Flight of Fancy: IC (Mature) {Currently Closed}

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, January 17, 2012, 08:43:37 PM

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Kenyan scratched and squeaked his reply to the rat, wary about his response to this next part. This was the hardest part for other rats to accept about him, though never in his own pack.

<They want us to find some things for them. I'll describe them later. Now, before you come out, please remember: I don't look like one of our kind. I look more like the big creatures. I promise that I won't hurt you, so please trust me.>

The lion sat back on his haunches and waited. It had been too long since he'd traveled with his chosen kin; he was tense, but much happier than he'd been in a long time.
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


"Well let me know if you ever need any extra hands. I am always eager to learn more." Shax smiled "Trying to mark a new mark on history then? Very admirable. But as I said I think I'm gonna relax at home first for awhile. Its been a long time since I was in Zinvth."

The Cabbit laughed a bit "Yeah, the fad kinda spiked more erm... Activities in bed... To put it a bit blunt." He shrugged "I never partook of any of it myself. Although I have been hit on a few times during it. I think it just caused a spike in hormones for some students."

"Ah, alright then. Well lets see..." He looked about to table and pulled out a pair of menus from the little rack on the end of the table. "Not really sure on how it would effect me really. I'm one of the 'oddballs' apparently because I actually kept a normal sleep and eating schedule even after my second wings came in."


"How safe is Zinvth for 'Cubi these days, anyway?"  Jakob asked.  "A couple of centuries back there was a bit of a bust-up when your clan tried to build a hospital there.  Did that ever get sorted out?"

The wolf kept himself expressionless as Shax mentioned that he had resisted the siren song of the nakedness fad.  "SAIA is a place where anything goes," he said.  "There's no shame in a little fun.  After all, that's what 'Cubi are known for."  Mentally he crossed Shax off the list to ask if he ever felt lonely during the voyage.

"I've heard that living like a Being exclusively has strange side-effects.  It may weaken your powers and quite possibly shorten your life as well," he cautioned.  "Besides, being able to stay up nights can be most useful."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Paladin Sheppard

Quote from: Kafzeil on August 12, 2013, 07:48:28 PM
"Yes, exactly." Eden sighed, rinsing her hair out. "Part of the reason I don't know if I should scream his ears out or hug the asshole when he gets back." She picked up another bottle of soap, looking at it for a few seconds. "Love is a weird emotion, isn't it?"

"Love? I'm not so sure about love, I mean I loved my mum and dad, and I love my Sister, but I've never loved anyone else" The Redhead said squirming a little on the edge of the bed.

"Lust is so much easier...Soooo much easier"  She finished with a quirky smile.


He leaned back in the chair, stretching. "Well its fairly safe as long as you don't piss anyone off. Its been safe for me, I never ha issues. I grew up from there, was adopted, and my parents were beings living in that city if you can imagine that. As for the hospital? I'm not sure. I wasn't aware of the incident till my late teens and never looked further into it. I just learned it was someone from clan Siar that may have caused it. I was going to ask Abel about it, but I rather not do anything to piss him off..."

The small Cabbit gave a bit of a laugh "Heh. Fun, right. While most Cubi were out having fun, I spent my time in the library. I was a bit of a quiet one and a bit of a shut in so I never really saw anyone outside of classes while there or my dorm room. Fa'Lina got sick of it before and locked me out of my room on a few occasions to try and force me to mingle a bit. I guess she thought I would be lonely, I dunno."

"Oh? I have never really hard of that or even read anything on it. I do dream surf often though, and heck, I even still dream myself." He shrugged. "I might have to look into that but thank you for the heads up."


"Ah yes, what a sad waste of talent that boy is," Jakob said, absently choosing a cinnamon roll from the menu.  He glanced around with a sigh.  If anyone had been listening his secret was likely out by now.
"So far on this trip I've been posing as an Angel," he said quietly, looking intently at Shax to see his reaction.  "I'm still not sure if I should be more open about what I am.  But once I do that I can't put the genie back in the bottle.  Of course, my Lord has Angels and Demons in his employ, but the minute I say I'm working for him, I guess people will assume I'm one of his Children anyway."

