10/06/2012 [DMFA# 1316] - Does that mean no moon pies?

Started by AxiLarin, June 11, 2012, 03:16:41 AM

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I'm not sure where Mab found Pyroduck a spacesuit in the first place, but I love the accommodation for his tail.

Talis Mahn

Also note that his life support pack seems to be modified to fit his wings!  Otherwise it would be painful to wear!


That really looks great, I mean wow that takes the most impressive slide award of DMFA! Holy- You really know how to draw planets and moons from space amber!

Anyhow, sciencenitpicktime!
1. sound can't travel in space. Of course this is no problem with radio communicators, (from 1 suit to the other) But with someone wearing no spacesuit, that wouldn't work. I guess you could get around this with magic, but meh.
(Nobody can hear you scream Pyro  :mwaha )
2. If we are already speaking of magic, Dragons, in fact possibly most other creatures should be powerful enough magic-wise to not need a spacesuit.
3. I wasn't aware tech like that existed outside of Jy's labs, let alone public use, but I guess pyro could have "borrowed" the suit...
4. the curvature of the moon seems a bit too extreme, It would only make sense if the mood was the size of a small asteroid, but then it wouldn't be spherical.
5. Oh and the shadows don't make sense, because if the other moon is shadowed like that, it would mean that Mab's and pyro's shadow should be elongated.

(credit: Gabi)

MT Hazard

Quote from: Ignuus66 on June 11, 2012, 05:15:03 AM

Anyhow, sciencenitpicktime!

Mab: "I'm Ignuus66 and I nitpick everything!"

I just noticed the reflection on the space suit visor and thought it was a neat detail. I do wonder if Mab 'borrowed' the space suit from another reality.
Grammar and I Don't always get on.

Link of the moment:  half man (web comic) 



Quote from: Ignuus66 on June 11, 2012, 05:15:03 AM
Anyhow, sciencenitpicktime!
1. sound can't travel in space. Of course this is no problem with communicators, (aka spacesuit to other space suit) But with someone wearing no spacesuit, I guess you could get around this with magic, but meh.
(Nobody can hear you scream Pyro  :mwaha )

Mab would be able to hear him scream. She might choose to ignore it though.  :P


Quote from: Plotting on June 11, 2012, 06:40:32 AM
Quote from: Ignuus66 on June 11, 2012, 05:15:03 AM
Anyhow, sciencenitpicktime!
1. sound can't travel in space. Of course this is no problem with communicators, (aka spacesuit to other space suit) But with someone wearing no spacesuit, I guess you could get around this with magic, but meh.
(Nobody can hear you scream Pyro  :mwaha )

Mab would be able to hear him scream. She might choose to ignore it though.  :P
or she might be the cause  >:3

(credit: Gabi)


Three moons? Then does that mean a triple chance for rare celestial phenomena involving lunar bodies occurs?


Actually all three planetoids we see here (two moon and planet) suggest different direction to sun.


These are the things I love about this comic. Quirky, colorful, and cute with a dash of awesome. Also Mab XD

Maybe Mab is making a barrier with air with her magic or maybe space works like Star Wars in their universe who knows its cute and I love it :3
Forward ever onward upward aiming skyward.


The only thing that surprised me was the space suit.  Those things are expensive and for P ducky to get one on short notice means that space adventures happen often.

Yes, I do post just to see my own words on the screen.


Quote from: Madmann135 on June 11, 2012, 10:11:05 AM
The only thing that surprised me was the space suit.  Those things are expensive and for P ducky to get one on short notice means that space adventures happen often.

With Mab around, it's prolly best to be insanely prepared...

And dang... Here I thought Mab would be babbling while P ducky is freezing/frying AND gasping for air, then she'd lampshade the fact that there's no air and shouldn't be able to hear him complaining anyway.

But then, I'm just cruel.


other realities aside Furrie does have advanced air travel  technology
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


Wow...that's so Mabbish.

Though now two heavy hitters are away from the inn, that can't be good if some super powerful baddies want to make a visit to this inn.
I perfer my spam cooked on a skillet.


All questions and nitpickery can be answered by the simple reminder that Mab's a Fae.


