Fuauaararugh! (comic will prolly be late)

Started by Amber Williams, August 05, 2012, 04:17:32 PM

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Amber Williams

Just giving you all a heads up that the next update will likely be a little late.  I woke up with a pretty nasty neck-ache and everytime I try to look down (including when I try to look down at the paper to ink), it is bringing all the pain to the game.  It doesn't help that the next update is also somewhat big.

I'm gonna keep trying to work at things.  But right now it's just not my day. X_x


Take care of yourself first.

Tailsteak know how to give massages?
Heroic adventuring at the speed of slow.
Never mistake kindness as a sign of weakness.
Not a complete idiot, parts missing.

Dropping Proeliator from the name was way overdue.

Avi by Tabi


Amber Williams

Sadly that is one of the things Mason has never been very good at. X_x

Even if he was, he doesn't return home from work until 9:30.    :cry

I'm probably going to take a hot bath and some painkiller and see if I can get some stuff done.  I get the feeling the combo of me leaning over the art table sketching last night followed by me sleeping slightly off probably is what caused this.  I'm mostly aggravated because I really dont want to drag this storyline on forever and a half.  :U


Hey, take it easy Amber. Your health is the most important thing, no matter what those webcomic artist tenants seem to be. I hope you feel a lot better soon.

And wait, all is not lost, you can draw the comic while lying on your back! Like Michelangelo! The painter, not turtle! I've seen you do it before...

Amber Williams

Quote from: Sofox on August 05, 2012, 04:40:31 PM
And wait, all is not lost, you can draw the comic while lying on your back! Like Michelangelo! The painter, not turtle! I've seen you do it before...



i would reccomend cracking your neck if you were me, but it can be very dangerous if you don't do it properly, and if you're just slightly off, it can cause long-term problems. but it's always worked for me...

regardless, health comes first, comic can wait.



Quote from: Amber Williams on August 05, 2012, 05:04:40 PM
Quote from: Sofox on August 05, 2012, 04:40:31 PM
And wait, all is not lost, you can draw the comic while lying on your back! Like Michelangelo! The painter, not turtle! I've seen you do it before...


NO Amber, BAD Amber.


Use icepacks, or if those are not at hand put cold, wet towels on your neck, it should help a bit, but get well soon!

(credit: Gabi)


Aw, feel better soon! Take all the rest you need! Do it because I say so!


OH NOZ! It is a long post from Crystal about Health! sorry in advance!

Be safe! Feel better! If I lived up there I would massage you for free :) And personally I don't care if we switch over to something less heavy, like Mink, Lorenda and Kria, or even Debbes and M.A.C.E. see what they're doing for a minute. :) I'm on the edge of my seat but I have a seat belt, I can hang out here for a while and still feel awesome about everything you're doing lol!

I do not suggest drawing while laying down, totally possible but it sounds like yours is caused by a tension headache and all the arm work will prolong suffering. Otherwise I'd simply suggest a coke or cup of coffee (inward giggles about the mow mug). Do not suffer for this month, it's your birthday month and you deserve a moment of peace! It would mean more to me personally if you took the time to heal first!

Aside from the good suggestions given by others I suggest in the future taking a few minutes to stretch out your neck, shoulders, and hands every fifteen to thirty minutes of drawing. It'll add a small chunk to your time but also add a good deal to your wellbeing and total length of time you can draw. If that matters, I guess you might not care, many don't :)

If anyone suffers from migraines a lot I could suggest an herb that works 'better' than some medications: Feverfew. They say it's awesome if you eat it raw but can get all scratchy on your throat. I do suggest it though, considering the success rate and low number of side effects. I personally do not consume anything ... I like to suffer through headaches and other physical pain. Because I'm special, gaflarlin!

Feverfew Preparations and Dosage

Feverfew is dried for tinctures, capsules, and infusions. Since feverfew is a lovely garden plant and easy to grow, many herbalists recommend that headache sufferers plant it in their yards, where it will be readily available. Pick two to four leaves each day and allow them to dry in your kitchen.

The dosage of feverfew depends on the type and quality of the product used. Consuming two to three of the bitter-tasting dried leaves each day constitutes a medicinal dosage. Limit consumption to a maximum of four or five leaves a day. If mouth irritation occurs, switch to tincture or capsules.

Feverfew Precautions and Warnings

Feverfew is sometimes called tansy, but do not confuse feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) with the herb tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) or with various Senecio species commonly known as the ragworts, which are sometimes also referred to as tansy. Senecio ragwort contains extremely toxic substances (pyrrolizidine alkaloids) that can damage your liver. You can see the value of using botanical versus common names here. Avoid feverfew in pregnancy because it may increase the risk of bleeding or even induce abortion of the fetus.

