Cubi Fursonas and YOUUUUUU!

Started by Bandersnatch, April 17, 2013, 08:12:10 PM

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llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: mithril on April 20, 2013, 12:23:05 AM
if i do, i'd probably go with the 'minor clan with no leader' approach, it gives the most freedom.

Presumably you're thinking "no tri-wing leader" rather than "no leader"; not that the latter is not possible, just unlikely (at least, as I understand it; from what Amber has said, most Cubi in the more powerful clans prefer to have one person in charge of the other clans, at least nominally, as it gives them one person to negotiate with. Also there are tendencies for people to rise into power, and if you have a clan, there will be at least one person who wants to be in charge; if everyone else disagrees, then I suppose you could manage to have a clan with no leader at all, but given the personality types involved, it seems very unlikely to last for long. *grin*)

And your character there is certainly colourful enough to count as a Cubi; the tail is a nice touch, too.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2013, 07:44:19 AM
Presumably you're thinking "no tri-wing leader" rather than "no leader"; not that the latter is not possible, just unlikely (at least, as I understand it; from what Amber has said, most Cubi in the more powerful clans prefer to have one person in charge of the other clans, at least nominally, as it gives them one person to negotiate with. Also there are tendencies for people to rise into power, and if you have a clan, there will be at least one person who wants to be in charge;

Yeah, that was the basis of my reasoning with Daryil - that a clan with no tri-wing will have ambitious members who want to take charge and give the clan some sense of direction.  However it's all complicated by the fact that Amber seems to use the word 'Leader' to mean a tri-wing rather than someone in overall charge.
I've taken to calling them 'chief', 'head of the clan' or whatever to try and avoid confusion.

However, many of the minor clans are likely to be leaderless by default - if they fragment with members scattered everywhere, traditionally it would have been extremely hard for a normal 'Cubi to actually lead them - more like herding cats.  Whereas a true Tri-winged Leader is connected to all the members of their clan and can summon them.
In the more modern times you'd have telephones, messaging orbs and latterly things like Facebook and Twitter which would help keep the clan together remotely.

For Daryil I reasoned that he had found a way to connect himself to the other members of his clan - trying to replicate some of the aspects of a true Leader without the risks of ascension.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Lots of responses, time to catch up!
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 19, 2013, 09:53:05 PM
Quote from: Mischa on April 19, 2013, 03:15:35 PM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 19, 2013, 12:20:44 PM... Dammit. That would have been a perfect line. :-/

I was wondering why you didn't use it...

I've boxed it up for later.


Quote from: mithril on April 20, 2013, 12:23:05 AM
i don't have a cubi 'sona or OC.. though i've been considering 'upgrading' one of my minor characters i don't have a background for yet into one. i'm just not sure if headwings would actually be worth it with her

if i do, i'd probably go with the 'minor clan with no leader' approach, it gives the most freedom.

I think she would actually make a fine Cubi, considering her color pattern! Also, as to the no-leader approach...

Quote from: Tapewolf on April 20, 2013, 08:51:20 AM
Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2013, 07:44:19 AM
Presumably you're thinking "no tri-wing leader" rather than "no leader"; not that the latter is not possible, just unlikely (at least, as I understand it; from what Amber has said, most Cubi in the more powerful clans prefer to have one person in charge of the other clans, at least nominally, as it gives them one person to negotiate with. Also there are tendencies for people to rise into power, and if you have a clan, there will be at least one person who wants to be in charge;

Yeah, that was the basis of my reasoning with Daryil - that a clan with no tri-wing will have ambitious members who want to take charge and give the clan some sense of direction.  However it's all complicated by the fact that Amber seems to use the word 'Leader' to mean a tri-wing rather than someone in overall charge.
I've taken to calling them 'chief', 'head of the clan' or whatever to try and avoid confusion.

However, many of the minor clans are likely to be leaderless by default - if they fragment with members scattered everywhere, traditionally it would have been extremely hard for a normal 'Cubi to actually lead them - more like herding cats.  Whereas a true Tri-winged Leader is connected to all the members of their clan and can summon them.
In the more modern times you'd have telephones, messaging orbs and latterly things like Facebook and Twitter which would help keep the clan together remotely.

For Daryil I reasoned that he had found a way to connect himself to the other members of his clan - trying to replicate some of the aspects of a true Leader without the risks of ascension.

Honestly, the thought of a Cubi using twitter makes me laugh quite a bit. "LOL ate someones soul today, they kept trying to struggle! #cubiproblems"

I think with all the magic in the world, it couldn't have been too hard for leaders to contact their other clan members, with warp-aci and magical letters and so forth. If anything, being able to teleport somewhere on demand with a warp-aci would make life a lot easier than just sending a text message when you could just tell them in person (unless warping to their position would be a bad idea, in which case text messaging wins out). That, and I feel like if their clan is small and "weak" to a point, they'd probably try and strive to stick together and not get separated by simple means of communication.

