The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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Hey, Bam? What exactly was there to scream about? You don't need to change anything, I just wanna know.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


I hate to do this to you guys, but I'm gonna be absent from the computer for *counts on fingers* ten days, as I'm going to Rome starting tomorrow. This really is inopportune, seeing as Keaton is now involved in some really wacky dark magic, but unfortunately I can't delay this. I'll try to sneak in some posts before I depart, but basically... if someone can take control of Keaton for a bit or make up some excuse for her absence (like, I dunno, she got abducted by thousands of ants or something) I'd really appreciate it.

I'll scan some pictures we've taken after the trip. And maybe I'll steal the Pope's funny hat and sell it on E-Bay while I'm at it. Or wear it around the house. I can see it now. That would be BITCHIN'.

So generally... I'll see you all after Rome, guys.  :hug *loads up her luggage and bows, then swing dances out the door*

~Keaton the Black Jackal


I... wow. um, okay, cya around Keaton. Rome will be quite a trip, and I bet I know someone who wishes he was goin with ya. Who I need to talk to o.o;; now I think about it.

Anyway getting on topic (if there is one XD) I'm gonna be lazy, and ask if anyone has any recommendations for a good, casual RP I could join? I don't have any charactor referances handy, but I can whip one up to suit in very little time. I haven't RP'ed in a few years (except for on MSN, lol) and I do work full time, so the more casual the better I guess @.@;;


Lies and slander! Can we suffer this inequity? Yes we can. With the help of broccoli, everything becomes possible! And relief will come to us in the shape of a dolphin with a tire iron, helpful and stern at the same time. It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!


No, seriously. I will figure something out, Keats. Don't worry. Just hope you have a good time! Make sure to check out the art, don't buy too much clothes, and ignore the traffic, and I think Rome will be just fine.

The comment above was really directed at Feroluce. If you want to, you can just hop in here, or you could try one of the less character-driven RPs around the forum. There are quite a few. I recommend looking around, or perhaps asking Ryude or Azz if you see them.


heh heh, that sounded like a quote from the Chef of ctrl-alt-del. And sure, I will get off my own butt and take a look around ^^; But not tonight. Must sleep now e.e

Aisha deCabre

Bam, I may be reading your post wrong, but I'd still like to point out that we're nowhere near nightfall yet.  :P
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

OOOPs I thought we were in late afternoon-near sunset but I will change it.



Haaaay guys. I'm back. :3

Rome, to put it simply, was fantastic. Completely fantastic. I saw churches and ancient cathedrals, visited the Vatican, and unfortunately did not get to steal the popemobile, but hey, every other experience compensates greatly for that. Hopefully I should have some pictures up some day, but since we took over 100 pictures I'm gonna have to choose some of my favorites.

But I'd like to thank Stygian for taking such great care of Keaton while I was gone. Thanks, man.  :hug I would go into an entire tangent, but hey, I'm extremely tired. I was up for 24 hours, total, last night, due to an extremely uncomfortable plane flight and missing a pivotal flight, thus forcing me to take a much later one. Everything went without a hitch until the last day, I tell ya. XD

But yes, I'm back. :3 See you all during the RPs... as soon as I get some freakin' sleep.

~Keaton the Black Jackal


Yay! Keats is back!  :3

Sounds like Rome was a blast! Get some sleep, and then we want photos! Photos we say!


Oh, crud. Another one's going on vacation!  D:

Sorry about the inconvenience, and so soon after Keaton got back, but tomorrow we're leaving for Paris for six days. Geez, this is awkward. Equivalent exchange, Europe style.  :animesweat

I'll post if I can tomorrow, and once I leave, I'll post whenever time, technology, and my mom permit. But I still won't be able to keep up for a while.  Je regrette, mais c'est vrai. So if someone could take over Ketefe or if everyone could just pretend she's standing off in the corner, it would be a big help to me. Thank you in advance for putting up with this.
(bows respectfully, then walks off to finish packing)

EDIT. Well, I'm a world-class idiot. I don't leave till Wednesday afternoon.  :blush  Sorry about that.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

Ah, well whenever you leave, hope you enjoy your vacation first of all.  Be glad you got through one nice little plot before then.   :3

And also...guys, y'all are doing some spectacular power-posting here.  In my having to scrounge for internet access at the moment until some unknown time, I'm having a bit of trouble trying to keep up.  :P

Small thing for the record here too:  Bam, please don't assume that Aisha is coming along with all the girls, as you're also doing with alot of the others who haven't given assent that they're along for the ride.  That's been a small itch in my side for a while.  Just try not to predict where everyone's going, okay?
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Mel Dragonkitty

Bam, I think you might want to reconsider your post. It might not be wise to be so indiscrete about the murder in a crowded tavern when we are the only strangers in town. And Aisha ordered an ale, not wine. No bottle to share.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Not to mention taking control of other people's characters. Now, it's not too bad when you do it with Gina, as it makes my job easier sometimes, but...


I've talked to Styg, and will be manipulating Keaton's character shortly. That is all.



Name: Lianna Bathsheba Jyraneth
Nickname(s): Lia, Leelee, Lan
Age: 519 (born five minutes before Keaton)
Race: Succubus
Species: Black-backed jackal – Canis mesomelas
Family and Association(s): Elizabeth (mother - missing), Salem (father - deceased), Jasmine (sister - deceased), Esmeralda (sister - deceased), Sierra (sister - deceased), Katherine (known as Keaton, sister, believed to be deceased by Lianna)
Place of Origin: Harla'keth – the Haven of the Jyraneth

  Physical description

Height: 5'2"
Weight: 105 lbs
Build: Wiry (she would've been emaciated, but I am uncertain if Cubi can actually be emaciated. Judging by the hippopotamus seen in the SAIA arc, it IS possible for them to become overweight, however)
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Naturally dirty blonde, the length and color of her hair is constantly being changed depending on her mood. Her favorite style is a succession of sunset-hued colors, specifically a blend of sherbety red, orange, and yellow. Currently, her hair is dirty blonde, extremely long and unkempt, reaching to her mid-back, constantly frozen in a disastrous state of disarray.
Fur Coloration: Yellow, with black markings chiseled into different, elaborate shapes and patterns along her body. Her markings are nearly identical to Keaton's, except that she has white spots crowning her lower legs and forearms (the spot on her right arm reaches to her shoulder like a glove, disrupted by the black marking on her mid-forearm, while its companion on the other arm only encompasses her forearm), and another ivory spot covering her right eye. The spot overlaps the outline of a larger crescent shape. On the opposite eye, a single black stripe underlines it, instead of a crescent.
   Delicate stripes of white accentuate the curves and curls of her black markings, outlining them in alabaster lace. After months of living like an animal and eschewing ordinary necessities such as grooming her fur and whatnot, Lianna's formerly vibrant fur coloration is splotched and splattered with grotesque patches of mud and darkened blood.
Distinguishing Features: Festooned in fading scars, crisscrossing grotesquely over her body. The Jyraneth clan marking brand normally on her shoulder has mostly disappeared, along with her military stripe-scars. Her wings and head-wings are stylized identically to Keaton's—specifically a leathery, bat-like structure, with simplistic, two-fingered claws on the upper joint. They are constantly drooping, however, and she is unable to lift them because of the presence of the bracers on her forearms. She is never seen without Mister Hammer, which she clutches to protectively. Lianna normally wears concealing, tattered, aging clothing. Her clan marking is found on the small of her back.

   Biographical and general information

   History: FILLER BUNNY :bunny

Personality: Keaton's twin, who was born five minutes before her, Lianna was emotionally closest to Keaton as a sister and a friend. Her rebellious nature and her disliking for her mother made her uninterested in continuing the family legacy, especially since she preferred to party with friends and appall her mother than fight in the Jyraneth Raiders. Independent and powerful, Lianna did what she wanted where she wanted; fighting for what cause she wanted, without any regard to any creed or dogma.

After the downfall of the Jyraneth empire, Lianna has changed significantly. Suffering almost constantly from claustrophobic hallucinations and extreme mood swings, Lianna has become volatile and unstable, acting as docile as a butterfly at one moment then eviscerating some poor soul the next. She occasionally breaks down for no reason whatsoever, turning to violence and bloodshed to pacify her insanity, which she partakes of with animalistic joy. All of the spirit and rebelliousness which enlivened her in the past has been drained from her, replaced with nothing but vicious bloodlust. When in the presence of her only remaining family member (Keaton), she adopts a more childlike personality, playing with children's toys and cuddling anything soft... although even this is mercurial and shows possibilities of breaking into something more dangerous.

Lianna is terrified of sex and relationships, and reacts violently to any flirtatious behavior. She also is prone to flying into a murderous rage at the sight of her reflection, believing it to be a despicable shadow of herself, or even another, hateful person. Lianna also always talks to her warhammer, which she has named Mister Hammer. She never allows it to be removed from her sight or lets anyone hold it, even those she trusts most.
Mister Hammer's Description:
Mister Hammer is very basic and crude in design, a simplistically-crafted but efficient weapon intended for the gladiators of the Kamei'Sin. It resembles an immense version of the smaller variation of hammer used for craftsmanship, possessing the same head and claw. For a good comparison, check out Kammi's weapon in Abel's Story. Despite not being tempered with magical means, Mister Hammer is surprisingly durable, although its worn and battered appearance indicates that it has fallen apart multiple times in the past, only to be repaired by Lianna.
Notes about Mister Hammer: Lianna believes that Mister Hammer is capable of talking to her in a telepathic voice, thus allowing her to hold seemingly one-sided conversations with it. She calls it her "best friend" for reasons currently unknown. She refuses to let anyone remove the hammer from her presence, and insists upon carrying it with her wherever she goes.

  Abilities: Detailed below.

   Strengths: In a way, Lianna's insanity has not only been a detriment to her but has also assisted her. Endlessly ruthless to the extent of being borderline heartless, Lianna isn't afraid to charge and destroy any enemy she is confronted with, bludgeoning and mutilating her opponents with her hammer. She has grown quite adept at using it, maneuvering the massive weapon as though it were just a weightless twig. Depending on her manic-depressive mood swings, Lianna can either endure incredibly powerful blows and mindlessly neglect any physical damage regardless of her seemingly frail physique, or drop to the ground and bawl like a baby. Even without the aid of her wing-tentacles, Lianna has considerable physical strength, perhaps from using her hammer for so long without the assistance of an enchantment to alleviate its weight.

