[Writing/Story] Redeyessoul - Nagahina - Godworld of Crystal

Started by Redeyessoul, February 19, 2009, 12:45:26 PM

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So here we are.  I'm reading other people's work and loving every minute of it, but I've got a lot of catch-up to do.  However in catching-up I couldn't help but want to start my own little thread of my own "little" "world".

Aloha!  The world I have begun to build is ... detailed.  Mostly I'll start with the Gods, because they embody the fabric of this work.  Hopefully I'll be able to carry across more details concerning the word in a coherent fashion, bare with me as it's a winding path of logic I follow sometimes.

All that out of the way: GODS

The "world" of Nagahina has a sci-fi fantasy mix, in that everything that works works because of a more scientific basis, and fantasy in that most of the inhabitants aren't in the know and so assume a fantastic view of things.

Case in point would be those known as Gods to the inhabitants of Nagahina.  The Gods as worshiped by most are merely more powerful, omnipresent creatures than the mortals.  They are whole planets, and the life on them.  It starts as a sort of fungus, evolving into a plethora of life, evolving into intelligent life.  The consciousness of the planet, or the God, is actually the combined personality and power of every single life form that crawls across their bodies. 

Nagahina, where most of my focus has been, is a fledgling god.  A broken world was chosen, a mostly empty rock that had been hollowed out but not completely killed by horrible tragic events that I will explain in more detail later.  The rotation of the planet stopped, burning one side and shrouding the other in darkness.  In between the two is a Twilight land where vicious beasts from the dark side can cross over to the burning side.  The dark side is mostly water, and is mostly not dealt with until later in the series.  The Burning side is the side chosen for the Seed of the Gods.  Every seed is different, and Nagahina particularly so.  It impacted the heart of the burning side and dug deep to the vast underground oceans, growing into a beautiful Tree that was comprised of all manner of trees, and from it many life forms grew.

The Seed of the Gods is normally formed over eons, creating whole new lifeforms that will break free as the Seed takes root.  But Nagahina was the culmination of many dying worlds and races, beasts from all across the stars and vast darkness were collected into it.  They were given a second chance at life.  This was a first, the seed came to be faster than any before it.

These fungus Gods, or Whe as they came to call themselves, were mostly worshiped by the inhabitants of the worlds equating to a self love if you will.  However any being of awesome power is considered a God by the peoples they generate.

Dragons are an example of this in a way.  They are the tillers of the Planets for Seed.  However they are not gods, but the Sad remnant of Destroyer gods.  Ancient over-powerful creatures who dwarf the Whe in size and in power.  In time out of memory of all but one they consumed so much of life that they themselves could no longer survive.  And much like the business men of Magrathea they chose to fall into a deep sleep, invoking powerful Magics called Locks.

These over Ancient beings still sleep as of the time of my writing this (ie as of my completion of the stories) relying on the significantly reduced offspring produced to wake them when the stars were once again rife with life, and able to support them.  The Dragons worshiped their sleeping forefathers and when the Whe came and offered them the opportunity for something a little more productive they jumped all over it, for what is a more noble cause than laboring to make the "world" ready for your Gods?

Another being that has come to call itself Godly is a creature who consumes without the caution of the Ancient Destroyers.  Though equally old this being is ... different.  Often referred to as the Malevolent One, or the Dark one this creature consumes life, making each soul it takes a part of itself, fighting off the loneliness with the skills garnered by time unknown spent studying an Obelisk.  This creature wants desperately to be all, to fill all and be filled by them.  It's greed granted it such power that it turned entire civilizations to dust, granting knowledge in exchange for souls, uncaring for the protests of mere mortals or God. 

This creature was over looked by Dragon Ancestors and Life alike until it happened upon the Whe.  This was before the Seed of Nagahina was formed, and from it the Whe learned to recover and reuse lost races at a terrible price.  The Dark One taught them many things, like what Death was really like.  The friendly and naive Whe assumed that it would be one of them, that it would help them spin life in the vast, however the Dark one turned on a fledgling Whe consuming it, and all life on it's surface.

Never before had the Whe considered the death of a creature so profoundly, and realizing that they themselves profited from the deaths of the creatures that crawled across them they felt the first pangs of guilt, rage, and revenge.  One Whe used himself all but entirely, crushing the life and power from this creature until what they assumed was death.  With no world how could it survive, they asked?

This Whe lost it's world in the process and came to be known as the Ghost Whe, for though it's world and peoples and life were gone, it remained, a consciousness that spanned across the vast without aid.  Great sadness and shame filled the Whe and they collected the peoples of Nagahina, changing them to ensure their survival on the harsh surface of the next dying world they chose.  There was much time to make up for, for each Whe was capable of creating a seed, but knowing now that enemies lurked in the vast even now they knew that stronger, hardier life need be made.