"I guess it's probably best to carry on as I have anyway.  Some people get angry if they think you've been deceitful - others get angry if you don't, thinking that you're flaunting your heritage out of arrogance.  I guess we can't win."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Shax would order a small salad for himself, smiling as the waiter left to place the orders to the kitchen. He sat back with a sigh, looking around the expanse common room.

"Posing as an angel? I don't really blame you too much. Some people are just not as friendly to Cubi as they are with other creatures. For me, I just often hide my wings all together." He stated. "But there are just some people who are closed minded about one race all together, its a sad truth but its the world we live in isn't it?" Shax would lean on the table, still watching the wolf "Perhaps they will assume that, if any of the people who you mention your employer can figure out how to put two and two together. Although I doubt many people on this ship will really care either way, but one can never be too careful."


"I guess that's the bottom line," Jakob said.  "You can't be too careful, so I will stay as I am now for a bit longer, I think."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Shax nodded, fidgeting with his right ear slightly "I agree. And I'm gonna head back and get this covered up as soon as I can." He referred to his clan mark. "So how are you enjoying the flight so far?" the Cabbit asked.


"So far so good," Jakob said.  "It's been fairly quiet, which I guess is the point.  Better that than being attacked by pirates, bandits, Demons, anti-wing groups or other such folk.  So far I've had a case of foot-in-mouth disease, and been assailed by a drunken Angel.  It could be worse.
"Though I am a little concerned by the magic suppressor field," he added quietly.  "There's no clear reason for it to cover the ship as thoroughly as it does."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


With a laugh, Shax smiled as their food arrived. "Well it would be rather hard for us to be attacked up here wouldn't it? But I'm sure the ship has some defenses. But you are right. The Magic suppressor would leave alot of use rather vulnerable if we were attacked. I'm sure we can't even get out with our Warp-Acis if we tried." He took a bite of his salad, ears perking up slightly "A drunken angel? Sounds fun actually."


"Well, I meant that it beats being attacked if I had taken a land or sea route," Jakob said, taking a bite from his pastry, "But yeah.  And the Angel might have been fun if I hadn't been attending a formal dinner at the time."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


With a nod, the Cabbit took another bite of his own meal. "I see what you mean, but the possibilities are still there. though, are they not?" Shax nearly choked on his meal when the wolf mentioned it was over a formal dinner. "Oh dear, I can see how that would would cause a problem... I hope it was dealt with quickly. I'm assuming no one was hurt?"


The Interrogation, or, Please Don't Sue

"Ah, the missus, of course. Happy negotiations then!" He saw the angel to the door and sent him on his way with a handshake and a smile, all charm. "We're in the first class apartments, your room should be downstairs from here. Send along word if you make your decision on that compensation. Just speak to any of my guards, tell them to get the message to me and give them your name. I'll make it my top priority."

It wasn't until he was down the hall, and out of sight of Kaf, that the mask began to drain away.
"Willikens I don't believe I need to remind you-"
"I'll prep the Special VIP room and see about an appropriate set of chips."
"Don't interrupt. But yes."
"Understood, sir."

The Vents

"Understood, sir."
It wasn't long before Xyrtia found the source of the speaking, and his retinue. The way he was dressed, and walked... He could only be the captain. He had some sort of toady following close at hand, a straight-backed wolf demon with a clipboard and a security officers uniform. If she was quiet, she could creep along the air conditioning vents and stay within easy earshot of them.
"Try to keep up Willikens, the last thing I need is to get caught in my own damn spell. We're behind schedule."
"Absolutely, sir. Reminds me, you have a call with one of our backers in fifteen. The dragon, on her private line."

