Stirring Up Chaos

Started by Sirius Griffon, January 15, 2007, 12:46:25 PM

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Prof B Hunnydew

"Ah not that I would question your judgment Captain Sty, but they were clearly just looking in  our sonic boom, before you shut them down, but since those drones are clearly after us now.  I going to shutdown the cloaking device and fix the alignment in the shield frequencies."

** PBH shutdown the shields as the drone fighter get a lock and fires missiles.  PBH repair the frequenices and have the shield back up at 110% of maximum normal strength as the Stygian's craft flies into a tight canyon and out of sight of drones. **

"Re-engaging cloaking device"  ** missiles lose lock and explode into canyon walls.**

"Sorry Captain if I've over step my boundary, I think we can return to original course" 



The ship swung over to one side, and then they could feel some thrums and growls from the machinery. There was a sound as if something exploded further back on the outside and a little bit of a shock, but hardly anything to make any damage or to disturb much, even.
   "The slim difference may be on a crucial point. Computers are quite familiar with that sort of thing," Moira said. "We come from a world where magic's strong too, but where it's just started happening. And if it's monsters we're talking, I can say we're not unfamiliar with that one either. Some would in fact consider me one," she grinned.

   The little bastards were tailing them still. They were persistent, Stygian would give them that. But they were slow, underpowered and outgunned to the point of it being ridiculous. Not to mention that they were chasing a speck on the sensors.
   "Allright. I've had about enough," he muttered, as he locked onto the last remaining two craft, and just watched them slip out of visual view. With his other hand, he tapped across the engine panels, changing the settings of diffusors, coils, guiding rails... The superconductive channels and DFD-transfer lines crackled with rerouted power.

   Something buzzed a bit, and then from all around came Stygian's voice, just a bit distorted, through intercom.
   "Listen, I'm outrunning these suckers, so hang a bit, and put teacups down in their holders," he said. "We'll take out the first facility from height, and then we'll see how we get to the other one, since it's in an urban area."


Following Stygian's advice about the teacups, Shadou braced himself and flashed a not-grin back at Moira.
"Well, back home they'd call you a construct. Not a monster, but a made thing. Built from parts, not entirely relient upon magic in your construction, all that good stuff, and thereby probably wouldn't be lumped in with us louts," he turned away with an exaggerated sniff, one hand on his waist, "No, it would be people clamoring to hire you to serve drinks in classy joints, or you'd have a bunch of papers to prove to people that you're sentient and spend the rest o' yer life doing whatever you wanted. No territoriality or rampaging instincts, less knights glaring at ya, none of that for you."


Stalker simply sat quietly, touching his fingertips together. Each time one touched, a narrow silvery strand grew as they parted, forming an incredibly complex cat's cradle between his outstretched hands.

He hummed to himself calmly in spite of the movement of the ship, and with a deft twist turned the web into a tight-knit globe. It began to pulse with an eerie blue light.

"No territorial instincts?" Stalker remarked softly to Shadou's comment. "How very dull it must be."


"You would be surprised," Moira said, with a sort of jaded humor in her tone. "If people found out that I were actually a really sentient computer, there'd be the army after me in two red seconds. There's a history to that." Then, she laughed. "And don't make the mistake to think that I'm without emotions either. If I were, then I think they would actually have a reason to hunt me..."
   She turned around, and then poured some tea in a cup. Then, the smooth and seamless metal over the bottom of her face parted somehow, easing out into a mouth, as she lifted the cup and put it to forming lips.
   "Machines can be worse creatures than organisms," she said, after sipping a bit.

   Stygian grabbed the steering column tighter, and then throttled up. The acceleration pushed him back only slightly into his seat, but it just continued and continued. They were going to be at the powerplant in only a few minutes, and the weapons system was already trimmed and charging.
   "Listen, if people don't mind, we won't be landing for the drop off," he spoke through the intercom with a grin.


"I dunno, you strike me as being rather nice, clanking and all," Shadou chuckled, still not trusting the rumbling of the ship enough to reach for his tea. Hearing Stygian's announcement, he stood up and gave Moira a smart salute and a wink, "Well, that's my stop. Wish me luck, eh?" With that, he skulked out into the hallway, hanging onto one of the odd jutting out bits to stay upright.
So, which way was the cockpit? We just jumping out the way we came in, what?


e simply waited. the others were getting to know each other a bit but that was them. he merely needed a diversion so he retired into his internal environment and occupied 70% of his awareness the other 30% still tuned into the outside world in case something should require his full attention in a hurry. as was he was nearly picking up snippets of conversation.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


When Shadou entered the cockpit he could see the image of some sort of powerplant being displayed together with data readouts on a number of the screens up ahead, and something that must have been a targeting reticule on the main screen.
   "We won't be landing the ship again, I thought. Really no need for it," Stygian said from the seat up front. "We can take out this facility from above, and then disable the other one with a combat drop." He tapped some panels with a quick hand, and what seemed to be power levels jumped into view on one of the panels. From behind, Moira walked up and placed herself next to the monster, sort of looming over him in a way.

Prof B Hunnydew

If you got an X-ray laser, and fire here and here will cause a overheating effect which take out the main cooling system.  Repairs will be over 5 weeks...and the cause will look like a design or maintenance failure..



Shadou looked up at Moira, not having expected her to follow. With a shrug, he turned back to the matter at hand.
"Now, when you say combat drop, are you talking about dropping us down in pods or whathaveyou, or just a cry of 'get out of my ship!' and a shove?" He comically pantomimed shoving someone, "Because honestly, either works for me."


Stygian chuckled, and then turned his face against Shadou for a second, grinning.
   "Honestly, I was thinking more along the lines of us just throwing ourselves out like the insane motherf***ers that we apparrently are," he chuckled, and then went back to studying the screens. "And I've got something better than just a laser, dear."
   Stygian placed his left hand on a sidepanel next to the chair, a heavy metal piece which seemed a separate control of some kind. He flicked some switches, and then a larger one. Under them there was a rumble, and they could feel small trembles traveling through the hull of the ship. The targeter on the main screen zoomed in, fixing on one wall of the facility up ahead, and they felt it quite well when they began to slow down rapidly as he maneuvered the steering column and pedals some more.
   When they were at a complete halt, the view on the powerplant was steady and clear. The word "armed" appeared in red text next to the targeter. Stygian pressed a final switch, and then the trigger.
   Light tore through the sky, a lance of lightning and fire so white-hot it was like staring straight at the sun. The hull of the ship thrummed like some enormous insect buzzing, and the air crackled with static. In an instant, the shaft of energy streaked over into the facility, ripping up walls and armoring and tearing a hole right into one of the main reactors, adding its enormous power to the reaction and blasting out in a shockwave of destruction.
   The light vanished after a second or two, leaving a purple trail across your vision. Before you on the screen in the dark room, you could see the view of the facility, now practically torn inside-out, the weapon having ripped it up like nobody's business.
   Stygian tapped the communicator behind his ear and lit a slim cigar with a familiar chink from a silver lighter.
   "Puppy, this is Mongrel. Objective one fulfilled. Proceeding to next."


Shadou's face contorted into a rather manic ungrin as he reached into his bandolier for his knife and a firework.
"I am all for insane motherf***ery, Styggy-boy. 'Been sitting on my ass all day."


Stalker calmly shoved the glowing web-ball into his chest, and stood. "Nice shooting. With the grid disabled, our little side trip to the dump is rather moot."

He yawned hugely, mouth lined with millions of needle teeth well into his throat. "If it gets no more difficult than this, I doubt you'll be needing my services."


E steps out of his game of super Mario 25 and looks around. " i hate to sound like a kid and all but is it time to  blow up things yet? also i'm not going to have to use my stun settings on organics am i?"
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


 "My word." Cog said, unmoving from his spot in the cockpit. "Somehow I think this little toy might be able to do all the work for us. Just how many times can you shoot that thing, good sir?" He said, grinning. "I'm all for bladework, mind, but as the saying goes, 'work smart, not hard.'"


"You don't happen to be recording this, are you?" Jack asked Stygian. "If you do I would like some pictures of it, if that's okay."

Jack then began to get ready for the combat drop. A jammer on the right shoulder strap of his backpack, the Taser on the right hip belt and some stun/sleeping powder on the left.

Without any shield, cloaking, sensors or battle net upgrades the preparing took much shorter time than usual and Jack sat down to wait.
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Stygian listened to the others' comments with a moot face, as he swung the ship around and began accelerating them toward their next destination, a lot faster this time. He didn't seem as enthusiastic.
   "I've got enough fuel to run her for quite some time, and the Longinius is powered centrally," he said, tapping another panel to bring down the mapscreen and enlarge it. "But that's not the point. I wouldn't attack any central targets that have the ability to retaliate in time, seeing as how the cannon gives the ship a very clear EM-signal. So it's a ground-pounder mission from here on, I'm afraid. As you can see, the rest of the facilities are more central, and far easier to defend," he continued, pointing and zooming on the map. "If they manage to set up a link here," he gestured to a line that seemed to represent some sort of construction, bridging a pair of points, "they may well bring up the grid again. And they are going to defend that point quite heavily. That's why we want control of the net now, so we can hit hard and fast against the very heart of Order."
   Stygian silenced, and continued simply maneuvering the ship. Not far below, as they couldn't be more than two or three miles up, houses and construction began to pass after a while.
   "We're on the outskirts of a smaller town. The plant is some distance up ahead. If I were you, I'd go back and prepare to jump," he said shortly.


"Jump?" Cog said, raising an eyebrow. "What do you mean, jump?" He gave a weak grin. "Surely you mean 'run out of the ship quickly, yes?' Because not all of us can fly. After all, it's not like we can just fly out of the sky like comets, yes?'" Despite his protestations, he got the feeling the shade was not joking. Cog exited the cockpit and went aft, looking for the life of him for a parachute.
He passed the construct woman on the way aft speaking to another member of the party. He coughed softly and tipped his hat. "If I may ask a question, good lady? Please tell me that your master is not considering throwing us bodily out of his ship? Or, that he will at least give us some manner of parachuting device?"


"Stygian is not that stupid." Jack said to Cog while following him aft. "I'm sure he will descend first, then the ship could give some covering fire until we got indoors."

Jack then took out his camera and glanced at Moira. Hope she wont object, I just want to be ready.
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But Stygian did not descend. In fact, he brought the ship further up as they went, and then slowed down at a comfortable drop altitude. Then, as they stopped, he tapped in some commands, changed a few switches and then rose up out of his seat and went back through the cockpit. Moira was already well down the corridor, and opening another door and stepping into what passed for a cargo bay on the Husk.
   "Nope. The Husk will stay in orbit until further notice, or until we actually need covering fire. As for us, we're making a quick drop," he said, and walked into the bay after the construct.
   It was a relatively small space, at least from what those like Jack and E could tell, but then the Husk was not a transport ship either. Still, it would have been able to hold a pair of smaller vehicles, and it was tall enough that there was no problem standing. Right now though, it was crammed to one side with locked-in containers of some kind. To the other wall hung some sort of mechanical packs over circular, clearly meant for someone to be strapped into. They looked like they weighed a bit, and had some sort of metal beam at their centre that seemed locked into the wall, running along and down the back of the wearer and down to a small round plate in the floor. Stygian gestured to them.
   "Strap yourselves in," he said. "Moira and I will be along just after you."


Hearing the report he prepares himself. calling gospels at the moment would be useless as whistling up a roc.  He had to wait until there were close to a predictable pattern to call. besides if they were high enough he might automatically be called back and teleport down the ground but that seemed unlikely. he looked at the pods that Stygian gestured to. orbital drop pods. he's seen them during the war... wait what war?. he shook his head then he checked his inventory but had nothing that could help the others. with regret he  examines and enters one of the container indeed strapping himself in as directed..
(( we don't need to specify which one we are getting in to right?))
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"'Curiouser and curiouser, said Alice,'" Stalker commented, as he walked in the direction the others were going.

He stopped just short of the drop pods and looked at Stygian. "Am I correct in assuming that these devices will deposit us at our seperate destinations?" he asked calmly.


"Orbital drop?" Cog said, his face turning somewhat white under the gray. He grimaced and stepping into the circle, cursing under his breath and began to strap himself in appropriately. "This will not end well, I assure you." he said, making sure all of his appendages and items were well inside the circular line. "Dropping from the atmosphere is never a good idea..."


After a bit of fumbling with his bandolier and the straps, Shadou managed to strap himself in.
"I take it the element of surprise is in no way, shape or form considered if we're using these things? People tend to notice things dropped from orbit into their backyards." Despite the sarcastic tone, Shadou was rather enjoying himself. I get to be a meteor! This is so freaking cool!


Stygian actually sighed.
   "We're not that high just yet, and these things don't use boosters. It's gonna be a bit of a ride, since they don't trigger until the very last bit, but you'll land safely. And since we're at a standstill it won't be that hard to get together either. Now, have a nice trip," Stygian said, and without warning flicked two switches on a control panel and then pressed an alarmingly red button.
   The mechanism wasn't that dissimilar from an ejector seat. Straps around Shadou's and Cogidubnus' shoulders and waists tightened in an instant, while bars slid out to hold their feet and heads in position. A sort of metal visor closed around their heads and a bit of a casing smacked around their torsos and legs. Less than a tenth of a second later they were expelled from the underside of the craft, heading for the ground like man-sized bullets.
   "Now, who wants the next seat?" Stygian asked with a bit of a smirk.


"I'm assuming that means 'yes'." Stalker said, stepping forward and into the circle. "

He braced himself casually, and crossed his arms over his chest. "Ready whenever you are, young one."


"i'm ready as well" E said though he was really looking forward to battle he did not say so. it would make him seem like a kid again.
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


"Whoa! Flashbacks!" Jack said and thought back to one of his early lives when he was an ODST (Orbital Drop Shock Trooper). He then grinned and strapped himself to one of the pods. He preferred a dampening field but these old school drops had a certain charm to them.
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Prof B Hunnydew

I don't need worry about the drop, but how far it is to the new plant? 

*PBH checks her fuel supplies(full) and quick burst test of her jetpack in the hanger.  Puts on her helmet and checks IR and UV scanners and targeting computers.*

Ready, Capt.



Stygian rolled his eyes a bit and slapped down a few more switches when they had all strapped themselves in.
   "Nothing I'm not going to hear..." he muttered. "Don't move suddenly and breathe through the nozzle." With those words, he punched the red button again and sent them all hurtling for the ground ten miles below. He then turned to the black-finished construct beside him, who was busy putting on her own gear for descending. He didn't bother making any meaningful statements, since there were none fit. Instead, he pulled down the lever to unlatch and open the rearward doors and grinned at the mechanical woman.
   "Last one down gets to gather up stragglers and the ones who soiled themselves," he said. Then, he threw himself out into the rush of ice cold air.
   "Hey!" Moira called, and leapt after him.

   The air rushed past quite fast, the shape and weight location of the drop "shells" keeping them upright as they sped through the atmosphere. They had been dropped straight down, and they didn't move around much at all thanks to the stable construction of their packs. From above, those dropped slightly behind the others could see them plummeting through the sky.
   Shadou, being one of the lighter members of the group and thus one who fell slower, due to wind resistance having more of an effect, turned slowly as his "pod" fell, a bit just over Cogidubnus' and Jack's. They fell in a tight formation that kept mostly steady.
   Then, an upside down face flashed into view before his eyes, distinctly grinning even despite the wind in it. He looked as Stygian backed up from him a bit, falling on his head in the air. He couldn't hear a thing for the rush of air, but there was no question that the man was laughing. The human made a circling move around him, clothes flapping feverishly without any parachute or pack to hold them in, as something else black streaked past in the corner of his view. Stygian caught sight of it, looked, and then laughed even more. He tucked his limbs in, and dove after it, zipping right past Cog and almost nicking his shoulder.

   When they were less than a thousand metres above ground, things started happening. From the back of their packs, fins shot out and stabilized them, making final corrections for landing in a matter of a few seconds. Then, seconds before they hit the ground, the shell around them burst off and out, forming four great airbreaks that broke their fall in short notice, and finally used the conserved energy together with the foils to make them plane out and land very safely, if harshly, on the ground.