The Castle (Rebma, for the heck of it, but don't hesitate!)

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 07:46:53 PM

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Mel Dragonkitty

Mel got one side of the door closed just as Sebastian charged back out. Keaton stopped moaning and her tentacles changed so Mel decided it was a cubi thing and not a new injury. Lacking any other way to lock the door she froze it in place with a mass of ice. Then she stepped away and thought, what would scare a giant spider with the average intelligence of a sock puppet? A bird maybe? Birds ate small spiders. Mel began work on an illusion of a bird big enough to eat these spiders in a single bite.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha was mostly wound up with frustration at this point, watching with still confusion as Jeremiah--or what seemed to be left--charged into the fray alongside the bat and the 'Cubi, their efforts going at all costs to halt the swarm of spiders.  Aisha was staying near the door, using her dragonblade this time to cut through any of the beasts who had the hard determination and strength to actually make it past them and into the chapel.  She and the others were practically drenched with the vile entrails of the arachnids, and still they seemed to have kept least as far as she could see as one of the doors were closed.

Quirking her ear at one point to the inquiry of the feline stranger, Aisha paused and glanced out through the gloom.  "He should be around, thought I saw him as we were coming around to the chapel."  She was panting, tired, but held the sword in front of her with determination to keep the place from being ransacked.  "And my name is Aisha," she added with a quick and polite nod of her head.

Throughout all of this, only three things ran through her mind over and over again in the same pattern, steady enough that it would have been a chant or a song.  Kill the monsters.  Keep the others safe.  Find the damn bracer.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The canine had waited, cursing the triumph of conscience over logic, he still told himself he'd be better off waiting for this group of unlikely and strange creatures.  He had waited for all to pass before entering the chapel himself, letting others go first to face an unknown wasn't exactly selfless, but hey, they didn't need to know that.  He could hear manic laughter emanating from the chapel interior, hearing it gave a feeling of relief that he'd let them go first.  Despite this, he concluded that whatever's in there, would be better to face with the group of strangers, than facing the spider swarm alone.  Looking down the hall he could see the mass of arachnids surging towards him, spinning upon his heel he turned to flee before being knocked flat on his back by a figure that seemed to be on fire.  It's blades sinking into the swarm of spiders, yet moving with the grace of a swift, it was almost as if it was enjoying the bloodbath, swimming in each kill it made. 
      Before the unknown canine could rise to his feet the mass of spiders began billowing past the creature, one crept onto the wall above him.  Arching back it lept at him, raising his hands he caught it's legs to hold it at bay.  The force of its landing and its snapping fangs forcing him down onto the ground.  Wathching other spiders pass him he heard the cries of the other members of the group. I'm gonna get cut off if I don't get outta here.. again!  He immediately rolled to his side, swinging the spider like a club and smashing it into the ground repeatedly.  Its guts splattering all over him, he eyed another clambering over his legs and swiftly brought the heel of his shoe to meet it's face.
             Another stranger had run into the fray now, seemingly screaming in anger.  It's tentacles thankfully making short work of the swarm of spiders surrounding the canine.  He tried to scramble to his feet yet felt a seering pain fire through his back as a large spider brought a leg down onto him like a hammer, you didn't have to be a doctor to know he'd definitely broken something.  The canine clenched his eyes shut, gritting his teeth in agony.  He kicks out, freeing himself from the spider's pin.  The canine found himself shaking with rage, turning to face the spider as it reared up to deliver a fatal blow, he launched himself at it.  His hands grabbing its legs, sinking his teeth into its underbelly.
              Feeling himself lightheaded from the pain, he tore away at the spider's belly, ripping out it's guts and spitting them out.  His hands quickly tearing the spider's legs off, sitting up he breathes heavily and begins pummeling the spider's body with it's own limbs.
              Coming to his senses as more spiders approached and the bladed spectre made more of a commotion, the canine stumbled to his feet.  Slumping against a wall he limped through the one open chapel door, passing one stranger as he did. Catching a look at the concern of her face, he turned to see it was for the two that remained outside.  Turning he slumped against a wall adjacent to the door, sliding down to rest upon the floor.  He licked his lips and tasted the hot blood of the spider, wincing as he raised his hands to look at them, coated in blood. ...Ow


Things were, by the looks of it, not going well. Several people were either unaccounted for, or unaccountable, and those who weren't were pinned by these horrid spider-creatures, much to busy to do anything but fight and hope for the best. Stygian was beginning to feel some sort of odd effect from the spiders' poison, though he didn't know what it could be. Keaton was all busy ripping flesh and getting hers ripped, Jeremiah was dancing a mad tarantella of carnage, Mel was staying at the back it seemed and Aisha hit fast and flanked, as was her habit, it seemed. The ferret was simply scared, talking in tongues and hiding behind benches. And who knew where the wolves were if they hadn't arrived?
  Mel's illusion provided at least some relief. The spiders slowed and fixed, shuddering in fear as a primal image of claws, a beak and huge, dark wings made itself apparrent to their eyes. But it only slowed them down; it didn't stop them from biting and clawing back at the adventurers once they did attack.
  Then, with a loud roar, something seemed to be making its way between them, from the back and within the enormous swarm...
  "Pluck them asunder!"

Prof B Hunnydew

**after check on the ferret, Bam saw that the girl was unhurt physically but her mind maybe lost forever.   PBH was also looking at the damage door to see what it would take to get it repaired as she talked to Aisha**

"Thank you, Aisha, you are the only one whose name I know right now. ... I am Prof Bambi Hunnydew, but You can call me, Bam   You aren't hurt anywhere, are you? " Asked PBH as looked at the panther and then the battle... and to the beserker Frog

"I don't know anyone else, Even Batty, out there is a mystery  Hey you know that bracer you were asking about.  There was one on the Frog's arm when I found him just to the left down the hallways... But I see that it is not on his arm, now. " said Bam



Amidst the carnage and spider gore flying helter-skelter, Keaton fought like an animal, not stopping or faltering in her frenzied hacking, slashing, and carving. Limbs like razorblades descended upon her, several managing to cleave through the black fabric of her clothing to reach her skin, tearing her fur and flesh with ease. In retaliation, Keaton would slice through several of them with a whip of her tentacles, moving in a broad crescent. When one wave fell down, ten more would accost her, moving swifter and more efficently than before.

Keaton no longer paid any heed to being conservative in her movements, deciding that managing to emerge from this encounter alive was much more important than accidentally lacerating the intricate work on her aging injuries. This gave her a considerable advantage, but, realizing the danger, the spiders rushed her in a squirming throng, nearly smothering her with bladed-mandibles and scimitar-legs.

Writhing tongues of purple, nebulous light escaped around the surfaces of Keaton's tentacles, glowing with brighter, more erratic clarity with each spider she fell. Legs stabbed at her, drawing blood, dozens of tiny eyes glared at her...

The world was gone, leaving Keaton stranded in the hellhole of thrashing arachnids with nothing but darkness for company. Shadows twisted around Keaton as though it were drawn out from beneath the spiders, flaring up about the jackal like a billowing curtain. Diving down, it orbited her with lightning-fast speed with one swoop, spiraling like a serrated cape, shredding a few unlucky spiders in the process. Manipulating the palpable shadow, Keaton directed it to wrap around her, seeping into her body and cloaking her in tangible black. Untamed electricity crackled around her form as it finished covering her, drowning out all traces of color until she was suffused in inky sable. White beamed anew from her eyes along with an archaic symbol--the same carved into her shoulder--which seemed to bore through the layers of darkness on her hip, glowing with the same, ghostly, empyreal light.

She nearly missed the ferocious cry that rose up from the figure moving between the flowing mass of spiders, even with the heightened supernatural senses her new, shadowy armor provided. Whirling around, unhindered by the spiders that were paralyzed in fear by Mel's illusionary projection, Keaton's glowing eyes widened.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Well, you're not gonna do much towards your own survival sitting here, get up and help.  Its just a broken.. something, wuss.  The Canine told himself, pressing the palms of his hands to the wall, he began hoisting himself up.  Pain seering down his spine and through his chest with each insufferable inch.  Biting his lip, he balanced upon his feet.  Stopping before heading towards the door, he turned away from the others to hide his face and removed his shades.  Seeing the blood splattered across them, he wiped them clean with his shirt cuff before neatly placing them back on his head, once again obscuring his eyes.
                     He turned to see the commotion taking place around the door, some of the strangers throwing what looked like magic at the spider swarm, the spectre, Bat and a jackal with tentacles were admist the frenzy. Can't just wade in, I might get worse than broken bones next time..  Eyeing a tall Candle stand next to the wall, he stepped up to it.  It was as long as he is tall, knocking the candle aside, he grabs the stand and holds it ahead of him like a staff. Bounding towards the door, he looked to the Dragon attempting to hold one of the doors shut. Before he could think he spotted a spider out of the corner of his eye descending from the wall above her, without hesitation he quickly swings the staff back over his head and brings it foward vertically with great speed.  The base of the stand crushing the spider's abdomen and sending blood splattering across the wall.  Quickly proceeding through the door, he watched the other fighters valiantly struggling to thin the waves of arachnids.  Hold the door, cover them He thought to himself, holding the staff ahead defensively, he hung back to defend the door and cover the strangers retreat.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel nodded her thanks at the new canine as he smashed the spider sneaking up on her and went back to her illusions. The bird illusion seemed to be working so she strengthened it and tied it to a floor tile in front of the door. She then worked up a flock of birds. Smaller than the doorway guarding avian, but more solid illusions that could really be felt and sent them out to peck at the spiders further back in the river of monsters. Better to spook them off before they ever got close to the door than waste the fighter's strength on what was probably nothing more than a diversion before the real fight.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Prof B Hunnydew

**Seeing what the Snow Leopard did to the other door, PBH reasoned that if they could get the another door back up together and into the door frame, they could seal themselves in the chapel and maybe get to rest a few moments to everyone.**

"Aisha can you help the Cubi, there and get her in here!" callled PBH to the panther
"Hey Spy-dog can you help me get these pieces of the door together and lined up" asked PBH  for 75 and then to Mel "Lady Snow Leopard get you freeze these in place and once we get the fighters in."
**using some of the broken pews, they muscled the two main part of the door back together but ajar..And then she welded the iron bars on both sides over the door's metal bracket with a flaming hand spell.  The door was semi-repaired, it could swing and block the doorway from the big monsters, but how much holding power it had was unknown **

"Sir Bat, Frog, and Aisha can we hurry up. Please." PBH shouted to the fighters


The canine was busy swatting spiders left and right, parrying the legs of the larger ones then systematically bringing the staff base down upon their heads, crushing what little brains the Giant spiders had. Grinning in satisfaction back at the snow leopard. He couldn't tell whether he just enjoyed splattering the giant bugs, or felt a certain lust for revenge which only increased the more heated the pain in his back became.  Hearing the Cat Girl's cries, he turned to look back at her and then the doors.  It dawned upon him that if they were to survive this, they'd have to secure the chapel. If just one of them gets in, the whole place will be compromised...  "spy dog"?  Arching an eyebrow at the girl, he began to pace back, uppercutting one spider in the mouth and sending it wheeling backwards across the corridor. 
                          Moving back to the door, he looked to the girl and then to the splintered door she was reffering to.  Bending down on his knees, he slid his hands beneath the door and braced himself.  Grunting in exasperation, he begins to lift the suprisingly heavy door but slower than he'd like. 
                          One spider had split from the main group, scuttling towards him, it clattered across the wall then leaped onto the door, landing right in front of the Canine's face.  He blinked in suprise and looked square into its clicking, razor sharp fangs.  Straining to keep the door aloft, yet unable to let go for fear of breaking it.  He looked over to the other two and whimpered. "...Li'l Help?"