Slave Decks, or, Merc Eye for the Incarcerated Guy

"The worst quality in a man is a tendency to sell himself short, featherduster, and you're young besides," There was a chuckle from Singing Grin, back turned to the two of them, "Brag while it's still easy, child. And for gods sake hustle a little, if there's anything worse than getting caught in a breakout it's getting caught in a breakout naked. Learned that the hard way."
Finally, with a last couple adjustments ("Blistering hell boy did nobody ever teach you to tie a cravat? Here, come here I'll- damn. Alright, lose the caveat I'll just-") they met their hostesses standards.
"Keep in step behind me, and for the love of god try to look like a dignified caliber of menial. I've had this con go awry too many times with piss-poor body language."
The constant hum of the nearby engines, punctuated with bangs, clangs and bursts of steam, gave every step a sort of anxiety. Every loud noise taking just a second too long to process as something that WASN'T an angry guard. Every hiss provoking a sharp turn of the head, but at no point did their strange hostess break stride.
The reason, of course, was revealed in her interactions with the guard by the stairs leading up, out of this maze of rust and noise.
"Lady Grin," The overweight demon, a rare quality in his race, shifted in his seat and grinned, "Didn'ah see you come down."
"Just examining my possible purchases Charles. You know how I like to kick the wheels a little."
"You'll get plenty of that this evenin' after takeoff. You intend to be at the, aha, exhibition?"
"Oh, absolutely. And I know the pool you're running on it," Singing Grin smirked and scratched under the guards chin as he passed. "Put me down for twelve Marques on the larger Griffon, to win his first three matches."
With that, tail switching back and forth, Singing Grin led Jake and the pangolin up into the light of the ship proper.

The Slave Hold

Squeaking, partially in fear and partially in reassurances to Kenyan, the rat finally crawled out of its hole in the wall. It squeaked again, loudly, when it recognized Kenyan.
I... Don't think I was prepared. Is... Is your whole family so large?"

Eden and Kaf's Room

Kirrin had never heard anything more satisfying than a tumbler in a lock clicking home. To an experienced locksmith the feeling could be described as a knot of tension coming undone.
The room beyond was... Posh, but not first class. It was a touch messy, and the occupants had put some photos around the room in a rather sweet attempt at making it more like home. The most common figures in the pictures were a demonic rabbit, constantly smiling, and a winged ferret, usually looking away from the camera. The sound of showers and female conversation could be heard behind the closed bathroom door. If he was quiet, maybe he wouldn't be heard...

In town

Jeremiah whisked out the map with a flourish probably practiced in long hours of bordom.
"Aye Ma'am, and I think I've figured out a route that should get us there without getting mugged, lost or depressed. We can set off as soon as you're- wait, someone?"

Jeremiah couldn't remember how long he'd been carrying things. This woman's shopping habits were terrifying. He'd seen her haggle three shopkeepers to tears, each over products as well crafted and esoteric as they were completely without practical use; a wind-up poodle sculpted of delicate brass, a variety of gems he'd never even heard of, and a small copper box that had vented cool and mint-scented fog as he'd touched it to place it in the bags.
The frog was reasonably certain that between the paper bags with a variety of mostly faux-name brand labels hanging from his arms and piled on his back and one, for a while there, gripped in his teeth, he was carrying over three times his own weight. It was some kind of medical marvel. He would have to be careful about what doctor he went to after this; whatever he'd just felt in his spine might be named after his choice. What about Clevitz? Clevitz is a fine name for a back injury, I should find a Doctor Clevitz.

He had finally had the chance to lay down his burden in a cafe across from the Human Museum ("See Authentic Footprints! Behold Blurry Recordings Of These Elusive Subfurrae Creatures!") where his taskmaster New Friend had just offered to pay for lunch. He adjusted the hat she'd bought him; a brimmed thing with two large, rubber human ears at the sides, and took a sip of his tea and reached for a cookie.

"Thanks kindly Ma'am. For the cookies and, uh, the hat." He nudged the brim, "Fits like it was made for me."
He was appreciative, of both the food and the hat, he just honestly didn't know how to feel about the latter.


