The Castle (Rebma, for the heck of it, but don't hesitate!)

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 07:46:53 PM

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 "Sweet mother of GOD!"
Dripping spider blood and trailing entrails from one of his feet, Cog stumbled into the room, and barely avoided tripping over the dead spiders inside it. His hat was gone, and a single lens on his shades was shattered, and a single long cut ran down the side of his face. He dripped blood as he continued into the room. He stumbled and almost fell over, almost in parody of a drunk, and fell back and again managed to keep his balance. He brushed some blood-matted hair from out his eyes and patted his head, looking for his hat.
"Where...did you guys just leave?" he said, his eyes somewhat wild. "One second you're all there, then you guys were gone!" He shuddered for a moment, then the palsy seemed to fade. "All alone. With so many spiders..." he shook his head, and his eyes seemed to brighten. "I take it I missed some signal. Because until just now I was wading in spiders."
He tried to find Sebastian, but couldn't seem to locate him. "The bat said not to get bit. bit. A lot." He suddenly flinched, and then stifled a laugh. "Sebastian? Is that you? What the hell happened to you?"

Aisha deCabre

Aisha hummed thoughtfully, considering Jeremiah for just a few more moments, before opening the bracer further.  "Stick out your wrist and don't move," she advised, which was more of an order than anything.  Considering the fact that he almost looked like one of the wraiths, and since there was still some leftover adrenaline in her system from the battle, the panther was somewhat jumpy.

Carefully, she snapped the thing on the frog's arm with a quick prayer for hope that it would actually stay on, and then backed away with a sigh, glancing over to Sebastian with a bit of concern.  Mel seemed to be working hard on the bat, which left the canine stranger one of the more injured.  Briefly listening to Mel, Aisha sighed and walked over to help.  "SeƱor, for a canine, you don't seem to know the meaning of 'stay'."  She laughed.  "Stop trying to walk so that you can get your turn at healing."  She tilted her head.  "You have a name, anyway?"

Suddenly she swerved, having caught sight of Cogi, whom she had thought lost in the horde of spiders. "Mierda santa..." she pretty much exclaimed.  "Good to see you're alive.  And you were bitten too...?" Aisha sighed with a bit of relief that the head count seemed full now, but ran a hand through her hair in exasperation.  We're going to need some more healers.  Or more light magic.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The masked thing grinned wider as it held an arm out. "Sleeeeeep..."
The effects of the bracer were instantanious. There was a noise much like a bucket of water being informally introduced to a bonfire and a great deal more smoke, and Jeremiah came staggering forward. He looked for the most part restored, although his teeth were still a little larger than that of an average being. Otherwise he seemed... If not fine, than no more messed up than he'd been prior to the giggling fit.
"Whuh? Oog," looking at the remains of the spider woman, the frog put a hand over his mouth and looked as though he was going to be ill. When he realized what was still coating his arms and legs, the look only got worse. Fortunatly the stuff quickly dried, blackened and flaked away like the rest of the dead spiders, preventing yet more of a mess.
"What on...?" Memories returned to Jeremiah as though they felt guilty for being caught, or memories of a particularly odd dream. What he did, what he wanted to do, what he would have done... Deep, brooding thoughts that were interupted by a particularly loud hiccough.
"Guess I was la- hic!- aughing too h-hic!-hard... Thanks Aisha," he muttered, sitting down on one of the nearby pews and looking at his feet. I was... Me. Most of me. Me with bits missing.
Was that really all that many bits missing? Am I already like that?
My gods...

When Cog returned, Jeremiah grinned. Some good news to go with this crappy situation, "Yeah, the signal was to run like hell," his grin then transferred in direction to Sebastion; he remembered that too, "He got bitten by a-"
A look of shock crossed Jeremiah's face. Crap, more bad news.


The Canine blinked and gave a disgruntled look to the strange girl's wit, still facing away from her.  He turns his head to reveal the extent of the damage, large splinters and small chunks of wood embedded within his face, blood drying into the fur of his muzzle.  Looking up at her through his stained shades, and forces a crooked smile against the discomfort it causes.  Eyes widening at her question, he hesitated Aw crap, I hate when I'm asked this, every time I get asked its never easier, I don't even know what my name is! I s'pose I'll just be honest with her, she'll probably figure out a name on her own. blinking as he pulled himself out of his inner monologue, he looked up at her and opened his maw, stammering then facing away again, he reaches up to pull a large splinter from his face. Thats it! avoid the question!  Grinning in his mind, he said with an air of humour "Am I gonna end up pulling c*** out of my face everytime we meet?"  Wincing as his lungs feel the strain of laughing at his own joke, lord knows his pride was wincing more.
                Dusting off his suit and straightening his tie and finally tucking his shirt neatly into his trousers.  He turns to look up at her again and raises a bloody palm "Here, help me up would you?" Smiling crookedly out of politeness.


