Dat Bunny Be Trippin... Aftermath

Started by thegayhare, May 27, 2014, 09:15:19 AM

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Hi all

Just a little notice that I might not be around much for the next 3-4 weeks

Bunny is leaving for a bit,  boarding a buss to spirit me away to a magical land of blue foxes....

Thanks everyone and I hope to hear from you all again real soon

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks Llearch

It's almost been a week since this little bunny left home,

Three and a half days on the bus and three and a half days at my boys.

The bus ride wasn't too bad,  lots of beautiful country to see,  and I was able to finally read the whole run of hit man comics,   I also worked through several audio books.  But it turns out I did make a mistake in my packing I packed this big old car battery booster I figured since you can run appliances off its 9 volt socket it'll make a great portable recharge for phone,tablet and player...  Yeah it worked but all the greyhound buses also had wall sockets at every seat.  Also the seats arnt designed for big and tall people.

And now I'm here with my foxy,  it's nice and we are having a good time I'm cooking him dinner tonight the poor lad lives off prepackaged instant foods.   It's down right appalling.  But I will admit things might not be going as well as I hoped.   There was no instant coming together kiss kiss hug hug...  But then I never expected that.  We aren't sure what to do now,  sad to say it's been over 2 years since we last saw one another like this.  So we are still in that does it still work phase of things.  So far we've been playing vidya games and watching tv.   The bastard showed me an ep of game of thrones and now I have to go back and watch the damn. Thing.   I was hopping if I ignored it I wouldn't wind up with another addiction


Quote from: thegayhare on May 27, 2014, 09:15:19 AM
Hi all

Just a little notice that I might not be around much for the next 3-4 weeks

Bunny is leaving for a bit,  boarding a buss to spirit me away to a magical land of blue foxes....

You rang? :P


Quote from: CubiKitsune on June 05, 2014, 07:00:19 PM
Quote from: thegayhare on May 27, 2014, 09:15:19 AM

Bunny is leaving for a bit,  boarding a buss to spirit me away to a magical land of blue foxes....

You rang? :P

God I wish... This whole trip was a huge mistake...

I should have known better.


Oh no :C I'm sorry it didn't go so well.


I should have known better I really should

He wouldn't eat with me,  I made a nice dinner, plated it out, set it at the dinner table.  He picked up his plate and ate infront oh his computer instead.  He ignores me all day, plays video games and says maybe all of 10 sentences in a day.  I've been sleeping on the floor with my dirty laundry as a pillow for a week now and I find he has a folding cot in his closet with out him telling me,  atleast he gave me a blanket on the 3rd day.  I've offered to take him out,  but he says no let's stay in and then more awkward silence.  Plus I've found every birthday gift, christmass present, valentine's day package, and I was just thinking of you token I ever gave him crammed into the back of a closet, all of it unopened and unused, even the freaking candy and food.

I'm done, I'm out, this is poisonous.  It's already taken my self worth behind the shed and bludgeoned it with a shovel.  I have to get out of here,  I'm paying the 20 dollars fee and moving my return trip up.  Tomorrow I'm cleaning the whole apartment taking back the nice stuff I game him and scampering.  He'll come home to an empty apt, and I'll be long gone.


Quote from: thegayhare on June 06, 2014, 01:57:24 PM
I should have known better I really should

He wouldn't eat with me,  I made a nice dinner, plated it out, set it at the dinner table.  He picked up his plate and ate infront oh his computer instead.  He ignores me all day, plays video games and says maybe all of 10 sentences in a day.  I've been sleeping on the floor with my dirty laundry as a pillow for a week now and I find he has a folding cot in his closet with out him telling me,  atleast he gave me a blanket on the 3rd day.  I've offered to take him out,  but he says no let's stay in and then more awkward silence.  Plus I've found every birthday gift, christmass present, valentine's day package, and I was just thinking of you token I ever gave him crammed into the back of a closet, all of it unopened and unused, even the freaking candy and food.

I'm done, I'm out, this is poisonous.  It's already taken my self worth behind the shed and bludgeoned it with a shovel.  I have to get out of here,  I'm paying the 20 dollars fee and moving my return trip up.  Tomorrow I'm cleaning the whole apartment taking back the nice stuff I game him and scampering.  He'll come home to an empty apt, and I'll be long gone.

Okay, I missed something. Who is this guy?

EDIT: Nvm, I looked at your old posts.


Sorry to confuse CubiKitsune

It's weird as soon as I decided to leave I felt 100 percent better.  And once I got on the bus last night I felt rather happy.


Hi hi all.

Well I thought I'd give a run down of my trip. Since I'm half way into the bus ride home... And face to face with a 13 hour layover in Indianapolis. 

First off while still not the most comfortable means of travel bus travel isn't all bad.  Most of the buses on this run had individual outlets at each seat for phone, tablet, and mp3 charging as well as free wifi on the bus and in terminal.  So it's not nearly as dull as it used to be.