A devilish grin spread across Kirrin's face when those tumblers gave way, thinking to himself. 'Aahhh, music. Sweet music....' In a crouch with wings folded against his body, he would head in, carefully closing the door behind him. Then, he winced hearing the sound of a shower and a conversation. Seems this room wasn't empty like he thought. He'd have to make this short and sweet if he didn't wanna get caught. As he caught a glance at the pictures his eyes would widen a moment, knowing he at least wouldn't want to run into the demonic rabbit and if the voices coupled with the pictures were any indication the ferret angel seemed to be quite feminine. Though he was silently thanking the gods that he had thought ahead and snuffed out his cigar, he began moving closer to where the bags had been set. Kirrin being quite nimble, even in his crouched position, his feet not making a sound. He managed to reach some of their personal items and began searching through them, all the while keeping his ears open for any sign that either of the pair in the bathroom were coming back. He breathing through his nose at the moment, not wanting to let his cigar breath be smelled. He pocketed a small number of items and continued looking.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Kafzeil smiled, walking away. "Thank you Captain. I will let you know our decision posthaste." He turned around, dusting off his crumpled hat. Hopefully he remembered to bring a spare. Oh well, get down to his room, shower then head into town.

As he briskly walked down the hallways to a stairwell, he whistled to himself.  It was a song he was fairly familiar with, having historical significance to his family, specifically, his grandfather.  While he didn't much like the man, the song was catchy, and served as a nice warning.


"An uncomplicated girl~" The water shut off as Eden stepped out of the shower, giving Ephy tush a pat. "Nota bad thing sometimes." She teased, putting her underwear and a fresh shirt on, followed by her glasses, before opening the door.

Kirrin would find a large picture, what appeared to be the ferret with siblings. Seven other ferret angels of different shapes and sizes. The only girl looked small and timid, while the ran from a tall, thin black furred one to a overweight grinning looking fellow to two military men, one handsome an athletic, the other muscular. Beside was curious looking lockbox, a picture of the demoness what appeared to be her brother, a bookish looking fellow, Various potions, and a flask. The lockbox had the name "Castor" engraved on it.

Eden stopped as she opened the door, sniffing the air, catching the faint whiff of tobacco. Scanning the room, she spied an intruder crouched near..that box. She motioned to Ephy, and pointed at him, moving to cut off the escape route, while she pointed to a cabinet that contained Kaf's warhammer and her broken sword.

"Excuse me, Sir~" Eden cracked her knuckles, her voice like someone mixed honey and cyanide together. "But I'm going to ask you stand up and move away from the dresser. You will touch nothing else, or you will die~"
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


"I'm not sure he's my type," Jakob said to Shax.  "Besides, he might not be so eager when he's sober.  But I do hope he's okay... I don't think I've seen him since he was removed by the Captain's men."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Keep up... caught... spell?! Quickly, Xyrtia scanned the vent in front of her for anything obviously magical, though she doubted she'd actually be able to spot anything unless some kind of fetish or talisman was involved. As silently, yet as rapidly as possible, she snuck ahead, past the captain a short ways so she wouldn't lose hearing him, but certainly was farther along than him away from whatever they were going away from. What have they cast on the ship? She thought, worried. In her experience, magic did far too many funny things to be trusted.

Paladin Sheppard

Spotting the intruder into Eden and Kaf's room (At least she assumed it was an intruder as he looked nothing like the Angel in Eden's pictures) at the same time as Eden, Ephrael was already moving to flank as Eden motioned her to cut off his escape. A pair of throwing knives appearing in her hands, previously hidden somewhere on the Diminutive Devil.

The Redhead took up her station by the door as Eden spoke, waving one of her knives as exclamation point to Eden's threat. 


Kirrin looked at the picture of the group of ferrets and tilted his head a bit, a small smirk spreading across his face. Setting it aside he would take hold of the lock box and begin quickly working on getting it open, draping his wings over his arms while he did so. Taking the time to slip the flask into his back pocket also, figuring he could use it for a good 'nip' later. Kirrin was busy listening for the lock on the box to click open when he heard a small series of things. One being Eden's voice, the other the sound of her knuckles cracking. He mentally winced, thinking. 'The gods are fickle it seems.' At first the white tiger stays stock still, then slowly begins to stand. She had said he would touch nothing else, nothing about to let go what he already had a hold of. So, using his wings for cover as he rose, the lock box would rise with him in one hand.

He kept his leathery wings draped over his body like a cloak to keep his hands hidden, turning to look at the pair. Seeing Eden in nothing but her underwear and a t-shirt, the first thing to come from his mouth was. "Uh-guh..." Gathering his senses though, he would look at the two rather sternly. Headwings hidden, he appeared to be a mere demon himself. Glancing to the devil at the door, he smirked. Seeing the knives made him grimace, he was agile and rather fast. But at this range he knew he wouldn't be able to dodge if he were to get her to throw one of those knives his way, if he could draw the kukri at his side fast enough maybe he could deflect it. His one free hand though was moving to said Kukri's handle while he slowly edged himself away from the dresser as he was told. "Now, now ladies. I see no reason anyone needs to get hurt here." He began considering the flash paper he had on him as well, can't attack what you can't see after all. At least not well. "I'm sure we can all be reasonable here." He said trying a little diplomacy first.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


"I think you're mistaken if you honestly think you can talk your way out of this." The demoness scowled. "Hands where I can see them, and lose the wings."

The demoness took another step closer but still kept a nice, safe distance. "you got five seconds kid. I ain't in the mood for bullshit." Still she was confident the tazzy devil had her back on this.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts

Paladin Sheppard

The Tasmanian Devil's ears twitched and swiveled in the intruders direction like radar dishes as he spoke, her stance light and ready to strike should he move towards her. "You really should listen to her" Ephrael said with a smile involving many sharp teeth. "Reasonable isn't much fun"


"Nah, didn't ever really think so. Just figured it was worth a shot, still can't say i didn't try babe." He said to the demoness, he rolled his shoulders lightly, letting his joints pop. Then sighs even as she ordered him to show her his hands. Eyes now slowly glancing between the two angered girls, trying to gauge the one who was more of a threat at the moment. Hearing the Tazzy devil gal's words he smirked a little. "Ah, a gal after my own spirit..." He then turned back to looking at Eden. Kirrin slips a hand into his pocket, carefully pulling out the flash paper he had there and took a step back. Carefully he opens his wing to show him holding the lock box, the flash paper itself appearing to be nothing but ordinary paper in his hand. The only reason he hadn't attacked this time around is because he wanted to gauge her reaction to him holding that property, the needle turned lock pick still in amongst the tumblers. "There we are, my hands are visible and the wings, well they're attached." He said with a rather sharp toothed grin of his own. Carefully keeping the lock box close to himself, rather wanting it for a if necessary makeshift shield more than anything.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Eden seemed relatively unfazed. She had dealt with this type of asshole so many times. the Hot Shot Thief who thought he was tough shit, some different from the other hot shots who had all be imprisoned or killed because they got too greedy.

This guy...was virtually no different. The fact Eden could smell the tobacco still on his body was proof enough. He might as well be wearing stripped jersey and mask.

Dad's lockbox caught her eye.  scowl widening her gaze turned into a glare. "Drop the box. Put the box on the floor carefully or I promise you whatever the Captain will do you will be far nicer then what I will do.' She delivered her ultimatum. "Then empty your pockets or I search you. pray I'm gentle, kid."
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts


Shax nodded, closing his eyes slightly as he took a sip of water. "So they booted him off the ship then? Or perhaps they have some sort of drunk tank on here. Either way, its a bit of a shame..." He looked over at Jakob. "I'm a very light drinker myself. Only one glass and that's it. I rather not impair my own senses..." He soon finished off his salad, pushing the plate back. "So how many other Cubi you know of are on this ship?"

