The Castle (Rebma, for the heck of it, but don't hesitate!)

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 07:46:53 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

As spiders ran towards the group across the floor, walls, and ceiling Mel had the stunning revelation that swords are short range weapons. There wasn't going to be a front and a back to the fight when the beasts could easily bypass the warriors on the high ceilings. They had to be kept back. With that in mind her first spell was the same airblast that had crushed the bats. Her second was ice daggers. She remembered at the last second that spiders wore their skeletons on the outside and put an extra push into the spell to get the shards through.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Prof B Hunnydew

PBH had to use both her legs and arms to keep the large spider off her and keep it from eating her.  Her flames hands slowly burned into the spider's head, when it bombard by dozens of ice daggers, which just missed PBH, but killed her spider.....


Aisha deCabre

Despite her being ready, Aisha seemed to want to shudder as soon as the spiders came into view...the largest ones she had ever seen were no bigger than rats.  At least none of them had gotten any bigger than a dog, and so the shuddering receded and she raised her sword, lunging at the closest one as soon as they had appeared.

She only paused for a moment though, listening to Sebastian's advice on not getting bitten, before driving her dragonblade into the back of one of the scuttling arachnids and immediately swiping at another, rendering its legs useless, jumping out of the way as its fangs nearly swiped at her body.  It had to be giant spiders, and it had to be THESE giant spiders... she thought with a grimace, hearing one or two of them verse.  Aisha saw Gareeku's attack then out of the corner of her eye and jumped out of the way as it barreled into the horde of creatures, as well as Mel's chilling blast.  "Heh, that might make a few of them cower," she smirked and leaped back on the center of the floor, grabbing her boomerang and tossing it at them from a considerable distance.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Jeremiah grimaced as the other's spells shredded his illusion traps. Yes, the traps were set off and pulped a few spiders, but not nearly so well as he'd planned.
Take off the bracer...
Unconsiously, Jeremiah's fingers brushed the bracer shining on his arm. He quickly sent a handful of illusionary drakes against the spiders. He had little magic, and couldn't simply finesse his spells solid like Mel, but it was the work of a moment to call up a slight breeze to whisk a good deal of dust and other bits of shiftable matter to make at least parts of the drakes solid.


Despite the calls of the strange catgirl, the suited canine did not follow.  He did not yet know her, or any of these other strange creatures, whether their intentions were benine or malicious caused him to keep his distance.  Before he could turn back away from the girl, a large spider reared upon its hind legs and lunged at him.  Holding up the table leg horizontally he held its large fangs at bay, yet its legs hit his torso with great force, causing him to wince and grit his teeth.  He growled in rage and brought the tip of his foot to meet the Spider's carpace with great force, repeatedly kicking into it, each crunch followed by a painful screech from the spider.  The canine took his chance and pushed foward, landing the spider on its back and he on top of it.  He hesitated as it thrashed pathetically, hearing the hiss of ice shards flying over his head.  He snaps out of it and raises the club above his head. Don't think, just smash. Violently smashing the club into the spider's mouth, he raises it and brings it down once more, repeatedly smashing it into the spider's face.  He knows the spider is now dead, yet he continues to pummel it, each impact of the wood against its crumpled and bloody head, splatters spider brains and blood up into the canine's face and over his suit.


Following Mel's orders, Keaton immediately found something to grab on to while she tried to work the arrow out of her back--which happened to be a pillow. A very old, vermiculated pillow which felt more like a boulder than any respectable cushion, but a pillow nonetheless. The diminutive wings crowning her head tensed and flapped instinctually as Mel managed to jerk the bloodstained pole out of her back with a hollow snap. Back stiffening, Keaton's pupils pinpricked as she looked numbly at Mel out of the corner of her eyes, momentarily distracted from her sulking.

Unfortunately for her, she could still feel the metallic point embedded a little past her bone. Just as Mel warned her that she was going to numb her senses, Keaton felt her blood run cold and what pain that still antagonized her go utterly desensitized. Considering that this would make the procedure go by as painlessly as possible, Keaton found no reason to complain, resuming her gripping and tugging on the moth-eaten upholstery of the pillow.

