Destroyer Class War Squid (sketch)

Started by thegayhare, March 27, 2013, 02:39:32 PM

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lol Thanks... I love the girls they are so much fun

My mom wants a couple americana to add to the flock next spring...  she likes the blue and green eggs they lay   

its all about the climate

since in a few months they will be stuck in there pretty much 24/7 with some winters getting 6 foot high snow drifts we feel insulating is important.  but a lot of folks tell us they dont have to be warm.  you just have to keep there combs and feet from freezing.


lets start it off with a mini I made from scraps I had sitting around.  I through it together around 6 months ago cause I thought it looked cool together 

Its supposed to be some sort of hightech future sniper rifle,  maybe 50 call or partical cannon

My sis asked if I might be able to make her a prop for a costume something like a Boarderlands sniper rifle last month... so I showed her this and offered to make her a full sized version.
I'm even thinking of building it around a nerf gun so it'll be functional

Well this is the season that suddenly everything tastes like pumpkin...  I'm sorry but somethings should not taste like pumpkin...

But it also means that there are tons of cheap spooky stuff.

this isnt done yet but 

I took a skull,  and 2 sickles and made this

I also used some costume teeth to add fangs.  I just need to paint some black and grey details before setting the green glass in the sockets

I have another similar skull thats gonna sit on top of oh a 40k like tech priest staff
that one used 4 sickles, 4 plastic sai, a skull, some pva foam and random pieces.  but there ant anny pics of that yet.

but even after all that Im left with this

I got a clever, machete, 8 sickles (there were more but I've used them), 6 skull bobble heads (broken down into the skulls, spines and really nice bases) 2 maces, to sai, a skull, a sack of small skulls, fingers, and a pair of hands.

I love the shape of the hand sickles,  If I make another power claw,  I'm gonna use these for the fingers.  I got the bobble heads because all the pieces are usefull  the spines fit into the hand to make a great handle and the bases are rather high quality.

I wanna make something but I dont know what...  I also feel kinda cool just having a sack full of bones and skulls


im working on a 40k project and wondered which color should I use?

what looks better the red or blue... and which would be more fitting for a tech priest

Tech priests generally are robed in red with white or yellow trim

I know red is for mars the home of the mechanicum but thats so much red,  and my servo skull already has a red mark  I dont know


here is my finished deamon skull


well since I've been making skulls including my deamon skull and the yet to be shown tech priest skull staff topper I decided to make another warhammer skull. I think I'll have this one mounted on a scepert like device with gauss flayer built in

I used the plastic skull I preformed all my test cuts from the other skulls on as the base. I then cut out a face plate.

I think I'm gonna have to trim the cheek bones a bit and narrow the jaw some before I add the rest oh the platting but Its a good start


I finaly Finished my Tech Priest staff top. I decided to co servo skull style variant with the bionic eye. I got the Idea for the mounts from looking at the librarians psychic hoods,

I like to think of it roiling with power focused into a laz beam from that mechanical eye.

I used a dollar store skull, 4 dollar store sickles to make the mount and horns, with the base of the sickles used for the base of the spikes which was dollar store sais.

the mecha eye is a squeeze bottle with a few cast off plastic parts. I also used some eva foam painted silver or black then I used lengths of coaxial cable to accent the edges

llearch n'n'daCorna

Impressive work, Bunny.

I'm always surprised at what you can do with a few oddments.
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears



hi all

I know its been a long time since my last post but I thought I'd post my latest piece.

if you remember my cowboy hat

The color wasn't right and it was rather plain

I learned that leather dyes wouldn't work well on the faux leather, but I learned that for this artificial leather there is a cheap alternitive that works better.  its a simple mix of water and acrylic paint  that actualy does stain the base material.   It now has a nice dark, weathered look.

the hat band is a dark blue to almost black panel of quilting material sewn into a tube with the seam against the hat itself.

I have some brass  accents I am thinking of adding to the band, atificial barb wire, small bird skulls and and a crest  but I'm not sure if I'll use them all.  I might just stick to the barbed wire


What do you do with all these props anyway? Is it a hobby?


mostly its just something fun.

I have my deamon skull on a shelf looking cool,  as well as my Voxal my servo skull, or the necron head

other things are for some part of a costume, like my plasma pistol, or or the tech priest staff topper

some are costume and practical.   the cowboy had will be usefull for keeping the sun off this summer

Others are a mix of things.  my chain axe is a realy cool and fun project that will look great as part of a few costumes I'm also working on

My sis thinks I should start up an etsy shop...  I doubt my props would be worth anything  but you never know

If I had some freinds and some equipment I'd love to make props for short films but its almost impossible to do the stuff I want when I'd have to do all parts similtanously



Here we have the final form of my cowboy hat

I added the barbed wire, and a liner to the inside,  I decided against the skulls I was going to use,  I think they would end up cluttering it to much,

I figured the barbed wire would look good after seeing Rattlesnake Jake's from Rango

the wire is a latex costume type I found on Ebay

I think I'm gonna wear this to work tomarrow

llearch n'n'daCorna

Heh. Like something out of Fallout: New Vegas or Borderlands or something. >.>
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Thanks llearch  it does look new vegasy

Hi Hi all

the head of my chain axe is drying from its painting so I started to work on the handle / knuckle guard.

What do you think o far? no trigger or cabling yet, and I will need to make it nice and Orky...

should I add spikes to the guard? I have some ping pong sized skulls I could put on. and should there be any dangly bits chains hanging from the pommel?

and the Axe head is gonna have some orkish red designs on it should I add some red to the guard too

and yes some one has pointe out it looks a bit like a gas pump


what do you folks think

should i do it with the skulls or with out


I used the scrap tips of one of the sickles I used to make the techpriest topper. I then rounded it out filled it up and painted it white. I then wrapped the base in scrap cloth and plan to dangle it from a chain on the pommel.


here is my finished Steampunk gas mask.

I stripped the filters off a cheap respirator. stripped off some of the plastic filter pieces. I found one of my old broken over ear gaming headsets, and stripped off the ear pieces. I took it apart and removed the red plastic highlights. I then sprayed on 3 coats of flat gray paint over the mask and ear pieces. I then did one coat of silver and a final coat of a lacquered spray paint that's supposed to simulate a hammered iron finish. I then started snapping it together, added the black front cap, and replaced the inner red vent highlights. I used the faux leather ear covers as part of the filter because I thought it would help give it that mixed old fashioned and future tech


I sprayed on 3 coats of flat gray paint over the handle. I then did one coat of silver and a final coat of a lacquered spray paint that's supposed to simulate a hammered iron finish. I then took three of my miniature plastic skulls. sliced off the back and mounted each of them onto a small piece of pva foam and drove a halo of small brass nails into the skulls and attached it to the frame.

I think I might adding some red to the spike tips.


what do you guys think?  the red is nice and orky

llearch n'n'daCorna

I'm not sure I'm the right person to be Orky, so to speak.

... I'm much preferable to subtle, and sneaky methods of making my point known. But then, that's just me. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


okay its finally finished

Here we have my completed functional 40k Chainaxe prop

the motor is a electric screwdriver attached to a 6 volt rechargeable remote control car battery pack. the base is a mix of cloroplast and pva foam

the trigger is a momentary switch in the axe handle, and the teeth are soft foam sewed onto a loop of velcro. the drive wheel is wrapped in the mated hook side velcro.

Its pretty sweet if I do say so myself
if you want to see how it runs video here


Hi Hi all

Ive been working on an upgrade to my plasma pistol.  I don't have any close up shots yet but I did do a new test fire video

I wasn't to happy with the power out put of my last test firing. I mean the plasma barely punched through a pumpkin. I stripped out and upgraded the magnetic accelerator coils as well as refined the focus aperture. I dont have any more pumpkins so I decided to use Spooky here to test the effectiveness Its okay she bit me today, I have to do this to keep the other chickens in there place. I also used a small servo skull I've built and named Voxal to capture footage at a different angle.

I'm thinking of uploading a second video in a few days of me sitting with my chickens playing this video on a table petting Spooky "look I made you youtube famous"


If that chicken sassed you she totally had it coming. Gotta make sure she knows who's boss!

Also Spooky is an excellent name for a chicken, I might steal it for the chicken my neighbours gave me that doesn't actually have a name >:3



Quote from: Merlin on May 04, 2015, 02:58:11 AM
If that chicken sassed you she totally had it coming. Gotta make sure she knows who's boss!

Also Spooky is an excellent name for a chicken, I might steal it for the chicken my neighbours gave me that doesn't actually have a name >:3

I agree Spooky is a good name for a chicken.  We named her that because shes the most skittish  the first one to bolt for cover if something new shows up.   usualy shes quite docile too.  wont let me touch her but usually quite frendly.  but yesterday  I spotted her in a nesting box and when I went to sheck if there was an egg she hissed at me.  then she lunged and bit me several times even after a bribe of oats.  after that she squawked for 15 minutes straight non stop.   It was to much an example had to be made.

llearch n'n'daCorna

I think it's a bit overpowered. There's no roast chicken left afterwards. ;-]
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"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


*giggles*  I actually thought about that llearch

I thought it would have been funny to have the fire ball reveal a roasted chicken...  but I couldn't waste it.   I then thought of putting a single egg in on top of a pile of ash...  as a joke that I vaporized the chicken around it and left it unharmed but I don't think any one would have gotten the joke. 

But here I have lighted and unlighted close ups.. 

in the second lighted one I'm showing how the trigger makes the barrel light up

llearch n'n'daCorna

The roast chicken would, as a matter of course, be in a roasting dish. Natch. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


I also thought that a bucket of kfc would be funny   the real problem in either case would be keeping the other chickens away  the filthy cannibals

I'm feeling alittle down today  I mean a few days after jokingly disintegrating one of my girls I may lose one for real  Emmie seems to be egg bound.   I've tried and she she seemed to like the hot bath  and is recovering well in the sun but shes still not eating.   this is how we lost sweet pea.   we seeme to have noticed it earlier this time but sometihng like this is really heard to treat and most treatments arent really that effective

llearch n'n'daCorna

Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


basicly thats what we tried...  bu sadly she didnt last the night