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel sipped a reasonably decent cup of tea while she assessed the day's purchases. Most of it was complete rubbish. With her magic finally working again she sent them off to the forlorn dimensional locker where the family kept costumes and almost-nice presents for people they didn't like.  That only left one small bag of treasures, the clockwork poodle, the gems securely in her pocket, and of course the giant bag of tourist stuff she'd pressed onto Jeremiah. She hoped the bargaining for the stones hadn't undone all her work playing a twitter-brained lady of leisure. She wanted her helpful assistant to go back to the ship and tell the crew that she was a harmless eccentric and had an attention span shorter than a toddler's. But gems were important to her charm making and she couldn't pass up the chance to acquire fine specimens. Hopefully he'd pass it off as mere avarice.

She pushed the plate of cookies closer to the frog as she looked him and the silly hat. "I am not sure it goes with that tee-shirt. I think we should go back and get the one with the Human Hunter's face on it. I do not think that one with the picture of a human is exactly accurate."

Grossly inaccurate was more like it. Humans didn't have eyes on stalks like a snail in any of the dimensions they were known to inhabit. "You can wear it while you read his book." She gestured to the bag of treasures she had given to him during their wanderings. Her eye caught on the clockwork poodle sitting on the chair between them. "Do you think a pink poodle is too cliché? Maybe we should go exchange it for the mint green one? We can stop at that gem merchant on the way. I know that nice undead River Monitor would love to see you return."
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Paladin Sheppard

Ephrael's stance wavered not a whit as she let Eden take the lead, as after all it was a. her room b. her possessions.  "I wonder how well he flies with his wings tied?"


Kirrin gave a soft sigh. "Ah, so this is 'really' important to ya then, eh doll?" He said, putting the box up to his ear and giving a light shake, making sure not to take his eyes off the pair. He smirked again, seeming to ignore Eden's next demand, though he did reach into his pockets and let the few coins he took drop as well as a couple pieces of jewelery. He then scowled in Ephrael's direction "Tie my wings?" He clenched the flash paper for a moment, he was done here, hopefully for him he could manage his way past these two. Bending down, he acted as if he were going to comply and put the lock box down, instead he wound himself up a little and gave the lock box a firm toss straight at Eden. The next moment, he'd shield his eyes with a hand and let the flash paper go off with not so much as a sound, just a bright flash.

Kirrin's wings albeit slowly thanks to the magic damper, would form into tentacles. Sending them straight for Ephrael's knives, if he could get them, he'd attempt to pull them from the tazzy devil's grip, especially if his pair of distractions had worked well enough. He was moving quite quickly to get by Eden, his wing-tentacles making a quick attempt at wrapping around Ephy, problem is they were weaker and if he kept using them for too long he'd tire out faster than he'd like. So if he managed to get behind her as well, he'd give her a firm kick to the backside towards the bed and try and exit through the door, letting his wings return to normal. Muttering more to himself than anyone else. "I'm not a kid, I'm three hundred and twenty-seven years old...."
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?

Paladin Sheppard

A life in the shadows had prepared Ephrael not only for fighting dirty, but in complete darkness as well, so when her eyes shut due to the flash bomb's blinding light the Redhead was still tracking her target which her ears and nose (that cigar smell was a dead giveaway). 

Rather go for a killing throw (bloodstains are so hard to get out, and there was that little problem with the law thing) Ephy decided to pin the guy to the wall instead. Tossing both knives with an underhanded throw aiming for where his armpits should be, she used the throws momentum to reach up and into her hair for another pair of knives...Finally opening her eyes again to be greeted by wing-tentacles. 


"Obviously?" Jakob asked, sipping a cup of tea.  "Only Hobbies.  He's on staff and does some puppetry shows in the evenings.  It's quite good.  Of course, there may well be others who have taken their disguises more seriously.
"That Angel guy?  He was probably just an Angel.  And yes, I imagine they have some kind of drunk tank for the unruly - after all, he's a paying guest.
"In the worst case they may have evicted him from the ship, it being in dock after all.  The rich and powerful wouldn't like it if some of them started disappearing on these flights."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E