"Uh?" In her almost drugged haze, Keaton nearly missed what Stygian had asked of her. Lolling her head to the side, she took a moment to process what he said, and then answered brusquely, "Oh. Well, as you can see..." she sighed, delaying her answer for a rather regretful period of time. "I got my ass kicked. By a bunch of Adventurers. Jerks." Keaton buried her face in the pillow as Mel started to loosen the spiked arrow caught in her back, groaning in frustration. "Beat a few of them but I had to run. I ended up here. S'kinda hard to see where you're going when you're dying of blood loss, don't you think?"

The arrowhead finally popped loose from Keaton's bone thanks to Mel's effort, the snow leopard handing the blood-coated thing to Keaton. Keaton turned it over in her hand, examining the sanguine goo clinging to it with a sickened interest. Frowning, she pocketed it, too dazed to bother throwing it away. "Thanks..." she said again, clutching the pillow to her chest. Keaton had removed some arrows from her body before, but she never could get used to the gruesome sight that followed extracting them.

After a bit more time, Mel finally got the wounds as patched up as possible, giving her shoulder a perfunctory pat on the shoulder. Deciding to test her newly-repaired body, Keaton started to rise, setting her glasses back on the bridge of her nose and fastening the earring, which was connected to the glasses' rim by a small length of chain so it wouldn't be jostled, back to the lobe of her tapered ear. It was best to not antagonize her body needlessly, so she kept her movements limited.

"Hey... thanks again," Keaton said to Mel, rubbing behind her head awkwardly. "I feel a lot better."

When the further operations on the rest of her 'teammates' were completed, Stygian apparently deemed it necessary to venture further. Keaton wasn't sure she liked the sound of that, nor did she want to remain with the group, but she decided it was wisest to stay with them. Judging by the excess of otherworldly monsters in this castle, she couldn't stand a chance against them all, especially unarmed. Hopefully she would find Catastrophe soon, or she would catch hell from it.

Climbing to her feet and hugging herself tight, Keaton trudged wordlessly behind the group, not contributing anything to their conversations. Things seemed eventless enough, and Keaton would've rather it continued that way, but unfortunately it was not meant to be.

Claws began to rip through the walls, after they were joined by a canine and a feline armed with a mechanical firearm of some sort, penetrating the walls as though they were formed out of wet tissue paper. Soon the door was splintered. Keaton's ears fell back, her grip on her arms increasing. Fantastic. Just fantastic. The moment she thought her day couldn't get any more sordid, more problems had to surface. Was whatever deity that existed up in the afterlife punishing her for something? Obviously it had to be the rampant soul-stealing, but it wasn't like she was the first Cubi who indulged in that—

Spiders the size of household canines were clambering through the destroyed doorframes, quickly flooding through like a rushing river of writhing, spindly legs, bristling fur, and beady eyes. Beady. Fucking. EYES. Keaton hated spiders, hated them like nothing else, and now they were being invaded by enormous arachids that looked like they were plucked right out of deepest, arachnophobic nightmares. Stifling a horrified yell, Keaton leapt back, her wings swiftly emerging from her back in a blur of black-streaked yellow and cream-colored membrane. The tips of her wings hardened into daggered claws, elongating and sharpening like pike-crowned tentacles. She would've combined it with dark magic as she normally could, but Keaton was lacking too much energy to muster it.

Around her, the people accompanying her prepared themselves for battle, individually striking out with spells, weaponry, and ammunition. One of the spiders that had filtered through its brethren managed to scramble over to her, its vile mandibles chattering together like fanged maracas. Keaton took a step back, the tentacles springing from her wings sprouting serrated, tooth-like barbs, and with a narrow of her eyes thrust two of them forward, skewering right through the spider, mouth-first, perforating all the way to the other side in a glorious splash of gore.

Withdrawing, Keaton whirled around to face another, bringing down her tentacle like a scythe, cleaving right through the spider like a knife through butter.

