Flight of Fancy: IC (Mature) {Currently Closed}

Started by Corgatha Taldorthar, January 17, 2012, 08:43:37 PM

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Paladin Sheppard

Ephrael listened to Eden rant on from her perch on the bed enjoying the view as the Demon Bunny vented her spleen.

"Let me guess? You bought the tickets for the trip?" The Redhead said as Eden slowed down for a moment.

James StarRunner

Well, her companion was safe at least... Drunk granted, but not a slave. "Remember what I said about demons chika? Angels too. Each have their own will and they are capable of choosing to do good for this world or evil..." He noticed Jakob waving them down in the corner of his eye, or at least at Aisha. Jakob wouldn't have known Josè. "Sometimes even both. But I believe you have someone trying to get your attention, yes? A mighty lord by the looks of him. Come friend of my friend!" He said as he waved Jakob over.


"Not high-born," Jakob said, glancing between the two jaguars.  "More an industrial magnate, if I may be so presumptuous.  These newly-discovered sciences have provided many advancements for Beings and Creatures alike.  While those willing to invest in them, such as my employer, can reap quite substantial rewards.  Advancements which the Messaging Centre seem to have wholly ignored," he added with a backwards glance and a sour expression.

"Madame," he said, turning to Aisha, and proffering a gloved hand. "I noticed you on the flight, but I don't believe I got your name...?"

Her friend's body language is wrong, he thought to himself, but cast it aside.  He may be a 'Cubi in disguise.

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Headquarters of the Resistance Slavehold

"Well Mr. Not-A-Pawn, you're plainly a man of integrity. Champion of his own fate and captain of his soul. Enjoy the cell," Singing Grin's eyes swept the room, "So, any pawns in here then?"
Her phrasing obviously rankled some of the slaves in the room, but it was interesting to see whose eyes narrowed at the slight and whose burned with awakened survival instincts. The first to volunteer was a pangolin, a young man that couldn't be a day over twenty. Singing Grin's look was uncomfortably predatory.
"You and the griffon will do fine." There was a clank of a bolt being pulled, and the door opened... Just broad enough to permit Jake. If he sidled. "Lest we have any opportunists in our midst, you understand.
The woman was tall, broad, more handsome than pretty and dressed in a mix of different military uniforms and garish jewelry that could only belong to a mercenary, a pirate or some manner of nautically themed pimp. Red hair was swept back into a slightly messy ponytail and still, her eyes were wide and striking.
"The resistance thanks you, citizens..."

Where Xyrtia had entered the ducts she could see a few different branching paths. Most of them contained the hum of machinery and thus seemed dangerous, but one or two struck her. One carried the  sound of riotous laughter and bawdy conversation, one smelled of food and gasoline, and another... Another smelled like fresh air.


Interrogation Suite, Or, A Friendly Chat

Captain Uidnetan made a face that, one could assume, may very well have been the closest he'd come to contrite in the past fifty years.
"Ah, the closet was admittedly a touch unorthodox. Normally this sort of debriefing would have been performed immediately after the incident but, well, you're a surprisingly agile drunk." He gave a little chuckle, "It's actually a little funny, at one point you began shouting about your rights and police brutality and upsetting some of the other guests? One of my men panicked and stuffed you in that closet to settle you down!" The captain was full-on chortling now and thumped the table once, "I'd say the man's instincts were spot on, it seemed to work!" The Captain was noticeably more relaxed, and the guard with the notepad, in spite of Kaf's impulse, was writing furiously.
"I really am sorry about all this unpleasantness, I have a few more questions I have to ask. Just so I can show on my report I asked them, you understand.
"Have you ever been a vassal or mercenary for the following Cubi clans; Jyraneth, Ti'Fiona, Falseface, Mordin, Twelveflower, Pendleton?
"Have you ever knowingly had contact with a Thorialtor Kastnessen, a company or organization owned by Thorialtor Kastnessen, or an employee of Thorialtor Kastnessen? Same question for; Markov Danovich, Primarch of the Fae Court Sylvie Padfoot, Trug Mantic, Ysengrin Smith, or Salavam Frosk?"
"Have you ever been to a county known for remaining Vampirism infection?
"Have you ever had unvaccinated contact with any member of the Ac'Gregor family?
"Annnnd do you have any exotic fruit or livestock to de- Willikins didn't we ask people half of these when they embarked?"
"Protocol, sir." The guard with the notepad smiled slightly. Captain Uidetan sighed.
"Any exotic fruit or livestock to declare, sir?" He gave a derisive snort, "Like we'd need an interrogation to tell if you were smuggling arachsperians."

