2013/08/28 [DMFA #1423] - Let sleeping Kria be

Started by killpurakat, August 28, 2013, 12:39:04 AM

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I'm wondering if this will turn out bad for Kria... or be hilarious and tick off Mehlata, because that's just Kria's style. :)

Wonder if Kria would be described as "sleeping like the undead" right now...


Actually, since they don't have to eat, now I'm wondering if the undead need to sleep.  :erk


I can't help wondering if Kria going to be a light sleeper and might catch Mehlata mid gloat or something?

When it's Kria, you can never really tell who's going to get hurt and who is going to be endlessly embarrassed....except Lorenda, she's a given to be embarrassed.

Heck, Kria might have had this all figured out and is knowingly playing with Mehlata now. You just can never tell with Kria. That's what makes her awesome. :)
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


I don't see this ending well for Mehlata, considering what happened the last time someone snuck up on Kria ; something, something, let sleeping demons lie?
'It'd be such an honour, to be personally smacked upside the head by the artist herself' - Bjalf


Speaking as both a martial artist and as someone who grew up in a... very unsavory location... I can attest that I am at my most dangerous when trying to wake me up, because I don't quite have the consciousness yet to control to restrain the combination of survival instinct and trained reflex.

When you have dedicated over half your lifespan to training, building muscle memory and reflexes designed to keep you alive in what can only be described as 'hostile territory', and having plenty of experience in being attacked while attempting to sleep, it is also that training which is necessary to recognize when not to use those reflexes, and restrain their use. However, that generally requires conscious thought, which doesn't generally occur until after my first caffeine unit.

I would expect no less from Kria. Judging from her response to the 'most stealthy' agent (hopefully not former agent, but that was a rather large hole in the wall), I doubt this is going to go as Mehlata plans.



I think this chapter is my favorite so far. However, I can't decide which part I want to see more of, the clan leader meeting or the Island of the Undead. Just when I get to liking what scene the comic is  concentrating on, Amber switches scenes. Arrgh. I do hope nothing untoward happens to Kria, though, because she is one of my favorite characters and is so dang entertaining. "Let's go fly a sheep" I'm still laughing at that one. Yes, Kria looks cute snoozing through 'class' but most things look innocent when sleeping--- and Kria is no exception. *NOISE Kria looks up annnnd the scene shifts to Zezzuva being pranked by Dimanika in a very entertaining way. Can't make my mind up which one I want to concentrate on!!!
Make the wrong things difficult, and the right things easy. Notice the smallest change and the slightest try and reward him.
----Ray Hunt


Quote from: Wdot on August 28, 2013, 10:35:06 AM
I think this chapter is my favorite so far. However, I can't decide which part I want to see more of, the clan leader meeting or the Island of the Undead. Just when I get to liking what scene the comic is  concentrating on, Amber switches scenes. Arrgh. I do hope nothing untoward happens to Kria, though, because she is one of my favorite characters and is so dang entertaining. "Let's go fly a sheep" I'm still laughing at that one. Yes, Kria looks cute snoozing through 'class' but most things look innocent when sleeping--- and Kria is no exception. *NOISE Kria looks up annnnd the scene shifts to Zezzuva being pranked by Dimanika in a very entertaining way. Can't make my mind up which one I want to concentrate on!!!

I dunno about you, but I am more interested in what will happen to Chazore and if there were any really close calls about Abel and/or Jyrras fining out about her presence. Especially so if Wildy is the one to spot her first, or funnily enough, the last to notice the Rainbow-Splashed, Color-Enhanced Vigilant Stalker!


Based on this, Kria is good at knowing things while letting others think that she doesn't know.  After all, sleeping is the ideal way to postpone the boring stuff and get on to the enjoyable stuff.  (destruction and mayhem)
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.