One of those days. It was just one of those days.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


As the others went all out, Stygian let out his power as well, his skin cracking up, wings emerging, darkness swirling... He threw himself at the spiders just about in time to catch a few ice shards into his back when he leapt before Mel. He didn't pay it much heed though. Even the core of his darkness regenerated the damage away so quickly that it didn't matter the least. So he began lashing out right in the midst of them, whips and claws and horrid fanged maws of darkness tearing up the arachnids into messy pieces.
   But the spiders were much too many, and behind and between them some wraiths also began zipping forth and back, shrieking with shrill laughter. The tide of the things began pushing the adventurers back.
   "Aaargh! We have to find a better bottleneck! They're coming from everywhere!" Stygian shouted, caught up right in the middle of the carnage and ridding himself of some web. "Get those two other fools back here and start backing up! Back into the chapel! It's sealed up!" Then, he yelled as a spider somehow actually managed to sink its fangs into him, despite his speed and his shadowy state. "Son of a bitch!" he growled.


Another thing Jeremiah didn't have to be told twice. Those wraiths' laughing was getting to him in a way other than blade wielding specters usually would. Throwing out a few more illusions to confuse the spiders he backed away. He almost found himself laughing, but stopped himself before he did. What on earth would I find funny about this?


The canine watched the bat fight through the mass of scuttling legs and fangs.  Hearing his cry, he turns to see the wraiths advancing down the hall.  eyes widening at this new threat, surrounded by the giant arachnids he sees nowhere to run.  Swinging horizontally he connects with the head of a spider, obliterating it and sending blood and brains flying.  He then uppercuts to the right, knocking the sense out of one spider looming behind him.  As it falls, he plunges the splintered end of the table leg into the spider and twisting it. 
             A spider leaps onto his back, feeling its sharp claws tear into the fabric of his suit, the canine relinquishes the club and reaches over his head, grabbing the spider's legs and pulling it free.  He throws it over his head into a wall, leaping to his feet and stomping down on its head.  Kicking another spider away but having to dodge a spider leaping from the ceiling above him before he can finish it off.  Feeling himself overwhelmed, he wheels desperately, throwing fists at any spider within close proximity.
              Crap, I need to get to those people, but theres at least 10 spiders between me and- before he can finish thinking, a larger spider hits the back of his legs with a claw, sending him flying off his feet.  He lands on his face, grunting as his muzzle takes the impact of the cold stone floor.  The canine frantically hoists himself up and rolls over to see a cow sized spider looming over him.  It's dripping fangs quiver, the venom dripping from them and falling to the floor at his feet. Oh man... I need a miracle

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had been tossing her boomerang back and forth through the melee of spiders, keeping a few smaller ones at bay while tearing off appendages from the larger ones.  Arthropod blood was being added to the party's reportoire of things that have been gathered from these battles, including sore muscles and fatigue.  Aisha was starting to get into the midst of it, watching as the others went all-out in their efforts, but with little avail as more poured in.  At one point she had lost her weapon in the onrush, and she had to concentrate, shouting the enchantment over the roaring and skittering of the monsters to try getting it to fly back to her hand.

It was then that the wraiths appeared...Aisha's eyes widened and the blood drained from her face.  "Oh madre de compasión! (Mother of mercy!)" she snarled, thinking it was indeed time to fall back, as per Sebastian's shout.  She quickly drew the holy blade from her belt, holding it up against them as she looked around for the two newcomers...she finally found them, a feline and canine, both in the midst of the fights.

"Get your heads down!" she called out, swinging the thing so that an arch of fire swept over the spiders in the front and hopefully trying to keep one or more of the wraiths at bay, also hopefully making a path for the strangers.  Aisha then quickly backstepped with the group as she hoped they were headed towards the cathedral...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

** PBH Pushed the dead large Spider off her by slide it to right, she peeked over it body to the wraith coming down the hall... She had an inspirational thought... she combined her light spell and her flaming hand spell... Casting a approved light sphere which was as bright as the sun which burned up the local spiders but it last but a few seconds...With the wraithes blinded and scared for the moment, PBH grabbed the suited blinded Canine back to his feet and ran to the others passed the few Blinded spiders which were still standing.***

" Quick Sirs Bat. Where is the Chapel?"



