what do you do...

Started by thegayhare, August 25, 2006, 01:32:41 AM

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 If you think somene in your family tried to kill you,  Or at least serously injure you?

as I was going out to my car for work today I was almost hit by a falling air conditioner from my grandmothers apartment.  missed me by a fot or two.

My mom thinks it was deliberate, and that she was realy trying to hurt me.

theres been alot of bad blood between the family and my gram for the last few years... hell once she  even tried to sell our house and then sued us when the town said she couldn't.

gram said she just brushed the window and it fell...

I don't know


I'd get a restraining order and move. :eek


In my family's old house (a double wide trailer)  we used the window hanging AC's and I remember several times that someone would bump it and it would fall out the window, we ended up putting a fence post under it as a support beam to keep it from happening.

As for whether or not your grand mother tried to kill you I don't know, I hope it was only an accident and not your grand mother going psycho.




i say GET HER BEFORE SHE GETS YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
joking...now, seriously, aren't you imagining things?
use my ultimate tool for solving problems like this: 2 chairs and some sincere talking...


I would just give her a wide bearth.  Talking to her is not going to help, as she's old, set in her ways, and will just mock you behind your back.  Anything court realated a) will cost money, and b) you will not be able to prove.  Avoiding her and her range of attack is probably the best course of action.

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


Quote from: Leafar on August 25, 2006, 12:08:58 PM
now, seriously, aren't you imagining things?
use my ultimate tool for solving problems like this: 2 chairs and some sincere talking...

won't work, we gave up talking 2 years ago shortly after the lawsuit and claims of elder abuse, and before she pushed my mom,  almost knocked her down a flight of stairs.  she goes threw our mail (we've taken to waiting for the mail man to make sure we're the ones who get it first,  since she has her own seperate box at the other end of the house), she come into our house and and gone threw our posessions.

my mom called the cops and thy think something is fishy too,  they told us in the future call them imediatly, not matter what it is, car damage no matter what.  and not to touch anything till they get there.

We are moving too.  we think thats what may have triggered this latest increase in hostilities.


For that... you might want to get a mailbox that requires keys to open, and honestly, you might want to change your locks as well.  (Changing the locks doesn't run too horribly much)

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


mmm....you have some serious problem there man...
if she refuses to reestablish a good relationship then i think nothing can be done right now...no talking...what about a agreement???cards on table just get to her and ask what she wants for you all to be ok with each other...IF still no positive results...then only one way out...act like she doesn't exist and give her what she could say ''a hell of a time'' till she sees you're no ''maid'' to be playing with...the last solution is the worse, but it can become handy since it worked for me...but remember, when there is no possibity of talking, things probably will never get solved...but regardless what you decide to do don't forget to keep your mind calm...never act when the blood is hot...


Leafer, you really obviously have never had an elderly person with a grudge against you.  They DO NOT change their minds.  Those type of people, once they get old, believe the world is their plaything, and everything should bend to their whim.  They play people off one another, and it does not matter what you say, you are ALWAYS wrong.

(yeah, we don't talk to my grandmother anymore, needless to say.  It does make things easier.)

TGH- can you get her declared legally insane?  Depending on your state, family is not responsible for paying for care in homes- it's the person's responsibility, and when they run out of money, they're sent to a place that accepts Medicare.

*edited for just-got-up spelling atrocities*

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber

topher chee

stay the hell away from them


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


If she's REALLY old, try to startle her.


Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3


I can only sort of relate to this, the only bad person in my family, ever, was my father.  He was a drunken sot, spent the family savings, abused people ... but he left quickly.  I'm rather thankful that I have the family I do because we're close and we're all eccentric, it isn't just me.  Grams and great grams (when she was alive) are gamers for example, good gamers, philosophisers, open minded and just generally fun to be around.

I'm glad the time when my father was a part of my life has passed though and that it was only so short.  If things are bad for you there, TGH, I'd definitely recommend what others here have suggested, just move away.  There are always better people to be around and living near or with nasty people like that can really discolour reality.

topher chee

you coud always file a restraining order, and if that doesnt work, stay the hell away

Castle Pokemetroid

I'd try to stay away as much as possible, and if that didn't work, I'd try ta do something back, but only if it happened at least three times. I give people chances.

But if it's real bad, I'd wait for the perfect chance.