on the archived comics

Started by KiloFoxx, July 28, 2012, 07:28:21 PM

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basically i got bored today and decided to re-read the comic from #1 for the like... 9th time... and i've been noticing things that don't quite fit in with how the comic is now...

lemme give some examples:

1) Merlitz and Wildy actually had wings in their early appearances (or it at least looks that way) [Wildy in comic #2 and Merlitz in comic #3] and inversely Pyroduck DIDN'T have wings on his first appearance (but later gained them the first time he was shown in colour in the Twink arc... all of these are explainable by the art-shift however)
2)in comic #113 Pyroduck tells Alexi that he's "From the Future" (though i suspect he may be kidding even though he insists at the time he's telling the truth) but this is never explored again, and even contested by the backstory that's explained of him later.
3)and this one really kinda bugs me because it's not explainable(that i can come up with). comic #119 (where Dan was re-telling adventuring stories and then is starting to get pulled into another one) Wildy admits to being surprised they're true and that Dan was an adventurer. despite the fact that she's the one who gifted him his robe as a present for graduating ADVENTURING school as explained in a later flashback.
4)(debatable) the end of the arc where DP is first introduced (and promptly slain) (i havn't re-read up to that point yet so i don't have a comic number handy) Dan gets (almost) fatally injured by one of DP's attacks (as he kills DP himself) however his robe protects him against all magic attacks. *I* call it debatable because it's entirely likely DP hit him with a physical attack, which, logically, shouldn't be nullified by Dan's robe. and DP should've remembered his first encounter with Dan (shown later) where his magic attack mearly shot him into a wall rather than kill him outright thanks to the pesky garment. so i'd assume he was intelligent enough to not use a magic attack in that situation.

i understand all these little things can be easily explained out-of-universe by things like writer oversight, deciding to take things in a new direction, art evolution/shift, et-cetera. but in-universe they don't really make any sense at all. (in #1 the Wildy and Merilitz wings COULD be explained in-universe [Merl getting fire-wings when he gets pissed, though he looked calm in the pannel] [and Wildy could have like, clip-on fake wings that she was wearing in that comic (explainable because she "wants little wingees" as shown in the comics where Dan gets his headwings)])

on a completely different note. in hindsight i'm kinda surprised nobody in-universe pegged Pyroduck as being at LEAST of draconic descent or something. seeing as his wings certainly aren't feathered like Dan's (or an angel's. a race still not seen in DMFA) and they look nothing like Aary's (the Demonic leathery-wings) i guess it's possible to chalk it up to ignorance, but i really dunno... just random observation.
i'll also assume Destina knows Pyroduck is a dragon, seeing as Pyroduck essensially lived in the Twink area (where she worked), and is the adopted son of Fa'Llina (who she worked FOR)... i guess it's also likely she'd glean the knowlege from Dan via their shared link with Cyra if she didn't already know. (not to even MENTION the DMFA Q&A comic where Pyroduck states the feather in his hair is Destina's [STILL waiting for THAT explanation Amber...])

regardless i love the comic and i'll get back to re-reading it ^^ that's just all i could come up with so far and it was kinda bugging me to be writ down (yes that's a word). i'll prolly add to this if i find other little plot point oddities later in my reading. (i'm at #122 ATM)

Lying Foo

Yeah... I'd say you should take everything before Abel and Fa'lina show up with a grain of salt.  You could also say based on those early comics:

-Dan is a monotheist.
-Cubi are Demons.
-Dragons can't shapeshift.
-Beings eat one another.
-The year is at least into the mid-nineties.

(I'll probably link these up later...)
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.


Pretty well everything of the first hundred or so comics is non-canon.


Well thought out, and probably very true: everything before DMFA relaunched is marginally-cannon.

That said, I doubt Amber will want people to harp at great length about this. Likely she'll just go "screw that, now everything is cannon!" and go play with something else without giving an example.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


NOTE: sorry if it sounds like i'm over-anylizing or whatever, i tend to over-anilyze a lot and i'm kinda a writer myself...

Quote from: Mao on July 28, 2012, 07:56:15 PM
Pretty well everything of the first hundred or so comics is non-canon.
so pretty much up until past the art shift and to the beginning of the DP Adventure arc it sounds... but that really only just negate the wing-things from point#1... and possibly Pyroduck's "from the future" bit (which is explainable by him just kidding and taking it a little far) i can't really imagine much past that being non-canon (besides the "how to get a webcomic more views" gag-arc that was declared non-canon once it ended)

Quote from: Lying Foo on July 28, 2012, 07:51:19 PM
Yeah... I'd say you should take everything before Abel and Fa'lina show up with a grain of salt.  You could also say based on those early comics:

-Dan is a monotheist.
-Cubi are Demons.
-Dragons can't shapeshift.
-Beings eat one another.
-The year is at least into the mid-nineties.

