Make War not Love

Started by thegayhare, October 22, 2006, 02:45:58 AM

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Well I did a review for the first one I might as well go one for the second

I just picked up a copy of Destroy All Humans 2: make war not love.

DAH2 tweaks several things and fixes some of the problems from 1.  It's not perfect but it's getting better.

The Story starts off 10 years after the end of the first game.  You've gone from the fabulous fifties to the swinging sixties.  Majestic is gone leaving Crypto to run the united states with his presidential disguise.  Crypto (as an expendable soldier) was subjected to an experiment using the pure furon DNA harvested from the human brainstems Generating something known only to a few people as... The Package.   In 1969  as the president was parting down with some free love hippie peace niks Orthopox 13 (Crypto's boss) was about to use the furon DNA to generate his own package, when suddenly the mothership is destroyed by a Russian nuke.  At the Same time in bay city Russia sends her love in the form of KGB assassins to kill Crypto.  On the run from the KGB Crypto runs into his dead boss Pox (downloaded into a portable holopod) who starts giving him orders.  The Russians have never been this coordinated before so crypto has to find out why they targeted him, and how they could pull off such a devastating attack... and of course he gets to make with the boom boom.

The overall game play has been tweaked a bit allowing for a bit more variety in game play.  They added some new missions.  You've got your story missions, Odd jobs (you'll end up working for every one from hippies, British secret agents, to the yakuza), and the Cult of Arkvoodle (which runs as a optional story line threw part of the game)

In this second game Brains arn't the important thing, since with out a mothership you have no place to store the DNA anyway (brains are still usefull later)  Instead you need to collect Furotech cells, bits of tech that rained down on the planet form the ruined mothership,  Also to collect are Alien (not human and not furon) artifacts.  You also get cells from all missions.

The addition of Odd jobs and cult missions relay open up the game and makes the world seem more active

Odd jobs are a bizarre mix of missions, assassinations, thefts, favors, and my favorites the ruined lives (you basically talk to some one and then get to ruin there life... )  You'll have to be in disguise to use these ones, and it has to be the right disguise too (Cops wouldn't hire hippies to assassinate some one.)

The Cult missions are different but very rewarding.  Scattered across the planet are idols dedicated to the Furon god Arkvoodle.  Unlike human gods Arkvoodle of the sacred crotch is rather talkative (from these Idols you can do favors for arkvoodle opening up more landing sites for your saucer but thats a none cult activity) To kill some time you found a human cult to your alien god (this pays because Cult missions gain you cells and if you compeat the cult story line you get a very powerful weapon as a gift from god)

Now there are Five cities to play in one in America, england, japan, Russia and the last one.. well thats a suprise.  Each city has it's own feel and is populated by it's own unique mix of peoples (America and england both have hippies and urbanites, but Englend gets bondish secret agents.  Japan has no hippies but they have rival ninja clans, and Russia... well thats a suprise)  All nations have a decent variety of models so you won't be to upset.  Each nation also has cops and KGB (though the Russian map puts the KGB as cops) and an army.  Cops come after you with pistols and shotguns, KGB have pistols and machine guns (as do the secret agents) and the army starts off with machine guns and moves up to bazookas (some times the thrown grenade comes in too).  Also the Army gets Tanks, APC, and Mobile Sams'( the Japanese get one additional tank that should be familiar to Godzilla fans)

Now to take on all these bad boys you get your old arsenal back (with some new toys)  some of the weapons have been tweaked however.  The spread on the disintgrator ray has been downsized and the anal probe now is a ammo requiring weapon (and it works a lot differently) You new toys how ever give you a wide variety of Boom Boom to play with.  To top it all off your mental powers have been altered as well.  No longer do they take up energy, but each one has it's own recharge time.  One of the most usefull powers is called Free Love (basically it causes every one to boogie down baby with in limits)  When combined with the body snatch it's really a killer combo.  that brings us to body snatching  In the first game you simply disguised your self with a hologram this time you actual crawl inside a humans brain and move them around like a suit.  his is only usefull if folks don't see it happen (hence the free love thing or a few forget commands)  your presence is side is dangerous and the longer your there the more life the host loses.  not that you care but once the human dies your out of a disguise.  Other powers let you order soldiers or cps to protect you, allow you to transmute objects into ammo nd of course there is the popular PKing.  One of the more annoying upgrades is the fact that PKing can get you noticed now.  If you levitate an object while disguised people will notice it and run over... if folks get to nosey they'll spot the guy who seems to be guiding it and your cover is blown.

Your saucer has been upgraded too,  only one new weapon but you now have a cloaking shield that can be used for short periods of time, and your tractor beam has been magorly upgraded (it can replenish saucer health by draining vehicles, and transmute tanks and cars into saucer ammo) 

Upgrades are handled a bit differently Weapons are upgraded by spending collected furotech cells, but psychic powers can still only be upgraded with pure furon DNA.  You get these upgrades with genes recipes.  the basic upgrades are the snatch upgrades (they let you take over a type of human faster)  Say your in bay city your first one requires the DNA from 5 male hippies so your saucer flies around sucking up hippies (only the males are useful for this but you'll store any extra for later use)  in your tractor beam and tossing them in the blender to unlock this new power... later on you'll need a mix of targets, of different types from different nations to get what you want.

they also introduce several charactors for you to interact with.  Millinkof the head of the KGB and your villain, Natalya Defecting KGB secret agent (and love intrest), and the enigmatic Poncamby British secret agent (part john steed, James bond, and Austin powers) the head of M16 (obviously a James bond referace to MI6)

the game is a good deal of fun with a mix of violence and humor.  You visit new places, meet intresting people, and waste there monkey asses.

For fun you should try reading peoples minds as you walk down the streets these folks are weird

my favorite thoughts
Spy: If that dam Aston breaks down one more time I'm trading it in for a corolla
KGB: Mmmmm Cabbage
Urban American male : Oh man if I don't sleep with Debbie soon she's going to suspect something
American cop: Iron fisted authoritarian by day, transvestite stripper by night.  I love this town


Sounds liek a fun time Gay...I wanna play soons