Wish me luck Redux

Started by thegayhare, February 03, 2010, 10:37:42 PM

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Well I have a Job interview tomorrow

And I decided to look my best so I shaved my head and face laid out my interview clothes, and set my alarm.

It's not for anything major, it's a training supervisor at a air purifier factory but if I get it it'll be a steady pay check and a big enough one that I'll be able to build up a nest egg and get my own apartment.

My mom thinks it's a scam, a way to get people in there to try and fill out there sales positions. I realy hope not but if at any time they mention working on commision I'm out. I know me and I can't do sales.

Anyway wish me luck folks.

Razor burn on the top of your head with a 20 below wind chill hurts like a son of a bitch


Good luck.  Let us know how it goes...

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


The best of luck to you, sir.


More then luck...I wish you the best Hare :3



Good luck, may the money earning be with you.


Well It went okay...

It was kinda blah actually It was a group interview and when I saw that I immediately thought " Scam "

But I was the first one there, hell I even helped the guy unload some stuff from his truck so I think I made a good impression

Like I said it was a group thing, basically just him telling us what the job is and having us fill out a form and then we left.

But I've got another interview with them tomorrow morning so hey this could be a good thing

It's an assistant management trainee position. 


Good luck on the new one, then! Just don't show them your sig.
~~ Gabi a.k.a. Gliynn Starseed, APF ~~
Thanks to Silver for the yappities, and to everyone for being so great!
(12:28:12) llearch: Gabi is equal-opportunity friendly


Oh the things the average furry has to shield from those in the outside world.

Anyway TGH, best of luck.


Well I know I didn't post an update but I have some reasoning for that

While I was offered the job I turned it down after finding out that it was on a commission basis.  I would have had to preform 20 air quality tests a week.  that means I would have had to talk my way into 20 strangers homes a week and I know I cant do that

So the talk of a high monthly salery was a scam

But now I again find myself feeling optimistic.  I've just recived a phone call from a local resturaunt.  I've got an apiontment tomarrow at 10 am.

This one shocked me I applied there close to a month ago so this call hit me out of the blue.

But here's hoping.


Quote from: thegayhare on February 14, 2010, 05:33:16 PM
Well I know I didn't post an update but I have some reasoning for that

While I was offered the job I turned it down after finding out that it was on a commission basis.  I would have had to preform 20 air quality tests a week.  that means I would have had to talk my way into 20 strangers homes a week and I know I cant do that

Sounds like you did the right thing.

But now I again find myself feeling optimistic.  I've just recived a phone call from a local resturaunt.  I've got an apiontment tomarrow at 10 am.

This one shocked me I applied there close to a month ago so this call hit me out of the blue.

Good to hear.  The firm I work for managed to dither for about a month before finally deciding to hire a couple of people they'd chosen, so these things do happen.
Alternatively you might have been no.2 on the list, and their no.1 didn't quite work out.

Either way, I hope it goes well.  Let us know how it goes.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E



Well it seemed to go down well
I won't find out for a couple days though

and I think I'd do good ther

It's about half a mile closer to the house then subway so I can still walk to work
and it'll be good to get experiance in a real honest to god reasturant kitchen.  Especialy one thats not a franchise or burger place is a plus.  I think this experiance would look much better on aresume.

llearch n'n'daCorna

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