(I'll probably link these up later...)

i assume by the "Dan is a monotheist" you mean the part where he nearly dies after killing DP and does the "look into the face of god" bit and Pip is hovering in front of his face.

as for 'cubi being demons, i think Dan's reaction to being 'cubi himself makes it clear that's at least a reletively common misconception. (and in our-universe mythos, 'cubi ARE demons.)

"dragons can't shapeshift" i think you're referring to comic #141 &142 where Dan comes across DP's door guard, the red Dragon he owes money to. i think it's safe to assume that that particular dragon chose to stay in full-dragon form because well, it's like, 1000% more intimidating that way XD
ON THAT NOTE:[/I] it'd be interesting to see that minor story closed. (that dragon was never (visibly) killed or even fought in that arc. and Dan owes him money.) it'd be funny to see him come to collect, find out Dan's a Cyra 'Cubi, and go ape-S***.
NOTE: also on that note, i'm not contesting that said dragon didn't recognise Dan as a Cyra 'Cubi BEFORE (in which case he prolly would've tried to kill him) it makes perfect sense he wouldn't know at all because Dan's 'Cubi "side" hadn't emerged in the slightest yet. without the dragon knowing Destina was 'cubi and Dan's her son (highly unlikely as it seems Dan didn't even know she was 'cubi.) it would've been quite impossible to peg Dan as even a 'Cubi, much less a Cyra 'Cubi.

"beings eat each other" if you're referring to Lorenda, it's made pretty clear in later comics she's actually a creature. and it's entirely possible the 2 predators she ate to save Jyrras were also creatures. (or she meant predators in a different way... as in like, serial killers, or sexual predators or something) otherwise i can't recall any instance where a confirmed Being ate another. (it's stated in one of the comics about there being both the anthro and "feral" or livestock varients of all species... so any actual food shown is likely from one of those rather than a Being. [unless of course the eater is a Creature, in which case that dosn't apply])

like i said though, i realize that there's AMPLE out-of-universe explanations for various minor plot-point-oddities.

Lying Foo

Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:22:52 PMas for 'cubi being demons, i think Dan's reaction to being 'cubi himself makes it clear that's at least a reletively common misconception. (and in our-universe mythos, 'cubi ARE demons.)

Common enough to be shared by Fluffy.

Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:22:52 PM"dragons can't shapeshift" i think you're referring to comic #141 &142 where Dan comes across DP's door guard, the red Dragon he owes money to. i think it's safe to assume that that particular dragon chose to stay in full-dragon form because well, it's like, 1000% more intimidating that way XD
ON THAT NOTE:[/I] it'd be interesting to see that minor story closed. (that dragon was never (visibly) killed or even fought in that arc. and Dan owes him money.) it'd be funny to see him come to collect, find out Dan's a Cyra 'Cubi, and go ape-S***.
NOTE: also on that note, i'm not contesting that said dragon didn't recognise Dan as a Cyra 'Cubi BEFORE (in which case he prolly would've tried to kill him) it makes perfect sense he wouldn't know at all because Dan's 'Cubi "side" hadn't emerged in the slightest yet. without the dragon knowing Destina was 'cubi and Dan's her son (highly unlikely as it seems Dan didn't even know she was 'cubi.) it would've been quite impossible to peg Dan as even a 'Cubi, much less a Cyra 'Cubi.

That would be an interesting callback, but no, I was referring to the "are dragons ticklish?" Q&A, which I can't find.

Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:22:52 PM"beings eat each other" if you're referring to Lorenda, it's made pretty clear in later comics she's actually a creature. and it's entirely possible the 2 predators she ate to save Jyrras were also creatures. (or she meant predators in a different way... as in like, serial killers, or sexual predators or something) otherwise i can't recall any instance where a confirmed Being ate another. (it's stated in one of the comics about there being both the anthro and "feral" or livestock varients of all species... so any actual food shown is likely from one of those rather than a Being. [unless of course the eater is a Creature, in which case that dosn't apply])

Except that Jyrras is explicitly surprised that Lorenda can handle herself because she's a cow, not a Being.
Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.


Quote from: Lying Foo on July 28, 2012, 08:34:37 PM
Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:22:52 PMas for 'cubi being demons, i think Dan's reaction to being 'cubi himself makes it clear that's at least a reletively common misconception. (and in our-universe mythos, 'cubi ARE demons.)

Common enough to be shared by Fluffy.

Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:22:52 PM"dragons can't shapeshift" i think you're referring to comic #141 &142 where Dan comes across DP's door guard, the red Dragon he owes money to. i think it's safe to assume that that particular dragon chose to stay in full-dragon form because well, it's like, 1000% more intimidating that way XD
ON THAT NOTE:[/I] it'd be interesting to see that minor story closed. (that dragon was never (visibly) killed or even fought in that arc. and Dan owes him money.) it'd be funny to see him come to collect, find out Dan's a Cyra 'Cubi, and go ape-S***.
NOTE: also on that note, i'm not contesting that said dragon didn't recognise Dan as a Cyra 'Cubi BEFORE (in which case he prolly would've tried to kill him) it makes perfect sense he wouldn't know at all because Dan's 'Cubi "side" hadn't emerged in the slightest yet. without the dragon knowing Destina was 'cubi and Dan's her son (highly unlikely as it seems Dan didn't even know she was 'cubi.) it would've been quite impossible to peg Dan as even a 'Cubi, much less a Cyra 'Cubi.

That would be an interesting callback, but no, I was referring to the "are dragons ticklish?" Q&A, which I can't find.

Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:22:52 PM"beings eat each other" if you're referring to Lorenda, it's made pretty clear in later comics she's actually a creature. and it's entirely possible the 2 predators she ate to save Jyrras were also creatures. (or she meant predators in a different way... as in like, serial killers, or sexual predators or something) otherwise i can't recall any instance where a confirmed Being ate another. (it's stated in one of the comics about there being both the anthro and "feral" or livestock varients of all species... so any actual food shown is likely from one of those rather than a Being. [unless of course the eater is a Creature, in which case that dosn't apply])

Except that Jyrras is explicitly surprised that Lorenda can handle herself because she's a cow, not a Being.

wow i completely forgot about that demonology segment... seeing as 'cubi are demons in OUR mythology, i wouldn't be surprised if they were, at least TECHNICALLY, classified as such (even though they're that kinda in-between) in the DMFA 'verse... good catch though

i thought it'd be an interesting callback too, which is why i mentioned it. however i don't think it'd be done because literally about EVERYONE would've forgotten about that dragon by now, the plot's already FULL of enough surprises and plotlines to throw in an old callback, and Amber would have to post an info-bit basically saying "HEY! remember this dragon from WAY BACK IN 2002! TEN years ago! yeah it wouldn't really work... it's a good idea IMO, but impractical.

well at first yes, but it's quickly made clear she's A) carniverous, and B) of Demonic lineage, therefore making her a creature (which would make her the 3rd creature featured if i recall right... with Mab and Dan being the first two. [Dan being a TECHNICALLY since he was still classified as a Being until his headwings came in WAY later] [also Pyroduck would be 4th because if i recall right she first appears on the beach after the "alexi-goes-to-therapy-leaving-power-insane-wildy-in-charge arc as the concession attendant, just isn't named until the Twink arc after Pyroduck is introduced]


llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:49:57 PM
[also Pyroduck would be 4th because if i recall right she first appears on the beach after the "alexi-goes-to-therapy-leaving-power-insane-wildy-in-charge arc as the concession attendant, just isn't named until the Twink arc after Pyroduck is introduced]

Ah... Pyroduck is a guy. You can tell, because Amber is pretty good about supplying unnecessary secondary sexual characteristics on all female characters, so you can identify which ones are which.


That means the girls have boobs.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears

Lying Foo

Itsuwari, osore, kyoshoku, urei - samazama wa negative ni torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai, kodoku mo shiranu Trickster.

llearch n'n'daCorna

Quote from: Lying Foo on July 29, 2012, 06:11:58 PM
Lorenda isn't.

Let me edit the quote a little. I thought I'd been specific enough, but apparently it slipped by you.

Either that or I got lost in a massive long paragraph-length run-on sentence with multiple non-specific references. That could be what happened, too.
Thanks for all the images | Unofficial DMFA IRC server
"We found Scientology!" -- The Bad Idea Bears


Quote from: llearch n'n'daCorna on July 29, 2012, 04:56:09 PM
Quote from: KiloFoxx on July 28, 2012, 08:49:57 PM
[also Pyroduck would be 4th because if i recall right she first appears on the beach after the "alexi-goes-to-therapy-leaving-power-insane-wildy-in-charge arc as the concession attendant, just isn't named until the Twink arc after Pyroduck is introduced]

Ah... Pyroduck is a guy. You can tell, because Amber is pretty good about supplying unnecessary secondary sexual characteristics on all female characters, so you can identify which ones are which.


That means the girls have boobs.

*facepaw* by "She" i was refering to Lorenda, whom the topic of that paragraph was about. i know Pyroduck is a guy.

Amber Williams

Quote1) Merlitz and Wildy actually had wings in their early appearances (or it at least looks that way) [Wildy in comic #2 and Merlitz in comic #3] and inversely Pyroduck DIDN'T have wings on his first appearance (but later gained them the first time he was shown in colour in the Twink arc... all of these are explainable by the art-shift however)
Merlitz and Wildy were originally (as well as a large chunk of the original cast) were based on friends' characters. Those charaters all had wings.  I realized right after drawing it that it was ALL WINGS ALL THE TIME so I opted to negate the wings on a few characters.

Quote2)in comic #113 Pyroduck tells Alexi that he's "From the Future" (though i suspect he may be kidding even though he insists at the time he's telling the truth) but this is never explored again, and even contested by the backstory that's explained of him later.
Pyroduck also at some point told Alexsi dragons are incapable of sneezing.  He's a bit of a booger when it comes to telling folks about his past.

Quote3)and this one really kinda bugs me because it's not explainable(that i can come up with). comic #119 (where Dan was re-telling adventuring stories and then is starting to get pulled into another one) Wildy admits to being surprised they're true and that Dan was an adventurer. despite the fact that she's the one who gifted him his robe as a present for graduating ADVENTURING school as explained in a later flashback.
Dan went to school to learn to be an adventurer, but the two never went on adventures together.  Admittedly she likely did likely believe that Dan was legit in his stories, but also highly fabricated.  Also, she's a bit of a butthead and likes to poke fun when she can.

Quote4)(debatable) the end of the arc where DP is first introduced (and promptly slain) (i havn't re-read up to that point yet so i don't have a comic number handy) Dan gets (almost) fatally injured by one of DP's attacks (as he kills DP himself) however his robe protects him against all magic attacks. *I* call it debatable because it's entirely likely DP hit him with a physical attack, which, logically, shouldn't be nullified by Dan's robe. and DP should've remembered his first encounter with Dan (shown later) where his magic attack mearly shot him into a wall rather than kill him outright thanks to the pesky garment. so i'd assume he was intelligent enough to not use a magic attack in that situation.

http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_154.php  (In which Dan takes off his robe before battling Dark Pegasus the first er..."first shown" comic)  Also, Dark Pegasus didn't really bother to check for a pulse when he blasted Dan the timeline first encounter. 

As for the comics in the original archives being canon or not. I'd probably give them a rubber band canon in that there are some things that work and some dont.  I would advise anyone reading the older comics to take them with a grain of salt since yeah,  a bit of it was built with some novice principles.  I try from time to time to iron out some of the older comic kinks, but I also accept that some kinks are likely there to stay and shouldn't be taken too to heart.


Quote from: Amber Williams on July 29, 2012, 09:55:24 PM
Quote1) Merlitz and Wildy actually had wings in their early appearances (or it at least looks that way) [Wildy in comic #2 and Merlitz in comic #3] and inversely Pyroduck DIDN'T have wings on his first appearance (but later gained them the first time he was shown in colour in the Twink arc... all of these are explainable by the art-shift however)
Merlitz and Wildy were originally (as well as a large chunk of the original cast) were based on friends' characters. Those charaters all had wings.  I realized right after drawing it that it was ALL WINGS ALL THE TIME so I opted to negate the wings on a few characters.
maybe Wildy has a set of costume wings? she's expressed a serious desire to have wings of her own (to the point of going after dan's headwings), so her having a set of fake ones wouldn't be too had to believe.

though i wonder why she hasn't bugged Jyrras into making a patch that would give her wings.. surely there has to be some sort of winged ferret out there to use a model..

Quote from: Amber Williams on July 29, 2012, 09:55:24 PM
Quote3)and this one really kinda bugs me because it's not explainable(that i can come up with). comic #119 (where Dan was re-telling adventuring stories and then is starting to get pulled into another one) Wildy admits to being surprised they're true and that Dan was an adventurer. despite the fact that she's the one who gifted him his robe as a present for graduating ADVENTURING school as explained in a later flashback.
Dan went to school to learn to be an adventurer, but the two never went on adventures together.  Admittedly she likely did likely believe that Dan was legit in his stories, but also highly fabricated.  Also, she's a bit of a butthead and likes to poke fun when she can.
given that Dan seems to have spent a lot of time hanging out at the inn and not doing much adventure type stuff when wildy is around, i can definitely buy that wildy had a hard time believing dan actually went on any of the adventures he told stories about.