The Castle (Rebma, for the heck of it, but don't hesitate!)

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 07:46:53 PM

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Stygian nodded, and began walking out.
   "Then let's go. Watch my back, and drag the ferret if she doesn't want to come," he said. The girl eyed him indignantly when he did, and spoke up, getting to her feet, still sniffing a bit.
   "She's going to kill you, Sebastian," she said in that other voice. "She's going to kill us all. And you can't kill her."
   "Shut up, Azel!" the bat snarled at her, "If it's really you. You don't exactly have any option but to try either."
   "Not that tone with me!" the ferret retorted as the prude librarian. Then, she went back to the young man. "I never wanted this either... not at all..." Sebastian snorted, and walked out into the hallway.


75 had awoken within this strange castle, before he had time to think let alone gather his bearings or readjust his tie, he spotted a black shape moving out of the corner of his eye, looking up he saw to his horror giant blackened spiders descending from the ceiling on thick sails of webbing which shimmered in the light cascading down around him. 
         He lep to his feet and ran immediately, he didn't care if was capable of beating a spider in physical combat, he was confused, disorientated and had no idea where he was.  So he blindly ran down hallways, the constant clicking of spider legs against cobbled stone pursuing him forced him to run faster, throwing himself through a doorway he slammed into a wall.  Gathering his senses he found himself looking at a cat girl accompanied by a glowing green sphere, without thinking he immediately grabbed her wrist with a forceful tug and exclaimed "Quick! There's Giant Spiders chasing me! We have to go NOW!"


Jeremiah shrugged and followed when Gina declined his aid in getting up, "Certain doom. FUN!" He sniggered to himself, both at possible humorous demises he might meet and possible ways of using members of the party he didn't like as meat shields. Gallows humor cures all wounds.

Prof B Hunnydew

Who what?!!!  Hey this is an invasion of personal Space!!!! **as PBH is pick up andcarried along by this Dog in a black tie and suit...She was about to hit him, to get him to let go..but happen to see large Spiders running after them on the wall and ceiling.




Cog grabbed his jacket, paused a moment, and bowed. "Thank you. I feel better already." he said, and slipped back into his jacket. "Such skill with healing is rare." he said, and grinned. "Onwards and upwards, I suppose? Off to the coffin of that which ails us?" Cog shook his head and followed Jeremiah, grinning sadly. "The living come with grassy tread, to read the gravestones on the hill; the graveyard draws the living still, but never any more the dead..."


Me winces at her voice, trying to concentrate. Glancing up he spots one particularly rapid moving spider on the ceiling above him, affirming his grip upon this strange cat girl, he begins to dash madly.  Forcing the questions as to his location, who the girl is, or why he is here to the back of his mind, he focuses on finding a way to lose these giant arachnid menaces.  Concluding he can not run forever, especially with someone in his arms, he slams through the nearest door.  Abruptly throwing the girl to the floor he spins upon his heels and slams the door shut, slumping back against it and panting for breath.


Stygian paced along the hall, heading for the central part of the castle and not minding looking back for the others, when he heard the voices and sounds up ahead. He actually started to like at least a bit of the memory of being chained up. At least it had been silent then...
   He decided against waiting for the others, and blurred as he moved into the darkness. His eyes blackened, and thin dark lines began spreading out from them and his clawed fingers, but that was all. He didn't use enough of his power to do more than ease his way forward. After all, he was good enough to stay silent and swift, even without it. Silently, he swept around a corner.
   A canine in an impeccable suit, and a much smaller feline. Up ahead. Along the corridor, and into a sitting room, before a large double door. He assessed the situation quickly, and then moved. He wanted stealth, and the roof was high enough...
   The bat's fingers and hands darkened and cracked even more, as he began using more of his power. He placed his long-fingered hand on the wall. Then, another. Then a foot. And then he clung to the wall, starting to move up into the dark roof. Climbing across it, much like the spiders the canine had been chased by, he very silently and smoothly slipped into the roof, staying to the shadows as much as he could. If the canine's eyes didn't stray, he'd have no idea of the bat slipping over the roof and climbing down next to him...

Prof B Hunnydew

Oww spiders  Small bats Big Bat and a cubi somewhere... and A-would be hero canine

** pulls a pistol out ***

WE can't stay here, this castle is house magical horrors.. PBH


The Canine gathers his breath, assesing his situation and scanning the room.  He notices the Catgirl's gun and frowns, not yet knowing what threat she might present if any to him. But it's not pointed at him for now, so he would not act. Instead his attention is drawn away from a shuffling object out of the corner of his eye, fearing one of the spiders had somehow penetrated the room he clenches his fists and slowly turns his head to look up.  The sight suprises and confuses him, a bat clinging to the wall above him, looking him square in the face.  Staring back at the new creature through his tinted shades, expecting the worst, he awaits what he assumes will be the bat's assault.


Instead of attacking, the bat cocked his head to the side and looked inquisitively at the canine. Then, his eyes turned to the cat. He seemed to ponder just a brief second, before he recognized the gun. Then, he smirked and flipped agilely over from the wall, down on the floor.
   "Hmm? That's not a very good decision, sweets," he said, and looked at the gun. "You'd be wasting ammunition."
   Then, a huge claw tore through the door, just above 75's head. The bat snapped his head around and frowned.
   "Which I think you might need..."


The Canine blinks in confusion at the Bat's sudden casuality in his words, watching him intently as he lowers himself from the wall.  He frowns, not appreciating the humour in their current situation. Still fearing the arachnids on the other side of the door he can't help but realise there is no banging, or scratching against the door. Relaxing for a moment before the huge claw came crashing through the wooden door, sending splinters cascading down around him.  He flinches and launches himself away from the door, looking to the Bat and then the Cat Girl, he readies himself for combat.

Prof B Hunnydew

"Ah Yea, Right "
**turns the gun on the thing on the door **
** aims at the spider wait for a clear shot**

"I'm Prof B Hunnydew. May I have your names Sirs.? Before we go to Hell or wherever" said PBH



The bat just chuckled as more claws began tearing through the doors. They began budging inward, the hinges bending and splinters of wood cracking down. The bat looked at them, and shook his head.
   "No time. Those things behind there are too many, and too strong. Get to running," he said, and turned, walking back into the dark. As soon as the shadows were thick enough around him, he seemed to... dissappear somehow.
   Just a moment later, he appeared further back, and rounded down a corner, facing the group outside the library.
   "Seems we've got more company. Both monsters and others. Think we can afford picking up more strays?" he said with a bit of a smirk.


"Depends, are they rabid?" Jeremiah joked, flexing his fingers at the mention of monsters. That weird noise was getting louder, "Because that would be a selling point. I think we could use rabid, around here. Also, their bite being really bad when they never bark at all would kick much ass."


Saying nothing as the others conversed, Gareeku decided on listening to what was said as Stygian found what they were looking for. Following the bat, the wolf grimaced as he disappeared.
"First he wants us to follow him, and now he disappears on us..." Gareeku snarled in anger. "What an idiot."

Aisha deCabre

Making sure that the others were coming along, Aisha paused before moving along the corridor, soon to be leaving the library behind them.  The way the others were talking annoyed the panthress just a little...even when they were joking, acting like they were walking into death was just a few steps short of giving in, at least in her opinion.  Her ears flattened slightly against her skull while hearing the complaints made by the ferret's various spirits.

She had kept the order as well to help watch Sebastian's back, that is until he suddenly disappeared again.  Aisha stopped with a slight grimace, listening to Gareeku, feeling somewhat the same as he did.  She shook her head...though the pause didn't last long, and soon he was back.  Her eyebrow quirked, and she barked a slight laugh from Jeremiah's comments.  "Strays, huh?  Well, if they can hold their own, I don't see why not," she admonished in a somewhat cold but true way.

Then she briefly turned to the frog then.  "I suppose you're feeling well enough that you don't need that any more," she gestured to the bracer, which he was still wearing, before muttering the spell and causing it to fall into her hand.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel began the mental shift from healing magic to battle magic at the mention of more monsters. "What kind of monsters? More demon-dogs and wraiths?" She looked to Keaton and hoped the healing she had just performed would stand up under stress.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


The bat nodded, then shot a bit of a glare to the wolf, and turned. He began pacing down the corridor and against the room where 75 and Bunny were, clearly expecting the others to follow.
   "Spiders. We'll be up against a swarm here, so if we can just bottleneck them and keep those who can't fight back we'll have the biggest chance of survival," he said.

   The spiders were smashing down the doors now, the ones that were the size of dogs now giving way to one that was more on par with a cow. They smashed through, and crawled all over, swarming out quickly.


The instant the bracer came off, the nonsound became outright earsplitting and the pain in the frog's shoulder returned.
"GNHH! Haah... haah..." eyes bugging and clutching at the source of the pain, Jeremiah panted and reached with his other arm for the bracer again.

"Give it back!" He managed to gasp to Aisha, "Not well enough! Give!" He looked in terror at the unrushing arachnids. He couldn't focus enough to cast anything! "Give!"

OOC: Dun dun dunnnn...


Following Stygian, Gareeku's eyes widened slightly as the bat mentioned what they were up against.
"Spiders...?" he asked. Although he hated to admit it, he was a bit of an arachnophobe. Unsheathing his katana with one hand, the wolf conjured up a bright white flame of soul energy into the other.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha hadn't followed the bat too far down before she felt Jeremiah grasping back for the bracer in her hand.  The panther turned to regard him with a wide-eyed look, before immediately snapping it back on his wrist.  "Sorry, amigo," she apologized quickly, "I thought you'd have been well enough by now."

She decided to let him keep it for a while...being one of the more critically-wounded ones in the group, and not much else for a fight, the light enchantment would have done him a good bit of defense.  But she hadn't barely heard Sebastian speak about spiders before she heard something heavy skittering closer.  She stood again with a sigh and growled, reaching this time for the hilt of her trusted dragonblade...she wouldn't try to waste any more of the holy sword's power if she could help it.  It slid smoothly out of its sheath with a metallic shing, music to her ears at the best of times.

"Great...giant bugs.  It's always giant bugs," she muttered and stepped forward.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"I hate spiders perhaps more than I's incomprable." Cog said. He would have turned a shade of green, but instead simply unsheathed his sword and held one hand up in front of himself, his sword in a side guard, his hand ready to crush any arachnids that appeared. "I hate spiders perhaps more than any...thing, dead or living."
He stood still, awaiting the onslaught. His hands, though pale, he managed to keep from shaking, but only barely.

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel stared at the frog. She had experienced the same affliction without such an extreme reaction. She granted that he had allowed it to fester far longer than she had but his performance was like a child's. If he was trying to appear sick to get out of fighting spiders it was unnecessary. It was apparent that he was a worse fighter than even she was. She prepared her favorite ice shard spell but held back with the injured and insane. Her fighting style, if she could be said to have one, wasn't good for closeup battles.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Sebastian muttered something, and then, when they had just reached the corner, spiders began coming down from the corridor straight ahead. Ranging from a size of about between a terrier and a Labrador, they swarmed closer, somewhat hairy black bodies with colored parts in all manner of colors scuttling about quickly and black eyes glinting. Some of them trailed web, but most just rushed at them. They chittered and clicked their jaws, hissing as they got closer. And then, one of them made some sort of odd sound, something that was recognizable...
   "'Gainst him whose wrong gives edge unto the swords, That make such waste in brief mortality..." quoth one spider, chittering and like a whisper. "Mounsieur Cobweb, good mounsieur, get you your weapons in your hand, and kill me a red-hipped humble-bee on the top of a thistle..." said another.
   "Oh shit!" exclaimed Sebastian, and reared a bit, his eyes widening. "Don't get bitten! Not at any cost!"


Noticing out of the corner of his eye the strange bat dissapearing as quick as he came, the canine  focused upon the door, each thrust of a leg weakening the door and sending splinters flying at him.  He heard far off voices, one particular seemed to be screaming in pain.  It would have to wait, for the surface area of the door was now in such a state that the smaller of the arachnids were scuttling through with intent.  The canine growled lowly beneath his breath and launched foward, firmly pressing a foot down on one of the smaller creatures.  Hearing the satisfying "CRUNCH" of its exoskeleton collapsing, he spins upon a heel and high kicks another spider upon the door.  Keeping the vermin at leg's length, he continues to kick out.


"Well put," Jeremiah replied to Sebastion's initial exclamation, "Moving away. Moving away very fast."
He quickly cast a handful of illusions. Copies of the party standing amongst the spiders, with traps of flame waiting for anything that bit them. The nonsound had quieted down when he got the bracer back, but it was getting louder, and understandable.
Take off the bracer... He could barely hear it, almost as if it was his imagination. He assumed it was, much like the little voice telling you to jump when you stand at the edge of a cliff, Take off the bracer...

Prof B Hunnydew

**Shooting at the dog size Spiders on both the wall and ceiling, she downs one of cow-size spiders with two lucky, but she only killed two more of the dog-size ones with the last of her ammo..**

**With no more time, Prof Bambi Hunnydew turned follows Stygian.  She puts away her gun as she puts on her backpack and casts a flame hands spell.  Ready to give the nearest spider a flaming fists.**



The canine flinches as the bullets from the Catgirl's gun whistle over his head, watching a spider fall to the floor and curl up in its death throws beside him.  He just about dodges the clawed leg of one large spider, stepping back he kicks his heel into it. Hearing it crunch, he begins to retreat slowly, grabbing a lunging spiders rear and throwing it back at the other, larger spiders in the doorway.  He looks about anxiously and eyes a small nightstand, grasping it firmly like a club.  He growls and smashes it, holding onto one of the legs he swings it at the approaching spiders frantically.  His heart sinks as he feels the cold stone of the wall of the room against his back.  holding the club ahead of him defensively, realising he is now alone in the room with the group of spiders. Gonna Die, Gonna Die, Gonna Die, Gonna Die

Prof B Hunnydew

**PBH was the hallway, punching at the smaller spiders with her flaming fists and just bearly keep a semi-cleared path for 75.**

"Come on, Doggy Hero  unless you want to be spiderbait." PBH shouted  at 75...

  She was also trying to think of the word for throw in Fae language...
"DAMN IT! Does Anyone one know ancient word of Throw?" PBH yelled

** She jumped and hitted one spider square with two feet on one wall , and then pushed off to landed hands first to burn up another spider on the floor,  and then flew to the another side and kicked another spider off the another wall.    But with a misstep PBH found herself landing on the floor on her back and then she just rolled away from the jaws of a larger spider.**



As he readied himself, Gareeku could heard the heavy skittering the spiders made as they neared the group's location.
"Spiders...why did it have to be spiders..." he muttered to himself, before trying to shake the slight nervousness from his mind. However, when the spiders came into view, his eyes widened slightly as how big they were.

"Shit..." he cursed under his breath, before slamming his hand onto the floor, causing a large wave of powerful soul energy to thunder towards the spiders.