Destroy all Humans

Started by thegayhare, August 29, 2006, 12:28:02 AM

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hello all

I recently picked up a copy of destroy all humans and this game is just eating up all my time.

The game is a blast.  It's set in the middle of cold war america.  You play Cryptosporidium 137.  Your a lesser member of the Furon race (the grey's),  Considered underdeveloped because your psychic powers are rather crude.   However the Furon race needs your help.  It seems that centuries of waginf war on lesser races using atomic weapons has renders the Furons incapable of breeding do to there compleat lack of genitalia. The furons developed cloning to keep there race and empire intact.  However with each clone the DNA has become degraded causeing the furons to act more and more erratic.  Just intime though the Furons discovered a planet that they once seeded with Furon dna (saliors on shore leave,  you know how it goes)  Deep with in each of the primitive inhabitants there is a pure strand of Furon DNA and with that the empire can reinvigorate there genepool.

The planet was finaly found by Cryptosporidium 136 on his way home from destroying the natives of mars.  136 however disappeared shortly after reporting the location of the planet.

So your mission go to earth, concure the pathetic humans, Rip the needed dna from there brains, and find out what happened to your prevous incarnation.

To help you with this you've got a nice selection of weapons and personal abilities most upgradable from it's basic level.

The zap o matic lightning gun- your basic electroncutioners weapon. *upgrades to chain lightning capable of hitting 4 targets at once*

The Anal Probe- a quick shot sends them running for cover gripping there rears,  while a full charge will cause there heads to explode

Disitgrator- the basic alien assualt rifle,  capable of turning a full grown human to a pile of ashes *upgraes to twin, then triple shots*

Ion Detonator- alien grenade launcher watch your enemies vanish in a pink flash.  there skeletons leaving a blue after glow before vaporising (upgrads increse ammo and AoF)

Psychokenises.  Your can move objects with your mind.  the police man bothering you?  pick him up and smash him to the ground or just toss him away.  *upgrads let you pick up biger objects, from cars to tanks*

you other psychic powers range frm hypnosis, mind reading, and even disgusing yourself as a human.

and thats all with out climbing into your flying saucer, deathrays. sonic bombs and quantum deconstrucors.  One of the coolest bits is that the map you fly on is exactly the same one you run around on as the alien.  I mean exactly... destroy a building in your suacer and you can investigate the ruins on foot,  land your suacer and the tanks your stirred up will still be after you on foot.

your range of enemies is typical B movie fair,  besides the civis  there are cops, soldiers, and finaly black suits (they work for Majestik and carry advanced alien weapons)

there is even an alert system.  The more damage you cause and the more people see you the higher the alert level gets (Hiding can lower the alert levels)  It goes from level one paniced civis, then comes the police (squad cars full of coppers), then comes the army (trucks loaded with soldiers, tanks, and eventualy atomic robots),  then comes Majestik (black sedans full of g-men carrying alien guns) 

Oddly the majestik sedan is the most heavily armored vehical in the game (saving bosses) It can take more damage then the tank.  course the plus is that sedan can't shoot you (which the tank can even if your levitating it.)

Oh god it's a ton of fun,  just running around causing mayham,  and destructon as you battle for the minds of all humanity... just the minds... the hearts are too stringy.  Or just climbing into your saucer and leveling a city... all while the cops and army call you a commie spy *chuckles*

the story is intersting and rather funny...
*sheepish grins*

sorry I've been having fun and had to share


My firend has this game, but said it gets boring after about 5 minutes, though after reading this I made give it a shot. :)


Well It's like any free roaming game, Grand theft auto can get pretty boring too after a while.

One thing Destroy all humans could use is more side missions there are only about 3 or 4 in each location,  course there is always exploring to search for furon probes

topher chee

that game is very time consuming


I have actually been tempted to try this but I've pretty much decided to wait for the sequel, since that'll be out soon - if it's not already out.  The reason why is that the sequel seems to be slated for a PC release (I really don't touch consoles much anymore, I expect the Wii to remedy that though to a degree) and as far as I know, in the UK the original game hasn't had a PC release.

If anyone knows otherwise, let me know.

I don't know if I'd have time to play it currently though since Black & White 2 is consuming my life again, all the new maps and stuff out there, I have no excuse to stop playing.  Especially the sandbox levels with no opposition where I can really concentrate on building and improving my creature's AI.  Such things please me greatly.  If only more games could be won by building at people.

These Greek taunt us with their advanced building skills; their tiled roofs, indoor plumbing, pottery, immense skyscrapers, thriving market places, sprawling fields and beautiful retirement homes!  Don't get taken in men, it's just a trick to fool you.  You'll never need water wells, murky pond water is just fine!


Quote from: topher chee on August 30, 2006, 01:19:07 AM
that game is very time consuming

and confusing (the english used...i am not used to it, it's somehow different or am i tripping?)


English is full of all forms of slang (so much that they somehow allowed Ebonics to be considered a sepearate langauge instead of just a dialect), so there are a lot of terms we use that trip up a number of non-english speaking people.  I've never played the game, but I'm sure it can get pretty bad.


thats true enough mana

and the macarthy era slang could be confusing enough as is

Nikki me...want to....try a game....

Much thanks to Keaton and Haz for my sig, and King Of Hearts for my avatar. ILU guys <3