A Sending Of Dragons, Or, You Can Always Count On Family

"It would be good to get him away from the estate, a little while," The massive eye in the mirror managed to look worried a moment; few things in the world still scared Luna, but her grandson Billingsly had an aptitude for unsettling her. The boy's interests had given him a strange and uncomfortable fixation on things that weren't there, rather than things that were. For instance, he would become thoroughly fascinated with 200,000 marques missing from the treasury, and would scrutinize the affiliated paperwork for hours, but would say absolutely nothing at all about her new diamond centerpiece. It was very rude. She put it down to young men and their obsessions.
"Melodie, sweetheart, I have concerns that an asset in this investment is being... Not entirely honest with me." A growl like the creaking of glaciers crept into the matriarch's voice, "And you've always been an observant girl, I trust your instincts. Try to find out what you can about the anti-magic device without putting yourself in harms way. I can get Billingsly to you by the next time you reach port to go over expenditures and necessary acts of Aggressive Persuasion. Is there anything else you need? You're not going out without your cooling charm, are you?"

Slackers Repast, or, How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Minimum Wage

Jeremiah glanced up from where he was leaning against the outside of the messaging center. With all the cracks, disrepair and poorly imitated column work the whole structure was a fantastic spot for a surreptitious smoke. Hell, if the guest took much longer he might snag a quick nap.
Down the block he noticed a pair of Jaguars talking to a wolf that, he was reasonably certain, he recognized from the ship.
Looks like something that's not our problem!

Jeremiah settled a little further into his nook. Life was good.

Kirrin's New... Digs?

One of the guards fumblingly took the broadsword and handed Kirrin a baggage claim tag.
"Uh, Mhenlo? Shouldn't we ask him to put out the-"
"The man is in first class, you tell him."
"Our airship is full of flammable gas!"

The guard's brief, hissed conversation was cut short by another guard tapping one of them on the shoulder.
"Wasn't it your shift Downstairs?"
"Ah, right. We hope you enjoy your stay on the Flame of Freedom, sir."
The guards hurried off, somewhat more purposeful now. The one who took his sword passed it off with a hurried explanation as he went. Apparently this was more important.


((Oh, now that's just devilish...))

Xyrtia's sense of smell was hardly laudable, but that didn't mean she didn't know fresh air when it hit her. It's been a long time... she thought, before cautiously heading down that branch of the ventilation. Along the way, she kept track of where she was, creating a rough map of the system as she crawled of what intersections were where, and rough height differences between them along the way.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha had rolled her eyes slightly upon getting another mini-lecture about good and evil, and demons; but it was with a good-natured smile.  "I know as much, amigo.  The only demons I hold real hatred for are the ones that did my family injustice.  I may still wince at the race in general, but I accept that all are different.  Mayhap you and Kafzeil could get along well, too."

It was just then, at the tail end of the conversation, that José pointed out that someone had been wishing to get her attention.  Aisha glanced up curiously at the gray-furred winged wolf coming up towards them; someone she had indeed seen on the ship once or twice, but hadn't really yet met.  She guessed another Angel, or maybe a 'Cubi?  Having one for a good friend, she knew not to treat all winged appearances alike.

Regardless, she listened politely to the new face as he made himself known, and then straightened up to shake his hand, an amiable smile on her features.  "Ah, my apologies, señor, I've never been too sociable.  My name is Aisha deCabre; I'm an adventurer, also a disciple of Rynkura Msh'taan, Headmistress of the Shadowed Depths Monastery of Healing.  It's by her leave that I'm on this trip, myself, looking for a lost friend.  Who might you be, then?"

*     *     *

With one last glance into the slave room, passing the hopeful glances of many of the others and a serious look from Wallard to remember his promise to let him know everything that would go on, Jake sidled outside of the door quickly, minding his weight-burdened wings and trying to make not a sound, the pangolin following behind.

His eyes swept briefly over the appearance of the feline, taking in her look.  Cool, like a pirate, he couldn't help but think even with his mind in the midst of a serious mission.  He only hoped that at the tail end of it wouldn't be trouble.