Colorado itself was nice,  my daily walks showed me many wonderful places in the small town of sterling.  Pluss I got to see many wild bunnies frolicking.   And the people were really nice.  Hell as I fled the town and got hopelessly lost one residents even gave me a lift to the station no questions asked.

Heck even where I was staying wasn't all bad.  It was a much needed vacation away from my folks.  And there was a sweet x box one to keep me entertained.  But I could have done all that at home and for much cheaper.

I do feel a little guilty over how I left.  Sneaking out in the middle of the afternoon while he was asleep.  But since it's been a day and a half since then with no response from him.  I'm left to conclude he hasn't noticed I'm gonna or doesn't care.   For my part I just wanted to avoid a possible confrontation.

So I will say I had fun,  in fact overall most of the trip was entertaining the only parts I didn't like were the part that was the whole focus of the trip.   I won't write out a laundry list of what went wrong (well anymore then I've already written)

In conclusion let me say I'm happy to be returning home to a kitty that's sleeping on my bed, and a dog who missed me so much he ran away and started to walk up and down our usual walking route to see if I was there

llearch n'n'daCorna

That's terrible that you had such a poor reception there - after all your efforts. :-( I'm glad you feel better about it, though. That's the important thing.

And, y'know, you'll find someone. Maybe not soon, but you will. Just take it day by day, and keep looking after yourself - after all, we wouldn't want you to get your dog depressed by not giving him walks, now, would we? ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks Llearch I'm feeling good now that I'm home.  I got in yesterday.

The fact that I was 2 days into my trip home before the fox noticed I was gone says alot for how I was received in think.

One last update...okay I take back every nice thing I ever said about greyhound buses.  Now they decided since I changed my departure time to screw with me.  They let me board the bus in CO and ride to Indianapolis for the standard schedule  fee.  But even though there was room on the bus they told me I had to wait for the next schedule making a 2 hour layover into a 14 hour one.  Because of this I fell asleep and some one started to go through my stuff.  Luckily I woke up and they only made off with my mp3 player and 22 gigs of books.

Well this pissed me off but nothing to do about it.  My glasses where off so I didn't see the guy and he went right out the door. Cops said nothing they could do so bleh

That sucked but I eventually got on the next bus and I still had my phone and tablet.  About 16 hours later, around midnight,  however the bus broke down between Pittsburg and phillydelfia.  We pulled over at a turnpike survive plaza, one oh those places withe 3 mini restaurants, a convenience store and a ton of bathrooms.  We were told we'd be there for 4 hours while they sent us a rescue bus.  I sat next to the driver and waited, she was sleeping and at 2am I must have dozed off too because next thing I remember it was 4 and some one was shaking my shoulder saying "hey your bus left 15 minutes ago"

the wonderful staff at the plaza went all out to help me out.  They told me what happened, about how once the bus arrived she took off with out checking with any one no announcement was made nothing,  and I had been sitting right next to her and she knew I was a passenger since I'd asked a number of questions while we waited he'll I even offered her a pillow.  I spent 22 hours at that rest stop.  There was nothing I could do.  I had 2 dollars to my name,  I was on a turnpike and it illegal to walk on those with it being a 6 hour walk to the nearest town and bus station.   Several calls by me to customer service had them telling me it was my fault and I was sol. Now the staff of the plaza tried helping and on a bus was supposed to stop at 7am.   I saw that bus to, it blew by at 60 miles an hour, finally we eventually convinced them to pick me up but as I said I'd been there for 22 hours.

The last bit of my bus he'll was i had a piece of checked luggage.  That was still on the original bus.  Since it was tagged I was told it would have been taken ahead and would be waiting in Maine.  I checked at every station and was told the same thing.  I get to maine its not there.  Yeah kinda expected I give them my number and we he'd home.  I get home to find a message on the answering machine.  They called my house 5 minutes after I walked out of the station to tell me it was there.  It's an hours drive to the station.


The folks think I should file claims with the better business bureau and department of transportation

llearch n'n'daCorna

I think your folks have a point. That sucks, Bunny. That really sucks. :-(
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on June 15, 2014, 08:20:20 PM
I think your folks have a point. That sucks, Bunny. That really sucks. :-(

Yeah I'm constructing my letter now,  and I'm also writing a letter, (and big batch of my super fudgey brownies) for the employees at the service plaza. 
I'm gonna thank them, tell them how much I appreciate there help and ask if they'ed be willing to send me letters with there accounts of what happened.

I've already replaced my mp3 player,  Its a sansa but a slight downgrade with only 4 gigs interal hard drive but since I'm slapping rock box on with a 32 sd that wont matter,  and as a 2 for 1  the ebay deal I found came with a sansa c250,  Its an even older model with 2 gigs, but it'll be great for a room player and back up