Whatever Jeremiah was now didn't care much about 75's request for help, but the sight of a spider focused on someone else was not something to pass up. With a leap it landed with one foot blade skewering the insect, gave a salute and a slightly wider grin, and lept back into the fray. Fun times.
Keepgoing, keepgoing I must do. Were the thoughts of whatever Jeremiah was now (entirely seporate from what the rest of the personalities, including the ghost-thing, were up to), But not too fast. Then I runs outs of the spiders and the ghosties, and then might be temped. They are not for stabbing. Must remember that. Why? Because. Must remember.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Thanks Hun." PBH said to 75 in a silky voice, "I will have it welded in a minute"

** the cat-girl with flaming green hand welded iron bars to re-force the doors old brackets**

**after exhausting her hands, Prof Hunnydew quick pulled her spell book out and found the word for the spell, she needed. and goes to the doorway **

PBH shouts to the others "The Door is ready, everyone out of the pool"

**as she throws fireballs to cover them..
By the light of her fireballs, PBH spys a bracer on the ground by a doorway her found the frog earlier.**
"Aisha, The Bracer is there by the left doorway"   shouted PBH


The next second the doors smashed in, as whatever had been moving through the swarm of spiders pushed through to the front and broke through them, sending bits of door and what was in front of it flying. From behind them, something large stepped in on clattering legs.
   It looked like the odd melding of a spider and a woman. Somehow, her black-skinned torso was almost human, but on the back of it was attatched the form of something like a monstrous spider's cephalothorax, with the abdomen hanging down beneath her, as if someone had decided to just merge two creatures like that together. She was dressed in tarnished grey cloth, hanging down her form more like a bedsheet than a robe, and from out under two red-tipped black horns three pairs of red eyes, two big ones and four surrounding small ones, glared at them.
   "You hath awoken the lady! Why did you do so?! To find out pracices of cunning Hell?" she roared, the eight legs on her back carrying her forward with the tips of her clawed feet hanging some distance over the floor. "Well, you shall have Hell then! Death awaits you, like all who enter here!" She clawed forward, the spiders around her keeping back but close.


Spooky had been browbeaten into doing as ordered, for the time being, although he could quite possibly resume command without any notice. The other personalities were either aiding in keeping Spooky down, hiding, or in Bal's case berating Jeremiah. The original owner of this crowded shell was in a gibbering panic.
Meanwhile, the monster was growing tired. The noisy lady with the gun had locked him out, which was mean, and then the flood of spiders and this new loud lady had smashed him through the door. He lay on the floor and whined, laboriously picking himself up with a "Tik-shng". Something about what she had said confused it. Not too surprizing; it's mind being made mostly out of only part's of Jeremiah's, plus a small handful of interjections from the wraith.
"Then she goes back to bed. Don' needs your troubleses," Halfway between that pained whine and a growl, the thing panted out a reply to what was so baffling, "It'll just rile up, makes the adrenline and the wet claws. Then hows you go backs to sleep? Wet claws is to waking and feeding and play; you wants sleeping, go sleep. We keep down."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha was barely even listening to Bam as she spoke to her, save for having caught her name a few times.  She was hovering in and out of the doorway of the chapel at this point, using her sword more as a shield against the spiders rather than a weapon.  Her boomerang had been the major use of that as the panthress kept out of the range of any dripping venom and fangs...she had also started to fall back inside the chapel, hoping and praying that all of her comrades made it in.

Over and over again the enchantment was muttered loudly through her voice, over the hissing and skittering, to bring her weapon back into her hands only to throw it again...Aisha needn't have repeated it, but the sound of her voice trying to stay calm was better than all of this destruction.  "I know it was on his wrist, I put it there!" Aisha growled a little annoyedly upon hearing the felid, more than just a little angry and put upon by stress, and also when something else was moving through the writhing bodies...Get the 'Cubi out too?  By her performance I really don't think she needs help.

But finally, by the time she heard that the door was about to be closed and reinforced, her head swerved, taking a brief look at the horde of arachnids for anything distinctly resembling a mammal or amphibian before diving back into the chapel from the outside.  Oh thank goodness, Aisha sighed when she finally heard Bam's directions and found it lying on the floor, and instantly grabbed it back.  This is going back on Jeremiah, the panther thought, looking around for the frog...

But at that moment, when the doors were splintered from their hinges, the sound made the exhausted huntress fall to her knees briefly.  What she saw when she turned around, the horrid monster staring them down with eyes that made her cringe, made the panthress back up quite a bit and draw the holy sword again.  "Oh, no way..."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

As The spider-anthrowoman brakes in the doors.  PBH flys across the room falls behind some pews.  And falls unconscious

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel hadn't been standing as near the door as the others as she had been directing her illusionary birds so rather than being tossed aside by the door she was able to jump back, to the side. The regular spiders hadn't scared her any more than any of the other monsters but this queen spider did. Unable to think clear enough to cast illusions she went back to her primary skill, ice. Wisps of fog began to dance around her as the nearby air cooled from her preparations.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Fortunately for Keaton, she, too, had been out of the spider-woman's range when she burst through the sparsely-barricaded doorway, sending a furious shower of splinters sailing helter-skelter like sharpened, wooden comets through the air. Throwing a spider off to the side after skewering it on the end of one of her tentacles, Keaton watched as a stampeding wave of fresh spiders rushed in, accompanied by one of the vilest creatures she had seen thus far in this castle.

It was a strange concoction, a horned, lurid mishmash of human and arachnid garbed in blemished, bedraggled robes, and screeching in an equally lurid voice. It--or she, as it possessed distinct feminine qualities to its upper body--appeared to lead the rest of its smaller brethren, like a queen over her subordinates.

Disgusted beyond belief, as despite the fact she had slain numerous spiders before, her arachnophobia didn't abate in the slightest, Keaton backed up, her wing-tentacles immediately shedding the gooey nets of spider gore and ichor that coated them. Narrowing her eyes, Keaton let out a rumbling snarl as she directed the wing-tentacles toward the enormous spider-woman, sparks starting to ripple along the sleek, sable surfaces all over again.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Sebastian reared back, his darkness beginning to crawl together as he looked up at the spider-woman-thing. His black eyes were wide, and his face an angry gape.
   "Shite..." he said, practically gawking at the woman. "She got to you too, Sally?"
   The spidermorph downed her eyes, and hissed.
   "You bastard...! I am going to seal and shackle you up again, if I do not destroy you here and now!" she roared, and flashed out a clawed limb to stab through him. The bat just dodged to the side, whipping out a headed tentacle to sink its fangs into her leg. It worked halfway; the attack hit, but her exoskeleton seemed too hard to penetrate, and so she swept her limb to the side and flung the bat away. She saw Keaton's attack coming, and threw a great deal of web at her to tangle up her tentacles and to make the fight messier and harder for the adventurers, and the other spiders kept away as she then smashed forward. Sebastian caught himself and flipped over on his legs, and then moved to face her in a slithering, snaking way not entirely different from her clawing about on her back-legs. She had just the time to throw up some fire to try and begin to avert Mel's ice before he smashed into her, and the fight began, the two many-limbed monsters slashing and whipping out with strikes that snapped and cracked loudly.


Cleaving through the hoardes of spiders, Gareeku grimaced as he took down one after another, the blood of the spiders splattering onto his clothes and fur. No sooner had he cleared a path for him to get to the chapel, the spidermorph had appeared. Narrowing his eyes, Gareeku forced himself to forget his arachnophobis as he gathered a large amount of mana into his hand, before releasing it at the spidermorph in the form of a powerful blast of light magic.


The unamed Canine had been syphoning all of his strength into holding up the door whilst the cat girl worked upon it.  Suddenly with an almighty crash, he felt a large flat surface connect directly with his face, sending him flying backwards and tumbling to the floor at the feet of a creature he noticed to be recognisable, though his vision blurred and hearing fuzzy after the blast.  He recognised her as the stranger throwing what looked like a boomerang.
                                       He could hear muffled yells from what sounded like an infuriated exchange, smoke and ash filled the room blurring his vision more than before.  He blinked and felt a flash of pain in his face, blinking again it doubled in ferocity.  Raising his hands up to his face, they appeared to be shaking, covered in blood.  He brought one hand down to feel his face, upon finding what felt like something hot and sharp he flinched and pulled his hand away. Ow... Hope just my face is f***** up he thought, looking to the ground beside him he eyed the candle stand.  Reaching across and grasping it, he felt hot pain in the palm of his hand as his torn, bloodied flesh met the cold steel.  Dragging it towards him he uses it to prop himself up slowly onto his knees, suddenly feeling his chest heave he lurches foward and coughs out blood onto the floor, bringing a sleeve to wipe his muzzle.
          Breathing heavily to regain his composure, he looks up across the room to see the battle taking place between the bat and what looked like to be half a spider and half a woman, looking behind him and up at the panthress he begins to raise himself to his feet, struggling he finds himself slumped against the stand for support. C'mon pansy, s'just a li'l shock, you've got stuff worse than this in your face before, GET UP AND FIGHT

Mel Dragonkitty

The sight of flame to Mel's already half-panicked state had her skittering backwards. She almost took to the air to get above the flame but realized that would only make her more of a target. The ground had nice stone pillars to hide behind. As she hid she admonished herself, "Calm down. Think. You can't help if you can't think." She took a deep breath and peeked around the column to see what was happening.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The web that the spider queen launched did its job quickly, the gooey substance striking Keaton before her attack could efficiently launch. White, sticky tendrils of opaque, glue-like substance wrapped instantly around Keaton's body, wrapping around her limbs and severely reducing her movements to tense jerks before she could properly resist. Growling in a voice that was no longer her own, Keaton attempted to move her tentacles, but found that they too had been trapped in the irresistable ooze.

Despite her earnest efforts to break free of the web trapping her, Keaton found that doing so was exceedingly difficult when her struggles were restrained within the net of spider-sludge. Meanwhile, it seemed as though Stygian had somehow identified the spider-woman monstrosity as a former acquaintance, but this was summarily neglected by Keaton, who was too busy trying to break free from her mucilaginous cage.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Prof B Hunnydew

Far away in the PBH's mind,

"Nanna Nanna, I am here I come to visit...

I'm here, child, in the garden. "    The 8 year old kitten ran to the  great oak in the back garden. 

"What are you doing, Nanna?" ask PBH the fae feline.  The fae was hugging the 200 year old great tree with all her might.  The Tree and the fae glow with a green light and the little kitten could see the tree growing and getting taller and wider. 

"Wow Nanna the tree is growing... Make it bigger and bigger!" clapped the happy kit
"No, my dear, but you can make it bigger" said the fae as she stopped hugging the tree and handed the kitten the emerald medallion from her neck.
"Now Bam you didn't come here to play, did you?" said Nanna
"What?" said the Adult PBH.
"What were you doing, young lady?" asked Nanna
"I was  I was repairing one side of these  double oak doors with more iron bars vertically to keep the oak pieces together on one side... It accidentally closed as I finished repairing it and and I was just going to re-open it for the fighters when it exploded  and and now I 'm here." said PBH

"But why dear? You are the heir to forest magic, and You can mend the Oak itself." corrected PBH's granny
"but that is impossible.."
"The children of the wood always remember their roots" said Nanna with a smile
"All it takes is you to believe in your magic and anything is possible." said Nanna as she touch my emerald on my chest...

*** a  flash of green light from behind the pews from across the room.
PBH feels the touch of many crawling legs as smaller spiders traveled along her legs and body.
She could feel no bites yet or fear .. as the green light  glowed  along her body and turning the smaller spider on her body change them to normal spiders.  She watch them drop off and run away. 

The Cat-girl/ Fae Feline with blue hair, leafy wings and a glowing green aura raises from behind the pews.  She turns and looks at the battle scene, looking confused and dazed.


Aisha deCabre

Aisha had stood back for a moment as the spider-woman advanced on the adventurers, the smaller minions having seemed to fall back, which left some exhausted party members to take a few short breaths...the panther had her sword raised and braced for an attack.  However, she was tiring, and actually had no bother against letting some of the more powerful of the group cut in...and anyway it was hard to land find a blow to land once Sebastian had gotten straight involved, and once the webbing was thrown at Keaton and across the room.