With lithe feline hind paws he quickly stepped over some prone crewmen laying nearby, facing the female Cheshire.  "What now?" he whispered.
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Nodding lightly Kirrin idly pocketed the baggage claim tag, then he could only smirk when he noticed they were having a small argument only catching the last words of flammable gas. When the third guard showed up and spoke he chuckled lightly and nodded, looking towards his door. "Of course, today promises to be lots of fun." After the guards had departed he immediately headed into his room.

Kirrin's eyes seemed to flash with interest seeing the luggage but he had some priorities. "Alright, shower first then go through that luggage..."  Kirrin hang his cloak on a coat rack and goes into the restroom setting his clothes down, if any were watching..(though it's doubtful in this situation.) ...they would notice his vest had a little more heft to it as this is where two pairs of brass knuckles were hidden. Snuffing out his currently lit cigar and placing it in the cigar case he has on him.  Kirrin sets said case on a bathroom counter and was stepping into the warm, steaming cascade of the shower, sighing comfortably He wastes no time in beginning to wash the mud from his fur. "Wonder what kind of folks are aboard besides me..." It didn't take long for him to finish cleaning himself and Drying, flapping his wings a little to aid in that effect.

Kirrin redresses himself in his usual attire, replacing the cigar case in its pocket and heads into the main part of the room "Ooh, swanky."  Soon Kirrin was rummaging through his marks luggage. "Let's see, formal business wear, penguin suit with matching gloves and bow tie... Ah, Ha!" He grabs a small case and grins. "Well, well a violin and it's a Stradivarius at that. Might fetch a nice price if i don't keep it for my personal collection." Humming to himself, Kirrin pulls the Violin from it's case and taking up it's bow plays a few notes. "Nicely in tune..." After that, some passing by his door could hear the sound of what might be thought of as an Irish melody coming from behind it.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


"I am Lord Pettersohn," Jakob said, with a bow.  "But I'm not attempting to impress you, so you can just call me Jakob if you like.  I'm acting as an emissary for my master, the illustrious Lord Daryil."  The wolf looked pained for a second, remembering the business in the bar shortly after he had arrived.

"I'm returning from negotiations with the Inova clan, my master booked the Flame of Freedom for my return voyage.  If I may be so bold as to ask, did your mistress pay for the flight?  It's beyond the means of most adventurers - no disrespect intended."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E

Mel Dragonkitty

Mel tried not to let her disappointment reach her face. She wanted to go home, not hang around and play spy on a floating casino. That her grandmother left her here and called her observant meant there were none of her more detective-skilled relatives available to do a real investigation. At least Grandmother was sending cousin Billingsly. Her cousin had come back from his very exclusive accounting school with weapons grade obsessiveness and blandness so strong that it was practically an invisibility spell. Hopefully once he arrived she could relax and let him audit the captain into submission.

"I have my cooling charm, Grandmother. And a backup charm as well." Several in fact as a large part of her inventory was in the pockets of her vest. She didn't remind her grandmother that the overly strong anti-magic device was keeping them from working. If she got heat stroke from this she'd tell Grandmother to get the ship shut down for endangering the passengers health.
My, I'll bet you monsters lead interesting lives. I said to my girlfriend just the other day: "Gee, I'll bet monsters are interesting," I said. The places you must go and the things you must see. My stars! And I'll bet you meet a lot of interesting people, too. I'm always interested in meeting interesting people.

Aisha deCabre

"It's good to meet you, then, Jakob," Aisha said, smiling at the fact that the wolf hadn't shown any condescension towards her for being what she was.  Though the girl had admittedly met a few different ranks of nobility, she had seldom met Lords who didn't look down on her profession--either by reputation of being brutal and warmongering, or by reputation of a muddy way of living.  "And no worries, I take no offense.  It's true, all we tend to really need in our pockets is enough for meals and beds.  And whatever we get from bounties," she chuckled, "It's a life of freedom."

She then sighed.  "You're correct, though; Mistress Rynkura has indeed paid my way here.  It's a necessary venture, after all...the friend that was lost is one of our most trusted guardsmen, last seen apparently fighting a group of bandits out of a village and never returning.  His soul stone still glows, so he's alive, but he hasn't been seen since.  Rumor has it that he's been taken to the same destination that this ship's going."

It was then that a thought struck the jaguaress, and she paused, her eyes gazing out past Jakob and nowhere in particular.  If that's the case, what if he's been taken as a slave, too?  Ooh...and now I HAVE to investigate this, or it will bother me to no end.  But...first things first, I guess.

