Rate your job!

Started by franksandhotdogs, November 25, 2008, 01:52:44 PM

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How well do you like your job?

I'm a radio DJ and I give my job a "B". Radio jobs are kinda getting scarce, so I should just be happy I've got one. Some of the co-workers are great, some not so much. The music isn't always my cup o'joe, but it's helped me branch out from being just a metalhead like I used to be back in my high school days. The pay could be better, but considering my market size I'm doing pretty well. Like an old radio vet told me, "If you break a sweat doing radio, you're doing it wrong."

(Or the AC was out again like a few years ago) :rolleyes

Corgatha Taldorthar

I teach chess A-

I love chess. (The1Kobra, you never moved! I should forfiet you on time) and I do like to teach. The pay is good, the hours are easy, and I just really have to show up with some sets and rattle off stuff.

The only reason I ding it even a bit is that I teach at a private club, after normal school hours. The thing is, a lot of the kids, especially the younger ones are there because their parents are looking for an after school activity where someone will keep an eye on them. Frankly, I don't know what to do with them, and it irks me.

Fortunately they never stay all that long, and leave me with the serious students.
Someday, when we look back on this, we'll both laugh nervously and change the subject. More is good. All is better.

Ryudo Lee

I've had crap jobs in the past, so by comparison my current job is an A+.  I'm an IT support tech for the immigration branch of the Department of Homeland Security (the citizenship side, not the customs side).  I used to do tech work for a law firm, and that job was simply horrible.

Thanks to Taski & Silverfoxr for the artwork!


A- here.  I'm a software developer at an international geomatics firm.  The only reason it gets nailed with the - is that I was reassigned as a web application developer (and I wanted to work at the desktop level) and that the stuff I work on is dry at best.  Otherwise I get to write code all day and interact with some very unique coworkers and their various creations.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I work as a sysadmin for a web development company. I run something on the order of 100 odd Slackware Linux and Solaris servers, with a smattering of Redhat and Windows servers thrown in. I cover support and on-call stuff. I get to deal with people being stupid. And I get to deal with management not actually supplying anything like the support I need to actually do my job. And the co-workers not actually wanting to know anything about how the system works, and then wondering why it isn't working anymore after they broke it.

Oh, I quit a couple weeks ago.

Need I rate it?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I have never worked a day in my life. I'm a deadbeat and a bum and I love it.


I do clerical and secretarial work for a HVAC mechanical contractor (air conditioning and heating company). This boils down to filing, invoicing for completed work, and answering the phones and helping customers.

I suppose it could be worse, in that my job could involve being knee deep in literal shit rather than figurative shit. That being said, the disorganization and general haphazard nature of my workplace, as well as the fact that one talks to angry, uncomfortable people all day, means that any given day is generally unpleasant at least.

It is by no means unbearable, and any job in this economy is something to be grateful for. It is not as if this is the summation of my career goals either - and in general, unless one is very lucky, a job being merely unpleasant is something to be happy about, as it were.

In the summertime, this job is a C-, and a B in the winter.


I would rate my current position as an A-, I am the Altiris/Desktop Administrator managing a 300 client environment.  I am technically a systems administrator, just for the Desktop Support side.  I spend my days scripting software deployments, evaluating software, evaluating Deployment/Asset management solutions, and operating as tier 3 desktop support.  I work for NuVasive, Inc. a medical device manufacturer that is growing quickly in the market.  I used to be one of the Helpdesk Managers for EDS working on the NMCI contract.  That was truly horrible.
"Ha ha! The fun has been doubled!"


I would have given my job an A some months ago, now I'm not quite so sure.  I am a developer for a small software firm, one of the longest-serving employees and original author of the main product runtime.
The job has had its ups and downs, and things have been less than rosy of late, with a certain amount of bloodletting restructuring by the parent company, an ageing codebase and the product's capabilities having been oversold and also sold to customers who just want it to work with no effort on their part (it's a development tool, for crying out loud!).

Overall I've enjoyed it, I take pride in the fact that my code is the most robust part of the product suite and there is just something special about nurturing your own program from its initial conception into the future that makes it worth the hassle and relatively low pay.  That they aren't too strict about internet usage is also a perk.

Whether the fun will continue as the organisation is restructured, that we will have to see.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


I just got fired, without given a reason, on Sunday

thus i am no longer the sole income of a family of four, were just a zero income family of four..... wheee.....
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


I stock shelves.

It doesn't pay the rent, I have no chance of going anywhere in that job, and nobody there likes me (not really a surprise--nobody anywhere likes me), but other than that, people seem to be happy while not liking me, so it's not too bad.


Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?


Quote from: Rakala on November 25, 2008, 02:49:20 PM
I have never worked a day in my life. I'm a deadbeat and a bum and I love it.

*adds Rakala to the Upcoming Natural Selection Candidate list*  >:3

My lab job only gets a C now.  It would be higher if it weren't for the fact that I have no help at all anymore and sleeping on the floor twice a week so I can work later has gone from simply money-saving maneuvers to critical if I want to keep up with the workload.   Or if I got paid about $10,000 per year, which would put it at the level of my previous job (which got outsourced all those years ago in 2004... to Ireland!  Damn you Irish bastards!  They took mah job!  A-dirk-a-durr!)  :P
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Alondro on November 25, 2008, 03:51:43 PMDamn you Irish bastards!  They took mah job!

