfully we have a new ally who might be able to help us. But this would be safer not to talk about over the phone. I'm in southeast Michigan right now with the others - all except the Asian idiots, Sebastian and Sheridanna. I could go somewhere closer to where you are if that's too far," he told Rue, not wanting to be impolite.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

lucas marcone

"Well that's useful." She said in the most sarcastic voice she could muster. "So is there a reason you only collect 'classics'?" she asked using the universal sign for quotes when she got to classics.


Rue considered. his current position had him in the southern part of the state of Illinois and that put him quite a distance away. he could cover that distance but it would take him a few hours of running.  alright he thought. " i'm currently i south Illinois  but i can make it to Lancing Michigan in about 3 hours. is that close enough to catch a ride" he asked know he'd be tired by the time he got there. such distances at any true speed would wear on him but it would be necessary he was sure. and if the didn't ask how he got there then there would be no reason to tell them.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Liz paused. "Hang on a sec," he told Rue, pulling a map of Michigan out of a desk drawer and making a few quick lines to figure out how long it would take him to get there.

"I think I can be there in about... two hours, maybe a little less. There's a Marriott courtyard there, we can meet up there if you'd like. Should I come alone, or take someone with me?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Rue checked his mental math. "I'll get some directions and meet you there." said Rue.  he paused a few moments and considered. it was inefficient to keep running around like this and though he and the boss kept in contact through shadow demons he knew that he an the others couldn't. " on more request though if it's not too much trouble. can you pick me up a cell phone on the way out? I'll reimburse you for the cost"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


   Quaddle reached Gentan and Red Anvil as Red was giving her sarcasm. "Because I'm a crappy librarian with a poor sense of priorities!" He said in an upbeat tone. "Anyway, c'mon, it's time to collect another ally. Follow me"
   The glow in the Library began to dim, and Quaddle set off in a swift stride back into the twisted passageways.

lucas marcone

Red strode down the hall with an air of strength and grace not normally seen in most people. "I'll have to get you one of ours." She said levely but with a smidgin of scarcasm.


Croc called Roulette again. The phone rang, but it was later in the morning so he hoped she'd be more cognisant.


The businessman was getting agitated. The satellites he's tapped into showed several people of interest. The first that caught his eye was the deamon copter with the lizard passenger. He followed them until they split up and decided to follow they satellite tracking the lizard

The third one was the mage in red. He had meant find him at this point but the lizard seemed to brush past him and he caught a feeling glance of him. Flying by in an Adam Strange fashion, or maybe it was someone else he remember flying on disk of light. It was so hard trying to remember everyone he'd encountered of the passing of time.

He paused the footage and decided he would look for more detail as to what happened. It was then that he noticed he that deamon had been knocked around a bit. That's was not good. Deamon was someone with potential to go toe to toe with Rue. Both of them wielded magic weapons of the highest regard. He knew Rue's skills first hand and how he was not limited to using his arc edge to fight he also knew that Rue learned end during the fight. He didn't know if Deamon was the same but if he was that spoke of a huge power difference. 

The forth person of interest he saw was a female that looked like a red demon or devil of sorts. he liked they way she looked but soon realized that liked that fallen angel Angella she did not work for whom it would appeared that she did. She would bear watching. after all she'd stopped him form for testing the mage and giving him more data on him

"did it work?" he cringed. Baika was digging her claws into his suite and the sound of his ripping told him yet another 5000$ suite was on it's what to the trash.
" no not yet" do you think it's really work?"
" probably not but I can only hope Baika"
Aww that's not like you. " he ruffled her hair and said nothing as he went back to work.
"why wouldn't it work" asked Baika not willing to let it go.
"It should work but that depends on how careless or in experienced they wizard is. No be a good kitten and go play Plum"
"aww why can't I stay here" she asked
"Because I need to think dear heart and that's had to do with you shredding my closes as I type." He paused and weighted what he would say.  "This wizard could be strong. In Krynn I watched as Rastlin Majere destroyed and entire city in flame and that was before he gained god like power." He shook his head. Rastlin had become a god then he was stopped form becoming one before he could achieve godhood by his twin brother. "If it's him from the time within the paradox when he was mortal or even after he became a dark god then it's time for me to get you and Rue away form here. After all I can't revive Rue's world if he dies and takes of the souls he saved with him"
"Aww rue won't die you won't let him"
He smiled even after all this time she thong he could do anything
"There are rules dear heart and even scorpions play by the rules though they be their own"
"You always say that what does it mean?"
"It means that if I'm not careful you and rue can die. Maybe not against the hero's of this world but if they get divine help then I'll have to bargain pretty heard to get them to spare you"
"but enough of this for now I need to find this wizard and see if he's a threat"
"okay" said Baika a little down

He'd lost the wizard again for a while thong and hand to trying the catch the wizard by following the explosions. then he saw him standing with his staff he was not sure what he was doing at first maybe a scry-ing spell which would suggest second sight of some kind.