As if she remembered herself, Aisha shook her head out of the stare.  "Ah, pardon my manners, I also forgot to introduce José here; he's a cook on the ship, if you were wondering about that blood-ridden bag he has," Aisha sent the disguised squirrel a sideways smirk before continuing.  "I simply found it interesting that we are roughly from the same region, is all.  But speaking of the Mistress, I was on my way to the messaging center to update her on things.  You seem to have come from there; por favor, do they have magic mirrors or messaging orbs and the like?  I'd rather speak to her face-to-face than have to write a lengthy letter."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


Jakob winced at the mention of bounties, but he did his best to suppress it.  "I do hope you find your colleague," he said.  "Losing a friend is always hard, whatever the cause.  Actually, I would be curious to know how you reconcile being a priestess of healing with a bounty hunting career, but that's probably a conversation for another time."

He shook the fake panther's hand, noting that it didn't seem quite right but not showing it.

"The messaging centre is just over there," he pointed, "I can show you if you wish.  I think they do have mirrors, yes, though there's always a risk of being overheard.  They don't seem to have telegraph or teleprinters yet, though...  My Lord will be disappointed.  Though on the other hand it may present my clan with a business opportunity."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Soon enough the music stops, Kirrin carefully placing the violin back in it's case. He then takes the cigar from earlier out of the Cigar case and relights it using a match from the box of them in his pants pocket. After taking a couple of quick puffs he finally exits his room sayinf to himself more than anything. "Alright, time to explore." Walking slowly, he gazes at a few folks, looking to see who might catch his interest. Eventually Kirrin makes his way to the bar area, sighing to himself as so far he's only spotted a few nobles that he might be able to pick pocket a fair amount of gold dollars from Instead though he moves to a table and flapping his leathery wings a moment first, sits down and puts his feet up a little, thinking to himself. "So far pretty uneventful."
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Shax waited in line to board the ship, yawning a bit to himself. He had been traveling on his own for several years now, and sleeping at old inns or makeshift campsites was starting to wear out on him slightly. Shax was a bit of an oddball, even for a Cubi. For one, he was one of the very few Cubi that actually still sleep like a normal being, same goes for eating. It was hard for him to give up living the way he originally grew up after all.

The Cabbit's wings and headwings were currently shifted away, to be hidden. The people around him didn't need to see he was a Cubi quite yet, and not even sure how some would react after all. It could cause a problem. The one trait of a Cubi that could still be seen, was the clan symbol of the nearly extinct Jin clan on the back of his right ear. His thoughts were interrupted when the ticket master called out next, it was Shax's turn to board the ship. With a smaile, he locked eyes with the master, handed in his ticket, and boarded the ship.

First thing was first. After having his bag checked, he went right to his room to drop the stuff off and take a nice shower and a change of cloths. Afterwards, he would change into his normal jacket, his wings and headwings still hidden for the moment, but the clan symbol was still visable on his ear. Shax departed from his room, heading toward the common area to see if anything interesting was there or anyone worthwhile to talk to.

Aisha deCabre

Aisha nodded in agreement with his sentiment about her friend.  "He was always like an older brother to me, when my own older brother was lost.  I would go through much to find him again."  She sighed, and then chuckled.  "And actually, I'm not one of the priestesses...long story short, I was taken in when I was quite young, and educated by the Mistress.  She was also a paladin early on in her life, so she's to thank for my adventuring knowledge.  Besides, I was never good at magic, like many of the healers there.  At any rate, yes, stories can be saved for later."

She hummed in thought for a second.  "So there are mirrors, but also people in earshot...ugh.  I do not think that I can risk other ears hearing what I have to say to her.  I suppose mage-mail will have to do, it's still quick.  And perhaps there can be time for another face-to-face at another dock."  The jaguar looked back up at the wolf and politely inclined her head, "And thank you for pointing the way; you can show us there if you wish, but I don't want to impose on you if you have business back on the ship, or elsewhere."

Then, as if remembering something (and mentally slapping herself for it), she added, "And I hope I don't unnerve you with my adventuring talk, Lord Pettersohn; I forget about that when speaking in polite company of Creatures.  Nearly got my head bitten off for it once, literally.  But I have many friends of the winged variety...the Mistress is an Angel, herself, and one of my friends is a young succubus of Clan Mraisae--also dedicated healers from what I've heard."
  Yap (c) Silverfoxr.
Artist and world-weaver.


"My Lord's clan has adventurers in it," Jakob said.  "Daryil's clan has long tried to work with Beings, rather than against them, and many 'Cubi of that clan are brought up as if they were Beings for that reason.  It gives them a view into both worlds.
"For myself I'll admit there are times when adventurers are an unfortunately necessity, but there are far too many cases where someone will happily murder you just because you have wings on your back or a tattoo.  Especially when money is involved," he added distastefully.

"My old mentor always used to say that we should judge people by what they do, not what they are.  It's not like any of us can help what race we're born as."

"Ah, but forgive my preaching," he said, with a sad laugh.  "I will wait here for your return, perhaps we can talk again as we head back to the ship."

J.P. Morris, Chief Engineer DMFA Radio Project * IT-HE * D-T-E


Kirrin perks lightly, sitting up now, the end of his cigar smoldering a cherry red whilst he draw upon it. He waves lightly towards Shax with a light smile a small cloud of smoke escaping his lips once he exhales. It would seem Kirrin would like to speak with him, though the way he looks didn't seem all that positive at the moment. There even seems to be a slight glint in his eyes.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


The Cabbit was able to spot the other waving to him out of the corner of his eye. With a tilt of his head and a shrug, the small, disguised, cubi would make his way over to Kirrin, that small feminine form swaying slightly as he walked. Shax was unsure of what the male wanted, but he was still rather curious about why he was waved over.


Kirrin found himself having quite the difficult time discerning Shax's gender. The combined way of how he walked and the way he looked almost seemed to be a contradiction. Not to mention how young the cabbit seemed to be. The tiger mentally shrugged at this figuring once they spoke it'd become clear, though the tiger himself was in the guise of appearing to be a demon. Once Shax had come within earshot, Kirrin grinned unintentionally showing his teeth whilst they kept his smoking cigar from falling from his mouth. "Hey there friend. Are you new to boarding this Vessel as well?"
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


Shax would take a seat next to the male, nodding slightly in greeting. Those long ears gave a slight flick behind his head. "Indeed." He spoke, his voice also sounding young, but he was clearly male. "This is my first time on such a transport vessel, I thought it would be fun to experience it. I had the extra time." The cabbit ordered himself a very light drink, placing a gold piece on the counter.


Nodding Kirrin watched Shax slightly, knowing full well things are not always what they seem with folks. Hearing him speak did finally clear things up as the tiger had hoped. He gave a slight blink when he saw the cabbit's ears flick thinking he saw something upon the right one, he made a note to try and get a clear look when he gets a chance. "Oh really? That seems like quite a feat for someone as young as yourself. If you don't mind me asking, how did you manage a ticket? And are ya here on business or to relax?" The tiger then extended his right hand towards Shax for a handshake.  "My names Kirrin by the way."
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


The small male sat quietly, taking a sip of his drink. When the tiger held out a hand, the cabbit shook it lightly, giving off a very soft smile. "Heh, thanks, I have alot of experience for my age is all. I actually bought the ticket myself. So I'm here to relax is all. After my parents passed away I was left quite a bit of money. But I leave that all at home. For a few years I have been out traveling on my own, but after awhile I figured it was time to relax after hearing about this. So I went home and packed a few things up after buying a ticket. Its a pleasure Kirrin. I'm Shax"


Upon Shaking hands, Kirrin's grip may have unintentionally been tighter than he meant it to be. Chuckling some, the end of his cigar glowed yet again. The tiger exhaling smoke in a nonchalant manner nodding to the first part of the explanation and faltering somewhat hearing the cabbit's words about his parents. "You have my Condolences, it is a good idea to leave your money at home. Wouldn't want some thief trying to clip you for it." Nodding still, Kirrin tilts his head a little attempting to covertly glance at the cabbits ear. "Hm, yeah. I've kinda been on my own since i was fourteen, ended up becoming a 'nobleman'. I'm actually here for a bit of fun myself." He chuckles again. "Indeed, nice to meet you as well Shax."
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


He chuckled a bit, shaking his head slightly "Its fine. They passed away peacefully so they were not suffering. It was just old age." Those ears flicked again, giving the tiger a full glace at the mark on the ear. "Heh... One too many times has people tried to rob me in the travels. The thing is, they always wind up dis sappointed in the end of it all." The 'kid' would take another sip of his ale, that long tail swishing behind him. "Oh? Well we all need fun sometimes." Smiled the Cabbit.