Sebastian didn't accept the ring from Mel. Considering that he had quite powerful regenerative properties, it wouldn't do much good in time, and since it only worked on burns and not frostbite...
   "No, that's all I got... Three of them... There shouldn't be more," the bat said, and looked at Mel, and then around at the others, the color to her skin returning quite quickly as she brushed herself off absenmindedly. Then, Cogidubnus wandered in through the door. And only at the canine's comment did the bat really seem to notice her condition. She hastily covered herself with hands and arms, blushing just a bit, and shadow began flowing up from beneath her.
   "I... got bit..." she said for an explanation, and looked at the wolf as the darkness formed pants, a shirt and a coat on her. "I thought I told everyone to get to the chapel. How the Hell did you survive?!" The way she asked the question she sounded much as if she thought he could very well be possessed. And even if all he had was spider's bites, that was still true. He might explode or turn into raw magic for all they knew.
   "If you were bitten, I don't think you should be walking. Mel, we're going to have to draw the poison out of him before..."
   Cogidubnus felt an itchy, crawling feeling, concentrating around his back. The next second his spine cricked a bit and his clothes tore as two greyish bat-like wings tore themselves out of his back. His feet began to drift from the floor, as if he was too light to stay on the ground or being lifted, and in his forehead the itch built even more, as a third eye began appearing. But he couldn't focus much on that, because what he felt for the most part was just going cold, very, very quickly...
   "Shit. Mel!" Stygian shouted, and quickly walked forward and caught the wolf.

Aisha deCabre

The panther briefly watched as the bracer brought Jeremiah back to himself, heaving a sigh of relief and nodding back to him.  Then, she quirked an eyebrow while awaiting the canid's answer, only noting that he didn't give one, nor did it look like he would anytime soon.  She just smirked and lightly rolled her eyes; some adventurers did like to use the whole "mysterious" thing, herself included.  But at least she was polite enough to offer an alternative if her name could not be said.  In this case, the panther did use it while helping him up.  "Well, Splinters, I'm Aisha.  And no, I hope not, but according to what I've heard we might end up pulling worse out of our faces."

And bloodstream, she thought while casting a quick look to the now-female Sebastian, and Cogi, the two victims of the spider venom...and who knew what would happen to the wolf, if it was anything as bad as the bat had taken.  No sooner had she thought that though, than he had sprouted wings.  Aisha grimaced, eyes widening as she started to reach for her boomerang, Cogi rising into the air by then.  "I don't suppose I could take the wings off?" she inquired, but then thought better of it...she didn't want to hurt her comrades...but this was starting to turn quite wierd.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel had been relieved to hear Cogi's voice behind her as she continued to ponder Sebastian's condition. Unfortunately she had only taken basic healing at university and hadn't advanced to more exotic biology. She returned her ring to her hand just as the wolf commented on being bit, a lot. She spun just in time to see the wings rip from Cogi's back.

Mel wasted no time getting to the wolf. She grabbed an arm before he floated off and slapped a hand over the nearest bite to his heart. The hand glowed pale blue as she concentrated on separating the toxin from the bloodstream. Soon sickly green liquid flecked with blood was flowing between her fingers and down her hand to splash to the floor in sticky strands.

My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


While Mel worked the toxin out of the wolf, Sebastian focused on countering and inhibiting the magical effects of the poison. Flame-like incantation circles and symbols began appearing in front of her hands, and a larger one formed on the floor under Cogidubnus where she held him down. He had already taken quite a great deal of poison into him, and Sebastian was no healer. But if there was anything with magic that he was good at, then it was taking it apart, and that was what the bat was doing now. She was disassembling the magic as fast as she could, stripping the toxin of its magical effects even before it was drawn out in some cases, even though one or two had taken a near-permanent rooting in the wolf and would have to be removed quite forcibly later on.
   With Mel's and Sebastian's combined efforts, Cogidubnus was, if not immediately, then at least quickly healed, with minimal side effects. Minimal in this case being some scars on his back where the wings had grown back in and serious fatigue for the wolf. The bat had to hold him up just so that he would not fall to the floor.
   "Easy... Damnit!" she said. "We need to get him on his feet soon. We can't afford to drag people around." She picked him up, something that was still very easy for Sebastian, and carefully set him down on a nearby bench to rest.


