
Started by llearch n'n'daCorna, February 18, 2007, 07:38:54 PM

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Quote from: Kasarn on November 24, 2007, 12:16:43 AM
Done. However, try to spend as much of it as possible before launching any attacks as, if you lose, you are throwing a lot of cash away. CN has an underdog bonus, so it happens more often than you'd think.

Now I'm down to one aid slot :/

....oh, yes. Yes indeed.

This will work nicely.  >:3 I owe you several, sir.

Resisting the urge to Khrushchev becomes yet more difficult, but the aid is very much appreciated. I don't think I'm in danger of death anytime soon.


Y'know, I'm starting to think about registering for this game. If I do, I also hope I would be able to join the Defensive Mutually-Friendly Alliance :) I'm looking through some of the info stuff now.

Are there any proviosions for an almost completely technology-, scientific research-, or robotics-oriented nation? (You probably saw that coming)


Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 12:37:18 AM
Are there any proviosions for an almost completely technology-, scientific research-, or robotics-oriented nation? (You probably saw that coming)

Not beyond putting it in your bio and making in-character statements along those lines.
It'll take months before you're in a position to buy large amounts of tech. You could do tech raids... but I think we'd prefer it if you joined TPF for that.


Eh, I'd rather not make raids a habit...but what is the TPF?


The Phoenix Federation (TPF) is the largest alliance that allows active raiding.


Ouch...Like I said, I'd rather not raid too much if I can help it.

When I said what can I do to make my nation especially tech oriented, I meant, what choices can you make in setting up you nation that give the best bonuses to tech? Looking at the sample nation, the resources Gold and Microchips reduce tech costs. What other things can you choose that give bonuses to tech? I have to imagine that gov't type, national religion, maybe even currency have one or two options that give tech bonuses. What are they? And what other variables are there that have options that may boost tech?


Yeah, so I sent four cruise missiles his way, and he pretty much ran away crying. Thanks, Kasarn!

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: techmaster-glitch on November 24, 2007, 02:03:15 PM
Ouch...Like I said, I'd rather not raid too much if I can help it.

When I said what can I do to make my nation especially tech oriented, I meant, what choices can you make in setting up you nation that give the best bonuses to tech? Looking at the sample nation, the resources Gold and Microchips reduce tech costs. What other things can you choose that give bonuses to tech? I have to imagine that gov't type, national religion, maybe even currency have one or two options that give tech bonuses. What are they? And what other variables are there that have options that may boost tech?

Look at the wiki. - there should be answers to all your questions in there, if you can find them. Start with the How To Play category, as a good place to start.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks llearch.

Just looked at the technology section. So technology is represented as levels, not like a tech tree? There's nothing you actually research, no decisions to make? That's a major turn-off for me...
I'm not so sure I want to play anything that utterly lacks a technology tree.


There was talk about possible tech improvements a while back; nobody knows if they'll ever be implemented.

lucas marcone

good news everyone! i just got my last trade and all the bonuses i needed out of it. my nation is back on track.


Hey all! I'm finally back from my week of internetless family hell. :3 (It was 37 freakin degrees below zero with the wind chill when I left for the airport this morning--anything above freezing suddenly feels like t-shirt weather to me. :animesweat)

Welcome aboard, Cog! :mowcookie

It looks like our little military problems got resolved. Hope everyone's okay. I still have some slots left to give people aids, if needed.

I wonder if I could have gotten away without hippy mode. Peace mode for a week is almost as bad as anarchy. After 7 days, my income was down to below subsistence levels. (Of course, some of that is the fault of my... uh... uranium enrichment program. >:])

So what's up with Jim? He must have logged in to accept my trade while I was away, but he hasn't picked up the cash or collected taxes yet. He's less than a week away from inactivity deletion... :dface
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...

llearch n'n'daCorna

He logged in, and made peace, but ... *shrug* Hmmm.

you get to nudge him, this time. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

To: canadian bacon    From: PuliSher    11/28/2007 12:25:24 PM Subject: Norden Verein WANTS YOU!

Want protection for your nation? Free aid to grow? Or maybe membership in one of the most unique alliances in the Cyberverse?

You can have all of this and more in Norden Verein. Boasting one of the Cyberverse's most efficient armies, a growing economy, and a rising influence in world affairs, at Norden Verein your protection and continued growth is ensured.

Join at by posting in the application desk, and take the first step to success for your nation. Do not waste your time joining some common, meaningless alliance. Join and follow the footsteps of the great world powers.

to be honest im flattered that even after 70 some odd days and me being in an alliance that he tried to sway me but even IF i had been just a bit wishy washy the whole "common meaningless alliance" thing really turned me off.

id never leave you guys. and im hopeing you like me to stay :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

I got it as well. Don't feel like they're singling you out. ;-]

... common meaningless alliance my arse. I -started- this alliance, and while it might be meaningless, there's nothing common about it. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I'll assume that everyone got the message from The Allegiance's MoFA. :animesweat I messaged him back asking for contact details in case anyone would like diplomat duty.

They're an alliance of a few dozen small nations. Any ideas on just what kind of relationship we'd like to develop with them? We're kinda out of each others' leagues militarily, but having friends is a good thing... :3

The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


my nation Byeardvan, just a few days old.

i may have little idea what i am doing but it all seems pretty familiar.... at least until someone completely rapes me on my frozen island nation
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.

lucas marcone

here ya go bud. welcome aboard. er... you might want to join the alliance soon...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Tezkat on November 30, 2007, 01:31:31 AM
I'll assume that everyone got the message from The Allegiance's MoFA. :animesweat I messaged him back asking for contact details in case anyone would like diplomat duty.

I'm on their forum, with an embassy. Prior to the pm, no less.

I'm listed as the alliance doormat, as my official position.

Quote from: Brunhidden on November 30, 2007, 01:38:09 AM
my nation Byeardvan, just a few days old.

i may have little idea what i am doing but it all seems pretty familiar.... at least until someone completely rapes me on my frozen island nation

Heh. If you join into the alliance, we'll heave a pile of cash in your direction.

Speaking of which, is anyone else interested in seeing if we can boost all our members over 1000 infra?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

lucas marcone

llearch n'n'daCorna

You're one of the boostees, not the boosters, if I'm not mistaken. You're in by default. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Well, I'm back in business now. Back out of peace mode, so time to use the increased funding to start rebuilding again, I suppose. :B

I think EVERYONE in the alliance got that Norden wotsit alliance spam. I also got a message from one other, but nuked 'em before even looking at the contents. :U


Quote from: Arcalane on November 30, 2007, 07:23:41 PM
I think EVERYONE in the alliance got that Norden wotsit alliance spam. I also got a message from one other, but nuked 'em before even looking at the contents. :U

thats the thing about spam, it gets everywhere and seems to be able to eat through walls
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Stop making your walls out of tofu. That might help. >:3

lucas marcone

Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 30, 2007, 03:10:42 PM
You're one of the boostees, not the boosters, if I'm not mistaken. You're in by default. ;-]

Infrastructure: 1,182.65

ill put in as much as i can...might not be much but i think it'll make an impact with brun.


Damn... Looks like we're gonna lose Jim. His nation will be gone in less than a day if he doesn't log in to collect taxes.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on November 30, 2007, 04:12:00 AM
I'm on their forum, with an embassy. Prior to the pm, no less.

Heh, yeah. He messaged me back to apologize for his goof. 'Course, the second part of my question still stands: What do they want from us? What do we want from them?

Speaking of which, is anyone else interested in seeing if we can boost all our members over 1000 infra?


Since we have a good supply of newbies now, we should also get another tech farm going. Even though it no longer affects NS as much, tech is arguably more important now, since it has a lot more impact on warfare.

We got another merger request... Maybe a form letter of some kind would be helpful for this sort of thing. :animesweat

Quote from:
GooD is offering you a merge where you come into our alliance, you can all stay as the colors you are and keep your current leader and assitant, you could all keep your positions. Because we are a alliance which unites all the colors under one alliance. But you all carry on doing your own thing, so you will recruit make aid chains etc all the things you are doing now you will continue. But you will be part of GooD. But what you do must be kept within the rules of GooD. Also we do not want a split within the colors so all be as friendly to one another as possible. All foreign happenings will be discussed by all the TL so if someone offers you a treaty whilst in GooD you must bring it foward to all TLs.

Some catches if you like. only one person will have power which is your Team leader or the leader of this alliance now. (who we are offering the spot to) Now this team leader will attend a weekly TL meeting, where all the TL will attend and discuss matters such as recruitment methods,
politics, foreign happenings etc. Once something is decided there will be a vote where the majority wins. Say war issues all the TLs will get together and decides what happens i.e do we enter war or not, if 7 vote no and 6 vote yes, then we will not enter war due to the majority.

Our website is: http://globalorderofdefense.invisionzone.c...dex.php?act=idx

It is still under abit of construction since we have a pro coder doing some things for us (for free) but he has a busy real life, so don't judge us on that please biggrin.gif

If you want to know more please feel free to ask. Since i have probably missed some key points out anyway.

regards & best wishes
sebra30, GooD Team leader.

And yes, they did mistype their URL. :3

Quote from: Brunhidden on November 30, 2007, 01:38:09 AM
my nation Byeardvan, just a few days old.

i may have little idea what i am doing but it all seems pretty familiar.... at least until someone completely rapes me on my frozen island nation

Welcome aboard!

You're going to have a lot of cash raining down on you from those of us with nothing better to do than collect taxes and send aid, so... here's some advice on how to spend it:

- Set your tax rate to 28%. Leave it there for the rest of the game (or at least until you have $40 million to spare for a social security wonder :3).
- Buy 15-20 levels of tech and then don't worry about it until we get you to 1k infrastructure.
- Normalize your infrastructure to a quantity ending in 9.99. That way you save money at jump points.
- Buy infra only in blocks of 10.
- Buy more infra.
- Keep buying infra. >:]
- Only buy enough land to keep your population density out of the red.
- Every 1000 population (roughly 100 infra, depending on your resources), you get to buy an improvement.

Good starting improvements for nations that receive a lot of foreign aid:

Start off with a Harbor (gives you an extra trade slot).
Then buy 5 Factories.
Then buy Stadiums, if necessary, until your per capita tax income is above ~$24/person.
Then buy 5 Banks.

Don't spend too much on troops just yet. Keep your soldier efficiency somewhere around 30% of your civilian population. Don't waste money on tanks just yet--they're very expensive to maintain. If anyone is foolish enough to attack you, you'll have enough foreign aid raining down on you to buy some quality hardware anyway. >:]

There are only two useful DEFCON levels: 1 (war) and 5 (peace). There's never a good reason to be in between (not under current game rules, anyway). Also leave your Threat Level at Low until you have tens of millions to spend on spies and it will actually make a difference.

Join us on the Purple team. If any of your current trades are purple, ask them to cancel and resend so that you can get the team bonus. Lumber and Wheat are awesome starting resources, so you should have no problem keeping trades (beyond the general attrition happening in the purple sphere). I'd recommend trying to pick up Iron and Marble on top of what you already have, so that infra will be really cheap to buy.
The same thing we do every night, Pinky...


Hey, Llearch - just letting you know, the foreign aid thing has expired, and I've got the gold. Whenever you want to do the Tech thing, Solum is open for business. >:3

llearch n'n'daCorna

... give me four days to scrape the cash together.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I've also got some nice cheap tech if anyone needs it.  33% reduction to costs if I read them right.  Though I think I may need to start investing in some factories, getting a bit expensive to buy, but that'll be after this next hospital I think.


Hmmm, I appear to have lost one of my trades somehow. Irritating - it was a spices and something else trade, which means I lost my fast food*. :<

I have iron and furs up for offer if anyone has resources that aren't cows, coal, furs, diamonds, gold, iron, lead, pigs, sugar and wheat.

*Why does fast food require spices? I mean I suppose there are curry takeaways and so on, but the picture for fast food specifically is some kind of burger. I don't count cheese, onions and salad as spices...