Destroyer Class War Squid (sketch)

Started by thegayhare, March 27, 2013, 02:39:32 PM

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while out walking the dog today I came across a 12 foot length of industrial card board tubing,

now I decided this would be something I could use to build an old weapon I designed for the Weird West role playing game. this was for my mad science Char... Clarence Clemens (mark twains fictional and disgraced brother)

the rifle would fire 2 foot long, rocket propelled steel bolts. carrying a stick of dynamite worth of explosive. the rockets wouldn't explode on contact they were timed and would explode the turn after they were fired. so a target could end up impaled as the thruster pins them to a wall frantically trying to yank the shaft out before the tnt detonates.

A breach block rifle the cross bars hold the rocket in place once the breach is closed, and the raised ridge down the barrel keep the rocket aimed straight, vents built into the breach guide the exhaust away from the wielder

I was inspired by single shot shot guns but I will admit it also resembles some 40 millimeter grenade launchers


Well I decided to build a servo skull using a left over skull I had laying around.

For those who don't know Servo Skulls are used by many in the warhammer universe.  a bleached human skull is implanted with an antigrav unite, sensors and other implants which vary depending on the desired use, some have weapons, some have small arms, others have larger sensor suites.

they are used as messengers, scouts, psychic familiars, mobile light weapons platforms, banner carriers,  pretty much anything you can think of... 

Apparently this is considered something of an honor in universe,  in one book a guy was proud that his own personal servo skull was actually his fathers head... yeah warhammer 40k is a little messed up

the skull itself is a dollar store halloween prop  I removed sections of the left eye socket and lower jaw,  the optical sensor is disposable spice container (white pepper), with the core of a scotch tape role and a plastic piece of pipe.  I also added a some plastic shell from a scrapped power screwdriver

llearch n'n'daCorna

With respect to the bar down the side of the barrel to keep the rocket straight... usually the way you keep the rocket straight is spin it, since that uses the gyroscopic effect to keep it going straight even after it leaves the barrel...

Keeping it straight in the barrel will help, but not really all that much. Something you might want to consider. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


LOL but thats only a problem if I was going to fire it for real,   though....  fireworks are now legal in my state...  Hmmmm

the bar would only keep it pointed straight while the rocket was in the rifle so it wouldn't get knocked off true while moving.  after it's fired I'd expect it to work with gyroscopic stabilization,  or maybe not it was a weapon built in the 1870's not sure if Clemens ever figured that out,  I never got to use the char


well I'm still working on my servo skull

First I removed several teeth and added two irregular fangs to the mouth

I slipped a large bolt into the empty eye socket

I then maped out the left hand side of the skull and jigsawed several pieces of pva foam for that side that will be the metal plates bolted onto the skull

I'm thinking of doing two small manipulator arms on the skull with maybe a mini flamer or plasma cutter


Well I've painted the skull and glued the pieces into place.

I've also installed a red led behind the cybernetic eye

I've also decided to name him Voxal...  I'm also going to see if I can do a green screen effect to add him into video so I can get Voxal to fly

I'll be adding some more stuff, pincer arms, and maybe a plasma cutter.  but do you think I should add flight engines to the outside? or should I make the flight systems be unknown


Well Voxal's manipulators are done

The arms were made from the legs of a cheap bug transformer knock offs I bought 5 years ago. (I bought 3 of them really cheap just to use in some project like this)
the pincer claws are the feet from said toy with long claws bolted to the toes so they can open and close. I added a micro chainsword ( butter knife and cloroplast) as well as light plasma disruptor (cloroplast, plumbing fixture, green led and part of a pen)

I think Voxal is almost finished don't you


I'd say so. Looking good there.

He looks a bit like a steampunk version of Ennesby from Schlock Mercenary.

"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


I can see that.

Hmmm Voxal Enesby death match


now you might have seen my  old special effects vid

that was a basic effect basicly having me draw the effect frame by frame.   It works but its limited.

but this is me using a new effect program that allows me alot more freedom

Check it out and what do you think



Since work on my armor is comming slowly I thought I'd upload a concept piece for my steam punk cowboy

A basic poncho I felt I'd do a curved bottom edge to better fit the possible gear pattern I wanted to put there, how ever looking at it I'm not sure stitching in a cog would look good or just silly. what do you think

and should I go cyborg on this too. either way I want to incorporate a weapon smiler to Rattlesnake Jake's guns in Rango


Personally, I think having the giant gear on the poncho throws it squarely in the "Look I have a gear on it it's steampunk now right guys right right it's steampunk" approach to steampunk. I won't deny, I've fallen prey to this kind of approach myself when I didn't know what else to do with a costume to make it fit into the culture at large better. As a decent rule of thumb, start with the period you're drawing inspiration from, then add "functions" (whether real or imaginary) from there. Rayguns I know are a debated topic, though they can certainly work if pulled off right. Gears should generally have some sort of "in-character" reason for them to exist (e.g. replacement hand, exoskeleton to have a stronger punch when fighting, etc etc).

Hope that helps!


ehh I know what you mean but I couildn't think of anyway to make a a poncho distinct to a steampunk char on its own

Looking at it even as I slapped it together I knew it looked off

I just redid it,

this way I get the meshed gear teeth look with out the huge gear


*wipes the Dust off his art thread*   Hello every bunny

Just a update on the latest project by the humble bunny

here is the basic hat I've made for my steampunk cowboy hat

I started with a sheet of faux leather I had sitting around and cut two round circles that would become the brim. I them measured the circumference of my head where I wanted the had to sit. I cut two equal lengths that would become the crown of the hat. I sewed those into a snug loop and tested them for fit.

I pinned that to the brim and marked out the inner circle. since I wanted a stiff brim I also took a plastic for sale sign and cut it slightly smaller on the outer edge and larger on the interior circle. Not exactly in period but what the hell. I then started sewing. Working arround the brim of the has sewing the top and bottom pieces together. halfway through I slipped in the plastic sheet, and finished sewing the brim, I then took the crown and triple stitched it to the inner edge of the brim, Finally I used one of the pieces cut from the blank brims and sewed that onto the top of the crown.

its a long process sewing by hand, but I don't think its half bad as my first ever hat.

I'm planning on cleaning up the brim, adding a hat bands, I'm thinking barb wire strung with bird skulls, and possibly getting some dark brown shoe polish to stain the hat with... what do you think?

llearch n'n'daCorna

That's a badass selfie there. I keep being surprised (and I can't think why) at the effort you put into these things, and the amazing results you get out.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


LOL. Thanks Llearch 

I'm having fun making stuff though I doubt I could make any money at it so it's just for fun.

But I can't find any cheap bird skulls.  But I did find a way to make realistic looking barbed wire


A set of german motorcycle goggles I converted to prescription to allow me to use them. These will be great for any steampunk costume, or even for when I get that motorized bike conversion kit I want

this was simple as can be as you might guess.

I got a set of lenses that almost fit the goggles,

then cut away the frames to fit the goggles.

I'm using hot glue to keep them in place

The cool thing about this project is I used Zenni Optical for the lenses. Zenni optical is a website that allows you to upload your prescription and order glasses for very cheap. My current glasses only cost me 40 dollars, and they only cost that much because I choose a lens upgrade.

the ones used in the goggles cost me 12 bucks... thats 12 dollars for the frames and choosing the basic grade prescription lens which is free.

So if you have bad eyes like me I recommend using this site prices start at 7 bucks and at that price you could afford to build the lenses into any piece rather then having to building around a set of eye wear

hell even if your not into costuming you can get a great set of glasses for a great price here


Okay I know this really isn't art but I just finished working on this and after five days back breaking and at times bloody and painful labor its all done.

Trenches dug down to keep out pests, wire fencing strung up with no gaps, pressure treated board sunk into the ground all around the enclosure and bolted to the base and reinforced with rocks before the trenches were refilled in. This is a nice damn chicken coop if I do say so my self. just need to put down the linoleum on the floor (inside the coop for easy cleaning) and put in the nesting boxes then its ready for chickens to move right in



"We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!"

I'm on deviantART.
Also FurAffinity


Thanks Lionheart

We put in 6 nesting boxes today.  They made me redo the chicken wire today too.  I had to go around re fastening it with heavy gauge fencing staples.  I also ripped several lengths of pine board to reinforce the ends and tops of the chickenwire.

We will be getting our 6 chickens on Tuesday.  We are getting road island reds,  I'd preferences isa browns which if a bit dumb are super friendly but road island reds are all very friendly breed too.

My mom says we need to name one after a chicken dish in honor of our friends sweetpea's pet chickens Nugget, Dumpling, and Ragu.  I wanted to go with General Tso, but we aren't getting a rooster so it doesn't fit


Hello all

I kitbashed together a crest for my weapons, and armor. I wanted something warhammer 40k esk and I used 3 pieces of dollar store halloween decorations.

Its a small piece about 1 inch tall and 2 inches wide

I think it looks pretty cool how bout you guys

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Im testing some colors trying to paint some pieces to resemble brass

he two skulls are painted plastic and the bird skull is actual brass

which skull is closest do you think?

Ps... If I made a heavy weapons guy costume... should I go red or blue

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: thegayhare on August 09, 2014, 11:12:30 PM
which skull is closest do you think?

Left, I think, although neither really looks particularly effective in that photo. Perhaps doing an underlayer of white, then a couple layers of brass effect over the top of that might look better? Not sure.

Quote from: thegayhare on August 09, 2014, 11:12:30 PM
Ps... If I made a heavy weapons guy costume... should I go red or blu

Fixed that for you. ;-] Blu, I think.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


here I took a better pic
for some reason that camera chokes when used at night

and sorry Llearch hon I think I'm gonna have to go with red seeing as I found I already have a perfect heavy shirt

I just need to make the armour vest, sasha and bandoleer and Id be ready

but Id still not look as good as this heavy

llearch n'n'daCorna

Red, Blu, it matters not. Heavy Weapons Guy is Heavy Weapons Guy. It's all win.

I don't think anyone will look as good as him. Although you might want to see if you have spare time to make a tiara and tutu. >.>


I'm still not sure about either brass wash. Perhaps try left with right on top, see if that works out better?
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I've never played the game myself but I love the creative stuff people make with the sfm engine.   I tried but my computer can't run it.

I like heavy there is something so cheerful (maybe psychoticly so) about him.  And if you've ever played poker night at the inventory with him he's seems to be suffering from serious ptsd.

I'm also thinking of making prop sandviches, om nom nom, that seems to be so iconic for heavy


Hi Hi all I thought I'd show off the latest in the Bunny's world of Chickens

Again I know its not really art but I'm proud of what I built

Me and mom took a day to winterize the coop

We got three sheets of inch thick foam, 3 sheets of 1/8th inch lamanint paneling and a sheet of floor linoleum.

First I wired an outlet for the coop, we have space to plug in 3 devices, We have a Light on a timer since chickens need 14 hours of light for laying. we will also have a water dish heater to keep the waterer from freezing

We then layed out the new floor. The linoleum isn't really for the winterizing its to make clean up easier poo and shavings come right up no problems.

We cut the sheets of foam into pieces that fit between the studs. mainly 18 by 14 inch rectangles and pressed them into snuggly into place, we then cut the wood panels to fit. and nailed them to the studs.

With the coop winterized we also redid there arrangements. the nesting boxes are set against one wall in a 2 by 3 box pattern, and about a foot off the ground. I also built them new roosts since our old ones were two narrow for winter. In winter the roost have to be wide enough for the birds to stand flat footed so there belly feathers can cover the feet keeping them warm. So I built these new ones in a tilted ladder style, 4 perches in all each with space to fit 3 birds snuggly.

The girls seem to like it and have settled into a new pecking order. Emme and Sweetpea sleep on the top roost, with Gabby and Lizzy have picked out the next, and Spooky is low bird on the totem pole. with Cammy sleeping on top of the nests cause she wants a space on the top two perches


Something else I made for our winter coop
But I thought they were pretty cool
these gravity feeders are to save us space inside.

Its a simple enough design, lengths of 3 inch wide pvc pipe connected to 2 different connections to give us that nice open bottom. I uses a 90 degree and a 45 degree bend in that order to make it work best. I then screwwed it onto the a piece of cut to size plywood with metal strapping.

Though you don't see it here I make a set of brackets on the back that let me hang it from the inside lip of the window and a set of rubber feet in the bottom corners of the plywood. this way its up off the floor in the coop for cleaning and while its affixed to the wall I can slide it back and forth along that window. I'm gonna get some covers for the tops cause they like to look out that window and this way they wont poop in there food


I've said it before but your chickens are wonderful :3

I always find the idea of winter-proofing a coop interesting. Around here it's more important to summer-proof it - I'll have to put up some more shadecloth for mine in the next few months.

That gravity feeder's an awesome idea.