The Whe Seeded Nagahina.

Wow ... now I may have rambled a bit here and there, trying to slice up all the information I've got is hard.  Hope it's not too much writing for anyone, cause I'm gonna start working on another post in just a minute from posting this one.


Races of Nagahina are a little less ... complicated and long winded.

Each race of intelligent life can trace itself to Whe or God.  And so each being is greatly entangled in their Dogma, exceptions are the rule.

Dryads: Plant creatures who live within the reach of the roots of the Seedling.  They are of two varieties, the Weufi and the Iopaz.  The Iopaz are the supreme, they are few in number and great in power.  They wield the power and authority of the Whe and act their voice through out the world of Nagahina.  They are responsible for the spread of life across the burning waste that was the barren side of the planet.  They were created by the Whe before the Seed landed, but after the Dragons had already fertilized the ground in preparation.  The Iopaz are directly connected to the fledgling Whe and speak for it at a time when it cannot speak for itself.  They are few because they are more native to the planet than most life, and their lands are dwindling until they will happily die out when the planet is completely converted.  The Leader of this breed is known as Iopaz Dune.
The Weufi are their attendants, taking the world of the Whe to those beyond the physical reach of the Iopaz, they deal mostly with the Hewmans.

Dragons: Reptilian but not.  There are two versions of these creatures.  The Dragons that can fly and those that can't.  Those that can't were the originals created by the Ancestors, they were never meant to leave the monument or their Gods.  On Nagahina they serve as a religious connection, and a small country of them exist in the burning Desolation that is out of the reach of the Seedlings roots.  They thrive off of the burning sands, sands that catch fire and burn all others.  They are expert glassmakers. and had a hand in the making of the City of Glass.
The ones that can Fly till the land, consuming the earth and sands blasted by impurities and hate, changing it into a fertile type of land that can be used by the Seedling to grow and spread.  Each type of waste they consume changes them, thus water dragons and earth dragons are common, but all manner of dragon is only found on the outskirts of cultivated land.  The entire race will move on to another planet once every bit of the planet is usable.

Hewmen: Humans, but from another world.  They were rescued and changed after the Seeding.  Chosen by the Ghost Whe to help spread the roots of Nagahina faster and farther than any before.  Thus humans became Hewmen, hacking limbs off of the Seedling with the greatest of care and ease and taking them to the reaches of the Seedlings roots.  Over time they developed slightly different varieties.  The Conclavians are the race of Hewmen true to their original purpose, tending to the Tree and it's attendants.  They are dark skinned and powerful of limb, living in the vast canopy of the Conclave, the massive green filled crater of impact created by the Seed's landing.
Outlanders are a heartier breed of Hewmen, but shunned from the gifts of the Tree due to the Great War of Saes.  They are kept outside of the mountains that make the crater of the Conclave, they are the criminals and undesirables of the Hewmen now found life anew as the grasslands and trees spread out from Nagahina's Seedling.
Desolation Hewmen are normadic at best, with few cities that survive the harsh sands and sun of the Deslation to hide in.  They have come to live underground and interact freely with the stranger inhabitants of the world, carrying with them the single hope of the Whe.

Ratlings: A race of creatures created by the Ghost Whe to serve him as he sulked in the Desolation.  The Ghost Whe, without planet, chose to personally oversee the growth of their newest.  The Ratlings were created to build a necropolis, a monument to the Fledgling Whe lost in the battle with the Dark One, on top of it they eventually made the City of Glass.  They were one of the races charged with the keeping of the Twilight Lands.  They are to not let any hewmen pass to the other side, the Dark Side is fraught with Rot and creatures of types most terrible and strange.  They are psychic as a rule.  The first created was Epoch, and he is their High Priest and ruler of the City of Glass.

Mer and Ice Witches:  One of the few races that have some manner of origin in the PLanet before the Whe came.  The Mer live beneath the waves, controlling the waters and hunting them.  In exchange for the Whe's gift of change they keep the Hewmen from making ocean journeys to the Dark Side.  they are equated with Pirates and myth alike.  They have no love for Hewmen and never vowed any protection for them, as such they are seem as more evil than good, but are truely neutral in the grand scheme of hewmen affairs.
Ice Witches are why the Mer are seen as evil.  Ice Witches are drowned children that are changed by the Mer.  All become female (so far), and live in the few land masses in the Frozen part of the Desolation, they themselves make it this way to block off the advances of Hewmanity.  Their control of the water is so perfect that they can remove it entirely from a hewman or creature, killing them instantly.  They are also known for making crystals with great power.