Jeremiah, throughout this entire fiasco, stayed put and blinked a few times.
"Sebastion, it was rude of me to say the following when we first met, as I hadn't seen much of this place and made an unkind generalization based on what I'd seen. However, now that I've gotten more aquainted with the place, I can say without violating any sane laws of courtasy that I hate your goddamn house." Obviously, those deep inner musings weren't potent enough to surpress his sense of humor, "You feeling alright, Cog?"

Prof B Hunnydew

Looking up from her spell book, PBH first trys to quiet the Canine in black..

"Hey Soldier You need to rest when you have a chance to rest.."  says PBH

**But it looks like he is determined to get up, so she helps him up **

"Sure, But you really should be in bed resting" say PBH

** Only now does PBH notices that the bat is now a female  After Stygain screams in pain and something about the poison, a worried  PBH helps 75 to stand and walk towards Stygain ** 



  Cogidubnus stifled a laugh at Sebastian's condition, blushing somewhat and averting his eyes and he scratched his neck. Itchy.
        "My dear Sebastian, it would seem you've...changed..." he said, a short laugh escaping from him and being quickly squelched. Cog's smiled faded and he frowned somewhat, pulling his coat a little tighter about him and taking a stumbling step forward.
   "I survived quite simply, really. I killed everything that moved, and everything with more than the recomm- recomme-, normal number of parts." he said, his neck quirking for a moment. "You know, I don't think I..." Cog said, before he fell forward, his vision going blurry. To his surprise, he didn't hit the ground, rather, rise above it, and his vision winked out in truth.
So cold...
   He woke up with a gasp, his yellow eyes burning brightly for a moment before fading back, and he leaned on Sebastian gratefully, fairly certain that his legs wouldn't be able to keep him from buckling to the earth again. "What...huh?" he said, his vocabulary somewhat shortened after awaking from unconsciousness. He kept leaning on her until she led him to the bench, and he murmured his thanks as he sat. He coughed for a moment, getting his bearings. By the way some of the others were staring at him, something strange had indeed happened. He coughed again, and then laughed and coughed at Jeremiah's comment. He was glad to see that the frog was still alright. He certainly hoped that he hadn't been hurt in the ordeal with the spiders.
   "What...what the hell just happened?" he said, taking another deep breath. "I was...very cold. And I feel like I just tried to lift this whole damn house. What..." he shook his head, and grimaced, sighing. "Don't get bit, right? What happened?"


The bat sighed and looked down at Cogidubnus.
   "You haven't heard about Arachspearians, have you?" she muttered, and her ears twitched a bit. "Well, these ones were twisted, but... You get bit, and something plainly random happens. In your case, it was growing wings and a third eye, defying gravity, getting paralyzed, and about thirty or more other random effects we managed to stop before they manifested. I think that something might have lingered, but whatever it is, it doesn't seem to be physical, or a threat."
   The bat sat down on the bench next to Cog, and rubbed her temples, ears leaning back a bit over her blonde hair.
   "I hope you can move well enough. You'll have time to get some short rest, and then we'll have to get moving. This curse has to be stopped. And now that the two guardians are dead, I doubt there will be very many monsters out there to mess with us. Yet, at least..." she said, and growled a bit. Her eyes stared straight forward, her frown loosening up and her gaze losing its focus. She put her chin in her hand, and muttered, looking away at nothing.


The canine cringed as he was raised to his feet by Aisha and the catgirl.  His shades hiding the expression subtly. "Splinters"? Ugh, oh well least she wont ask again now.  Could be worse, I could've told her I had no name and looked like one of those mysterious brooding hero jerks, I shoulda just made up somethin' like "John Smith" or something admittedly more creative.  Pressing down upon both their shoulders to hoist himself fully onto his feet, teetering for a moment before balancing, turning to look at the catgirl. "Naw I'm ok" looking over to the now transgendered bat and a winged wolf. Before he could say anything she was gone to assist. 
            The canine licked his lips and tasted blood, ignoring the injuries as best he could for now, he began tidying his suit.  Hope I get some answers about why I'm here and who these people are... why there are giant spiders... possesed people... okay, a lot of questions.

