10/22/2012 [CVRPG IV #1816] - Black! I mean black magic!

Started by Kokopelli, October 22, 2012, 06:05:32 AM

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It is funny how Shaft artwork is very pale and use red robes and his sprite have purple robes and is black.

I mean what the hell? Was the sprite maker colorblind?

Rabid Mollusk

That seems to be a normal problem among Sprite artists.
When this:.

Turn intro this:


Honesyly, I don't even think I've been all that consistent. An early comic with a drawn Shaft, #126, has him in the "pale" Japanese style of depicting black people (admittedly, that was drawn by Sindra, but I didn't say anything about it at the time). Later comics, such as #500, feature a darker Shaft more in line with his sprites.

Officially, Shaft is black. In CVRPG continuity, I try as hard as I can to keep all depictions of him in line with his CVRPG Sprite.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Darkmoon on October 23, 2012, 01:13:09 PM
Honesyly, I don't even think I've been all that consistent. An early comic with a drawn Shaft, #126, has him in the "pale" Japanese style of depicting black people (admittedly, that was drawn by Sindra, but I didn't say anything about it at the time). Later comics, such as #500, feature a darker Shaft more in line with his sprites.

Officially, Shaft is black. In CVRPG continuity, I try as hard as I can to keep all depictions of him in line with his CVRPG Sprite.

That is kind of a continuity error, since I think in Shaft first draw appearance he was black http://www.cvrpg.com/archive/2005/08/18,  then he turn "Pale" in #126, and back to black at #500, honestly I perfer his black with the hood in the face incarnation.


The black with purple robes is official CVRPG cannon. His "pale" appearance his official as far as Konami is concerned, so it's not as though I need to go back and fix Shaft's pale appearance in one comic. Plus, it was drawn by a different artist than Mab. A certain amount of artist leeway is allowed.

Technically, Darkmoon shows up in one comic with more elven ears. That's not official continuity, but since it was done by a different artist than Mab, we let it go.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...