Side Effects of Feverfew

Feverfew can cause stomach upset. Chewing the raw leaves, day after day, can irritate the mouth, but the irritation subsides once you stop chewing the leaves. Tinctures and capsules do not irritate the mouth. Using the fresh plant also can cause a skin rash. Since feverfew relaxes blood vessels, it can increase blood flow during menstruation. Keep feverfew out of reach of children. More research is needed to determine the herb's long-term safety.
Oh wow! Uh Yeah Sorry about that turns out I'm quite, quite mad. I'm terribly sorry about the inconvenience of it all. Personally I'm as scared as all of you must be. But on the Plus side I'm not dangerous! Just not to be taken personally.


Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Help! I'm gay!


Quote from: Drathorin on August 06, 2012, 10:56:35 AM
Quote from: Turnsky on August 06, 2012, 10:37:22 AM


only as an example of "what not to do".

and what not to do is Fall Apart

Dragons, it's what's for dinner... with gravy and potatoes, YUM!
Sparta? no, you should've taken that right at albuquerque..


Whaaaa?!  Amber has a neck ache too?!  So did I!  And I didn't even DO anything!  And so do several other people I know! 

We all have terrible neck pain for no reason... A DISEASE!!!   :U
Three's a crowd:  One lordly leonine of the Leyjon, one cruel and cunning cubi goddess, and one utterly doomed human stuck between them.



Quote from: Alondro on August 06, 2012, 11:49:34 AM
Whaaaa?!  Amber has a neck ache too?!  So did I!  And I didn't even DO anything!  And so do several other people I know! 

We all have terrible neck pain for no reason... A DISEASE!!!   :U
neck pain pandemic?

(credit: Gabi)


Quote from: Amber Williams on August 05, 2012, 05:04:40 PM
Quote from: Sofox on August 05, 2012, 04:40:31 PM
And wait, all is not lost, you can draw the comic while lying on your back! Like Michelangelo! The painter, not turtle! I've seen you do it before...


Well I gues being a Miky is better then a Raph in this case. >:3

Get well soon Amber.  :mowsmile
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


Quote from: Ignuus66 on August 06, 2012, 02:16:10 PM
Quote from: Alondro on August 06, 2012, 11:49:34 AM
Whaaaa?!  Amber has a neck ache too?!  So did I!  And I didn't even DO anything!  And so do several other people I know! 

We all have terrible neck pain for no reason... A DISEASE!!!   :U
neck pain pandemic?

Errrrr...  I woke up on August 5th with a nasty pain in the rear-right of my neck as well.   :eek  It has made driving ever so much fun; I have to rotate my whole body to check my blind spot.

How in the world can there be a neck ache pandemic?!  I hope the CDC jumps on this right away.  Not 'cause I want my neck to be better, but 'cause I want Amber's neck to be better so she can draw more arts for her ravening fans!
            <-- #1 that is!

Xios Chiano

Have you ever tried doing any stretching?

There's a yoga thing an old keyboarding teacher from elementary school taught the class. You take your hands crossing them at the wrists, turn your wrists so that that the right palm is to the left of your left hand and facing its palm. Lace your fingers and rotate inwards slowly, stopping when your hands are nearly pointing straight up (it'll resemble the shape of those Awareness ribbons). Hold for a little bit, than slowly unwind till you are extending both arms straight out from your body and then release.

It's meant to relieve neck, back, arm and hand tension. Sometimes it has worked at college for me, sometimes not.


Well, I am dealing with some people at work who are a pain in the neck, but I don't think they've been to Canada lately.

Seriously, if you follow everybody's advice, you'll probably end up in traction in the hospital.  The only thing that I can say is that sometimes sitting in a high back chair that reclines slightly is better than lying down.  If you try slightly different positions, you can sometimes find the sweet spot where the pain diminishes because of the way the forces on your body line up.  Find the most comfortable position and relax.  I also hope that the pain doesn't last long enough for you to do much experimentation.
Learn to laugh at yourself, and you will never be without a source of amusement.



It's true it's true!

Hey it's a free for all!
Oh wow! Uh Yeah Sorry about that turns out I'm quite, quite mad. I'm terribly sorry about the inconvenience of it all. Personally I'm as scared as all of you must be. But on the Plus side I'm not dangerous! Just not to be taken personally.


Amber, I've got a random painkiller-induced question. For weeks you've been trying to post 5-10-panel comics semiweekly and failing to do it in time. You did say you want to have a buffer, but you couldn't create it so far.

Have you ever thought of releasing 1 panel a day? :)

Then again, few online graphic novels have a punchline in (almost) every episode. DMFA would loose some of its appeal that way.


Quote from: tracer on August 20, 2012, 09:24:26 PM
Amber, I've got a random painkiller-induced question. For weeks you've been trying to post 5-10-panel comics semiweekly and failing to do it in time. You did say you want to have a buffer, but you couldn't create it so far.

Have you ever thought of releasing 1 panel a day? :)

Then again, few online graphic novels have a punchline in (almost) every episode. DMFA would loose some of its appeal that way.
Or maybe just having it on Mondays or Fridays?

"You can't report your own post to the moderator, that doesn't make sense!"