(that meant it was time to consider other methods of identity concealment. He'd been protected form the immortals for so long he'd forgotten about mortal magic.)

then he realized what he was seeing. The wizard. He must be refreshing himself or maybe his staff. Mortals had limits that neither Rue more baika. there was a chance that he was worn out and need to tap into a sort of healing energy in his staff. Or maybe that staff was tapping into his energy like a plasma gun based weapon. It was hard to tell. Moments later he watched the gem stones flowing and merging. This was elemental manipulation? or was it mealy a new spell?  then the satellite feed went dead as the city was engulfed in golden energy. He shivered. That was power was greater then he expected. It was power like Merlin had possessed and he'd watched Merlin lift and drop a mountain on one of his enemies. He smiled inwardly. If this guy was not a Majere decedent he certainly knew of him.

The first clue was the staff with the orb. No not a dragon orb but still suggested that it was in mind and though it lack a dragon's claw to hold it as well suggest that this person had never seen the true staff of magus but knew of it's powers. The staff was wrong the skin was wrong to be Rastlin but the power of the blood line was there. Who was this wizard? Ah well it was time to find out where he disappeared to before that satellite system can follow him. The satellite he was using took 142 second to reboot meaning there was a time gap. It also meant that he had to find him again. He began the sweep of the city again hoping they the wizard had not gone under ground as the satellites could not track him there.

( now would be a good time for the business man to encounter some of Quaddel's spying defenses. After all while when know how he fled the city the business man doesn't and is looking for him after a 2 minute 22 second gap in his surveillance cause by unknown interference during Quaddles city healing spell. )
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


OOC:Got a little bored so I thought I'd have a minor misadventure with Release before the meeting at Liz's gets under way I he arrives fashionably late.

Release was running late.  Granted he normally didn't care about time, but now he was working with a group and he knew good impressions would be important.  He grabbed a piece of toast and quickly buttered it as he headed out the door of his run down apartment.  It was a place only a renegade lunatic like him could call home and just as he left a gigantic wrecking ball tore through the building and knocked his TV set onto the street.  Release froze as he saw his favorite possession shatter on the ground.  He didn't even notice his piece of toast fall to the ground and get stolen by a small squirrel. 

"MY PLACE!" Release screeched as he noticed the Squirrel.  "MY TOAST!"  He looked back at his apartment as it crumbled in and crushed almost everything he owned.  "MY STUFF!"  A sudden smoke plume from the rubble confirmed his computer's death and he stood in shock.

"Hey you!" A man in a hard hat came running over.  "You came out of there?"

"I've lived here for six months... LEAGALLY!" RElease shouted. "I demand an explanation!"

"It's been scheduled for deconstruction for a year..." The man said with a wincing smile.  "Whoever let you rent here..."

"I bought it..." Release growled.

"Sold you a bad piece of property..." the man finished as he walked off.

"Ok..." Release muttered to himself.  "First my toast, then the meeting and then I find and kill that idiot who sold me this place..."  And with that Release ran after the squirrel, all the while screaming like a lunatic.


Gentan was looking around till he heard Quaddle say that they are going to pick up another ally and he was totally not happy with those words. "AWWWWWW MAN, you can't be serious do we have to travel all the way back to the city to pick up someone .... can't he take a cab this way or something." He said loud and on a childish way.

lucas marcone

Red jabbed him in the side with her elbow. "Shush, You don't have to come if you don't want to...But i doubt we'll even be leaveing this place."


   Quaddle chuckled as he heard Red Anvil and Gentan talk. "Actually, you're both wrong; We are leaving, but we aren't going back to the city, and-" Quaddle looked at Gentan, '-I got something I think you will appreciate."
   Quaddle led the two through some more passageways, eventually coming on a small room that was completely bare except for a stone arch in the middle.
   "This," Quaddle said, pointing at it with his staff, "Is my portal. I can travel instantly anywhere in the world that I want with this baby. Anywhere. Anyways, we are going directly to someone whom I think can help us."


The businessman was vexed. Not only was his Jacket in tatters on the ground and his pants legs were shredded to the knees. Well at least the left on was she was still working on the right one. But he'd spent house trying to pick up the trail of the red mage again after the city clearing blast but the lack of explosions made it difficult to say the least. it was like searching for and ant in and ant hill. unless the one he was looking for did something flashy he would not find him for some time yet
"I'm board" said Baika as she idly rakes his right leg with her claws.
He sighed. A gifted organizer, skilled infiltrator and decent  fighter but she was still a feline. Maybe a winged on but still a feline at least as much of one as she was human. He never did figure out where she came from or why she pried him out of his solitude  in on his throne as waited for a demon to become powerful enough to kill and take the throne for it'self.  What even her reason she gave him a reason to live again and she had been with him ever since. She unlike Rue was not bound to him by a promise but she still served him loyally.