"Uuugh..." she shuddered with a growl, clawing away the sticky threads of silk that she had been caught in, kneeling on the floor and cutting away the rest with the bladed edges of her boomerang...she didn't want to risk using the holy blade if the webbing was flammable.  At one point she caught sight of one of the strangers they had saved, the canine, looking as if he found it hard just to stand up.  "You probably shouldn't do that, unless you want to collapse in the next few minutes," Aisha pointed out with a grunt as she sliced away another layer of webbing.  If more of us are injured, we'll have a hell of a time taking on the angel...but how in the world are we going to get rid of this brutish one quickly?
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The canine sways a little in disorientation. Blinking, his vision comes into focus only to see the dire situation the group had been landed in.  Shaking his head and sending blood flying from his lips, he hears the voice of the panthress behind him.  Hunched against the stand for balance he turns his head to look back at her through his dark shades.  He coughs and spits out blood onto the floor, forcing a small grin in the corner of his mouth he stutters "I'm.. *cough* I'm fine.. don't worry about me"  Turning back away from her he is forced to grit his teeth and wince in agony, Cripes this hurts! I can barely breathe!  Despite the pain, he couldn't just lay back, he had to do something of contribution to the group of strangers.
        Taking a deep breath, he sluggishly stomps towards the mass of spiders advancing around the larger spider woman.  Raising the staff slowly with what seemed to require a lot of effort, he swings at a spider and clips it, sending it catapulting across the room.  Almost losing his balance, he raises a foot to level himself out, quickly bringing it down upon the head of another spider scuttling beneath him.  Smashing down upon another with the base of the staff, he looks up from its corpse to see a spider larger than a cow facing him. Lunging at him, he raises the staff vertically and forces it into the spider's fangs, holding an otherwise painful death at bay.  however the force of its lung knocks the canine onto his back, the spider moving ontop of him.  Its rear legs pinning him down by his knees,  yelling in pain as its front legs push down on his chest. He bares his fangs to the Arachnid, holding it at bay with the staff, despite his best efforts, he could feel his strength weakening and its fangs coming ever closer. This may not have been the best idea...  He thought to himself, pinned to the spot and resiliantly holding the staff rigid, flinching as the spider's venom oozed and dripped from the tip of it's fangs, landing upon the gaping wounds on his face. "ARRRGH!" He yelled in desperation.


A couple strands got the not-Jeremiah's leg and wrist, but it was the work of a few moments to stagger out.
Lady fights Ponce. Why? Find out later. Spiders hold back, those who intervene damaged. Intervene? Territory fight, one on one? Can't tell, confused. Go kill spiders? Restrainer and Proffesional go fight spiders. Frail Juggurnaut is tangled. Legion unconcious. Loud lady got up, maybe not Loud lady. Newthing. Where Clever Healer? It cast about until it just managed to notice Mel peeking around the column. Quickly and quietly it skittered over, the stingers on the ends of its blades finding purchace as easily on walls as on the ground, and attemped to get her attention.
"Psst! Clever one! What do? No know what do! Give method!" it said, keeping low to the ground and away from the spiders, it's voice managing to sound manic even when it was keeping its voice down (the occasional giggle didn't help), "What do?"

Prof B Hunnydew

In a loud and sweet girly voice the glowing PBH askes

"OH MY, I think someone needs a HUG!"

"What do you have to say for yourself?" 



Immediately after he had unleashed the wave of magic at the spidermorph, Gareeku looked around, before laying his eyes on Keaton, who was trapped in webbing. Reacting immediately, the wolf quickly rushed over and, with a few lightning quick slashes of his blade, freed the jackal succubus of her sticky prison.

"You ok?" he asked as he helped her up, putting her arm over his shoulder as he helped Keaton to stand up. Looking back at the spidermorph, Gareeku frowned, knowning that he needed to get Keaton to safety so that she wouldn't be further harmed in her injured state.


The spider-woman had seen Gareeku's shockwave coming, and reacted to it by unleasing some dark magic in a slash out against it, neutralizing the hit. She turned her attention to him and his attempts to aid the succubus, and with a nasty hiss she spat out more web, a sticky net spinning all over the place where they stood, attempting to snag them. But then she seemed to think herself finished with them and returned to trading blows with Stygian, now on the defensive that she hadn't paid him full attention.
   "To Hell, allegiance! Vows, to the blackest devil!" she moaned, snarling at him. "And your dealings have trapped us too! Argh!" She staggered back as he cut through a part of her tattered clothing. She clenched her stomach, just below her breastbone, and there was something there, like a glowing crack in her otherwise smoothly black skin.
   "She gave you part of it too?!" Stygian snarled. "I will have it back!" He began swiping at her again, force meeting force with loud cracks and slashes, and he looked up as he pushed her back under the great chandelier.