The canine blinks in disbelief as a wave of fire soars of his head, obliterating the spider looming over him.  As it falls backwards, he rolls over to see the castor and sighs in relief. Not having time to think, he is dragged to his feet by the strange cat girl, stumbling to his feet he manages to keep pace with her.  Upon arriving at the group of adventurers, he looks down at his suit and feels rather indignant. Uttering a low "Thankyou" and shrugging the Catgirl's grip loose now they're safe, he brushes down the front of his suit jacket, neatly tucks his tie and finally straightens his tinted shades.  Moving to the back of the group of strangers, his eyes scan intently for this 'chapel' as the catgirl called it.  He turns back to look at the group, awaiting them to move and inadvertantly show him the way.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel kept alternating spells between ice shards to slash the spiders and blasts of air to sweep the spiders off the ceilings and walls down to where the swordwielders could deal with them.  Then the wraiths appeared and her focus changed to blasting them. Having felt the wraith's venom they spooked her far worse than the spiders. Then she heard Sebastian order them to the chapel. The big question was how to find the chapel in a building where the hallways had a bad habit of changing their destinations.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Stygian snarled, and began pushing backward with the dark tentacles that he didn't use to tear the spiders apart. A wraith cut in close, and he swiped its mask in turn with its own claws.
   "Back! Down and to the left, then keep going and another left! It should be to your right then! Go!" he shouted, the black tentacles reaching back and pushing them best they could. Stygian grunted and grabbed at his side, where the spider had bit him. He wasn't afraid of poisoning, but if they could actually bite him, who knew what else they could do?


The Canine did not hesitate upon hearing the Bat's barking orders.  He looked back and eyed the left turning in the seemingly maze like castle corridors.  Quickly bounding down the corridor towards the left turn, he briefly turned to face the group of strangers and yelled gruffly. "C'mon!" Not sparing another moment he launched himself around the corner, each step light upon the ground as he moved swiftly, his mind only on finding the chapel and escaping the spiders, he took a left.  Feeling a muscular pain in his chest he winced, the blow from the spider's leg had winded him, he grimaced and moved on.  Veering right he found the chapel entrance,  he went to take a step foward yet hesitated.  Turning to look down the halls, he could hear the strangers still fighting.  Stopping there he awaited them so they could enter the chapel together, convincing himself that it was for his own best interests. That chapel might not be as safe as the Bat claimed, I might as well wait for them and not enter alone.  He leaned against the wall and took a breath, anxious for their arrival.


Jeremiah threw a few more semisolid illusions into the fray to smash up some more spiders and then tore like heck in the indicated direction (of course, managing to make at least one wrong turn), taking little time to put quite a bit of distance between him and the group.
Take off the bracer...
Do it...

Jeremiah had gotten good at ignoring voices, and this one wasn't very loud. Maybe it had gone right to his subconcious. Maybe his luck was just that bad. Regardless of the reason, Jeremiah tripped.
And knocked the bracer off.
YOU IDIOT! He can steal my trick! Do you understand me!? HE CAN STEAL MY GODDAMN TRICK!
What is it!?
Sir! It's-!
Don't they ever shut up?
Jeremiah thought as he slumped on the floor. He could feel flames flickering along his arms, his legs, his everything. His thoughts weren't muzzy. On the contrary, they seemed to be moving too fast for him to know what they were. Only Bal manifests as flames on me. Maybe he'll make himself useful... Could age the spiders to dust... He raised a hand in front of his face, huddling down in his coat.
Bal's flames were black, and gave off no smoke. These were a dull white, and smoke was pouring off of him. The new one? What is it? What does it-? A chuckle escaped his throught, and his face took on a panicked cast. He figured it out a whole twelve and a half seconds before it truly started.
"Oh dear."
And the flames washed over him. "Eheh... Eheheheheh... Eeheeheeheeheehehehahahahahahahaha...."

Prof B Hunnydew

**Prof B Hunnydew checked to see if anyone need help moving out  and down the hall... Seeing the Ferret, She lend-ed a hand with the girl, and **

"Do you need help with her Mister" asked PBH of the frog.