Very true. but i was thinking of the weasel that got sucked in the airplane some strips back

edit i found the comic http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_263.php
I thank Silver Fox and Tiger_T for the wonderful Yappies.  all around the universe powers learned to hiss and curse at this, my creation but am i real or pure creation?
 I'm never where i was, rarely where i want to be, but always were i am needed.
 this world is not my own. but some how i wish that i could belong. Blame It On Boxey


kellyn: it's like being a secret agent, outside we look perfectly normal. no giant metal faces or tattooed eyes or mohawks. BUT. SECRETLY. DRAWING RAINBOW MONSTERS AND ROOOOLE PLAAAAAYING oh the shame oh the humanity, and man i know so many more cool people now wtf is that


Quote from: e_voyager on June 11, 2012, 01:16:17 PM
Very true. but i was thinking of the weasel that got sucked in the airplane some strips back
It was very early in the comic when the "non canon" times reigned, so I'm pretty sure that does not count as canon, mainly due to the lack of the necessity to invent methods of flight, same can be said for weaponry beyond the flintlock.

As with the suit, I'm guessing he borrowed it from jy's lab from the "space for beings" section, or Mab stole from some other dimension, or just magicked it up.

The reason I don't really think that there are space suits if furrae, is that like other techs left behind, there is no requirement, as the financing of making such a suit would be null, as the only thing a simple one can be used for is easily accomplished by creatures, and it's not required for every day life.

What I still don't get is why pyro NEEDS a space suit, Dragons are very capable when it comes to magic, I'm sure the can create a contained Air bubble with equalized air pressure inside, keep it heated, and shield themselves from radiation. Perhaps even Merlizt (with enough preparation) can create a space bubble, not to mention any trained Creature.

Basically the only other problem would be the sun being too bright, but I don't think that's a really hard thing to get around.

(credit: Gabi)


hmmm... dangerous levels of physics and logic, dangerous levels. there's been warnings of that

and yet nobody has theorized that the moons, being small, may be low enough orbit they are technically inside the atmosphere, even if theres not enough air to, you know, breathe.

loko into it- one of the only reasons a planet the size of earth is inhabitable is its large moon, a planet of earth size would normally have enough atmosphere that the psi on the surface would crush fleshy humans, the oversized moon skimmed exess atmosphere off to reduce it to a less crushing level. a planet with smaller moons would need them to be closer/more of them in order to skim off enough to be not-crushing levels of air
Some will fall in love with life,
and drink it from a fountain;
that is pouring like an avalanche,
coming down the mountain.


Wow, talk about Chekhov's Gun!  From a background knick-knack on Fa'Lina's bookcase to this.  Whee!  Take a bow, Amber.  Well played, well played.

Assuming that the orrery is to scale, then the distance from whichever moons are shown in this strip to Furrae looks about right.  The curvature of the horizon for the moonlet they're standing on is probably a bit extreme, but I really don't know.  Nor do I know how to calculate that.  From the orrery, I would assume that the moons are all of a size somewhere between Mimas and Ceres; i.e., not very large, so it may be right.  In any event, it looks good.  :-)

As for Pyroduck wearing a space suit, and Mab not, I'd say that Mab's just showing off.  I figure she simply materialized the space suit around Ducky when they got there.  'Course, if the info I got from the Wiki is right, there may be an active colony on this moon, so they could have gotten the suit from there.  That Mab doesn't need one shows that she's Just That Good.  :-)  She's decided on her form for this time, and no mere environmental condition like a hard vacuum is going to affect it.  Could Pyroduck do the same thing?  Maybe.  It's hard to say; we haven't seen him do any magic that I can recall.  Besides, why use the energy if you don't have to?  The suit works well enough, and he may need his power for something else.  Space is a very dangerous environment, and all sorts of things can go wrong.

BTW, I like the fact that we can't see Pyroduck's face through his faceplate.  Hollywood never gets that right, nor do most other media.  But a real space suit's faceplate is pretty much a one-way mirror when in the sun.  The sun is BRIGHT outside of the Earth's (or Furrae's) atmosphere.