Prof B Hunnydew

**PBH stops when 75 doesn't go towards the transgender Bat and returns to the canine's side.  As much as she would like to see the effect of the bat's curse closeup, she thinks that 75 needs a friend more.  **

"My name is Prof Bambi Hunnydew from mmmm Well I am not sure if you would know where, on my "world", I live on La five SkyCity of Furra in the Homestar system.  But around here, I am from Lost Lake, I am still learning the rules of magic or of this unverse for that matter.  Are you a newcomer too?   Oh my gosh... you are still bleeding. Do you need any more help?" comments PBH when she see blood from his muzzle.


Mel Dragonkitty

Having Cog settled as best as was possible Mel turned to the new canine. "Okay, puppy. Your turn." She scowled to see that he had gotten up despite being told not to. She tried a look of disapproval on him but doubted it's effectiveness across the fifteen inch height difference. "Not good at taking friendly advice from the healer huh, tough guy?" She folded her hands in front of her, noticing they were sticky with a combination of blood and spider venom. "My next piece of friendly advice is to stop being tough and tell me where you're injured. Things are going to get worse around here before they get better. You might want to be in the best shape possible to deal with it."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The unknown canine blinks in suprise as the catgirl returns as fast as she left, staring blankly at her as she talks. He hadn't heard such an introduction delivered so fast before, maybe it was concussion, he couldn't tell.  He raises a bloody paw and grasps her hand firmly, shaking her hand and forcing a crooked smile in the corner of his mouth. "Um.. nice to meet you- what?" He looked down his muzzle and then back at her. "Oh, that, naw I'll be fine, just damaged my vanity is all." Trying to lighten the mood slightly to no avail, his inconfident stammer sapping the humour from his words.
           He glanced over at Mel upon hearing her words, he wasn't sure but he assumed she was addresing him.  Releasing the catgirl's paw he shambled to turn and face her as she approached.  Looking up at her in curiosity as she talked, almost swaying slightly to one side.  He blinks invisibly behind the tinted shades at her words. Tough guy? What fight was she in? I just got the living s*** kicked out of me!  Discovering the concern in her stern words, he looks down his body and back up at her.  Intimidation forcing a stutter in his voice. "Oh.. uh, I'm fine.. I'll be okay."  Brushing his muzzle with a paw and flinching upon touching a large fragment of door sticking out of his muzzle, blushing slightly as blood dripped from his chin. "Aheh..."

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel glared up at Tough Guy. Evidently he was the kind who thought little and cute meant dumb and useless and he could brush her aside. Next time she needed a disguise it wouldn't be the 5' tall fluffball leopard, she'd be a 6' crocodile with extra long teeth so people would pay attention.

"Perhaps you didn't understand what I just told you. There WILL BE another fight in the IMMEDIATE future. Pretending you're too tough to get hurt is stupid. Particularly when I'm standing here offering to use healing magic on you." She put a hint of command into her voice and ordered, "Sit down on that bench and tell me where you're injured, Tough Guy."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Cog sighed and nodded, and took off the broken shades on his face, staring forlornly at the shattered lens. He dropped it to the floor and produced another pair from inside his jacket, placing them on his head without a word.
"That makes me happier than you know." he said. "I'm getting sick and tired of the beasties in here messing me up..." he trailed off, rubbing his arm somewhat. He felt...fuzzy, if that was the word. The points of his fur were standing up, though he felt fairly calm at that moment. Well, drained really, but not really exited or frightened.
"I'll be okay in a minute." he said, still somewhat irritated by the feeling on his arm. "A few moments and I'll be ready to go get stabbed and bit again."

Aisha deCabre

Aisha sighed as she replaced her boomerang, watching with a bit of interest as the poison was taken from Cogi's system.  The methods of magic that have been demonstrated so far in this adventure never ceased to amaze the panther, and being one without skills of her own at least it made her feel better to know that she had found a very useful and lethal weapon in the castle.  "I'd agree with you on the castle, Jeremiah, though we haven't been here all that long.  We'll see how it is once the Archangel is dealt with..."

With a glance back toward the unnamed canine, she turned to leave him in the care of Bam, who surprisingly had revealed herself a Fae, and Mel.  She had to smile at the snow leopard's demeanor, though small she could indeed command if she had to.  Then there was a sigh of only slight relief as Sebastian informed that at least there yet wouldn't be large monsters to come of bother for a while.  Everyone was already very messy, and Aisha wondered if it was just a matter of time before she got injured herself.

Thinking no more of it, Aisha was just glad for the rest stop that they were taking right now.  She walked around the others, already having checked on most of them, and stepped over the piles of debris that was once the hallowed interior of the chapel.  She came up towards where Gareeku and Keaton were, as she hadn't checked on them yet, and probably hadn't time before to introduce herself better to the jackal 'Cubi.

"So, you two alright?" she asked, coming up to them with a smile, while sparing a glance at Keaton.  "I hope your injuries will keep in the battles ahead."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


The canine blinks in suprise at the strange leopardess' stern voice, Almost recoiling back from the suprisingly intimidating girl.  Arching a brow in a weak attempt to salvage his pride, he slumps slightly and slowly lowers himself onto the bench, grunting in pain as he does.  He refuses to look her in the eyes, trying to salvage his pride still.  His hands tenderly unbutton his shirt to reveal his bruised and bloody chest, being careful not to touch the sensitive area.  He places his hands flat on the bench and grunts, forelorn; "I got hit in my ribs... hurts a li'l is all.. its nothin', really.. I s'pose you can already see what happened to my face and side" Guestering to the puncture wounds and embedded shards of wood. Looking to the floor he mumbles inaudibly.


The bat still waited for the others to recover, and thus subsequently did nothing but sit. She watched her own arm, muscular and large-handed but at the same time slender and well-formed, much like the rest of her. Unsurprisingly, Stygian's handsome streaks had turned directly comely in a female form, if a bit unique because of his predatory streaks. But her face still bore a frown that marred its beauty. She flexed her fingers and claws.
   "It's not..." she said, snapping her fingers and biting together, still looking intently at her hand. Then, suddenly, she slammed it into the hard bench two times. The wood and the arm cracked. As the appendage snapped its bones and regenerated, she growled at it. That blackness spread down it, cracking and sizzling, turning it wicked. Yet still, its basic shape remained. She snapped out with it, turning it into a long, snaking tentacle and slamming it into a bench, which was smashed up against the chapel wall in two pieces.
   Still, when the limb returned to its normal state, its shape was thesame. She flexed and shook her hand angrily.
   "This isn't working..." she muttered, and leaned back, ears folded annoyedly and eyes looking up at the ceiling.


Despite his injuries and aches, Cog still managed to giggle rather loudly at Sebastian's He quirked an eyebrow from under his glasses and grinned. "It would appear you've changed somewhat since we last met." He said casually, trying to keep the laughter brewing in his stomach from pouring forth. "At the very least, good...sir, you might want to keep back for the next few fights." he said, a tiny laugh escaping. "You might be just a" he said, sliding down the bench somewhat. A futile gesture, but old habits die hard, after all.


Is he actually about to try hitting on hi- erm, her? Jeremiah chortled to himself. With this sort of entertainment, little issues like "Am I a horrible psychopath who could snap at any moment?" were completely forgotten. It helped that Sebastion was a creature. Your turn to have to deal with the messes you leave! Justice at its finest!
However, there were other things to do. Such as meet the people he hadn't yet had an opportunity to, thus preventing his falling under red shirt status.
"So, did we lose anyone else? No? Right then, who did we gain?" he grinned over at Bambi and 75, "If you'll forgive the lack of formality, who're you lot and how'd you get here?"

Prof B Hunnydew

** PBH helps Mel pushed the Canine to a bench

"Oooo, I like that name, "tough Guy"

Yea, I know you secret service Types,
I wear my sunglasses at night
I can take any punch in a fight
Don't tell me the Facts I know I'm right.

You better take a seat and heal-up, Tough Guy, we may like you to survive." says PBH with a smile

**PBH turns to Jeremiah, and says**
" I'm Prof Bambi Hunnydew, and This is Tough Guy"   **pointing to the Canine**
"I crush landed about a day's walk from here.  I come in out of the rain into the fire I seem."
And who are you guys?"



Smirking back at Keaton, Gareeku bowed his head slightly as he introuced himself.
"My name is Gareeku. Gareeku Manoko. It's nice to meet you." the wolf said, his smirk turning into a warm smile as he introduced himself.

Turning to look at the others, Gareeku tried not to laugh as the effects of the spider bites took effect of Sebastian. It was then however, that Gareeku suddenly winced as a shot of pain ran up his back.
"Shit...I forgot about that..." he muttered to himself, referred to the injury to his back he had suffered from the fenris he had battled earlier.

Hearing Aisha's voice, Gareeku turned to the approachign pantheress and smiled warmly.
"I'm fine." he replied, before glancing to Keaton. "Though I think at some point she may need tending to. I'm not keen on the idea of you walking around not fully healed up, especially since we'll most likely be involved in battles in the very near future."


The bat made a low sound and whapped Cogidubnus on the back of his head with an open palm. Not hard, but firmly enough to make him twitch.
   "Thanks for the compliment, but I don't appreciate it in the form of a jibe," she said, and placed her chin in her hand again. "We're going to get moving as soon as everyone decides they can move and fight well enough." This statement was followed by a glance over the members of the group. A bad-mooded one.


Jeremiah considered replying with some smartass remark about those members of the group who can't fight to begin with, but saying something to the effect of 'I couldn't hurt a fly no matter how hard I tried' would be rather stupid coming from him at the moment. Wincing at that thought, he simply nodded to Sebastina.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel shook her head, "Chest hurts just a little huh? I think you broke every rib." She touched each rib in turn, knitting broken edges together. "Sorry about the cold hands. Kind of mandatory for healers. I'm Mel by the way." After the ribs were repaired she began the slower task of removing the slivers and healing the punctures.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha nodded to Gareeku, smiling lightly though she had seen the slight wincing of injuries he had sported on his own.  Nevertheless, the panther knew the wolf, and he wouldn't have given into any injuries.  She figured that Mel would see to it when she came around, her gaze glancing back to the snow leopard as she worked easily and quickly on the canine.  I think "Splinters" fit him, but "Tough Guy" works too.  Canines are always the stubborn ones.

She thought that the case certainly when she turned back to Keaton, awaiting her answer on how she was doing, though it could be seen that she was suffering just a few injuries on the surface.  That just left Sebastian with the worst condition it seemed on his/her transformation, to which she just quirked an eyebrow at the look he gave everyone, and especially his reply to Cogi.  People should stop making jokes or someone's going to be dead, Aisha thought, despite the fact that she was biting her tongue to keep from snickering.

But with that, she stood and looked back at the bat for a moment.  "I'm more than ready to step out of this little pit," she answered, at least for herself, before turning back to the others.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


For the next few minutes, Keaton didn't think her eye would stop twitching.

From where Stygian had suddenly grown feminine attributes and started speaking in a distinctly emasculating voice, things only seemed to deteriorate and slope down into even more chaotic oddness. Cogidubnus, the afore-missing gentleman from before, made a hasty arrival, dripping a foul mixture of arachnid-ichor and blood from his own injuries. Keaton barely regarded him at first, too focused on disassembling the sleeves of her jacket to use as presentable bandages. It wasn't that big of a materialistic loss to her, as they were already torn enough from the battle to begin with.

Her attire selections were far from practical, maybe even promiscuous, but over time she began to adopt a more battle-friendly style. Then again, she was never one for clunky, clumsy, noisy armor... she was all about agility and magical prowess. As Cogidubnus started to rattle on about being bitten by numerous spiders, Keaton felt strangely compelled to conduct a full-body inspection in case an arachnid happened to bite her. One of them DID latch to her for an inconvenient amount of time, which perturbed her greatly...

In fact, if she could recall, she felt long, scimitar-like fangs sink deeply into her body, nearly penetrating bone, and--oh god.

Leather-encased fingers brushed by an unusually wet gash in her side, opposite to the one that Mel had tended to and located more around her ribcage, by the time Cogidubnus started to undergo startling transformations, and Stygian (Sebastainette? Keaton thought derisively) somehow burst into flames on the spot and continued to smolder even after Mel showered him with ice. "Guys--" Keaton started, glaring down at her wound more intently, "I think I got--bit..."

Sure enough, two, gaping puncture marks were evident in the bloody spot that engulfed part of Keaton's abused ribcage. "How did I not notice this before...?" Keaton thought in aghast disgust, "Was I really that numb when I was fighting?"

It wouldn't have been the first time that she neglected her injuries, somehow suffering their sideffects and realizing their existence after she emerged from the battlefield, but it never ceased to unnerve her to an extent. Witnessing the effects that the spider bites had on Stygian, and the momentary mutation of Cogidubnus (who temporarily sprouted wings and a third eye before Mel tamed his transmogrification), who knew what Keaton's own afflicted injury would do to her?

~Keaton the Black Jackal