As for everyone else, I do appreciate you answering the questions! Even if you're not completely "omg cubi r da best", I appreciate the input as it shows me how different people took the incubus/succubus creation path and how you went about it (sort of!). Gives me a certain backing that this isn't completely insane.


Honestly, the thought of a Cubi using twitter makes me laugh quite a bit. "LOL ate someones soul today, they kept trying to struggle! #cubiproblems"

There, that did it. Laughed my fuzzy arse off.
What i cannot create, i do not understand. - Richard P. Feynman
This is DMFA. Where major species don't understand clothing. So innuendo is overlooked for nuendo. .


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on April 20, 2013, 07:44:19 AM
Quote from: mithril on April 20, 2013, 12:23:05 AM
if i do, i'd probably go with the 'minor clan with no leader' approach, it gives the most freedom.

Presumably you're thinking "no tri-wing leader" rather than "no leader"; not that the latter is not possible, just unlikely (at least, as I understand it; from what Amber has said, most Cubi in the more powerful clans prefer to have one person in charge of the other clans, at least nominally, as it gives them one person to negotiate with. Also there are tendencies for people to rise into power, and if you have a clan, there will be at least one person who wants to be in charge; if everyone else disagrees, then I suppose you could manage to have a clan with no leader at all, but given the personality types involved, it seems very unlikely to last for long. *grin*)
yes, i meant no tri-wing.. since so far we've not seen how clans without tri-wings organize themselves, it is easy to slip into a 'leader = triwing' mindset..

And your character there is certainly colourful enough to count as a Cubi; the tail is a nice touch, too.
thanks. but the design work was saetia's.. i was just lucky enough to adopt her. (my own non-technical art is rather bleh... barely better than stick figures unless i'm copying an exiting image freehand.. and even then if it is often warped...)

Amber Williams

I really like the design! Course I have a weak spot for peacocks. XD


Quote from: Amber Williams on April 20, 2013, 08:25:20 PM
I really like the design! Course I have a weak spot for peacocks. XD

i have to say this is the first time i liked a webcomic enough to want to make a character based on it. i've use webcomics as examples for stuff before (especially in my Pencil and paper RPG's), but never as inspiration for a character.

but there is something about 'cubi. don't know how to explain it.

guess i should start figuring out a clan symbol.. and a clan name.


sorry for the double post.

thinking over clans, symbols and names, a few questions came to mind.

first, in a clan without a triwing, what determines the clan name? we know that clans with triwings seem to use that individuals name as a sort of patronym/surname, with some exceptions (like with Dan), but what about ones without a triwing?
basically, how do cubi clans get named?

second, how does the clan symbol get determined? is it just whatever symbol the Triwing liked when they became a triwing, or is there some more complex process involved?

third, how much physical similarity is there between members of a clan? obviously there can be a wide variety of species and appearances for the body, but for example Dan, Destinia, and Cyra all have the same wing morphology and color. is this normal for cubi, or is that just due to their being more direct lines of descent involved woth those clan members (being son, mother, and grandmother, separated by relatively few generations?)


Quote from: mithril on April 24, 2013, 01:21:40 AM
first, in a clan without a triwing, what determines the clan name? we know that clans with triwings seem to use that individuals name as a sort of patronym/surname, with some exceptions (like with Dan), but what about ones without a triwing?
basically, how do cubi clans get named?

Clans which had a Tri-wing but lost them keep the name of the Tri-wing as their clan.  Amber once mentioned in passing that it's possible to create a clan without a Leader, but we don't know the details.  In PF I've assumed that it's possible for members of a Leaderless clan to branch off and form their own - that being the case they'd probably take the name of the person who organised it.

Quotesecond, how does the clan symbol get determined? is it just whatever symbol the Triwing liked when they became a triwing, or is there some more complex process involved?
Only Amber can answer that.  I usually stuck with runic designs because I wasn't sure, but some of the canon ones are quite clearly the result of graphic design rather than symbols of power or something inherently magical.

Quotethird, how much physical similarity is there between members of a clan? obviously there can be a wide variety of species and appearances for the body, but for example Dan, Destinia, and Cyra all have the same wing morphology and color. is this normal for cubi, or is that just due to their being more direct lines of descent involved woth those clan members (being son, mother, and grandmother, separated by relatively few generations?)

AFAIK the 'Cubi takes the shape of the less powerful race in the pairing.  So if it's a 'Cubi-Being relationship, the child will resemble the Being.  With 'Cubi-'Cubi pairings, I don't know - I think Amber goes for what looks nicest.

Some clans have a quirk which dictates their appearance, e.g. the green eyes of Cyra members, Tauns always leather-winged, Daryil with the two-tone grey wings when feathered.  It's likely that only Tri-winged clans have quirks, though.

Wing shape seems to vary - Siar's clan had members with feathered or leathery wings.  Taking a stab, I'd guess that by default the wings would match the rest of the clan, so a parent with leathery wings would have a leathery-winged child with a Being, but if the other parent (e.g. from a less powerful clan) had feathers, there's a chance that the child would be born with feathered wings.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Quote from: Tapewolf on April 24, 2013, 07:21:58 AM
Quote from: mithril on April 24, 2013, 01:21:40 AM
first, in a clan without a triwing, what determines the clan name? we know that clans with triwings seem to use that individuals name as a sort of patronym/surname, with some exceptions (like with Dan), but what about ones without a triwing?
basically, how do cubi clans get named?

Clans which had a Tri-wing but lost them keep the name of the Tri-wing as their clan.  Amber once mentioned in passing that it's possible to create a clan without a Leader, but we don't know the details.  In PF I've assumed that it's possible for members of a Leaderless clan to branch off and form their own - that being the case they'd probably take the name of the person who organised it.
hm.. so basically, they are named after the clan progenitor, regardless of what that person's power level is? makes sense. it certainly has the advantage of being simple.
i would presume that a clan that splits off without a triwing would still have the symbol of the original clan until their new group produces a tri-wing?

Quotesecond, how does the clan symbol get determined? is it just whatever symbol the Triwing liked when they became a triwing, or is there some more complex process involved?
Only Amber can answer that.  I usually stuck with runic designs because I wasn't sure, but some of the canon ones are quite clearly the result of graphic design rather than symbols of power or something inherently magical.
good point.
hmm.. i wonder if there are cubi who end up with clashing colors between their clan symbol and their body colors.

Quotethird, how much physical similarity is there between members of a clan? obviously there can be a wide variety of species and appearances for the body, but for example Dan, Destinia, and Cyra all have the same wing morphology and color. is this normal for cubi, or is that just due to their being more direct lines of descent involved woth those clan members (being son, mother, and grandmother, separated by relatively few generations?)

AFAIK the 'Cubi takes the shape of the less powerful race in the pairing.  So if it's a 'Cubi-Being relationship, the child will resemble the Being.  With 'Cubi-'Cubi pairings, I don't know - I think Amber goes for what looks nicest.

Some clans have a quirk which dictates their appearance, e.g. the green eyes of Cyra members, Tauns always leather-winged, Daryil with the two-tone grey wings when feathered.  It's likely that only Tri-winged clans have quirks, though.

Wing shape seems to vary - Siar's clan had members with feathered or leathery wings.  Taking a stab, I'd guess that by default the wings would match the rest of the clan, so a parent with leathery wings would have a leathery-winged child with a Being, but if the other parent (e.g. from a less powerful clan) had feathers, there's a chance that the child would be born with feathered wings.

mostly just wondering if i'd need to fluff the colorful wing feathers as a clan trait or if it could be an individual trait.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: mithril on April 24, 2013, 09:02:00 PM
i would presume that a clan that splits off without a triwing would still have the symbol of the original clan until their new group produces a tri-wing?

Given it's a "clan symbol", why would a different clan have to wait for it to have a tri-wing before it had a different clan symbol? That seems counter to logic, insofar as logic is involved in this.

A tri-wing, as we've said, is an unusual (purely by the numbers) leader of a clan. Therefore, a clan may be led by someone who isn't a tri-wing. And a clan may not have ever had a tri-wing leader. That doesn't make them not a clan, neither does it mean they won't have their own clan symbol - just that, as I recall, they won't have heads on their wings, usually.

I believe Ambaargh said that "it's possible for a 'Cubi without a tri-wing leader to have heads on their wing-tentacles, but they'd have to be powerful and well trained"; in other words, any 'Cubi with heads on their tentacles is someone to avoid, as either they have a tri-wing backing them (with the well of power that Dan has now tapped to back them up in need) or they're powerful enough to "fake it".

None of this says they won't have a clan symbol until there's a tri-wing, tho. I'd guess that as soon as it's a clan, the clan symbol appears uniquely, or at least sufficiently different to count as separated. It's magic, after all.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


QuoteIt's magic, after all

I have to say this is the reasoning I put behind most things when I read this comic, that and what's prettier.

Edit: Quote fail
I am known as it, because I have no designation outside that and I would rather it stay like that.

Otherwise Have a good day Sir/Ma'am.