**quick moved her small group to where 75 stopped.  **

"We should go in or check it out before wounded go in" said PBH

** moved to open the door to Chapel  But Stopped because the frog was missing**

"Hey Mr Frog Hey Are you still around?" PBH called out

** She found him by his laughter as it had gotten louder over the giggling before... She slapped him **

"Snap out of it!"PBH Yells at The Frog and waits to see if he will claim himself


Mel Dragonkitty

Mel started down the hallways, stopping occasionally to blast at the following monsters. She noted that the new people had wasted no time in retreat. Not fighters evidently. The ferret and frog had also disappeared. The only one of her patients she could see was Keaton.  She slowed, taking time to send an extra strong blast of air over the heads of the fighters, hoping to blow enough spiders back down the hall to give her companions the breathing room to follow.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


"Get in!" Stygian roared, at the head of the rest of the group as they moved back, holding his arm and neck where more spider's bites had landed. He was feeling quite odd, a rush over him like he hadn't had even before he was locked up that he could remember. He didn't mind that the frog was gone; actually, he had almost forgotten him. All he really cared for was that they could hold the chapel, and that they had the ferret.
   "I said get in! Move!" he shouted, and grabbed the now babbling ferret around the neck, the little woman yelping out and saying things that Lovecraft could most likely have taken good inspiration from. He practically smashed open the doors and stormed in. Back down, the spiders rounded a corner, and began coming against them.
   Inside the chapel, the bat let go of the ferret, pushing her to the side and then using his tentacles to smash away benches and debris, clearing the floor before the entrance. He sunk to his knees, clenching the bites a bit, and then raised his blackened eyes, growling furiously.


Standing in a ring of freshly-slaughtered spiders, chaos and arachnid massacre occuring around her, all Keaton could do was fight for her life.

Hacking and slashing, Keaton tore through needly legs, serrated mandibles, and clusters of glittering, opalescent eyes with her wing tentacles, moving stiffly and jerkily. It was necessary, to keep from tearing open the injuries Mel had worked to remedy, although it combined with the absence of her mace impaired Keaton's fighting abilities. It came as a miracle that Stygian ordered a retreat.

Keaton wasn't really used to obeying orders, at least not in a very long time. She didn't give her loyalty to just anybody. But she wasn't stupid, and it was with every inch of her body cheering her on that Keaton whirled around and pursued the group.

Stygian wasn't the only one who hadn't noticed Jeremiah's disappearance. Frankly, she didn't know the amphibian, thus there was no reason to care about him, in her perspective.

As always, she was Little Miss Sympathy.

The bat cleared the way, allowing the rest of the people to rampage into the chapel, while the spiders stampeded close behind. Keaton's wing-tentacles remained as rigid as possible, blood and brain matter coating the bladed edges, as she skidded inside of the chapel. "Oh, fuck..." she hissed, clutching her head in her hands. Keaton's body began to shake again from the ferocity of her uncontrollable wheezing. "Fuckfuckfuck..."

One of those days indeed.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Prof B Hunnydew

**PBH grabbed and pushed the laughing frog into the chapel after the wounded bat **

"hurry up Dog Hero the spiders and whatever else is upon us" shouted PBH at 75

Seeing the fallen bat "Healers Healing needed!!!" yells PBH



He had a name, but had left it somewhere. Details. The black flames continued their work as the cat dragged him to vile safety.
With him tossed in a heap nearby and shrouded by his coat, nobody could tell what had happened until he got up on all fours with a noise like "Tik-Shnk, Tik-Shhhhnk."
It was recognizible as Jeremiah, but just barely. The shadows over his face cast by the brim of his hat had hardened and bleached into a mask covering the upper half of his face, plus some along his jaw. The reason it was along his jaw and not coving his mouth was because said mouth had grown. Well no, just the teeth, to the point where he couldn't close his lips over his mad grin. His eyes had sunken into black holes in the mask, with pinpoints of white light in the center. His coat billowed around him, which was rather cool until one realized that firstly, there was no wind, and two, tweed as a material doesn't usually billow so well. Smoke poured from beneath the mask, his sleeves, any gap in his clothing.
The most noticble change, however, was that his hands and feet had been replaced by large, spade shaped blades, each coming to a stingerlike point. Those were what were keeping him moving on all fours; he couldn't balance otherwise. He shambled to a respectible speed, heading straight for Sebastion. Without thought, without an idea of what such actions will and will not entail, he lept off of the ground and slammed into the door, all four blades imbedding themselves in the woodwork.
Drop down. The bat ponce first. Kill, wet your blades and-

It is quite possible to have awkward pauses in ones own mind.
In, shut him up.

