31/12/12 [DMFA #1365] - Spotless Furry/Fury

Started by MT Hazard, December 31, 2012, 05:53:44 AM

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MT Hazard

Looks like Abels mind has stalled.

Stress: The confusion caused when ones mind overrides the body's natural desire to choke the life out of someone that desperately deserves it. (paraphrased)
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 

llearch n'n'daCorna

Hey, what do you know. Amber actually drew Abel without his spots.

And here I was thinking she wouldn't get a chance to do so. ;-]
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Pyroduck: "Thank you! I guess growing up around Phoenix Oracles rubbed off!"
Conservative Democrat or Liberal Republican: You decide!
The Centrist line has moved a long way to the Right over the years.

I'd argue that's a horribly shallow argument, except it's completely true. ~ooklah



Quote from: Dard on December 31, 2012, 07:09:49 AM
Abel looks better spotted.

I dunno, I think I prefer this look.  The mood however... that needs to be fixed before he does something regrettable.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Wow! More proof of the cubi old saying, "It seemed like a good idea at the time".

Now considering how well Abel fared against BOB and still managed to get back stabbed, I'm rather surprised that Abel is so gun ho to get back at beating BOB up.

Hmmmmm...I wonder if this is the usual scene after a creature is falsely accused if they don't manage to kill the Creature?

Considering what Wildy said, I wouldn't be surprised if it is.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


He's just about to hit the Daffy Duck "incoherent angrish" point, which ends with "...and I've never been so humiliated in ALL MY LIFE!"


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on December 31, 2012, 06:22:49 AM
Hey, what do you know. Amber actually drew Abel without his spots.

And here I was thinking she wouldn't get a chance to do so. ;-]
Well it was only a matter of time really. She's probably been looking for an excuse ever since she first realized how irritating spots are. Having the resident fae to do the dirty work is actually fairly ingenius.


And since it's an avatar of her... A spotless Abel wasn't too bad a change, spotted Abel is preferred but it is after all her decision.


Quote from: joshofspam on December 31, 2012, 01:36:58 PM
Now considering how well Abel fared against BOB and still managed to get back stabbed, I'm rather surprised that Abel is so gun ho to get back at beating BOB up.
Hmmmmm...I wonder if this is the usual scene after a creature is falsely accused if they don't manage to kill the Creature?

'Cubi often go like that.  Abel managed to hold himself together during the fight, but now they've gone it looks like he's having difficulty stopping his emotions from taking over.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Oh Mab, What won't you do for a klondike bar?

Clever ploy? This is blatantly obvious. I think someone dared you to find a way to get rid of his spots. Probably after a long island iced tea, and maybe a steak.

On a slightly more serious note. I think Pyroduck knows he is powerful enough to fend off Abel's anger, and is helping him vent it so Abel doesn't take it out on someone else.

Also, I was giggling at the headwings and the expression in panel 3 when he ground to a halt in his mind.

This message has been brought to you by a squid named Tug... who wanted me to say something on the forum for the first time ever... about abel's spots.

My problem now? I'm wondering what Deebs is going to call Abel from now on.


It's weird looking at Abel and not having my usual craving to connect the dots........ :erk

Proud member of the Dimanika Clan! >:3


I guess the biggest question regarding Abel's spots at this point (because some ppl seem to be freaked out that they're gone forever) is... did Mab use regular paint, or magical permanent fae-created paint. ( http://missmab.com/Comics/Vol_1343.php )

Cos I know Abel likely brought fur-paint with him to cover up his clan mark... but did he bring enough to cover that many spots?

And how THOROUGH was Mab?Like... if he dropped trou', would there be no spots on his other cheeks?<: X

I'll confess he does look very odd without his spots, but given that he's a shape shifter, he could likely put in some effort to make some appear on his fur again if it IS permanent...so I doubt they're gone for good, no matter how they come back.

~K. *: )


Have we ever seen headwings flapping like that before now?
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen

Jesk Levethix

I have to admit..
I actually think he's hotter by a factor of three without >.>

I'd get a nosebleed then run off saying I needed an ice cold shower.. In Antarctica ... if I saw him >.>

And I'm not ashamed to admit it


"Abel, your head would fly away if it wasn't attached to your shoulders..."   :3

That is all. :)


Whoa! Able looks...so different without his spots! (not saying 'it looks bad' or anything, just that it's so -different-, looks like a new character almost.) I just opened up the site and at first glance I was all "Dayum!"

Also: bweeheeheeheehee little flappy headwingies.  :mowhappy


we already knew he was spotless but there's a difference between knowing and seeing.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


you know this is the perfect opportunity for folks to "add their own" spots to Abel.

or stripes...polkadots, morse code, bar code, sparkledog patterns.. list goes on..  >:3

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Turnsky on January 02, 2013, 10:13:22 AM
you know this is the perfect opportunity for folks to "add their own" spots to Abel.

or stripes...polkadots, morse code, bar code, sparkledog patterns.. list goes on..  >:3

You mean the dots weren't already a code? Dammit, I've spent weeks trying to decipher it...
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: mits on December 31, 2012, 06:17:10 PM
Oh Mab, What won't you do for a klondike bar?

Clever ploy? This is blatantly obvious. I think someone dared you to find a way to get rid of his spots. Probably after a long island iced tea, and maybe a steak.

On a slightly more serious note. I think Pyroduck knows he is powerful enough to fend off Abel's anger, and is helping him vent it so Abel doesn't take it out on someone else.

Also, I was giggling at the headwings and the expression in panel 3 when he ground to a halt in his mind.

This message has been brought to you by a squid named Tug... who wanted me to say something on the forum for the first time ever... about abel's spots.

My problem now? I'm wondering what Deebs is going to call Abel from now on.

I think she'd just offer to help him look for them, and start with under the rug. "as is the way of magical bubblegum bunnies" <.<

I'd bet the flapping headwings were desperately trying to cool his hot head down, cubi a/c ^.^
Lurkus Wallflowerus


"This is a problem that could have been averted with communication."  :P

I can't help but feel that Abel's basically digging his own grave at the moment -- he's obviously upset about something, but he's failing to actually provide any useful information as to exactly what is upsetting him.  (I can't even tell if he's upset over his suddenly missing spots, as the previous page would suggest, or over having had to fight a bunch of adventurers, since he was knocked out before that was resolved.)

What's more, though, everyone else around has access to all of this information -- but since they can't figure out what Abel actually wants to know, they can't tell him.  So for all his ranting about the stupidity of other people for being unable to read his mind and tell him what he wants to know, he apparently isn't clever enough to realize he should stop and ask his questions more coherently to get proper answers.  X3

Admittedly, the one question he did ask ("where are the adventurers?") hasn't been answered yet, although I'm guessing everyone else fails to see why it's relevant information at this point (since the inn is currently safe, and Wildy is already investigating what happened).  I suppose if Abel actually stopped to think about it he'd realize this, but currently he's too upset to do so, and that's leading to some misplaced sarcasm.  Silly Abel...