2014/06/23 - [DMFA #1497] Adverbs!

Started by McKathlin, June 23, 2014, 02:29:57 PM

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Those are definitely adverbs, modifying a verb. And how!

It sounds like when Dan told Matilda what happened, he downplayed his involvement with Kria. This is understandable, since he was ashamed of what he did.

Kria, on the other hand? Owns it.

According to the flashback we see in #1205, it looks like a closer description to the truth than "almost made out" or "totally made out" would be "started to make out"...what do you call it when you link a conjugated verb phrase with an infinitive verb phrase?
"My wisdom is slightly higher than my stupidity." ~Lawenia


Well, Dan was a 'cubi "in the moment". I suppose more might have happened than he even remembers.


Either more happened than Dan remembers or wants to admit to, or Kria has found a way to completely mess with her Daughter and is going to milk it for all it's worth.  Either way, I find it hilarious.


i think that Dan downplayed what happened.. from the [comic], it would seem dan almost went way past "making out".. given where we see him there, i'd say that kria is being totally truthful here.


QuoteI expect years from now I will look back on DMFA and view this stage of my artistic career as the "derp-grump face phase." Then again, I am the type of person who never really gets tired of derp faces. I loves them. LOVES THEM.

And I loves them too.  Hilarious.  :D

I have nothing more profound to say on this comic, so I'll just point out that Matilda may be incoming and there is potential for more derpface.  Hehehe. 

Madd the Sane

Hmm, Matilda likes what she's hearing. Sneaky taur with a smiley face...
Get out of my mind, idea!  I already have an idea in here!
Don't you hate it when you have an idea, don't write it down, and forget it?


Quote from: Madd the Sane on June 25, 2014, 02:48:01 AM
Hmm, Matilda likes what she's hearing. Sneaky taur with a smiley face...
Wow, you're right. She is Smiling. Didn't see that at all. Them's good eyes you've got there. Or a ridiculously large monitor.
Strangely, I feel a lot better now.... :)


if matilda knows about what happened at the party, you think dan tried to explain why it happened? a few pages from now we might see matilda explaining her understanding of Cubi [lack of] emotional control..


Quote from: mithril on June 25, 2014, 12:25:58 PM
if matilda knows about what happened at the party, you think dan tried to explain why it happened? a few pages from now we might see matilda explaining her understanding of Cubi [lack of] emotional control..

I would assume so, since trying to fix that is the reason he's decided to go to SAIA.  Given the lines in 1221 I would say that's almost certainly the case.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on June 25, 2014, 01:27:36 PMGiven the lines in 1221 I would say that's almost certainly the case.
Thanks for that. I knew there was a page which established that he'd told Matilda somewhere and there it is. How cute is Matilda there!