The Castle (OOC) - Open

Started by Stygian, February 14, 2007, 05:22:38 PM

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Aisha deCabre

*coughs*  Slight typo on your part, Black...the newcomer's talking to Bam, not Mel.   :P
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Um...why is Bam naked? Is there really any need? Didn't think so.

Prof B Hunnydew

well, yes, and Someone may want to point it out to her when she is not busy trying to knock out Jeremiah...  But wait I will have a quick sketch of her by tonight, it is not that much above Teen+14 level.


Prof B Hunnydew

Well, this is questionable so this warning NSFW

Angry Fae PBH

This is picture goes in this post in the RP--- well it starts here

This picture is not finished but...I had to post it now.



... Dammit Bambi! :U Wasn't there this whole thing earlier about fixing things with a wave of your hand? Jeremiah's curse doesn't work like a normal one, you can't just blast it away. Sorry if I seem unkind, but after building up to this for so long I was rather hoping for the chance to do something.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sorry Boogey

I thought I said I would try those spells, and it's open for you to still have spider-like powers just not eight legs,  BUT if  You want the spider-taur look then you can say that the spells didn't work (It was a Dispell Magic, not a re-morphing spell)  or that the legs growing back in after a few seconds.

I will rewrite my post a bit, and I'm will be back off alittle.  Aisha is distracting me... 


Ah, just blasted off the legs? I thought it dispelled the whole curse. That would be bad. Nevermind, my mistake.

llearch n'n'daCorna

*cough* "ow" ?

In that case, it wouldn't affect the curse, just cause a -lot- of pain... No?


Nuts. You beat me to the idea. Oh, well. Back to silent lurking...
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Mel Dragonkitty

Boog, how are you picturing the fight scene? Everyone is in the hallway except Mel so I don't understand why you are burning down the door. Both Aisha and I posted that everyone was out of the bedroom.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.


Whoops! I thought Aisha had closed it in front of Jeremiah and stayed on the other side to defend Mel. My bad, I'll go edit that.

Aisha deCabre

Someone's stealing my trick...  :P  Anyone say that there was a chandelier in the hallway?
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

No one said there isn't, beside it is a small 4 candle one...  Anyone got a lasso?



Chandeliers don't hang in the middle of corridors, only in intersections and such. It'd be more realistic if you clobbered him with a lamp-stand or something.


I hate to double-post, but I need people's attention.

Boog, I think that this is all starting to get out of hand. We're pretty much keeping it back so as not to make this go overboard. But don't think that I'll hesitate to let the others kill off your character if you keep provoking us this way. Mind that we've had several shots at it so far, really.

You should also mind that your character is as weak with magic as he is. Those fireballs should reasonably run out quickly. And you can't possibly keep regenerating those damn legs forever. Think a bit here.


Those two handfuls of projectiles were the last of it, and the legs never finished regenerating the first time; they were coming in slow, and kept getting interrupted. He was gonna be down soon anywho, I'll wrap it up.

Also, I'm not sure what you mean by provoking here. Jeremiah's curse isn't something he can control, the specter persona doubly so. I'm not trying to piss anyone off, it's just character development.

EDIT: It just dawned on me that Styg's the only person who actually knows why that happened to Jeremiah, so I'm just gonna explain that here so it doesn't look like that was completely random. When the specter scratched Jeremiah its effect got incorprated into his inexplicable curse, adding a sixth personality to it. The ability of this new facet of his curse is that it can essentially shuffle around Jeremiah's psyche (rearranging what's there but adding nothing) and having those psychological changes reflected in his form. Now, the original plan was for it to make that while the spider was still on Jeremiah; the spider beast was what you get when you emphisized how our favorite victim was being controlled by the spiders. I was building up to it for a while, and was thus peeved when being gone for one day got all the spiders removed -_- so I improvised and had the specter make this out of the lingering state of mind that the spiders left behind.
So, yes. Not random power trip. Carefully planned, character development related power trip, at worst.


Erm, ah, Boogey? Your whole last post is in italics. Ya might wanna change that.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Aisha deCabre

Making an announcement here, guys, my computer decided to go buggy on me and now nothing will even start up at all.  I probably won't have the problem fixed until this weekend, either.   :headdesk

So, with very little internet access on my part I'm afraid that my posting in RPs won't be coming along quite as often.  But I will keep watch and post when I can until then.

Gaaah.   :|
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.

Prof B Hunnydew

Is there a computer virus gong around messing with computer on this forum.... first Amber now you... It makes me wonder if I want to built my own computer with stick and leaves...

Good luck Aisha We will miss you.

Aisha deCabre

Thanks, but I'll still be around.  Just not on a messenger or anything.    :P

Also, Cogi?  Rynkura left the kitchen quite a while before you and Styg showed up.  You may have seen her walking past in one of the hallways as you were coming in, otherwise.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Right. According edit made. Curse my thoughtless mind. :3


The frick?! What was that supposed to mean, Bam? I really am having a hard time seeing why you'd suddenly change to monster vines here, when there was plot right before your nose. It's really irritating in the sense that I don't know what the Hell I am supposed to do here. I know it's supposed to be a free RP here, but if it really doesn't lead to anywhere... You know, people were getting impatient for the next morning? Not to mention that we haven't heard from Keaton or Gareeku that much at all.

Prof B Hunnydew


And now I've gone and ticked her off... Yay. How very diplomatic. Listen...

People wanted this to progress, I was a bit too hazy on the plot... Couldn't we just have worked it out from the start? There's no need to be so damn sudden or over-the-top to make things happen. I will try and make this work. So don't feel hindered in the future. Just make it less abrupt.

Prof B Hunnydew

Sorry, I Was Tick about not really at you....I have not been able to get online much as I like, and I too would like to see what is in store.

The monster Vines and the Father tree can be something for the future( or not), The father Tree was a guardian of the family in a way(it was to help the family to understand each other and watch over them) , and the vines are a monster of envy planted by someone in the Gina family to steal her father's love).

  Well, I'll PMed anything more if you like to use this.  Little time in my morning online time now for my rewrite on the RP thread so.

Do I need to change anything on more on my last Post? should I have left room for Gina to speak.?



Hey, um... do we have our timelines mixed up, Styg and Cog? From what I can tell, Rynkura and the others haven't entered the kitchen yet.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Everything is fine. That is all I have to say. Check for yourselves.

Prof B Hunnydew

Stygian, you old bat... Will you be doing something against Gina? or her "treasure"/guardianship.? 

I await on Gina to get her thoughts together, and timeline to match up with the rest.

Hoping not be caught in the middle of a family feud.


It's much too late for that, Bam. Gina is the angel from before, and we're all about a day and a half from doom.

Prof B Hunnydew

Bambi maybe acting that dense, but she knows Gina is the angel from before.  The question is Will she tell her side of the story?. and How far is Gina really in control of her mind?  What does Gina plan for us and the rest of the world?

So how much is an act, what is an act and whose is acting?


Prof B Hunnydew

Sorry Dear players

but I will be doing the family thing in the woods.  My family is going camping with no internet and I think cellphone will be limited.  I will be back Sunday night. 
