Brotherhood of the Machine (IC) [PG/14]

Started by Ryudo Lee, June 08, 2007, 09:33:20 AM

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   Jexx shook his head. "Don't know why she took a van," he muttered to himself, "the town's within walking distance, and the van will give us away if anyone gets so much as a glimpse inside."
   Jexx then started checking his microcomms and minigram. He morphed his handcannons to hands and back a few times, an shot the ground a few times. He then reached down and checked his mechanical lower legs. Satisfied that everything was in working order, he then started walking. "If anyone's going to come with me to the shed, now's the time." Jexx reached the edge of the clearing.


Gerald decided to hitch a ride with the doctor.

Omega, look for potental targets and threats. Gerald thought as he was entering Lenny's.
<Understood, scanning...>
Oh, add Filter, EMF source on neck.
<Understood, modifying search... searching...>
Soon after, his eye started to dart every which way.
Omega, at least try to conseal the fact I'm searching!
<You're searching? Oh well, understood, remember though, the search location is now narrowed down to what you allow it to see.>
I know...
<Hmm... I've noticed an odd thing here...>
What, other than the fact that everyone's like my highschool's lead cheerleader?
<Well, that's just it! A city or town should have some disgruntled people. This is like the Twilight Zone or something...>
Well... can you at least blend me in?
<Oh yah, just let me control part of your mouth...>
Ok, just not now... Gerald thought as he shivered, trying to imagine himself with one of those creepy smiles.
<Got it.>

lucas marcone

Josh stood beside the good doctor. "uhhh wouldn't an EMP disable my arm and Geralds eye and two ais?" he wispered to her.


"I... I'll come with you," said Dorcan, donning his cap and backpack and hurrying after Jexx.

I'll probably regret this, but someone needs to watch out for him, he thought.  If the Brotherhood come knocking, I might be able to pass as a normal citizen if I keep smiling and wishing them a good day.  They shouldn't have any footage of me apart from when I was dressed in my cloak with my wings hidden.  If not... well, I'll have to try and outrun them should things go bad.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   "Umm, Ok..." Jexx said. Given Dorcan's reaction to Jexx's idea of a full-on assault on the Tower, Jexx thought that Dorcan would be the last person to come with him. Jexx was completely prepared and expecting a good firefight, and at least one more Brotherhood bastard for Jexx to attempt to strangle information out of.
   "You do have a weapon on you, right?" Jexx asked Dorcan.


"No," said Dorcan, with elemental simplicity.  "I'm going to try and stealth it when we get close.  If things turn nasty, I should be able to outrun them."  He paused.

"Although now you come to mention it, it would probably be a good idea to have one as a backup.  Were there any spare ones in the vans?"

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

lucas marcone

Josh chuckled to himself. what wasn't there in the vans? He thought.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sally's "team" are finally seated. 

She orders some Coffee.....and looks at the menu as she scans the family of four nearby for control chips....

lucas marcone

Josh nudges her with an elbow. "Psst you might want to try for a single patron...It could be hard to get one of them away. And if it doesn't work they'll notice someone missing."

Ryudo Lee

At the Lenny's...
The patrons sitting at the counter appear to be regular travelers, truckers, and other out of towners.  And each one appears to be creeped out at the overly cheerful staff of the restaraunt.  It seems that it's just the cook, waitresses, and bus boys who are affected, not the patrons.  A waitress comes up to Sally with a big smile on her face.
"Well hi there!  What can I get for you all today, huh?" She asks.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


Dorcan selected a stungun from the van.  Neat, he thought.  I bet it doesn't work on me, though.

"Okay," he said, turning to Jexx.  "This should do for me.  Let's be off..."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


   Jexx look at what, in Jexx's personal opinion, was a poor choice of weapon. But Jexx didn't say anything, he just merely let out a breath and said, "Ok. We're good."
Jexx turned and walked side by side with Dorcan out of the camp towards town.

lucas marcone

Josh looked at the waitress. "I'll have a cup of Joe. aaaaaand the Grand Slam." Josh actually wanted to eat. he felt to come all the way here and not eat would be a waste of gas.


Gerald looked over the menu, "Cheeseburger and a coke please... Umm... where are your restrooms?" he asked.


Morgan takes up a position to observe the shack and take a few scans of it.  He opens up the spectrum to psionic auras as well as the normal gamut of electromagnetic.

With the right equipment I can generate an EM field, but it would take time for it to become significant.  I would need to drain the entire powergrid for the area in order for the field to encompass the city, but I don't think I would feel good after that.  Morgan mused to himself, though he was still connected to the communications channel.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Prof B Hunnydew

"Okay I will have a cup of coffee and apple pie with a scoop of melon sherbet ice cream Please.. This is a nice place.  Do any of the locals come eat here?" ask the Doc of the waitress...  Taking note that the staff were mostly seniors in high school or early college except the cook, who was a middle aged chubby wolf.  "I was just looking to taste some of the local favors of the food, here."



"Just in case I leave you with the wrong impression, Jexx, I am coming out of curiosity," Dorcan began as they walked away.  He'd turned his transmitter off for this conversation.
"I fully intend to turn tail and flee if the going gets tough.  If you intend to do something rash like breaking into the tower, there we must part ways.  I just want to be sure you're aware of this."

"That said, I do have a few suggestions.  If it becomes necessary to do this, our best chance of success would be through drawing the Brotherhood out of the tower.  If we can risk sacrificing one of the vans, Gerald could use one as a relay to hack the tower again.  At the same time we could use EMP generators or something to knock out the implants in various parts of the town.  If we also call in the reinforcements that Jackson promised, we might be able to spread the Brotherhood out enough to risk that kind of strategy."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Ryudo Lee

The waitress smiled as she took the orders and pointed Gerald towards the bathrooms.  She went and gave the order to the cook, who thanked the waitress with a big happy smile.  Some of the truckers exchanged glances.
"We don't get many locals in here." She said.
She turned and saw the clock.
"Oh my, my shift is almost over." She said aloud.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


With the majority of the group departed to investigate, Exo climbs back into the command van and opens up a channel to the Rebellion HQ, in the hopes of contacting Jackson. "Mode: Encrypted burst. Security: Maximum. Connection online."

"Field Unit Echo Four Nineteen to Control - repeat, Echo Four Nineteen to Control. Come in Control." It patiently waits for a response.

Ryudo Lee

The radio crackles to life.
"This is control, go ahead Echo Four Nineteen." The voice on the other end of the radio responded.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Report for the Chief: Operation is proceeding as planned and the method of control has been identified. Further details and confirmation pending field investigation by operatives. Will report again when further information has been obtained."


   Jexx faltered slightly and screwed up his face to keep it from turning into a mask of shock and disgust when Dorcan delivered his "turn tail and flee" line. "Well, um...don't know what to tell you about that..." That wasn't true. Jexx knew exactly what he wanted to say to the 'coward', but decided that the doberman who'd been kind to him when Jexx had accidentally turned three of the others against him didn't deserve it.
   "And by the way, when I say I'm going to do something, that's what I'm going to do. I said I was going to investigate this shed of the Brotherhood's, and that's what I'm going to do. Granted, I didn't say what 'investigate' means to me, but I'm not going after the Tower. Not by myself. Not again.  I've already said that.
   "And your suggestions, why didn't you bring those up before? They would have helped alot."

Ryudo Lee

The radio came back to life.
"Roger that Echo Four Nineteen.  Control out." The voice said, and the radio went silent.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


"Well, this shed business happened before I could bring it up," Dorcan admitted.
"Lo and behold, Gerald went and buggered off before I could stop him.  Nonetheless, if it becomes necessary, the option remains.  After all, we can always radio him if the need arises."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Prof B Hunnydew

The Doc waves her scan over the waitress as she leaves and find something unusual.  The girl was a squirrel of about 16 years, fit and heathly, at 120lb and at 5'6" height.  She has a reddish coat and long red-orange hair which looked good with her light blue uniform.  The waitress seems like all the other happy-go-lucky peole of the town, but the girl did rub and scratch at her neck alot.  Her body is starting to reject the chip as a foreign object.  The area around the chip is scarring on the inside and the immune system was fight it. or Something else. She had something more than anyone there.  A spark of magic, or something in the girl that was slowly surfacing because the invasion of the chip. 

The scanner was telling the Doc, the chip was still functioning, but it would been slowly losing control of the girl in a few weeks.  Still, the girl may end up in a wheel chair or worst, if the chip was not removed.  The doctor ask the girl to stay on as long as she was serving them, but then asks for the check and to box everything once the food gets there.

"I'm sorry, but I have lost track of time, we need to get a move on.  Can we get this to go now.  and the check, please. "

Once the girl leaves, the otter says to the boys,"We have to save that girl, once she leaves for home.  We need to take her."


lucas marcone

"Considering your company Doc, that may not be the best choice in words. She does posess the 'spark' and I feel to allow such a fine young lady to end up all screwed up because of the brotherhood would be a damn shame." Josh had an optimistic look to him.

Prof B Hunnydew

"shhh! Damn me for thinking a loud.  Well, Prince Charming see if you can get a date with her." whispers the Doc to Josh. 

The waitress returns with a boxes of the food, and the check "Here you go, Anythine else I can get you?" said the girl


lucas marcone

Josh sat there in an awkward state of brain v.s. labido. Then as she walked away Josh wipspered to Joyweves "I'm 24 she's 16 I don't think the people around here would look on that like a normal date."


Gerald snickered, "I've seen 84 year olds marry 18 year olds, what your talking about is much different... Love knows no bounderies my freind." He whispered to Josh

Prof B Hunnydew

The doctor steps on Gerald foot. and turns to Josh. to tell him in a low voice,
"Well, you will just have ask her just what she thinks  or is allow to think.   If it goes any further than a date, we can worried about what her family and friends think about your wedding later.  I am just thinking about us getting her alone tonight without cause a manhunt."

The doctor opens her cell phone to make a call but calls Jexx by comlink in a whisper " Jexx, Can you and the other tech types come up with a make to jam the Brotherhood control frequencies in a localized area  We may have a victim soon"