Kirrin's eyes seemed to glint again upon spotting the mark, not yet recognizing the clan itself, but knowing it wasn't a tattoo. "Well, glad they were at peace when they went." Kirrin nodded further. "Yeah, i could see that happening to thieves. They are quite reckless when they find they aren't quite the match for someone they think they are, if you catch my meaning." Kirrin lightly taps the counter and orders himself a non-alchoholic drink only setting a gold coin of his own down for payment. "Indeed, i was an orphan myself. But either way i managed to get the good things to come to me and have quite the bit of fun."
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


The Cabbit looked over at the larger tiger "Hm? Not sure I get what you mean... Most of the thieves I have encountered are rather sloppy or disorganized, or mainly just cowards." He laughed at that, finishing his own drink. "Of course, where I went to college at, they often teach you the skills to survive in this world."


"Oh, well. No need to think much about it, must not go to many places where thieves have a 'guild' to organize them." Upon looking over Kirrin the smaller Cabbit might see that a couple of the stripes around the left side of his neck seem to have a bit more curve to them than a tigers slightly angular stripes would naturally be. If he was 'really' observant it would seem the odd stripes formed the symbol clan taun, they being painted over black to match said stripes. "Oh? I've learned quite a bit of self defense at a college i attended as well. The trainer had quite the mean right hook..." Kirrin lightly rubs his jaw upon saying the last part before taking a light gulp of his own drink.
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


When he received no reply from the ocelot boy, Kenyan sighed. Xyrtia had already left, and there was still another person he needed to protect - if that person didn't mind assisting him on this mission. He walked over to the wall and leaned down, gently scratching it and squeaking out a plea.

<My friend, I am going to need your help. Some new big creatures are here, and they say they can help us escape. I'd prefer to get both of us out of here alive, but there are things they need us to do. I don't trust them, but they're the only chance the other big creatures and I have. Will you help me? I'll see to it nobody hurts you.>
The Real Myth of Sisyphus:
The itsy-bitsy spider went up the water spout,
Down came the rain and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
And the itsy-bitsy spider went up the spout again...


Shax has seen the odd stripes, but did not think too hard on it, right now, he was just enjoying his time on the ship and just simply wanted to relax. "Oh I have seen plenty of ones that were in guilds, but it still doesn't change that a good chunk of them are either just starting out or did not really have any real organization among their group." his tail swished behind him before coming to rest on the floor below. "I grew up in Zinvth, actually. My parents were beings living in that city.."


Kirrin nods again. "True, the 'rookies' are quite fool hardy and many are just quite too greedy to really organize a group properly." Kirrin then perks a brow lightly Hearing Shax speak about where he lived. "Zinvth, that place is rather nice and packed to the brim with creatures. My kinda place actually, i myself wasn't lucky enough to grow up in a creature friendly place. You could imagine how hard it'd be, me being morn with these." He lightly spreads his folded leathery wings for a moment before relaxing them again. "Even if my parents didn't have a pair themselves." The tiger thinking to himself. 'Or at least i never got the chance to see them with their wings anyway...'
Ask not for whom the bell tolls, ask why is that guy holding his ears?


"Yeah." Eden grumbled. "Well, tickets where a gift but I figured the grumpy bastard needed a good vacation. Ugh..." Eden dropped a bottle of shampoo, bending down to get it. "You know anyone like that? Someone ya care about but really wanna punch in the goddamn face sometimes,. but at the same time if something happened to them you'd freak the Hell out?"


Kafzeil had been through this sort of questionnaire to know ho to take things; calmly state your answer, and it's usually no, but pay attention and be on your guard, especially given what he knew.

"No, and I doubt I would be talking with you here had I worked for Jyraneth.."
"No, can't say I have had any contact for any of the parties involved."
"No, but I keep my vaccinations up to date just in case."
"No, can't say I heard of them."
"No, and yes, I was already asked this. Thank you WIlikins." Kafzeil answered all questions very deadpan, maintaining his dry tone to the last question.
Real men wear Hats.<br /><br />Raz: Lili! An evil madman is building a fleet of psycho-death tanks to take over the world, and we\'re the only ones who can stop him! <br />Lili Zanotto: OH MY GOD! Let\'s make out! -Psychonauts