The only real oops I saw in this was the inconsistent lighting.  But, meh.  It's not worth worrying about.  This isn't "Schlock Mercenary"; I doubt Amber is going to be setting many scenes in outer space.  :-)
|  Space   ||   Space  ||  It's Hard  ||  A Place  ||  Burma  |
|  is Big  ||  is Dark ||   to Find   ||  to Park  ||  Shave  |

Amber Williams

I admit lighting in space is not something that is my forte.  :cry If anyone wants to try to redline me where the shadows are likely supposed to be falling, I'd be likely capable of adjusting the comic so that it's more appropriate.


OK I register just to help here. The way I see it there are two options, I have no idea which would be easier.

  • First is to assume the lighting on Mab any Pyroduck is correct. in which case the light is coming from above them. Then the visible section of the planet would be night so dark and glowing towns and cities. (Well those with street lighting at least.) Also the moon in the background would be more light and to the top right rather than the bottom left.
  • Otherwise if the lighting on the planet is assumed to be right and Mab and Pyroduck are lit similarly to panel two and three then the light is going into the screen slightly to the top left. This means  they would be casting long shadows away from the viewer to the top left. Also the moon in the background would almost fully lit except the top left (i.e. the opposite of what we have now.)

Actually the second option is probably easier but the first option has more awesome. Also all of this is assuming the sun is far away like earths. A small sun, as close in as the moons (like the Orrery seemed to suggest) wrecks all of this and I can't figure how to do it easily.


I wonder why Mab and Wildy call it "the" moon if there are three....
Guess it could be that the other two are named, ....

Nocturne of Night

It's space guys, just roll with it.

Amber, art of space is like most other arts: light comes from one direction. Just the shading is rather stark (light sun half, black dark half). Multiple suns do make things interesting here, but then it's like two flashlights where you get two circles and the overlap part is extra bright.

Brun: atmosphere cannot crush us, because we breathe. This is why we can do the scuba. Gravity however can crush us but atmosphere accounts for pitifully little mass here. Though if the gravity was higher we may have just evolved differently to begin with...


I think - assume sun being somewhere lower-back, Pyro being lighted by reflected light from planet, not by sun.
It's probably only way to make things making sense without redrawing Pyro or planet.

Or just leave things as they are with some fae-related handwaving.


Quote from: Brunhidden on June 11, 2012, 04:24:19 PM
hmmm... dangerous levels of physics and logic, dangerous levels. there's been warnings of that

and yet nobody has theorized that the moons, being small, may be low enough orbit they are technically inside the atmosphere, even if theres not enough air to, you know, breathe.

look into it- one of the only reasons a planet the size of earth is inhabitable is its large moon, a planet of earth size would normally have enough atmosphere that the psi on the surface would crush fleshy humans, the oversized moon skimmed excess atmosphere off to reduce it to a less crushing level. a planet with smaller moons would need them to be closer/more of them in order to skim off enough to be not-crushing levels of air

OK first of all, the moons are NOT small (2 of them ARE spherical) ,If they were inside the Atmosphere, even slightly, the gravitational pull would slowly pull the planet apart, but what's even more possible is that the moons would slowly spiral inward, because the gravitational tug defeats the centrifugal force, and thus, collision of catastrophic effects (wiping out 70% of life on the planet would be the best case scenario of !1! Charon sized planet colliding with the earth.)

Also the 2 main reasons Moons are beneficial for life is because
They cause the Axis to not wobble so much, without a moon, the poles might cause the tropical region to be a tundra at times, and other times to be a scorching hot desert. this would wreck large life, ocean currents, and wind/rainfall patterns.
B.) Asteroid shield: All the craters on the moon (the bigger ones at least) were possible asteroid collisions it defended us from.
C.) Helped slow Earth's rotation down, this made winds less extreme, and other such stuff. Not really required, but helpful non theless

The thing with atmosphere crushing humans is completely false. The moon is so far away that when you leave even the outermost region of the Atmosphere you are not even 1/10Th the way there.

I'm a complete space nut if you must know

(credit: Gabi)


Quote from: Jasonrevall on June 11, 2012, 09:23:50 AMMaybe Mab is making a barrier with air with her magic or maybe space works like Star Wars in their universe who knows its cute and I love it :3
She's a fae and doesn't need air.

Quote from: joshofspam on June 11, 2012, 12:33:42 PM
Though now two heavy hitters are away from the inn, that can't be good if some super powerful baddies want to make a visit to this inn.
Wildy and Alexsi are still there.
"Cogito, ergo es. I think, therefore you is." Ray D. Tutto (King of the Moon) to Baron Munschaussen


Quote from: Ignuus66 on June 12, 2012, 07:55:27 AM
Quote from: Brunhidden on June 11, 2012, 04:24:19 PM
hmmm... dangerous levels of physics and logic, dangerous levels. there's been warnings of that

and yet nobody has theorized that the moons, being small, may be low enough orbit they are technically inside the atmosphere, even if theres not enough air to, you know, breathe.

look into it- one of the only reasons a planet the size of earth is inhabitable is its large moon, a planet of earth size would normally have enough atmosphere that the psi on the surface would crush fleshy humans, the oversized moon skimmed excess atmosphere off to reduce it to a less crushing level. a planet with smaller moons would need them to be closer/more of them in order to skim off enough to be not-crushing levels of air

OK first of all, the moons are NOT small (2 of them ARE spherical) ,If they were inside the Atmosphere, even slightly, the gravitational pull would slowly pull the planet apart, but what's even more possible is that the moons would slowly spiral inward, because the gravitational tug defeats the centrifugal force, and thus, collision of catastrophic effects (wiping out 70% of life on the planet would be the best case scenario of !1! Charon sized planet colliding with the earth.)

Also the 2 main reasons Moons are beneficial for life is because
They cause the Axis to not wobble so much, without a moon, the poles might cause the tropical region to be a tundra at times, and other times to be a scorching hot desert. this would wreck large life, ocean currents, and wind/rainfall patterns.
B.) Asteroid shield: All the craters on the moon (the bigger ones at least) were possible asteroid collisions it defended us from.
C.) Helped slow Earth's rotation down, this made winds less extreme, and other such stuff. Not really required, but helpful non theless

The thing with atmosphere crushing humans is completely false. The moon is so far away that when you leave even the outermost region of the Atmosphere you are not even 1/10Th the way there.

I'm a complete space nut if you must know

This. All the this.

Also does seeing Furrae from space possibly hint at a map showing up some time in the future?  :U
o3o Iunno.


Quote from: Ignuus66 on June 11, 2012, 05:15:03 AM
1. sound can't travel in space. Of course this is no problem with radio communicators, (from 1 suit to the other) But with someone wearing no spacesuit, that wouldn't work. I guess you could get around this with magic, but meh.

Technically, sound just needs some kind of atmosphere. Just because you can't see an atmosphere on those "moons" doesn't mean there isn't a very thin one. her voice wouldn't travel very well, but it still would travel.
In Brightest Day. In Blackest Night...


Quote from: Ignuus66 on June 11, 2012, 05:15:03 AM
That really looks great, I mean wow that takes the most impressive slide award of DMFA! Holy- You really know how to draw planets and moons from space amber!

Anyhow, sciencenitpicktime!
1. sound can't travel in space. Of course this is no problem with radio communicators, (from 1 suit to the other) But with someone wearing no spacesuit, that wouldn't work. I guess you could get around this with magic, but meh.
(Nobody can hear you scream Pyro  :mwaha )
2. If we are already speaking of magic, Dragons, in fact possibly most other creatures should be powerful enough magic-wise to not need a spacesuit.
3. I wasn't aware tech like that existed outside of Jy's labs, let alone public use, but I guess pyro could have "borrowed" the suit...
4. the curvature of the moon seems a bit too extreme, It would only make sense if the mood was the size of a small asteroid, but then it wouldn't be spherical.

5. Oh and the shadows don't make sense, because if the other moon is shadowed like that, it would mean that Mab's and pyro's shadow should be elongated.

There is, perhaps, trying to help someone grow as an artist, and then there is just shoving your knowledge in everyone's face. This, I think, would be the latter.