To anyone psychically inclined, there was a sound exactly like someone slamming a masked face against a table.
You have some control. You don't know the rules yet. However, while your not knowing when you cheat makes it that much more likely that you wont get caught, there's a reason you don't wish to be caught. I am of the opinion influences like you should be kept Isolated.
Rotted away.
Robbed blind and left in a ditch.

Jeremiah's mind was in no state to think too lucidly. On the surface, on what his concious mind was going over, he was only a cut above one of the specters. But he was no stranger to being in such a state. Isn't a subconcious grand? You think it has no say in what's going on right until you find yourself having to do your own damn breathing. But this is all off subject.
The above argument took a matter of seconds as Jeremiah and the specter fought for control. The masked thing that was the sum of their efforts skittered to the other side of the door and pushed itself off of the wall. It whirled in midair, bringing all blades to bear against a pair of masked wraiths. They sliced through mask and cloak, and landed to pin three spiders to the floor. Then it reared up, flailing and stabbing. No movement didn't end in hitting something as it went from standing on two legs to one to a hand and a leg to one hand to two hands to midair and back to hands.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha was one of the ones trailing the group for a while, making sure that everyone had gotten through safely enough.  The wraiths and spiders she could hear pursuing, but with the new sword gripped tightly in her hands, Aisha's concern wasn't at the monsters behind them, but on the path ahead.  She heard Sebastian yelling out the directions to the party, and after only a brief pause, the panthress ran to keep up with the others, the directions repeated over and over again in her mind while winding through the labyrinth of passages.

There was relief when finally they found the chapel, a dark but familiar sight, her ears pinned against all of the fearful shouting and barking orders.  As the spiders rounded the corner, Aisha took one last swipe against them, careful not to hurt anyone while the flames lashed at the legs of the arachnid in the front.  Deciding then not to waste any more time, the panthress practically leapt through the doors, leaping around obstacles as she went, and skidding on the floor, doubling over and trying to regain her breath from the running.

Making a quick headcount, she realized that Jeremiah hadn't been with the rest for a while, until she caught sight of him with a hurriedly-relieved sigh...until her eyes fell on his wrist...and his quickly-shifting appearance afterward.  Aisha shot straight up then, raising her sword in front of her.  "What happened the bracer?" she demanded.  "It should have stayed on!"  Not to say that the look on her face wasn't one of complete confusion, eyeing the frog as he seemed to have gone insane...
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

Prof Bambi  Hunnydew worked fast to remove the Bat's clothing and used her first aid for a anti-vemon shot and speed heal to cure his wounds... 

"Did the canine in Black make in, Panther Lady?" asked PBH as she worked on the Stygian and also notice the frog.


Mel Dragonkitty

Mel had been trying to push one half of the heavy and now off-kilter pair doors closed when the transformed Jeremiah embedded himself in the other. She was caught stunned and forgetful of what she was doing watching his acrobatic display until Keaton's moans drew her attention in the opposite direction.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The masked thing simply continued killing spiders and slashing at wraiths. It was a happy monster. It was enjoying itself.
Jeremiah and the wraith were both kind of pissed though.


Stygian's eyes focused on the frog now, or what had been him just a while ago. That laughter and that mask... It was obvious that the curse had gotten to him too. And that could only be bad. Just like the poison stings that he had received. Before, he had been all but untouchable to whatever that bitch had thrown at him. Now, he felt so heavy...
   Fighting off the intoxicated feeling, he got to his feet. He could still resist, still put it out of his system. But he certainly didn't want to take any more bites. Watching the others spill in through the doors to the chapel, he growled and emanated more darkness, a thick, dark swamp of it standing around him.
   "We make a chokepoint here. They will go away eventually. And if they don't... we're still in a good place to smash through them!" he said, not quite entirely reassured himself but not letting it show. Then, with a roar, he threw himself forward, letting tentacles and claws rip into the arthropod swarm. The spiders quoted furiously, leaping and slashing, but he did not let them get through, overwhelming them with sheer speed and number of attacks.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Whoa, Batty if you want to keep fighting then you better give the anti-vemon and quick heal chance to work in few minutes...." said PBH

"Okay Anyone else need a quick fix up before rush into battle again.?" asked PBH as she watched the warriors go off and fight anyway.  PBH knew she was down on spell power and would need a few hours if not a day to fully recharge.  She had something left, but she could not say how much.


