Anime convention

Started by LoneHowler, May 22, 2007, 02:23:37 AM

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Because I don't have ambers e-mail I'll have to post my opinion here
Go! you will have allot of fun. I was just at Otafest(Calgary's anime convention) this long weekend and had a blast. I've heard noting but awesome about Anime North, if I had the funds I'd hop on a plane and go.
perhaps once we've hooked you on conventions we can get you to cosplay. even more fun than just attending, even if it means being glomped by fan girls and guys, the girls I can do without the guys was nice
Yes I know I'm a horrid speller queen of typos but dang it, I'm trying to get better
MY warp aci crappy photoshop I wish I had my tablet working
My Yappty thanks Silver :)
(hmm my sig needs updating. eeeeeh I'll do it later 07/29/06)


Anime cons are fun, as long as you don't end up at one where they pick on you for not doing a perfect cosplay, as well as being rude and obnoxious in general. :P (note: don't go to Sugoicon). I went there twice and it never went well.


Anime Expo in California is always fun.  I go every year, as does Man-Faye.  I wish I'd been able to photograph him last time. >_<


Everyone needs to get away from things once in a while. Anime North is way out of my range, but I hope to be at Animazement this weekend. Enjoy yourself at the convention Amber and for the weekend forget the comic exists.

:mowdizzy Look into the mow eyes. There is no comic.  :mowdizzy


Anime North is fun, certainly one of the best cons this side of the border. The events are pretty good and the dealer room is always a nice place to hang out. I can certainly say that no one will pick on you if you don't do a perfect cos play. If you're driving, the location is well away from any significant Toronto traffic, though by most standards there is still quite a bit. The only real mood killer is the ungodly long line you have to wait in if you didn't pre order a weekend pass. As for selling stuff, you unfortunately needed to register for that in advance.

Amber Williams

The situation at the time is like theees.

I got invited literally last Sunday during RP.  One of the guys was like "Hay Amber.  There is a convention this next weekend and our group lost a person.  So we have an extra spot in the car/room that you can freebie on if you want to go. And since you draw gud gud, you can probably sit and chill with us in artist alley since we already reserved a table."

So I'm under the impression that other than registration (oh god the liiines D: ) and feeding well as buying stoof, I have more or less a freebie spot in things.  However I don't know the details of this con so I might just end up in some lobby drawing random doodlings.

I'm not sure the size of this con...honestly thats what scares me the most.  Anthrocon is considered ZE BIG furry con, and it only boasts around 2,000 attendees.  I'm not quite sure what Anime Norths numbers are.

The carpool intends to head out way early Friday morning and to try to get to the con just before if not around opening time Friday.  Either way I expect a good chunk of time being me sitting and waiting at the registration line.  Hoo ha!

Honestly, for me a con isn't so much the events that are offered so much the people that are around me.  If there is peeps talking and joking with me who I can doodle things for, I feel much happier than even attending a dozen panels and seeing dozens of nice cosplayers.


I'm not sure if US anime cons are anything like the one I go to in Sydney each year, but I can promise that they're always fun. There's heaps of stuff to look at, and many horrible cosplays to mock (well, that's my impression of how it goes in the US... Aussies rarely make fun of each other, meh). If you're good at judging character and knowing which ones are not the bizarre freaks who will hunt you down afterwards, you can meet some pretty cool people. Whenever I go to Animania, I always end up on missing out on panels I want to go to because I get stuck chatting with people. XD


Here, I was messing around on youtube, and looked up "anime north". Found this:

Cool... I guess... Lots of ebil people  :<


Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.

Well, after the newsbox posts, I can't really imagine that there WON'T be any DMFA fans around to get some goodies.  :3
So the chance of being a lump seem rather small to me  :mowsmile


I wonder if anyone will be going there just because you'll be there...


Quote from: stiletto on May 23, 2007, 11:06:13 AM
I wonder if anyone will be going there just because you'll be there...

There's likely to be a few who were on the fence about going, who decide to come along if they find out Amber's going to be there.  At least according to the LoAs. 


Although it's already been decided, I figured I'd pop out of lurk mode and use my first post to provide a bit more info. :)

Last year I was put into a situation strangely similar to Amber's, though I had a bit more time to decide. I was reluctant on going, as the only Anime I ever watched was Azumanga Daioh (though now I also watch Suzumiya Haruhi. :B) I'm obviously not an otaku, but a gamer. I was pleasantly suprised at the amount of gaming events being held, and a tournament for Super Smash Bros Melee won me over, though I quickly found I was too late to sign up. :censored

That YouTube video doesn't show a whole lot of the con. Last year Anime North had around 12,000 in attendance, using most of the Toronto Congress Centre and I think the first three floors of the adjacent Doubletree Hotel. The Congress Centre was used mostly for the Dealer/Artist tables, and some open areas for presentations, and card games. The Doubletree was used for rest; Panels, Videos, Video/RP Games, ect.

As for me, I'm going again this year, again because of the Super Smash Bros tournament. >:3 And while I'm excited about the possibility of meeting one of my favorite artists, I'm also an antisocial nut lacking the confidence to go say 'hi.' :baghead


I need to go to more fun cons, Anime North would be nice but I can't afford that far of a trip.
A new con in Bowling Green, KY called Daigacon was great fun.  Very, very tiny, but that made it better in my opinion. Everyone was very cool, the con dance was fun...good stuff. :)  I hope they have another, but unfortunately they barely broke even. :P

I went to Anime Central was okay, but it was a little too huge and hectic for me.  Not very well organized. :P I think it got too big for its own good.

There's some different cons that I have heard about that are good (Anime Punch, Anime Reactor), but haven't had the chance to attend yet.


Quote from: Amber Williams on May 23, 2007, 12:56:18 AM
I'm not sure the size of this con...honestly thats what scares me the most.  Anthrocon is considered ZE BIG furry con, and it only boasts around 2,000 attendees.  I'm not quite sure what Anime Norths numbers are.

Well, Furry cons are a bit different than anime cons and the like. Furry cons tend to be more orientated towards meeting other furs that you've talked to online and sometimes... um... [Censored]

Anime cons, like sci-fi cons, game-cons, and whatnot, are more about a one-stop-shop for stuff related to the con. As far as I know, most people don't go to Trekkie conventions to meet other Trekkies that they've talked to online. They're there to show off their stuff, buy, sell and trade things related to the topic, and maybe do special events. On the surface it looks the same, but there's a lot less socializing, from my understanding.

Smaller sizes benefit furry cons because if there was 50,000 people there, how would you find your friends? Hard enough at AC the few times I've been there.

Larger sizes benefit other cons because that means there's a better chance you'd be able to find that First Season Replica Hand Phasor you've always wanted.


Have fun Miss Amber

*nod nod*


mind the otaku funk!  :P

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Hm, Any DMFA fans bringing cameras? I would love to see some pics of Amber sketching, as well as any other interesting things at this con.


Pasteris.ttf <- Pasteris is the font used for text in DMFA.