"okay Baika what would you like to do" he asked.
" I want to go shopping"
"okay just let me find this mage again..." ripe more of his pants leg was ripped off. " come on this is important"

"I know but you have others that can do that." She pouted "beside you've been at this for hours. Lets go shopping now"
"mew?" her claws raised over the computer as if she were about to cleave it in twain
"alright I'll forward the footage and the sat access  to the labs in New Jersey, Tokyo and Chicago. Then we'll go shopping"
He sighed. some days he wondered who was really in charge as he clicked send and the packages  hurried away to the project leader. As a precaution he also saved a back up of the work he's done to a portable drive.  then he made a note to send images of the mage he saw in the city to his higher lever spys and employees. speaking of employees he wondered if Rue  had made contact yet and summed a shade demon that he dispatched to fined Rue with a report request.

( i figue it'll take about a week game time for any positive results to start coming in. that enough time?)
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Liz checked his wallet, stifling a giggle at the irony. "Yeah, I've got enough cash. See you in a couple hours." He hung up the phone and grabbed a set of keys out of the desk drawer, turning towards the kitchen table. "Hey Cryssie? The kid with the huge weapon I told you was at the meeting wants to meet me in Lansing. Is it OK if I borrow your car?"

She looked up from her tea. "OK, but don't get it destroyed again. Speaking of which, we still need a replacement for the Lexus."

"I'll get one, don't worry," Liz said, rolling his eyes. "Anyone wanna come with me, or wouldja need more time?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


The Boss' phone buzzed in his pocket, and he rolled his eyes. "Yes?" he asked, without even reaching in to answer it.
"Hey, Boss?" Roulette's voice rang in his ear.
"Croc's back in the US. Mind sending him somethin' to get where all of you are?"
"What's the phone number?"

She gave him the number, and he, having not yet even gone inside, went back into his car to "Speak" with one of the robots in it. Croc would receive soon a message with the location, as well as a map, beore sending the same thing to Rouette, after a slight hesitation.
It wasn;t until then that he entere'd Liz's house, and spoke.

"Roulette and Croc should be joining us as soon as they can."


Rue thanked the lizard and hung up. he stretched and  took his bearings. it would be a long run but then he'd been taking it too easy as of late. unslinging his arc edge he chuckles moments before he his forehead crystal glows and a disk of light starting at his feet enveloped. him. in less then a second Rue is gone and in his place stands a four legged saber tiger who's breath clothes the slightly chilled air. he wondered what Mint would think of this world so unlike there own with so little magic. Rue began running some what northeast. he ran at a set pace as it would not due to tire himself  before he got close the meeting point.

moments after Rue vacates heading for his meeting with Liz the shadow of a building starts to wither and move. form the shadow emerges a small shadow demon about 2 feet tall. he hiss and looks for the one it was sent to find picking up traces of him the demon melds back into the shadows and began to track his target again. not an easy task when the target was moving at such speeds with a steady shadow to  appear in.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Liz looked up in slight surprise when the boss walked in. He was only half-pleased at the news - on the plus side, this meant they'd get to vent their frustrations at Croc. But no sense in showing any disappointment when the boss had some sort of favor toward Roulette, and when Croc had technically had more success than any of them.

He nodded. "Excellent. I was just talking with Rue, and he said he'd meet me at the Marriott in Lansing. So except for Sheridanna and Sebastian, we'll all be here by the end of a few hours. Meantime, no-one's answered my question yet. Should I go alone, or does anyone want to come with me to get Rue?"
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Gentan looked to the gate and then to Quaddle. "Who is this person if I may ask?" He asked while looking around the room to see what kind off stuff beside old books he was keeping.


About half way down the block that Release had chased the squirrel down the little critter stopped and downed the piece of toast that it had taken.  Release stood stunned and shocked at the little rodent that took off with what he was sure was a giggle.

"GAHHHH!!!"  Release screamed as he psychically crushed a nearby mailbox.  He quickly calmed himself as he caught several people staring.  "What, you've never seen a guy get pissed at a squirrel?"  He then looked back to where the squirrel had been.  "I hate rodents..." 

He continued to grumble on his way to the lizard's address and even though it took almost an in a taxi cab he was still in a foul mood as he walked up to the door and knocked on it. 

"Come on open up before I uproot a tree or draw some other equally unwanted attention!" Release shouted as he waited impatiently.


   Gentan would find the small room they were in quite bare, except for the archway in the center.
   "Well..." Quaddle scratched his head. "I'm not entirely sure. I'm not even sure if he--it, is a person, per se. All I know is that it's powerful and has helped my predecessor, Zaldreen, on a number of occations.
   "But moving on, we should be off."
   Quaddle pointed his staff at the archway. It flashed, and suddenly, blue energy appeared in the center, grew, and began swirling around in the archway.
   "Ready?" Quaddle asked, standing next to the portal.