Asking for a limited number of characters for a story I'm going to start on...

Started by Paladin Sheppard, September 09, 2006, 11:39:17 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

Well guys I've been rather slack on the writing lately so I'm going to try again this time not with a short story heres the setting I have so far..

Planet: Calypso
Moon 1: Hades (red colour)
moon 2: Athena (forested largest moon can support life)
moon 3: Castalia (normal moon type)

Slightly higher tech than now but very little of it.

50 years ago: First nuclear war creates nuclear winter killing any not in a bunker or in a non radiated area.

20 years ago: Nuclear winter passes survivers leave bunkers and start to rebuild.

10 years ago: Second smaller nuclear war causes the polar icecaps to melt covering 3 of 5 coninents in ice and the final 2 by 20%.

Now:  Paladin Sheppard (Soldier SpecFor)  starts the video diary and he plus Xzeliea Fantra (Soldier Sniper)both Survivers find a battle site and begin to loot it...

I'm not sure yet on how many others I'm planing on adding but if you feel that you could create a chacter that would fit into this I'd be greatful.

If you do can you use the DMFA bio page as a layout or use this page:

Thanks Paladin

Edit: I'm more after survivalists and practical people.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


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Paladin Sheppard

Actualy ITOS I may need an AI if you fill out the character sheet I'm sure I can find a use..

Vaguely Creepy

How about a weapons designer for one of the armies? Or maybe the story-world-equivalent of a gunsmith?

Paladin Sheppard

I'm looking more for survivalist type charcaters more live off the land than brainy...Not that these people aren't smart.


Feel free to change any detail you want. :P

NAME: 7 AI-TOS (Artificial Intelligence for Tactical Operations and Surveillance), also known as Itos or Seven.

BIOGRAPHY: AIs were at first only used at command centres from where they assisted the front line troops with information and guidance. However, command centres are usually big "shoot here" signs or too far away from the line to allow a secure and stable communication. AI-TOS was the solution, an AI that could follow the troops and assist with hacking, information and spying. Itos was one of the eight prototypes that were tested at research facility 00. Unfortunately the facility was attacked and to prevent secret information from leaking the AIs decided that the best course of action would be to set the facility to self destruct. Only ten scientists and four prototypes escaped the explosion. Now that his creators are missing Itos is not sure who he is supposed to follow.

AGE: 2 months.

HEIGHT: 30 cm

WEIGHT: 5,6 kilo


COMPLEXION: Metallic, shines blue

EYES: Itos' eye is actually a hologram projector but the big, black lens usually acts like an eye, looking at the person Itos is talking to.

SPEAKING STYLE: Itos sounds excited and likes to talk about things, even if they are not always important. It's probably a side effect of his programming.

GENERAL DEMEANOR: Itos is pretty naive and looks at most things as if they were a simulation and not really happening. This means that he takes things quite lightly even if it would be the end of the world.

CAREER: Itos will gladly help anyone that asks but is really just waiting for his creators to come and pick him up.

BEST QUALITIES: Helpful, happy, curious.

WORST QUALITIES: Naive, too curious.

WEAKNESSES: Itos has very limited physical power and can only carry one thing at a time. He can also be temporally disabled by powerfull electromagnetic currents

HOBBIES: Organizing and analysing collected data.

TALENTS: Has a huge data base, can hack anything digital.
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Paladin Sheppard


Story is very familiar - in the basics at least. It reminds me of Earth 2150 and Warzone 2100.

Difference is, in E2150, a missile is launched at the polar icecaps, and the resulting explosion is strong enough to knock Earth off course and into spiralling descent into the Sun. Shortly after that, nuclear war breaks out and sh*t gets blown up. Survivors are rare.

In Warzone 2100, a flaw in the programming of an anti-missile satellite network causes it to bombard every major city on Earth with nuclear missiles (why the hell did an anti-ICBM network have nukes?) and thus, again, survivors are rare.

Not that I'm saying there's anything bad with the concept, it's just that it's not very new. ;)

Paladin Sheppard

Ahh wait till I finish the prologue Sheridan before pronouncing sentence :3


This seems to have potential and I'll see if I don't have someone who could fit the bill here. Just one question, is it anthromorpic or plain human?


I pronounce sentence, this has been done to death... kidding, but it does fall into an area that science fiction writers have been hammering at for decades.  It may be that you've found the small twist that has been overlooked.

Perhaps I can throw the well used stereotype into the mix, the enemy soldier...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Aldoun on September 10, 2006, 10:26:44 AM
This seems to have potential and I'll see if I don't have someone who could fit the bill here. Just one question, is it anthromorpic or plain human?

At the moment both.

And Az right now I'm in need of two deathcult  crazy types...


Quote from: Paladin Sheppard on September 10, 2006, 06:07:51 PM

And Az right now I'm in need of two deathcult  crazy types...

I'm not sure what exactly what you mean by deathcult crazy types, except literally insane death cultists... death cultist is usually a secondary or tertiary occupation.

Lets try this out...