What, are you a member of the Know-Nothing Party?

Would you like a googolplex (gzipped 57 times)?

Paladin Sheppard

I'd rate my current job as a F. Quite simply because I am unable to work which means I'm stuck on the governments sucky wage.

If I could some how get over my fear of people I'd love to get back into the workforce I reeeeeealy hate been on the outside, I mean I've always held a job since 97 and I do enjoying getting out and earning my keep.


Quote from: superluser on November 25, 2008, 04:14:33 PM
Quote from: Alondro on November 25, 2008, 03:51:43 PMDamn you Irish bastards!  They took mah job!

What, are you a member of the Know-Nothing Party?

I know nothing...  :shifty

"We'll take the ni@@3rs and the ch1^ks, but we don't want the Irish!" -Blazing Saddles.   :>  (a movie that would NEVER get made today)
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Hmmmm. I'm gonna use my old job at Cosí, and I give it... a B+. Good pay, my coworkers and boss are nice, but to quote Randall Graves, "This job would be great if it weren't for the f&*king customers."
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...

Faerie Alex

I dunno...can you call being a student a "job"? If so, I say A-. Nice people and some cool classes, but it narfs my time. And I hear I have a round of hard tests coming up. (SAT, ACT, SAT II subject tests this year, and the AP US History test is on my birthday. :<)
Jeez I need to update this thing.


I'm a media specialist for the main environmental regulator in Indiana.  I like it very, very much.

Definitely an A+

You're used to flame wars with flames... this is more like EZ-Bake Oven wars.   ~Amber
If you want me to play favorites, keep wanking. I'll choose which hand to favour when I pimpslap you down.   ~Amber


I'm an assistant English teacher in JET. Most days are fun and I like the kids. And oh, do I have stories.
When I'm not officially working I still end up getting "volunteered" for various side jobs and some days I don't get home until 9:30 PM. Otherwise, I'm enjoying myself here. My set up is pretty sweet, I've never had to worry about money, and my BOE is pretty laid back and awesome.


Quote from: Brunhidden on November 25, 2008, 03:45:36 PM
I just got fired, without given a reason, on Sunday

Sounds like how a radio job is.  There's no job security in radio, especially in the past few months.  I make enough to get by, but the pay could be better.


I'm a waiter, with surprisingly higher than normal job security because my town has very few restaurants, despite being a college town.
Can't rate it yet, because I don't start till December.




No, honestly, I don't have a job. Unless you count the commissions. But even then I suck at completing them. I want to get an assistant job at a bookstore or a pet store or something really simple, but that'll come after the commissions. I just need to see what's available for a 17-year-old. It'd be cool to get a job as an assistant at Loggerhead Park, though - it's a local park that serves as a shelter for injured sea turtles. That'd be neat.


Well... Back when I had work it would have been an A.

I worked in a warehouse for an avionics repair company.  The environment was friendly and there was quite a bit of down-time.  And it was nice because I could just go and clock in when I could work, which works out nicely for an 18 unit college student.  Now because of the economy, they're not getting as much work, so I can't work there for a while.  Not officially fired or laid off, but asked not to come in until they can support it again.  Which is cool.  I know I'll have work later.


A+, because I don't have one.

I don't get money at all, because I haven't a job, I can't draw, so no commissions (I wouldn't do it anyway, It'd be requests, albeit only line art). And even if I could make money from writing commissions, still no. Too slow for that sort of thing.


I'd give my job that I quit 2 weeks ago a D instead of an F only for how freaking easy the job was. I was a manager at a Tattoo place answering the phone, scheduling appointments, and going to the store to buy paper towels and cigarettes for the tattoo artists, which accumulated roughly 1 hr of work for the 8 hr I was there. It was meant to be something to have until I found a real job but then when they doubled my hours for the same $100 a week pay I couldn't really look for a job so the purpose was kind of destroyed. Currently I'm looking for a job while making about as much money because due to travel distance I was pretty much breaking even.

Sad to hear about the situation, Brunhidden. Hope the situation changed soon.   :januscat



I work in a bakery, making and putting the finishing touches on food, then clean everything up afterwards.

Easy job, good pay but my co-workers and boss lack in awesomeness. Most times, I never speak a word while on shift..with more social and intelligent co-workers it'd boost up to an 'A' but that'll probably never happen.

  Adjusted to not use smileys.
    -- llearch


I used to work as an IT tech, mostly for multinationals, and in general, I can rate this type of job as being only an F- at best  :U
Now I'm a student a gain, health department, Physiotherapy: A+ *wiggles* :3


Book Store.

Seriously, it's amazing. o -o;
It's not like a Barnes and Noble, and the only way to describe it is "Every employee knows, and is friends with, every other employee"

It's become not so much a job, as it's become "Hang out with your friends for 8 hours, whilst helping customers with their literary needs"

PLUS, the zoning board people showed up, saw the porn section, and were all "IOAEOHB D:< WE GONNA RECLASSIFY THIS AS AN ADULT BOOKSTORE HURHURHUR"

So TECHNICALLY I can say that I've been working in a porn store since I was 16. xD
I'm 18 now, so I'm allowed to keep my job, but still.