Most recent Transformers Movie trailer

Started by KarlOmega1, January 06, 2007, 02:48:37 PM

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I wen t on youtube and found some people posted the newer trailer on there...this is the link to one of the postings:
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Skype Name: Karaius


I've got to get me one of those bodies...  :.
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I dont want to offend you this movie will *cough*suck*cough* No matter how they CGI it...Use robotics...Or make all like a new era of transformers but seriously...Mr Bay dont spit on my cupcake and call it frosting....This world has failed and raped manychildhoods....Its like Masters of the Universe all over again!


yeah... this looks... darker... than the Transformers I'm familiar with... sorta like if you watched the old Adam West Batman series, heard that a friend had the "Batman" movie on VHS, watched him pop the tape in, munching on popcorn, expecting lots of laughs... and you get Tim Burtons twisted version of the Caped Crusader.

That's the kind of Vibe I'm getting, that M. Bay is attempting to do to transformers what was done to Batman...

(and yes yes, I know that several of the character changes were made by DC Comics themselves)


I take it as a VERY bad omen that we don't hear any Transformer talking. Tons and tons of humans (I figure we'll get the mandatory human personal tragedies, possibly with Good American Patriotism thrown in) who do the talking, and the Transformers seem to just go "SCREEEECH ROAR SCREEEEECH!", like Jurassic Park in a tin can.

I've got a bad feeling about this, but I still hope it will not be a 90 minute destruction of my childhood memories.

At least there are series like "TF: Cybertron", which keep the spirit of the old generation alive without the need to "be extreme" or something like that. Good old Optimus, good old Megatron, plus new animation tech and minor changes. It works! No need to make this into some sort of "War on Transformers", with brave humans apparently trying to fight slightly superior warmachines with... machine guns and stuff?

But still... gotta keep up hope...

Faerie Alex

I think it might make for an interesting movie...but not of the same transformers concept. Definitely, there are many similarities, but I don't think they're trying for the same target audience as the cartoon. Now, I'm not saying this is necessarily going to be better (or worse), just different.

(Personally, I think I'd like to see it myself.)
Jeez I need to update this thing.


Okay, my initial thought:  A live-action and CGI Transformers movie?  Awesome, God heard my prayers!

upon finding out that optimus has a ugly-ass paint job and all the transformers look completely different from their original design in robot mode:  My God is a cruel and evil one.

Seriously, none of the "new transformers" art I've seen looks anything remotely like what they were originally.  The guy's excuse?  "They didn't look alien enough."

Get a clue you bleeding moron, if we wanted "alien enough" we would go see something like oh,  ALIEN!
The fate of the world always rests in the hands of an idiot.  You should start treating me better.
Chant for something good and it may happen
Chant for something bad and it will happen
C.O.D.:  Chronic high speed lead poisoning  (etch that on my grave)


I used to watch Transformers when I was little...

...I must say, even the preview has slaughtered all of my childhood enjoyments of the show.

It does not deserve to be made. It looks just as bad as the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie.


Thats the blood point...If want to see the transfomers movie...I go back to the 1980's damnit! Prime dies...I cry like a nancy boy...And Unicron speaks with balls that droped so hard it hurts

Sirius Griffon

TMNT movie? *Raises brow* I dont think I even wish to know.

And well, from what I understand, the movie will feature the original Prime's voice at least. But hmmm... still... Im very afraid for this movie and what it will probably be like. x-x;

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Sid on January 06, 2007, 07:07:21 PM
At least there are series like "TF: Cybertron", which keep the spirit of the old generation alive without the need to "be extreme" or something like that. Good old Optimus, good old Megatron, plus new animation tech and minor changes. It works!
Yeah... cause making "minor changes" like putting on pointless half minute laser shows during transformations and reducing combat to Dragon Ball Z style planet killing energy beam duels is in no way an attempt to be extreme. :redrum


Quote from: Warlike on January 07, 2007, 01:59:52 AM
...and reducing combat to Dragon Ball Z style planet killing energy beam duels is in no way an attempt to be extreme. :redrum

Agreed. Those battles took up a good six-twelve hours (depending on which one). There's no reason it should/could be reduced to fifteen minutes. Same applies to Transformers. x.x;


To throw in one of the first opposing viewpoints, I am thoroughly looking forward to seeing this. The only Transformers I'm familiar with is Beast Wars, so I am completely immune to whatever betrayal this movie may present to the fandom. I see it as strictly a computer generated masterpiece, and I like computer generated masterpieces :.

Though come to think of it, my friend is also looking forward to it, and he's a die-hard fan of the original series. He likes the look of the movie so far, even though he considers the recent Transformers series after Beast Wars to be a bastardization of the original. And he said something about how they better be using Starscream's original personality...


See this is one f the things I dislike about some Fans.

I've seen it with every comic book movie, or video game movie ever made.  people are always complaining about how bad it's going to be long before they ever see it, just wait and watch it.  Give it a chance

No matter what's done there will be fans that are angery that this, that or there favorite char was changed or left out.

I'm looking forward to seeing this movie,  the human reactions seem to make sense (come on how do you think the world would react if giant robots from space landed). The mechanical screams make sense to me to, running with the orriginal storyline (which makes sense from part of the trailer) it involved the Autoboits being shot down by the decepticons on earth.  While there bodies could be easily disguised it might take time for them to learn english, and to tell the truth why would most of the decipicons bother.

I did like the holo pilot in Cyclonus


This movie will be stupid cuz Michael Bay directed it.  His movies are always simplistic and banal, not to mention they get mentioned on "The Bad Astronomy" website a lot!   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Janus Whitefurr

I both hate (too many changes from childhood memories) and love (wheee giant robots!) the idea of the movie. I probably won't see it in the cinema when it comes around, or if I do I'll be waiting till it's about to leave said cinemas. The fact they cut characters like Soundwave due to the 'unrealistic' nature of mass-shifting annoys me. SOUNDWAVE.
This post has been brought to you by Bond. Janus Bond. And the Agency™. And possibly spy cameras.


Quote from: Janus Whitefurr on January 08, 2007, 12:15:01 AM
I both hate (too many changes from childhood memories) and love (wheee giant robots!) the idea of the movie. I probably won't see it in the cinema when it comes around, or if I do I'll be waiting till it's about to leave said cinemas. The fact they cut characters like Soundwave due to the 'unrealistic' nature of mass-shifting annoys me. SOUNDWAVE.

I feel your pain....Soundwave was my favorite...


i will probably be physically assulted for saying this but when i was a kid i never really saw transformers. ever. and i thought the idea of robots turnign into cars was kinda silly, impractical, and would leave you with mostly hollow robots that dont really have the machinery required to do cooler things like rip things appart. however i was a fan of the series beast wars, which i understand is some kinda trippy time loop into the transformers luniverse.

yeah, ive never seen them turn into cars, but i thought it was kinda cool they could turn into monkeys and neon green metalic cats, and quazi robots made out of chunks of a Trex. the concept of a CG series i liked, especially ones like reboot, it allowed a lot of creativity and some small measure of special effects.

however i agree to feeling violated, but for me it was when they came out with 'beast machines'. tha was sick and wrong, it messed with your head, all the robots were freakishly deformed, your enemies were forged from the souls of dead friends, and that spider chick was almost gave me  nightmares powerfull enough to make me like guys and fear girls.

the eyes....the eyes....

QuoteThe itsy bitsy spider went up the water pipe, and then it climbed in the window and reached for a knife...

Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


*smirks*  I know your fears now, Brun...

*dangles Black Arachnia toys from his Brun's bedroom ceiling*  They eyes are watching youuuuuuu...  >::::}
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Quote from: Alondro on January 08, 2007, 10:36:26 PM
*smirks*  I know your fears now, Brun...

*dangles Black Arachnia toys from his Brun's bedroom ceiling*  They eyes are watching youuuuuuu...  >::::}

Wait How are you holding Black Arachnia toys... your deathly afaid of normal spiders


Quote from: thegayhare on January 08, 2007, 10:43:16 PM
Quote from: Alondro on January 08, 2007, 10:36:26 PM
*smirks*  I know your fears now, Brun...

*dangles Black Arachnia toys from his Brun's bedroom ceiling*  They eyes are watching youuuuuuu...  >::::}

Wait How are you holding Black Arachnia toys... your deathly afaid of normal spiders

if any of you knew anything about me at all you would know two of my biggest fears are bunnies and maggots.

*gives TGH a great big hug and leaves somethign in his hair before running off*

QuoteAll we have to fear is fear itself and the homicidal  maniacs who escaped from the local mental institution. sure to lock your doors.
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Quote from: thegayhare on January 08, 2007, 10:43:16 PM
Quote from: Alondro on January 08, 2007, 10:36:26 PM
*smirks*  I know your fears now, Brun...

*dangles Black Arachnia toys from his Brun's bedroom ceiling*  They eyes are watching youuuuuuu...  >::::}

Wait How are you holding Black Arachnia toys... your deathly afaid of normal spiders

No no, that'd be Charline.  I'm quite ok letting the little critters run around.  I even feed them bugs.  Fed a black widow a few times.  They're quite fast when they want to be.  :)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Xuzaf D

Yeah... Beast Machines sucked...

...damn furries...


Normally, I'd agree with TGH on the whole "See it first" bit, but I havce to agree with everyone else. So far, most movies made based off old cartoons and video games tend to suck. There have been a few decent recreations. The first 2 X-Men movies were probably the best done out of all the previously attempted real life X-men creations(*cough* Generation X *cough*). Also, the first 2 Batmen with Micheal Keaton, as well as the newer one were not bad. But this one just looks like another CG fest with little to no bearing on the original.....doubt the transformers will even be from Cybertron


Quote from: Teroniss on January 09, 2007, 06:27:12 PM
Normally, I'd agree with TGH on the whole "See it first" bit, but I havce to agree with everyone else. So far, most movies made based off old cartoons and video games tend to suck. There have been a few decent recreations. The first 2 X-Men movies were probably the best done out of all the previously attempted real life X-men creations(*cough* Generation X *cough*). Also, the first 2 Batmen with Micheal Keaton, as well as the newer one were not bad. But this one just looks like another CG fest with little to no bearing on the original.....doubt the transformers will even be from Cybertron

Let's not forget that the Spider Man movies have so far been cool, and the next one looks even cooler.  But then there was "Hulk"... what the heck was with that crappy-ass CG Hulk?  It was like watching a lime Jello mold.   :B
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Xuzaf D

Quote from: Teroniss on January 09, 2007, 06:27:12 PM
Normally, I'd agree with TGH on the whole "See it first" bit, but I havce to agree with everyone else. So far, most movies made based off old cartoons and video games tend to suck. There have been a few decent recreations. The first 2 X-Men movies were probably the best done out of all the previously attempted real life X-men creations(*cough* Generation X *cough*). Also, the first 2 Batmen with Micheal Keaton, as well as the newer one were not bad. But this one just looks like another CG fest with little to no bearing on the original.....doubt the transformers will even be from Cybertron
X-men sucked... why the hell does everybody like the idea of Wolverine baby sitting angsty teens while chasing some fifth tier villian? At least they started killing bitches in the third movie. That made me feel better.

And as for the Transformers movie: Your all right. The Transformers are now from Earth and are actually made the American army and and some terrorists. Only Prime will have a voice; everyone else will sound like R2-D2 being raped by an Alien. The humans are the actual heros, and will do all the cool stuff in the movie. Megatron has a beast mode that looks like the cyber demon from Doom.


Quote from: Alondro on January 09, 2007, 11:42:51 PM
Let's not forget that the Spider Man movies have so far been cool, and the next one looks even cooler. But then there was "Hulk"... what the heck was with that crappy-ass CG Hulk? It was like watching a lime Jello mold. :B
They couldn't find a fifteen foot tall actor for the role.


Hulk was dreadful because they decided to get artsy with it. Which is a shame, because it may have been good if they had decided to actually develop a storyline.


The Hulk CGI model looked cartoonish and weird.  Even though it was a farce, the 'Hulk' in the alternate ending of Scary Movie 3 looked more convincing.   ;)

With all the money they threw into it, the Hulk could've looked much better.  Hell, I would've taken the ol' Hanna-Barbera Hulk over the wiggly Jello CGI Hulk. 
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.


Hey, compared to the other sadly done attempts at real life X-Men movies out there, the first 2 new ones actually got somewhat close to the actual series.....and werent $2000 budget B-flicks....

btw, according to the Known Facts thread on the TF movie forum, Soundwave will be in it. Also, while Optimus is the only autobot that can speak at first, it is possible that others like Bumblebee will learn to speak...