Beyond these races there are the misfits.  The Children of Lumu, the animalistic inhewmanities that come from the creature known as Lumu.  They are the result of breeding with other creatures to Lumu, and as such can look like anything.  They are loosely affiliated and tolerated less and less as you get closer to the Seedling.  Lumu is the last creature created, the left overs all rolled into one large mothering beast.  Any can breed and have spawn through it, male or female, or asexual.  Lumu is missing as far as most children know.

Also the Deep Creatures.  These particular beasts are pretty terrible.  They are more ancient than any might guess, they are far less understandable than any could hope.  They lurk in the darkest places of the world and the vast.  The Mer prey on the smallest and the Deep Creatures seem uncaring about it, though their intelligence has never been in question.  They seem to cling to places fraught with the special stones of Nagahina.  Absorbing the power left in them.  They enfold others into their race through the slime they exude.  One group of Hewmen were unfortunate enough to come across them, and now slave away in the darkness of forgotten alien caves and technology, flipping switches and obeying commands never uttered.  Worshiping the Deep Creatures.

There are more but they are for another post.


My world is fairly huge ... because it covers the span of the Vastness of Space, which I usually refer to as the vast.  And some of this may seem incomplete, but I assure you at least most of what I reveal to you here has backstory to it.  However I must do some dishes and see what my work is up to, so I may need to take a little time getting to the crazy good details.  Please please please post questions and anything you got for me.  I really am trying to make everything clear and concise enough to make this into a roleplaying game as well as a possibly seven or eight book story (nine if I've got enough material, which I may by the time I flesh out enough).

Oh yes.  How the World looks now.  Well picture a bullseye.  That's the Light Side of the Planet of Nagahina.  The Center is the Tree, immediately surrounded by the most fertile and amazing life, which is enclosed by, and shares a name with, the Sanctuary Mountains.  These mountains prevent most unwelcome guests from crossing into the Sanctuary through Magical means.  Outside of this there is the Conclave, a huge chunk of land that is covered in thick canopy without break.  Here the Hewmen live in the Trees (most of them).  Royal families or ruling families as the case may be live in the Saplings, the first that were hewn from the Tree and planted.  These Saplings give great life and authority, each is different and the families that live there are as unique as their trees.

These are surrounded almost completely by the Wall or Law Mountains, creating a barreir to the outside.  Those places not inescapable or without Mountain Chain are walled up by massive structures built by the Builder (original I know) whose name is Caratacus, a hewmen.  These walls can and will open, but are closed to those coming in mostly, as most peoples outside the wall are considered criminals, even after centuries of separation.  Few Trees have started to take root outside the Law Mountains, and beyond those the Grasslands stretch far.  Here many civilizations have taken root and sprung up.  The Desolation beyond is mostly water and tundra, cold and hot, thus the Frozen and Burning Desolation.  The Burning Desolation is home to the nomad Hewmens, the Ratlings and a few insect like races that scurry beneath the sands.

The Frozen Desolation is home to the Ice Witches.  The Desolation is the best place to find Alien technology and ruins, here Some Hewmen work to unlock their secrets, but few are encouraged to do so.

The Twilight lands are a strange place, the close one gets the stranger the sky becomes.  Here the rings of Nagahina, the left overs of tragedy, become visible.  Great blue and red stretches across the sky can be seen more and more until even the baking sun cannot hide them, until the sun itself sinks forever into the twilight.  In fact the only reason the sun doesn't burn up all of Nagahina's peoples is because a part of the planet that had broken off, a moon of sorts, was repositioned by the Whe.  Now it passes in front of the sun, blocking the light for a span of half a day.  The coming of night can be observed as an eclipse, the line of darkness can be seen on the plains and great stretches of unbroken land.

The Darkside is for Another post. :mowdizzy


Slow down girl  :mowdizzy give us time to read and comment :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

The other thing you'll want to do, and fairly soon, is go looking into the rules about how to name your thread in the Tower of Art.

I'm sure you'll have noticed that all the other threads have more or less standardised naming schemes. Barring one, I'll admit, and that's because I'm not sure how to advise the owner, because it's kind of a unique thread. Apart from that one, however, all the others have a standard scheme. We'd like you to stick to it, because otherwise we mods, well, we get grumpy.

You wouldn't like us when we're grumpy...
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Terribly sorry about that guys  :B I get very excited and don't think.  Is it possible for me to edit the subject?  I will gladly after I have a look at the rules and other subjects again.

EDIT: I'm so glad that I could get it fixed I was afraid I'd have to delete the whole deal and start again to get a new topic name  :3

Sorry about the quickness.  The first post took two days to write because I'm trying to be conservative about the information I give everyone, it would be unexciting to role play in a world where all the secrets are given up someplace ... maybe ... I dunno.  So I figured a few posts would give people something to read while I pull together more information that's on a friendly side.

Ok off I go to edit the badness that is my over zealousness.


Quote from: Redeyessoul on February 19, 2009, 02:10:27 PM
Terribly sorry about that guys  :B I get very excited and don't think.  Is it possible for me to edit the subject?  I will gladly after I have a look at the rules and other subjects again.
Yup, it's very easy. When you go to edit a post, you can change the subject. Just look up at my current subject.

Also, you seem to be having fun on the whole world-building thing.

EDIT: Bingo. Looks good, Redeyes.
Erupting Burning Sekiha Hell and Heaven Tenkyoken Tatsumaki Zankantō!!
"And again I say unto you: bite me." - Harry Dresden
You'll catch crap no matter what sort of net you throw out - Me

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Quote from: Redeyessoul on February 19, 2009, 02:10:27 PM
Terribly sorry about that guys  :B I get very excited and don't think.  Is it possible for me to edit the subject? 
Sorry about the quickness. 

Just edit the topic of your first thread and calm down- noone's going to think bad of for mixing up the rules at first(when he is grumpy llearch turns into a green refrigerator crate). As for the speed- it's admirable the details you've come up with for your world, but slamming it all together into the Great Wall Of Text makes it less appealing to read. Set a posting schedule- best be one big post per day at maximum- that may there will be time for commenters to read it and respond. That of course is just a tip- the decision is yours :)


Excellent I hope this is more along what is acceptable, I have many worlds and stories written and so I will be able to utilize my awesome accumulation of knowledge in the future!

Again Apologies for just spewing all over the forums, I have plans to write out everything in separate files and checking length before I post from now on.  Scouts Honor (Mashed Potato Scouts).

World building to me is like one of the single greatest creation acts that someone can do.  Even if done poorly.  Religions have risen and gained following because someone thought that something needed to be described more fancifully.  Institutions and intuitions of all manner have been spelled out in worlds that are not our own, and spilled out into it.

Orsen Card's Speaker of the Dead is in the middle of a series of books which paint a beautiful and diverse universe filled with depth of character and life.  And all just to put forth the idea of a "better" funeral than just speaking well of the deceased.  In his book he describes a system of detective like skills put to use to tell the true story of the dead, the things that would have been forgotten with their death, to better honor them amongst the living.

And not many years after his writings did actual factual Speakers of the Dead pop up throughout the world, telling the true stories ... it's the profound effect of pure thought on the world we share.  

That's why I love it .. and why I love everyone who participates in it.  Even those who would force others to bend to the will of their "fantasies", though I don't admire their force I admire the connection they've made to something that someone put to word and paper.

My goodness the power of words just overwhelms me.  huggles for Jairus :hug You so totally rock dude ... I still have yet to read through all your work but I'm plugging away at a myriad of things all at once.   :mwaha :boogie  It's makes life very exciting.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Redeyessoul on February 19, 2009, 02:10:27 PM
Terribly sorry about that guys  :B I get very excited and don't think.  Is it possible for me to edit the subject?  I will gladly after I have a look at the rules and other subjects again.

I figured, hence why I politely suggested, instead of simply locking the thread and throwing around the banhammer.

As for the posting schedule, I feel I should point out that many of our viewers only log in once a week - of the 600 or so active users, 120 logged in in the last day, 120 in the last week, and about 60 more in the last month. Another 240 in the next five months. After that, you find all the lurkers.

Given those numbers, I'd be more inclined to post maybe three times a week, at most. If you can wait on it, posting once a week would give some of those folks a chance to participate.

Entirely up to you, though.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Absolutely!  Thank you very much for the advice!  It is overwhelming, the huge amount of crap I can produce and put down, I'll stick to a once a week schedule after this, hopefully that will give me time to clarify any discrepancies that my excited mind puts into it all.  And even Edit the previous posts I've written if I discover some new way to explain things. 

I hope things don't get all muddled, I know I don't need or want to read things a billion times just because someone changed two words here and there, so I will keep Edits of previous posts down to a minimum and again only when drastic change occurs.... then I will have reason to draw awesome attention to them :D

I loveded you Boxy!  ... you know ... As I read your post that Orbital song came on... It was funny and little creepy at the same time  :boogie :)

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Redeyessoul on February 19, 2009, 02:34:45 PM
I loveded you Boxy!

"You keep using that word. I do no' think it means what you think it means."
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears