Let's play Ancient-PC!

Started by Rowne, September 01, 2006, 09:47:27 AM

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Oh, there's a good 3D maze-type game for DOS called "Get Lost!", but unfortunately I can't find the registered version. Not that there aren't quite a few mazes in the unregistered version.

(also, I have a bit of a beef with cdos.org, what with it's recent (as far as I know) introduction of nagging anyone who doesn't use firefox EVERY SINGLE TIME you load a page, telling you how it's incompatible, despite the fact it works JUST FINE for me. I swear they also bombard IE users with popups on purpose. IE blips me a few times because it had to block 2 or 3 at a time.)


anyone remember a game calle LHX attack chopper... It might not be considered that old but it was a fun chopper sim

I had one girl at school who kept getting mad at me fo shooting camels with hellfire missles.

But if you realy want to know what I miss, those old text based adventure games


I can't blame CDos for promoting Firefox but they should promote K-Meleon, Galleon and loads of other non-IE browsers too.  They're likely just doing it for the safety of the internet.

I doubt I'll be able to find that Get Lost! one, the name is a bit vague to do any skillful searching of.

Oh and TGH, I have indeed heard of that game.  In fact, a recent PC Zone issue reviewed the budget version.


Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 01, 2006, 10:23:34 AM
Haven't heard of those, but there's one game that constantly stands out in my mind -

Zone 66. Once you bend to its will and do everything it tells you to do (which can be hard), it's pretty much the fastest running, best looking game that can be played on a 386... To my knowledge.

ZOMG, I was addicted to the demo of that...  D:


If it helps any, Get Lost's "company" is "Tom Bombadil's Software Emporium and House of Curiosities".

I THINK I can grab the shareware version from the original site via archive.org, but other than that, nothing.


Oh my, you do know of some really obscure stuff, don't you Aridas?  I respect that because knowledge of obscurities is something that I admire, it's something that not many people know of.  Unfortunately, that makes such games hard to find, though.  It's not on any of the sites that I know of and I've done some extensive poking around the 'net and turned up ...not a thing.

I'll keep poking, though.  I might get lucky.



Zone 66 had some of the most impressive music of any old game. The intro cut scene still sticks with me to this day, too.

I hated Battlespire. It got released right at the worst time of gaming, when certain games wouldn't run on the new releases of operating systems (I think Windows ME was being pushed), and it was a time when 3D graphics were "the thing" to do despite looking really shoddy compared to the time tested and beautiful 2D alternative. The daedra girls were hot though, and it had more legitimacy to the world lore than, say, Redguard.


Quote from: Rowne on September 01, 2006, 12:25:05 PM
Of course, if you like Warhammer 40,000, one has to wonder and even ask; do you also enjoy Space Crusade / Space Hulk?
I'll stop now or I fear you'll end up beating me with a heavy object to make me stop.  <.<

I rather enjoyed Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels, but I didn't get to play it much until very recently when I discovered my boyfriend has a 3DO and a copy of it. Something about splattering Genestealers into nice gooey bits really gets to me.   >:3

The first time I played it, I didn't have a clue about what I was doing, and ended up immolating myself.  :B
Quote from: Netami on September 01, 2006, 07:39:32 PM
I hated Battlespire. It got released right at the worst time of gaming, when certain games wouldn't run on the new releases of operating systems (I think Windows ME was being pushed), and it was a time when 3D graphics were "the thing" to do despite looking really shoddy compared to the time tested and beautiful 2D alternative. The daedra girls were hot though, and it had more legitimacy to the world lore than, say, Redguard.

Yeah, the stupid VESA crap it used caused me problems back in the day, and is the primary reason why DOSBox can't really run it. Blah.

As for the daedra girls...yeah, they are pretty sexy. :3

I never did get to play Redguard, so I wouldn't know about how well it fits into TES lore.  Never could find it anywhere. :P


I just wanted to put another thanks in to Rowne, primarily, for getting me into this really >> Installing Space Hulk in DOSBox as I type. Chaos Gate seems to be screwy, but i'll mess with it some.


Seraline: Speaking of immolation, I'm not sure whether you're citing it directly but you've just highlighted one of the joys of gaming there: flamethrowers.  I always find much more joy in a game when I have such a weapon at hand.  I admit that on some carnal level, this was one of the reasons I enjoyed SiN.  That and the heavy-gunners, whilst on fire, did not run around screaming too much and they tended to bark "Put me out, NOW." at their minions, which always amused me.

It's almost certain that when I get my grubby paws on Team Fortress II, I'll playa Pyro first.  Just so I can go nuts with the flamethrower.  Thankfully, I'm not an idiot with a flamethrower so I tend not to set team-mates on fire when I play games that have them.  I do go kind of batty though, especially if the flamer has the people flamed running around and flailing their limbs pointlessly, bumping into other people and sending this off on a domino effect of gruesome proportions.