   Weaknesses: Understandably, Lianna's mental instability is her first and foremost weakness. Because of the fragmented state of her mind she has forgotten most of her training prior to the downfall of the Jyraneth empire, including her ability to manipulate shadows and some of her Cubi powers. Because of the bracer locked around her forearm she is incapable of harnessing any of her magical or Cubi-inherent powers, as well as restricting her ability to consume food via absorbing surrounding emotions, forcing her to share the same limitations and abilities as a mere Being. Lianna also suffers from severe schizophrenia and nightmarish hallucinations, ones which often lead to her ripping apart everything she comes across in a frenzied rage and leave her a hollow, wailing shell. In the heat of battle she often loses herself, forgetting who are friends and who are foes—in her mind during her berserk stage, they bleed all the same. As I've mentioned before, her abilities and durability also depend on her mood swings. Sometimes, when in a more docile mood, Lianna can barely endure any attacks before she surrenders, crying—but on the flipside; sometimes it will snap her out of her peaceful state.
-   Lianna hates her middle name.
-   If I could give Lianna a voice actress, she would likely be the singer and performer P!nk.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

llearch n'n'daCorna

Er... was Keaton born first, or Lianna? Your phrasing is .. less than explicit, so it's difficult to tell...

Also, the second paragraph of Personality, first sentence... needs a word taking out, I think. ;-] and "partakes of", not in.

... that's it. As you were. nothing to see here, move along...

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 31, 2007, 05:17:07 PM
Er... was Keaton born first, or Lianna? Your phrasing is .. less than explicit, so it's difficult to tell...

Also, the second paragraph of Personality, first sentence... needs a word taking out, I think. ;-] and "partakes of", not in.

... that's it. As you were. nothing to see here, move along...

Uh, I believe Lianna was born first. XD Sorry I haven't been very clear there. Honestly, it's confusing for me too at times. And ack, fixed! D: Thank you for pointing that out! XD

~Keaton the Black Jackal



I'm back. Paris was wonderful. Saw the show at the Moulin Rouge, saw the view from the Eiffel Tower, saw the gardens at Versailles, and had some of the best food I've ever eaten. Oh, and I caught a little of the Tour de France.

I'll jump in whenever the opportunity strikes. For now, dinner.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Hey! Welcome back, Ketefe. I'm glad to hear you liked Paris as much as I did. And I'm also glad to say that you can really jump in on very short notice, since we've not inconvenienced you in any way (I hope...).


Bam, I don't mean to be rude, but...

What the hell was that about?  :erk

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Prof B Hunnydew

Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on July 31, 2007, 09:17:09 PM
Bam, I don't mean to be rude, but...

What the hell was that about?  :erk

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Glad your are back...Paris is a great city but I am really a little put off by the people there... Now south of France   They are very friendly...and good wine..

OKay about what?



Ooookiedokie. Guys, I think I'm in a really awkward position here--it appears that every computer in my house save for mine has Internet, leaving me to rely on my mother's laptop. Since it's incredibly hard to type on a laptop I think I'm out of commission until someone comes to fix my computer's Internet. Stupid storms, knocking out my Intarnetz.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

EDIT: Oh, never mind, we got it all fixed. =3

Aisha deCabre

Whew, that's good to hear then, Keats.  ^^  Scared us for a second, wondering if the "bad luck with computers" bug got another victim.  :P

Just a small bit of news on my front, just by the way, I may finally be getting mine back real soon.  Thus I shall be able to keep up with posts.

Huzzah!  :ipod
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Hello Bam. Me again.

Has it ever occurred to you that blatantly displaying your powers in front of a cop in a possibly xenophobic village and voicing your unbelievable motivations might be a BAD idea? You're pretty much begging for this cop to freak out at any given opportunity with this flaunting of abilities and outrageous and sometimes questionable information. That doesn't exactly sound smashing to me, Bam. No.

~Keaton the Black Jackal

Prof B Hunnydew

Well, he can lock me after I get Gina home.  If he comes to the castle.  And I think he was trying to give us a friendly warning about the castle.  He needs to know what we can handle this ourselves.


Aisha deCabre

Bam, sorry to be a nitpicker, but Rynkura isn't in the entrance hall.  She's staying in the library.  :P
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

It is okay....Bam's next post can be in the library...

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Keaton the Black Jackal on August 06, 2007, 05:03:36 PM
Then she collapsed against the wall outside of the room, sinking lower, lower, until her rear hit the floor and she was blankly staring against the far wall, digesting all she had seen with startling slowness.


~Keaton the Black Jackal

... Yes, I think we covered that earlier. ;-]

(sorry, I couldn't resist.)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Actually, Llearch, I'm keeping count of how many times I can get her to do that. You don't mind, do you?

llearch n'n'daCorna

*snicker* No, go ahead.

Remain subtle, though. Otherwise one of the other admins might object.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears