2014/01/20 [Matilda #44] Mission Accomplished?

Started by Howl, January 20, 2014, 03:32:27 AM

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Hasn't it been speculated that this is what she was going for? Either way, we already know what ultimately results from this.


Either way this is a really interesting development, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it impacts Matilda. 

Also really like the design of the elder lady, those piercings are really rad.
You have my permission not to love me; I am a cathedral of deadbolts and I'd rather burn myself down than change the locks.

My scribbles: http://lorien077.deviantart.com/


Interesting development.

I wonder what that means overall for Matilda and her sister?
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


I'm just going to up and say...

Quote from: Riddle78 on January 14, 2014, 05:21:35 PM
I can't help but agree with Matilda's train of thought. Looking at the fundamentals of her society,she has very real grounds to have done what she did. The purpose of the male is to provide and protect,but when one particular male cannot,or will not,do one or both? Sure,what Matilda is unprecedented,but the Blue Volcano Mythos seem to value strength quite highly,and already hold a low opinion of women...

Certainly the fact that Matilda's a woman would colour their view on the matter,but the fact remains that,to their perceptions,she succeeded in tearing off her brother's arm,and subsequently bludgeoned him to death with it. That's strength,and now Matilda's defending her "deed" how I'd assume a male would. They might make her an honorary male,just so they can exile her with honor (or somesuch) intact,rather than just execute her or punish her in...Other ways.

Called it.

More on topic though,I wonder what they'll do now,since the elder is now,at the very least,considering the notion of recognizing Matilda as a male of the species,and how her sister will be treated in relation to this. Furthermore,I wonder how the tribe as a whole will react to the proceedings as a whole. If the tempers are as fiery as we've been led to believe,I sense civil war in the future. Or maybe even extinction of that particular breed. It is quite an upheaval of their culture,after all...


I can't help but wonder if Matilda is going to be banished for being an 'abomination'; being considered a male soul in a female body.  Then again they don't have much concept of the outside world, perhaps she'll end up being forced to flee into an unknown space after being ostracized (perhaps violently).   
You have my permission not to love me; I am a cathedral of deadbolts and I'd rather burn myself down than change the locks.

My scribbles: http://lorien077.deviantart.com/


I wonder if the Historian may be more aware of the situation than he's letting on - he must've known about the way much of the tribe saw Heshi, and perhaps was aware of similar situations having happened before. Also, he did note that the Kissriss sitting before him is a marked departure from her normally cheerful self. Perhaps he is extending her what mercy he can within the boundaries of their culture.

I am curious as to why Mishrik didn't encourage Heshi to go out and challenge the others - unless he didn't know that Heshi was refusing all challenges? He obviously had great faith in his son's capabilitiy.

Jasae Bushae

Hmm....The way he worded that really makes me think something like this has happened before....Really really long ago in another tribe really really long ago
I might be a hack writer but thats no reason not to Enjoy writing anyways

Zebra Bug

Huh. 'Soul of a male', I didn't see that coming, but I should have. It makes a lot of sense. Genius really. I wonder if Matilda was planning for it. I love the elder's mate's piercings. She looks awesome.

Boy. I took you out of this world and put you back into it. Don't make me try to repeat step one. -Kria

Jigsaw Forte

It's quite remarkable how some of the most conservative cultures who have rigid gender roles also accept the idea of transgender individuals with equal veracity -- and a whole heap better than some "modern" ones.

(For the RL equivalent, see Iran. Yes, THAT Iran.)


In a male-dominated tribal culture, we have a female with the soul of a male...

I know of at least one other case of this happening:

...although in the case of Natani, we ended up with a confused (but fascinating) character.
Lots of differences, of course, but both Matilda and Natani have a lot of pain that they hide from everyone around them.
This story is getting better all the time.

Grey Wolf

Many cultures have actually been pretty chill with binary transfolk. A sizable number have treated non-binary transfolk just as well.

'Course, Matilda seems to identify as female so this appears to be an unfortunate case of "Oh, you don't fit within our rigid standards for X gender? You must Y."

I wonder if this means that a blue volcano mythos who is presumed to be female at birth has to kick a cismale's arse to prove he's a dude? And how does a transwoman in this culture make it clear she's a lady? (I'm not even gonna ask about other genders 'cause hoo boy...)
Warning: This forum goer is prone to bouts of logic, and has a dry sense of humor.


Quote from: Grey Wolf on January 21, 2014, 08:43:43 PM
And how does a transwoman in this culture make it clear she's a lady? (I'm not even gonna ask about other genders 'cause hoo boy...)

Most likely they go the way of Heshi... Looking at his name it might accidentally imply that already.

In a culture such as this males who identify as female probably would be hesitant about fighting, and that hesitation might lead them to be killed in fights by more aggressive males.  Or simply be regulated to Omega status by there nature.  The ones that survive to adult hood would be seen as week males and possibly ostrisized leading to depression and possible suicide