Again, with flamethrowers, I think that's why I actually stuck with Neocron as opposed to playing it too much.  That and the fact that I was the Hermit of Zone 51.  I guy who lived out in an abandoned military base in the middle of nowhere and frequently chased off radioactive dragons with a gigantic flamethrower, that was always funny.  I even had one person mistake me for an NPC once, due to how much I hung around there.  It was so much more entertaining than the city itself.

So yes, I'll stop talking about one of my favourite FPS weapons now and draw this to a close.  I really think though it's because I like unique guns.  Bullets just aren't that appealing to me, sure they're functional but they're not all that amusing or entertaining.  Now flamethrowers can be but still, I haven't seen weapons that have yet outdone those in Duke Nukem 3D.  The shrinker and the icer were about the best guns ever put in a game.


Quote from: Rowne on September 02, 2006, 07:37:02 AM

So yes, I'll stop talking about one of my favourite FPS weapons now and draw this to a close.  I really think though it's because I like unique guns.  Bullets just aren't that appealing to me, sure they're functional but they're not all that amusing or entertaining. 

Does giving an entire enemy team the plague count?  :) Had that happen to me only once, great feeling. I think it was in Well.


That's oddly humourous, too.

It's like the needles in The Ship, they're fun for both the hunter and the prey.  The hunter gets money (yay, money!), the prey gets to run around and randomly throw up on people, for their own amusement.  It's a win-win situation.


The best part of that is infecting people through the startgate in Osaka. However, you sometimes get lamers who type "kill" after being infected to steal your kill.


Yeah, they're no fun at all.

Myself, if I get infected, I choose to pass the time by finding the nearest person, chasing them as if I were there murderer only to throw up on them and flee, leaving them dazed and confused.

Actually, that's not the only way I daze and confuse people.  Breaking actions, leaving their animations running, is so wrong.

As an example of this, I can't think of any other game in which I can chase a person with a needle whilst also attempting to pee on them.

The Ship is wrong in so, so many ways.

And I love it dearly.

The Lurking Dragon

Let me see.... old games? Hmm. I hereby invoke the name Civilization. I also invoke the name X-Com.  :mwaha
"You can't see me or hear me unless I want you to."
The Lurking Dragon


Descent? Where? I remember LOVING that game. I still have it on a "Best of 3D action games" disc somewhere, or a demo at least >>


Descent at Abandonia.

Descent II at the Underdogs.


Oh and a nice addition if you can't get them running well in DosBox ...

The Descent engines converted to modern formats.


I cut my teeth on that game... Ah....  :)


Quote from: Rowne on September 02, 2006, 10:00:27 PM
Descent at Abandonia.

Descent II at the Underdogs.


Oh and a nice addition if you can't get them running well in DosBox ...

The Descent engines converted to modern formats.

Descent 2 already had a windows version I think. As for the unmentioned Descent 3, where'd that go?


The thing with Descent II is that it's ancient enough so that it wouldn't run well on XP, I doubt, which is why I included the engine.  As I recall, Descent III is much, much newer and thus likely wouldn't be considered as oldware yet nor would it have trouble running on XP.

Though I'll take a look around, if you'd like!


No, I mean, my Descent II CD has an actual windows version. Not just DOS. I think the Windows version didn't allow for CD music though.

edit: Mwahahaha, I'm aware of a private tracker with a torrent for 8GB of DOS games... now all I need is a similarly complete windows game torrent...

Nimrods Son

I've been playing Siege, Dogs Of War, Ambush & Walls Of Rome for over 10 years now :U, and I still absolutely roll with it. It's the best :zombiekun2
Only thing I'm sad about is that there's no page around to share scenarios there.
Oh, and Raptor: Call of the Shadows rules. And Hocus Pocus, but there's no full version available, I think.


I have raptor and hocus pocus, I like both :3


Was Raptor that fighter jet top-down scroller? That was a cool game.


I loved Raptor, I got really good at it at one point to >>

It also was on that "Best of 3d action games" CD I have somewhere


The game got boring though after a while... Anything short of starting the game out on elite isn't that much of a challenge. once you've got all the always-active weapons and the dual blue laser things, there's not really anything that poses a threat.

Nimrods Son

Quote from: Aridas Soulfire on September 04, 2006, 09:04:36 AM
I have raptor and hocus pocus, I like both :3
D'You know where I can get Pocus (not that shareware thingy)?


Other than straight from me, I really don't know.


My favourite of the old pc games is Masters of Magic. Great gameplay and replayability and the animations didn't need improving for it to be great, sadly it only works in DOS. I've heard that it's possible too, with the right stuff, make it run in Windows, albeit only on W95. :mowsad