NAME: Nickolai Alexandr Romonsky, typically Alex Roman.  Also called "Prophet" in regards to False Prophet or War, the one of the White Horse

BIOGRAPHY: Originally from an opposition military force, he attended a decent military college and achieved a mid-level officer rank. 

Growing up in a time of constant war is difficult for anyone, even the most dour and taciturn of individuals, neither of which applied to Nickolai.  He had hopes and dreams of his country persevering and he could marry his love, settling down to raise a family.  Destiny would not allow such and his world was shattered around him.  Dropped into enemy territory, his friends and comrades killed and the fires of war consuming the innocent and guilty alike, where ever he strode, war and destruction erupted, yet he survived it all.  Not without physical wounds, but those healed, it was the psychological wounds that would not.

Too much of what happened could not be coincidence he thought and over time he began to believe that he truly was The bringer of war and Apocalypse, that death was his meat and blood to be his drink.

His words spread among those that survived and more callous individuals joined him until his people ran across the established cult.  Integration was easy and he has been a operating force within it for some time, mixing military skills and prophetic doom to great effect, the followers are soldiers for the greater cause.  He has taken to the use of swords due to their elegance, the necessary image of the bringer of war and his exceptional skill.

SPECIES: Arctic fox morph, but whatever is appropriate or needed, either human or anthro

AGE: Mid-thirties or equivalent

HEIGHT:  5ft 6in

WEIGHT: 134 lbs

BODY TYPE: Light frame with small fine bones, muscle mass is wiry and he tends to focus on agility.  His military discipline keeps him in a physical training mindset.

FACE TYPE: Typical sharp features of a vulpine if retained, otherwise his features remain sharp as appropriate with the species.

COMPLEXION: Ashen skin tone as a fox

EYES: Ice blue with an occasional wild and harsh look about them.  Though at times they are serene.

HAIR: As a fox morph, he is grayish silver (white if in a sufficiently cold climate) in fur color

CLOTHING STYLE: He tends to favor functional jumpsuits and combat armor if in field operations, otherwise he dresses rather regally with a style reminiscent of 9th century Slavic nobility (classic Moldavian or your world equivalent) when in a cult capacity.  Generic dress is appropriate when travelling among normal people.

SPEAKING STYLE: Tends to be eloquent and soft spoken, but his voice carries an infectious tone and gentle manner, making him seem trustworthy and benevolent

GENERAL DEMEANOR: Soft-spoken and well-mannered.  Tends to be cheerful and pleasant.  He smiles frequently, appearing quite trusting and in turn trustworthy.  There is a lingering hitch to his demeanor that can be discovered if observed for a period of time, and it is a nagging feeling in those that meet him.   There is something wrong, something unstable and cracked behind his practiced facade.

CAREER: Previously an Intelligence Officer, now a bringer of doom, war and death... little has changed :D

PREJUDICES: Abhors lapines (if present) and has no tolerance for a specific religion or those of the religion (you'll have to fill it in, don't know what religions are found in your world).

BEST QUALITIES: Possesses strong honor, dedicated to his people and is steadfast and determined

WORST QUALITIES: Callous, the meglomaniacal bringer of doom/war/death thing, unstable

WEAKNESSES: He can overplan scenarios to the point of paralyzing himself and others if he cannot locate the clear path to take.  His authority is absolute, challenging it can make him pause allowing uncertainty into the mix.  It is difficult for him to act without a plan.

HOBBIES: He tends to like to fish and raise small pets (equivalent of cats).  He enjoys playing the piano, guitar and the equivalent of karaoke.

TALENTS: A phenomenal swordsman, he is a natural with this classic weapon of war.  He is excellent in torture methods and can do so without remorse or "humanity".  He is quite an excellent cook.

"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

Paladin Sheppard

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 11, 2006, 11:06:05 AM
How about Az Tech? :-)

*lights llearch on fire*

Oh noooes!  A box fire!  Let me toss this water on it!  *dumps gasoline on llearch*

Uh oh!  That was gasoline... can we say boom boys and girls...?

I knew you could...
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Woot! I make a lovely fire.... :-)

.. and now I'm thinking outside the box...

.. incidentally, Azlan, wouldn't the fumes be traced by the flames all the way back to the can in your hands?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Crazy= me

or Xze could be disposable..i guess...

anyways im looking foreward to this story  :mowwink

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


Maybe you'll have a use for this guy, maybe not.

NAME: Cassidy "The Wolf" Baerdin
BIOGRAPHY: Cassidy was born round a decade after the first of the nuclear wars in an area that hadn't been irradiated in the war but which had received slight downfall a few years later on. The reason for the lack of radiation was the simple fact that it had no good targets; it was simply a wilderness of mountains and forests. The scattered survivors in the wilderness made their living as best they could, which was fairly well since a good number of them had proper survival skills even before the nukes came.
His life was at times hard but it certainly was healthy and required skills that few city dwellers had, self-reliance was also important. He did begin to travel quite a bit once the general radiation level was low enough, at about the same time that people began to emerge from their bunkers and he did help out with teaching something about survival to those that needed.
Species: Human
AGE: Roughly Forty 
HEIGHT: How tall is your character?
WEIGHT: A bit above average
BODY TYPE: Lean and well-developed
FACE TYPE: Fairly chiselled, worn by a hard life outdoors.
COMPLEXION: Tanned and weather-worn. 
EYES: Firm chestnut brown eyes, can be seen as hard by some but in the way a living tree is hard rather than a dead stone. If he sees something which earns his respect a twinkle might be seen.
HAIR: Red-brown hair in a dishevelled style, usually worn short so as to not be a nuisance. A grey hair or two might be found if one has enough time to search.
CLOTHING STYLE: Rugged and hardwearing are the hallmarks of his clothing, often dirty as well. Leather and fur features fairly prominently and much of what he wears is worn and patched. He does almost always wear a good hat to keep the sun out of his eyes. His nickname comes from an old wolf-skin cloak he usually wears.
SPEAKING STYLE: Short and to the point most of the time, often his emotional state can be plainly heard.
GENERAL DEMEANOR: Gruff and rugged, someone who's not to concerned about what others think most of the time but still cares somewhat for their well-being. He seems a man who has seen a lot and lived for years out in the wilds on his own.
CAREER: Hunter, general survivalist
PREJUDICES: Has a dislike of "soft city-dwellers" and unless they prove to have some redeeming qualities (mainly showing that they can take care of themselves somewhat) he'll make sure they know he thinks they're barely worth the bother to keep alive. He's disdainful of anyone who loudly or at least very openly shows him or herself to be truly patriotic (mainly old nations), country doesn't matter to him.
-He's willing to help anyone who hasn't proven to be unreliable and dangerous survive even if it might harm himself, he simply has seen to much death caused by those that wouldn't.
-Loyal to whomever he considers a friend and will stick with someone through thick and thin if they continue to be true to him.
-Steadfast and reliable
WORST QUALITIES: Has problems concealing his emotions at times, also tends to have slight (read fairly major) problems with working as part of a team.
WEAKNESSES: Being nice and sociable isn't his thing; he tends to have problems in such situations. Major planning isn't his thing either, which might be good at times but can also be bad.
HOBBIES: Woodcarving, maintaining and repairing gear, cooking. In general his hobbies have some kind of use when it comes to surviving, although he does like studying history.
TALENTS: Has very extensive survival skills and can make use of a range of plants, fungi and animals to supply whatever is needed in the way of tools, materials and medicines. Tracking in diverse terrains is also right up his alley, comes in real handy when hunting. Capable with a few "archaic" weapons such as spears, bows and axes as well as staffs and clubs if it comes to fighting, also a good shot with most firearms. While good in a fight he's not quite phenomenal as he's not in his prime anymore.


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on September 11, 2006, 11:39:47 AM
Woot! I make a lovely fire.... :-)

.. and now I'm thinking outside the box...

.. incidentally, Azlan, wouldn't the fumes be traced by the flames all the way back to the can in your hands?

Er.... *boom*
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Paladin Sheppard


*Charles hmms*  Knowing a bit about planetology, what sort of planet size are we dealing with?  If this thing has two large moons, one of which is so large it can support life also, it is either much larger than Earth or essentially a 'double planet' in which case the two largest bodies would orbit a common center of gravity with the other smaler moons either joining in forming a complicated and likely unstable arrangement or (more likely for a stable system) orbiting far enough away to also orbit the center of gravity and not interfere with the movement of the larger bodies.  

One must also consider the complex and massive tides that would result from these arrangements.  A common center of gravity from two like-sized worlds would result in gravitational locking and a permanent tidal bulge on the side of each world, with fluctuations caused by the other moons relative to the mass and therefore the gravitational influence of those bodies.

Depending on the actual sizes and arrangements of these planetary bodies, gravity, photoperiods, seasons, atmospheric conditions, global magnetic fields, radiation belts, and volcanic activity (heavily affected by tidal stresses on planets with large companions or moons with large major planets) would be quite different and have strong influences on the types of living things present and their physiology.  For example, a planet significantly more massive than Earth would have higher gravity and thus any large naturally-occuring organisms would need very powerful musculature and a stiff and dense skeletal/exoskeletal structure.

Even short stories must pay attention to such things as incidental factors to add to the sense of 'reality'.   :3
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.

Paladin Sheppard

Ahh but thats the great thing about sci-fi or fantasy you don't have to obey reality to the letter :P


llearch n'n'daCorna


the other possibility for heavy gravity is *lighter* organisms, so less structure is needed.

Of course, that precludes "larger" organisms existing....

Besides, you're excluding the option of a triple-plant system (chances are _very_ high that it'd be unstable, in which case life wouldn't have a chance to evolve - or if it did, it would hardly be recognisable. Suggestions include hyper-evolutionary lifeforms, changing shape and requirements at whim, for example out of the Doctor series by James White) which, if you could come up with a stable arrangement, would make for an interesting layout - if nothing else, the fact that there's someone out there you can see makes for a *very* early space program. With all the attendant decisions of "do we blow ourselves up, or do we go and blow that planet up?", etc etc.

From there, things get strange very quickly :-)

I'll leave it at that, however, since we probably don't want to bore everyone else :-)
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears