The Computer Problems thread!

Started by Nikki, July 22, 2006, 09:06:52 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

I believe you're screwed. :-/

... I -am- ready to learn I'm wrong, though.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



Bill says I'm dying of SARS. :cry

Oh noes, it happened again!  I've never seen this before and it's only happened while talking to Bill.  He must be the one giving me SARS! :O


I don't know about SARS but as a followup to my problem, I did have to reboot the 2003 server to get the bastard to work again.  Did I mention I don't like Windows?

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on November 09, 2006, 02:38:22 PM
Did I mention I don't like Windows?

You don't need to: everyone hates Windows.
\^.^/ \O.O/ \¬.¬/ \O.^/ \o.o/ \-.-/' \O.o/ \0.0/ \>.</


Whenever I try to open a folder on my brother's computer (Windows 2000 Professional), it asks me what I want to open it with.

How do I make it stop?  'A'  It's annoying!


Hmmm...  You could try selecting 'Windows Explorer' then check the box that says 'Use this program everytime I open this type of file' or something similar to that. :P  I don't know, Windows 2000 sucks.
Quote from: Vidar on November 09, 2006, 03:32:56 PM
Quote from: Tapewolf on November 09, 2006, 02:38:22 PM
Did I mention I don't like Windows?

You don't need to: everyone hates Windows.
Not true, Windows and I get along just fine. :) (Except 2000/ME, obviously.)


The 'Use this program everytime' checkbox thing doesn't work. :dface

(Ignore the game maker thing. My brother wanted it.)


Maybe because you don't have anything selected. :P  And if you can't find 'Windows Explorer' try using Internet Explorer.


It doesn't work when I select something. :P

And IE's evil. D:


That's an easy one. The VERY MOST LIKELY reason you can't choose a permanent association is because there's no file type. By the looks of it, your file doesn't have an extension. what is it?


He's trying to open the My Music folder.  =/


Oh, wasn't paying attention... That old thing huh? Any folder at all?


It does it for every folder 'cept "My Documents". :dface


Hmmm... how odd.  Well, I'm stumped. :T


Well, I know that in most parts of windows, the My Documents button behaves differently than a regular folder... well, the desktop icon, at least. When did this start?


After I tried to open a program, and it didn't work.

When I tried to open it, the screen just turned black, then went back to normal. It might be corrupted or something. *Shrug*


could've been some kind of virus >.>

depending on what program...

But here, I cruised around and found a registry fix. Most likely, it somehow deleted the folder associations... so you ended up not being able to open them.


I say reinstall Windows.  It won't delete any of your stuff.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on November 10, 2006, 05:00:36 PM
could've been some kind of virus >.>
What do you mean? A virus screwed up the file, or the file -is- a virus? 'Cuz I doubt it's a virus. I used it a looong time ago...but on a different computer. (The other computer was a Windows 98 though.)

...What do I do with this?

Quote from: Haz to the Mat on November 10, 2006, 05:01:01 PMI say reinstall Windows.  It won't delete any of your stuff.
I'm too lazy to do that. :P


just doubleclick the reg file that's inside the zip. it SHOULD put it back the way it was. If not, i'll do a little more searching.

as for the program, maybe it just doesn't like XP.. the bully.. >.>


Quote from: Dakata on November 10, 2006, 04:01:55 PM
Whenever I try to open a folder on my brother's computer (Windows 2000 Professional)...

I'm using Windows 2000 Professional, not XP. :P Silly Aridas.

Edit: And I tried clicking it. It asked if I wanted to add it to the registry, I said yes, it said it was successfully added to the registry, and it didn't do anything.


GAh! I'm not paying attention again... But still... I would've figured they'd have the same registry locations... considering how very similar they are. Let me look some more anyway.

edit: it does seem like those fixes are the only ones out there, and since I don't have W2K, I can't check the similarities myself. You might have to wait for someone with it to come along and provide an equivalent fix, if one is even needed.


Does anyone know anytihng about laptops?


Quote from: thegayhare on November 11, 2006, 07:54:05 AM
Does anyone know anything about laptops?
A bit.  What's the question?  If it's "which is the best current laptop" someone will may have to answer.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Well here is the problem I bought a old Gateway Solo 9100

the computer works fine except for one thing... It can't seem to run off the battery power.  It can charge up, it can detect the battery (and level of charge), and I replaced it so it's not the battery itself, both batteries do work It just won't run on it


never mind aparently my sis busted the LCD...

Ohh well she had bought it off me and was going to give it back no charge anyway so no loss

anyone got an old laptop they don't want?  All I'm looking for is sometihng I can type on when not at home, and maybe watch movies.  nothing to fancey

llearch n'n'daCorna

Yes, but...

well, I'm nowhere near you, and I don't know anyone heading in that direction, and, well, it wasn't much chop anyway...

... and you can probably get a reasonable second-hand laptop for under 400 or so, if you're careful. You can certainly get new ones for close on that from dell, so... Look up ebay or something?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Oh well I can atleast sell the solo as a parts computer
and the spare battery is still good

I've beem checking a few laptops on ebay but mostly I can't aford the large lump sum I'd have to pay up front
A new Dell would be affordable on a monthly basis... but I'm going to wait until thanksgiving if I'm going to get a new laptop.  Just incase.  Last year walmart was selling new laptops for 200 a piece.  not to impresive a machine but it'd be all I need


Alrighty then. Does anyone know what to do if one's PCI video card is completely fried, and the on-board video won't work? I'm normally quite adept at fixing these magic boxes, but that usually requires a visual interface.


Well I picked up a new laptop... well a used one anyway

A Compaq Armada M700
It'll do everything I want... though I am a little annoyed iy only has one usb port but Ehh It's got an eraser nub mouse rather then one of those annoying fingers pads so It all evens out.

Here is the real problem.  It can't seem to run on the battery.  I had the same problem with the gateway solo the main differance though was that the sollo deffinitly held a charge I don't think this battery does.

I've already ordered a brand new replacement for the battery,  but just incase I was hoping you folks might have idea's on what I could check.  (I'm a little gun shy since the solo failed so badly)

PS I'm planing on painting the computers cover,  mostlikely my bunny pirate flag that shouldn't damage anything right?