Keaton waited in her personally-claimed corner for a moment to curse and curse and curse, firing off every befouled word in her admittedly exotic vocabulary like a gunshot. During this rapidly paced, relentless bombardment of unmentionables, Keaton kept her head rooted firmly in her hands, dirty blonde hair spilling before her face to perfectly shadow her infuriated, frustrated expression.

Great. Wonderful. Just freakin' PEACHY. First she was assaulted by Adventurers, barely escaping with her life with a few arrows in her back like some mere ANIMAL, next she's dragged into this place and attacked by monstrous spiders.

And this was going to involuntarily be her home for Lord knows how long.

Muffling an exasperated shout, Keaton removed her head from her hands and smoothed her bedraggled hair back down into its commonly-used, aerodynamic style. For someone who had just recited every foul word in the English dictionary (and some crude variations of other disapproving phrases), she looked oddly placated, as though she had rid herself of some terrible weight burdening her shoulders.

To the unobservant eye, she appeared almost blank. To others, the more astute, she appeared... placid, as a content smile was on her face a moment later. It only lasted for a few seconds as the reality of the situation saturated her, but it was a precious moment, one where she was isolated from the hell and brought into an ephemeral asylum to unleash her personal rage.

It was nowhere near as relieving as killing a Being or two, but it would do.

Adjusting her glasses and brushing away some bangs as though nothing had ever happened, Keaton's head snapped in the direction of the frog who had just entered--only she wasn't sure if he WAS a frog anymore.

Instead of his usual visage, it had become something ghastly, otherworldly, spectral. Diaphanous mist poured out from every available sleeve in his now-flowing robes and a pallid rictus made up his toothy, barbaric smile, his hands constantly fluctuating through multiple, threatening shapes. Utterly ignoring Aisha's concerns, such as why the bracer vanished, the mask-adorned frog merely stormed out, continuing to hack away at spiders and take swipes at wraiths.

If Keaton hadn't seen worse, she would've been quite distressed. Even then, like everything else in this hellhole, it frightened her.

Stygian barreled into the charging mass of eight-legged nightmares, fighting through their frenzied assaults to chip away at them with his supersonic blows. Sighing, as though burdened by a mild inconvenience, Keaton massaged her temples past her dirty blonde hair and armed herself all over again, the tentacles lurching to life. Anubis-shaped heads emblazoned with spiraling sable emerged from the serpentine limbs of her wings, craning about until their numerous, crystalline brown eyes landed on the throng of spiders before them.

Shrill, trilling growls resonated in the hollow throats of the anubis heads, the eyes of each head narrowing simultaneously, along with their mistress's. Purple light encircled the pitless pupils of the heads' oculars like a mangled halo, sparking viciously with livid energy. Dancing bolts of fiery, black sparks crawled along their razorblade canines, pulsating like rings along their lengthy necks. Slowly, each one sunk into her tentacles all over again, the tips sharpening into jagged stalactites.


~Keaton the Black Jackal


"Friendses? Enemies?" The masked thing cackled as he continued to slash away, spider gore up to his elbows and knees, "YAHAHEEHOOHOHAHAHH!" As one of Sebastian's tentacles drew near him, the monster formerly known as Jeremiah took one or two swipes at the area near it. Not close enough to risk harm, but enough to send the message, Regardless of which, you keep the hell away from me!
Creepy though he was, a dancer or other type of performer may have appreciated his moves. There was a certain grace to it, each move flowing into the next combined with the use of every limb. Never did those huge, tombstone like teeth come into play, but the occasional clacking noise he made with them made it a definate possibility. The clacking added to the overall appearance of some dance; a maraca-wielding madman dancing death before an audience of spiders and wraiths, with their full participation in the show.